Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan Background

Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan
Background Planning Report
Metropolitan Planning Authority, June 2015
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 1
History ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Land ownership pattern .......................................................................................................... 1
Surrounding Neighbourhoods................................................................................................. 1
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage................................................................................................... 2
Post-contact cultural heritage ................................................................................................ 2
Topography & Landform ......................................................................................................... 3
Catchments & Drainage .......................................................................................................... 3
Biodiversity ............................................................................................................................. 4
Environmental site assessments ............................................................................................. 5
Transport & Movement .......................................................................................................... 7
Road Network ................................................................................................................. 7
Existing Pedestrian & Cycle Network .............................................................................. 8
Public Transport & Regional Rail Link ............................................................................. 9
Retail and commercial provision....................................................................................... 10
Black Forest town centre retailing ................................................................................ 10
Other employment and retailing .................................................................................. 10
Open Space ....................................................................................................................... 10
Community Facilities and Education ................................................................................. 11
Services ............................................................................................................................. 11
Integrated Water Management ........................................................................................ 12
Housing ............................................................................................................................. 13
Infrastructure Funding ...................................................................................................... 14
SUPPORTING INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 15
PSP 42.1 Black Forest Road North......................................................................................... 15
This report aims to briefly outline the data and conditions that have informed the creation of the
future urban structure shown in the Black Forest North Precinct Structure Plan (MPA, June 2015).
The report takes an overview of the western growth corridor and the Wyndham West urban growth
front as its starting point.
Following this each of the informing factors leading the precinct structure plan are described with
reference to relevant specialist reports and advice.
1.1. History
The traditional indigenous owners of land within the precinct were the Wathaurong people. Since
European settlement of the Wyndham West area, the land has been predominantly used for farming
and agricultural purposes with a long history of pastoral activities, including the plan area forming
part of the extensive Chirnside family holdings. Wyndham West has retained its semi- rural
character, despite its transformation from the 1970’s when housing development increased as
Wyndham became a metropolitan growth area.
1.1. Land ownership pattern
There are three landowners in the precinct. The Victorian Minister for Transport owns the railway
reserve at the eastern end of precinct, while Phileo Australia Ltd controls approximately two thirds
of the precinct and Black Forest Pastoral Pty Ltd the remainder.
Individual lots in these ownerships comprise a variety of rural style lots between 18 and 88ha.
1.2. Surrounding Neighbourhoods
The Dennis Family Corporation control or manage all of the land opposite the precinct across Greens
Road to the north. Black Forest Pastoral Pty Ltd and Peet own land opposite the precinct across
Black Forest Road to the south. Approved strategic plans apply to all land immediately north of
Greens Road in the form of the Manor Lakes Precinct Structure Plan to the west of the Ison Road
alignment and a development plan to the east of the Ison Road alignment. South of Black Forest
Road the Black Forest Road South Precinct Structure Plan applied opposite the southeast boundary
of the precinct. All of these plans impact on the PSP by setting north-south adjoining road
alignments including Ison Road, a connector street opposite the northwest of the precinct and a
connector street opposite the southeast of the precinct.
The existing Werribee West and Wyndham Vale residential communities are commonly defined by
the Werribee River to the east. Urban development of the area has occurred gradually since the
1960s and now comprises an existing community of approximately 35,000 persons. The Manor Lakes
Activity Centre is nominated as the future Major Activity Centre for the area and will ultimately
afford a transport orientated development and provide higher order shopping and services for the
area. The Werribee Racecourse, Presidents Park and the Werribee Sports and Fitness Centre are the
key recreational assets underpinning the existing community and serve a broader role across
Wyndham. The Lollypop Creek provides a passive linear corridor that serves a key role in linking the
To the west of the OMR will be the future Western Grassland Reserve that will provide in excess of
15,000 hectares of conservation land. To the south of the Melbourne-Geelong Railway line is open
farmland and the Wyndham Refuse Disposal Facility. This land has recently been included within the
Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). To the north of the Werribee River, land has been released for
urban development and will ultimately be planned as part of the Wyndham North PSPs.
To the south west and within the UGB is the Holcim Manor Quarry site that has an existing licence to
extract basalt stone resource.
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
The Wyndham West area lies within the traditional land of the Wathaurong, who belonged to the
inter-marriage and language group known as the Kulin, which inhabited areas around Melbourne.
Three approved CHMPs apply to different parts of the precinct as described in the plan below.
CHMP status in Black Forest Road North Precinct as at March 2015 (by Aboriginal Affair Victoria)
Black Forest Road
North precinct
Approved CHMP 11513 recommends retention/reburial of artefacts discovered on the site within a
public open space on the site as described in the CHMP. No specific recommendations of CHMP
12344 impact on the layout of the proposed development.
1.4. Post-contact cultural heritage
Early European settlement for the Wyndham West area began after 1850 with a small number of
prominent pastoralists including the Chirnside family. Pastoral leases eventually gave way to small
freehold farms with the region sustaining a wide range of agricultural pursuits including market
gardens and livestock grazing.
There are no sites within the Wyndham West area that are currently listed on the Victoria Heritage
Register, Victorian Heritage Inventory or have a Wyndham Planning Scheme Heritage Overlay.
Throughout the Wyndham West area there are a number of dry stone walls that pre-date 1940.
Where practicable dry stone walls of cultural significance should be retained in-situ and within the
public realm.
1.5. Topography & Landform
The Wyndham West precinct area is located on the Western Basalt Plains and as such is on a
relatively flat grassy plain characterised by elasticity of soils, rocky outcrops and sub-surface rocks.
The Werribee River forms the northern boundary of the precinct area, and as an incised area has a
significantly different landscape from the majority of the precinct.
To the east the Wyndham West area is surrounded by existing and emerging residential
development. To the west the precinct area is surrounded by the rural properties that will in the
future form the Western Grassland Reserve.
The Black Forest Road North precinct is relatively flat with a small depression running east-west in
the north and a further depression in the south carrying flood waters from time to time. Views are
available to the You Yangs to the west, while the new bridges over the Regional Rail Link tracks are a
notable part of the views to the east.
1.6. Catchments & Drainage
The Greens Road Drainage Strategy area occupies the northwest of the precinct while part of the
Black Forest Road Drainage Services Scheme occupies the southeast of the precinct as shown in the
plans below. The boundary between these areas is the boundary of the two catchments in which the
precinct is located.
Land in the Greens Road DS area drains to approximately the mid-point of the bend in Greens Road
at the northeast of the precinct via an ephemeral waterway entering the west of the precinct and
traversing the precinct to Greens Road.
Land in the Black Forest Road DSS area drains to a point at Black Forest Road in the eastern third of
precinct area.
Current boundaries of the Greens Road Drainage Strategy and the Black Forest Road Drainage
Services Scheme with the precinct. *These plans are to illustrate the catchment boundaries only. Any detail shown within the
plans is not current.
1.7. Biodiversity
There is little if any remaining biodiversity of significance on the ground in this precinct. However,
the precinct is within the area subject to the Melbourne Strategic Assessment, program report and
approvals to take action under Part 10 of the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Act 1999 (Cth). As such standard contributions to conservation outcomes in and around Melbourne’s
growth corridors are payable by those developing the precinct.
The precinct is adjacent to the southern portion of the 15,000ha Western Grasslands Reserve. This
reserve is being progressively developed by the Victorian government using contributions from
developers in Melbourne’s western and northern growth corridors.
Map of deemed habitat areas in the precinct for the purposes of Melbourne Growth Corridor EPBC
approval (from online Biodiversity Interactive Mapper 3.2,, 23 June 2015)
1.8. Environmental site assessments
The risk level of potential soil and ground water contaminants on the Phileo Australia Limited land
were assessed as low by Golder Associates The risk level of potential soil and ground water
contaminants on the Black Forest Pastoral land were assessed as low by SKM. Potential
contamination sources are mostly related to various past agricultural practices such as the use of
pesticides and fertilisers, machinery maintenance and associated rubbish. A conventional detailed
survey and remediation clean-up is recommended as part of the condition on relevant permits.
1.9. Transport & Movement
1.9.1. Road Network
The existing arterial road network includes the following key elements:
Ballan Road, a two-lane road with managed access aligned in the north-west/ south-east
direction that is the central radial route of West Wyndham (declared main road under
VicRoads control);
Geelong Road, a two lane arterial road with managed access aligned in a south-west/ northeast direction (declared main road under VicRoads control);
Bolton Road/ Heaths Road, a two-lane/ four lane road with managed access aligned in an eastwest direction (declared main road under VicRoads control);
McGrath Road, a two lane road aligned in a north-south direction connecting Bulban Road and
the Princes Freeway via Alfred & Geelong Roads, in the south with Ballan Road and Heaths
Road in the north;
Greens Road, a two lane road aligned east-west connecting from Ballan Road in the east to
the western foot of the recently completed Regional Rail line.
Bulban Road, a two-lane road with managed access aligned with the Melbourne-Geelong
Railway line in a south-west/ north-east direction (managed as a Council arterial).
The Wyndham West area is currently accessed directly from the Princes Freeway at Geelong Road.
Ballan Road provides connection to the Werribee Town Centre from the north-west. Boltons Road /
Heaths Road provides connection across the Werribee River in an easterly direction. Bulban Road
provides access to Little River to the west. Ballan Road continues west and provides access to
Bacchus Marsh that is 31kms to the north-west.
The Wyndham West area will duly provide improvements to the arterial road network by
augmenting the existing road infrastructure – see the Wyndham West Development Contributions
Plan, June 2014.
Ison Road
Ison Road will ultimately provide the major regional north-south road through the area and will be a
six lane arterial road managed by VicRoads. This road will connect from Princes Freeway in the
south crossing the Melbourne-Geelong railway, the RRL and the Werribee River to terminate at
Dohertys Road in Tarneit. The Ison Road crossing of the Melbourne-Geelong Railway line, the
crossing of RRL and the crossing of the Werribee River are important pieces of state infrastructure
that will enable the growth and development of the precincts and communities of Wyndham West.
Ison Road will initially be constructed as a two lane Council arterial before being declared by
VicRoads with the potential to expand to six lanes.
Other Key Roads
Armstrong Road will provide a secondary north-south connection, starting at Ison Road in the south
and travelling north through the PSPs before crossing the Werribee River to Wyndham North.
Armstrong Road will be a two lane Council arterial.
Greens Road will be extended from the western foot of the RRL to the OMR, initially to be
constructed as a two lane Council arterial with the potential to expand to four lanes.
Black Forest Road will also provide another east-west link from McGrath Road to the OMR, it will be
constructed as a two lane Council arterial.
A network of connector streets based on a grid layout will support the sub-arterial network and
provide connectivity for all forms of transport including rail, buses and bicycles.
Key Roads Delivery and Development Staging
Traffic management is currently an issue for Wyndham, with traffic from the west of the
municipality travelling through existing suburbs creating congestion at Cottrell Street and elsewhere
during peak travel times. The development of the Wyndham West growth area will generate
additional traffic demand but will also provide the development contribution funding to expand and
augment the arterial road network to service this demand. It is important to plan for a road system
that can be delivered in a timely manner to minimise further traffic congestion problems.
To address this issue, the early delivery of Armstrong Road from Manor Lakes to the Princess
Freeway, inclusive of a major bridge over the Geelong Rail to provide a connection into and out of
the area, is proposed.
Investigation and consultation regarding the provision of these works is currently underway with a
proposed scenario as follows:
The new arterial road network would be delivered by a combination of funding from
developers (through Development Contributions Plans, provision of land and works in kind),
Council funding (utilising funds collected from developers) and State funding (utilising GAIC
funds where possible).
In addition, mechanisms are proposed within PSPs to cap the first stages of development
(limit the number of lots occupied) so that major road infrastructure will be progressively
constructed to coincide with the rate of land development.
No lots could be occupied beyond the approved first stages (utilising existing capacity) until
Armstrong Road is constructed from Manor Lakes to the Princess Highway (including the
bridge over the Melbourne-Geelong Rail) providing a traffic route that relieves the Cottrell
Street intersection.
The first stage of this project is now complete with Armstrong Road open to traffic between Ballan
Road and Greens Road.
1.9.2. Existing Pedestrian & Cycle Network
Walking and cycling trails currently exist along parts of both the Werribee River and Lollypop Creek
When development is complete, the Wyndham West area will feature an extensive trail and road
based cycle and pedestrian network linking neighbourhoods and popular destinations such as
schools, local town centres and public transport facilities.
Throughout the Wyndham West area there will be numerous on road cycle lanes as well as off road
shared trails that are adjacent to roads, along waterways and open space corridors, on the east side
of the OMR and on both sides of the Regional Rail Link.
This combination of on and off road routes will allow for commuter cycle trips as well as recreational
cycling and walking.
1.9.3. Public Transport & Regional Rail Link
Bus Services
Currently, there are three bus routes that run limited services to Manor Lakes Shopping Centre, two
of those run through Wyndham Vale to the south of Ballan Road with the other travelling through
Wyndham Vale to the north of Ballan Road before travelling along Ballan Road to Manor Lakes
Shopping Centre. All three bus services provide a connection to the Werribee train station.
Ballan Road and the future northern section of Armstrong Road, north of Ballan Road, has been
identified as part of the Principal Public Transport Network (PPTN). As part of the PPTN, Ballan Road
will have both regional and local bus routes along it which will connect to Werribee Town Centre and
the Wyndham North area via the future Armstrong Road crossing of the Werribee River.
Ison Road has also been identified as a high frequency bus route that will be capable of delivering
‘SmartBus’ type services to the Wyndham West community.
In addition, the Wyndham West area will have a bus capable connector road network offering local
bus services to future residents and ensuring that the majority of residents are within 400m of a bus
Current bus routes in Wyndham
Source: Public Transport Victoria website, 22 June 2015,
Rail Services
The Werribee train station is located between 3-5kms to the eastern edge of the Wyndham West
area and provides access to the metropolitan rail network.
VLine services to and from Geelong travel on the Regional Rail Link (RRL) stopping at Wyndham Vale
Rail Station and Tarneit Rail Station. A further two stations at Black Forest Road, Wyndham Vale and
Sayers Road, Tarneit. Land is set aside for metropolitan stabling facility will also be delivered at the
western boundary of PSP 40 Ballan Road and at the eastern boundary of PSP 42.1 Black Forest Road
A Design and Development Overlay (DDO) applies via the Wyndham Planning Scheme to sensitive
uses in proximity to the rail line and requires development for such uses to protect occupants from
rail noise emissions.
1.10. Retail and commercial provision
1.10.1. Black Forest town centre retailing
Assessment of the potential capacity for retailing within the precinct has taken account of the sites
central location with regard to the southern half of the Wyndham West development front and its
location adjacent a future rail station. When considered in the context of existing and proposed
retail provision in the Wyndham West area a centre allowing for in the order of 18,000 – 24,000
square metres of gross leasable retail floor space.
1.10.2. Other employment and retailing
Provision for local scale alternative employment provisions is encouraged along the Regional Rail
Link interface. The Westbrook Precinct Structure Plan has provided a consolidated local employment
area. Such arrangements can complement an adjacent local town centre allowing for the
establishment and growth of business-to-business companies in the area.
1.11. Open Space
Existing sporting reserves proximate to the Wyndham West include:
Gary Davidson Reserve adjacent to PSP 42 South on McGrath Road
President’s Park, a major sports reserve located along the Werribee River north of Ballan Road
Wyndham Vale Reserve on Black Forest Road
A proposed sporting reserve is to be provided within the Riverwalk Estate and a further two reserves
are proposed within the Manor Lakes PSP area. A network of sports reserves will be provided across
the Wyndham West area.
Each PSP will also contain local sports reserves in various configurations to cater for high
participation sports such as Australian Rules Football, soccer, cricket and tennis.
The precinct will have unique and easy access to the regional open space network via the Lollypop
Creek and Werribee River Corridors. In addition to these natural assets, the precinct will also have
access to the open space network via the future shared trails along both sides of the Regional Rail
Major open space areas within the Wyndham West area will be focussed around Black Swamp and
Gary Davidson and Gordon O’Keeffe Reserves in Black Forest Road South PSP area. A large Parks
metropolitan park is planned between President’s Park and the Werribee River.
Each PSP will also deliver a range of small, medium and occasional larger local parks within walkable
distance of most residents, and integrated with the broader open space network.
1.12. Community Facilities and Education
There are some existing community facilities located nearby the Wyndham west precinct area.
These include kindergarten facilities at Iramoo, Vista Way and Manor Lakes. Manor lakes also
includes a community centre and library as well as a number of government and non-government
The Wyndham West PSP areas have sufficient population and are sufficiently distant from existing
urban communities to warrant a significant quantity and diversity of community infrastructure.
Most of this infrastructure will be located within six main community infrastructure hubs based
around proposed town centres or co-located with schools.
Similarly, the anticipated population will drive the need for approximately 9 government primary
schools, 3 government secondary schools and at least 5 non-government primary schools and 2 nongovernment secondary schools.
Government and Non-Government schools, community centres, passive and active open space,
indoor recreation facilities, arts and cultural facilities, justice and emergency services, and residential
aged care services may all be required.
1.13. Services
In September 2014 Cardno on behalf Phileo carried out a survey of the requirements and plans of
the relevant service authorities with regard to available and planned services for the precinct.
City West Water is responsible for reticulated sewer in the precinct. An urban sewer systems is in
place immediately east of the RRL. Within the precinct main sewer branches are planned within the
respective northwest and southeast catchments to make best use of gravity with the sewer system.
In the southeast a 300mm diameter pipe extension across the RRL from the east close to Black
Forest Road is planned in the 2015-16 year, further branch extensions of this pipe into the central
area of the precinct and along Black Forest Road is planned progressively between 2016 and 2026.
In the northwest a 450mm diameter pipe is proposed to extend sound to the precinct in 2016-17,
under the Greens Road bridge over RRL from an existing end of pipe north of Greens Road adjacent
the western side of the RRL. Further branch extensions into the precinct are to be progressively
constructed into the precinct between 2017 and 2023.
A developer may pay up front, and later be reimbursed by the water authority, for sewer branch
extensions if they are necessary earlier than planned.
Water Supply
City West Water is responsible for potable water and reticulated sewer in the precinct. The precincts
is in a mandated recycled Class A water supply area and as such a dual pipe system must be
installed. Both potable water and recycled water pipes will follow the same alignments.
300mm diameter pipe extensions from east of the RRL along Greens Road and Black Forest Road are
planned in 2015 and 2020 respectively. Further branches are to be progressively constructed across
the precinct up until 2034 to create an interconnected water supply network.
A developer may pay up front, and later be reimbursed by the water authority, for sewer branch
extensions if they are necessary earlier than planned.
Electricity Supply
Powercor is the power supply authority for this area. High voltage power lines can be extended into
the precinct along Greens Road and Black Forest Road from existing urban development to the east.
In the longer term augmentation of the network by installing additional capacity on existing lines in
the urban area emanating from three existing ‘feeders’ in Wyndham Vale knows as WBE14, WBE 23
and WBE 31 in Wyndham Vale. Provision has been made in the northeast corner of the Black Forest
North precinct for a potential zone substation of around 1ha in area following earlier consultation
with Powercor.
Gas Supply
SP Ausnet is the gas distributor. The existing 150mm gas main in Greens Road and 100mm gas main
in Black Forest Road can be extended across RRL from their respectively termini at Armstrong Road
to supply the precinct. Existing capacity in the gas supply network is capable of supplying the whole
of the precinct.
The planning scheme requires mandatory conditions to be put on every subdivision permit to ensure
delivery of telecommunications services in line with national standards.
Note regarding services crossing Regional Rail Link
Note that a number of easements have been created over the Regional Rail Link land since its recent
completion and any service pipes, lines, conduits etc. should be bundled and located at right angles
to the RRL tracks where they are proposed to cross the track to minimise disruption to rail
1.14. Integrated Water Management
The Victorian Government, through the “Living Melbourne, Living Victoria Ministerial Advisory
Council’ supports the vision and objectives for water management as follows:
“A smart resilient water system for a liveable, sustainable and productive Melbourne”.
Objectives to achieve the vision:
Support liveable and sustainable communities.
Protect the environmental health of urban waterways and bays.
Provide secure water supplies efficiently.
Protect public health.
Deliver affordable essential water services.
Further, and more specifically, integrated water management within an urban development context
has the potential (amongst other things) to enable:
Reduced use of reticulated potable water use
Increased re-use of treated sewerage and reduce treated effluent discharge to receiving
Increased re-use of stormwater, either treated or untreated or both.
Improve Stormwater quality and runoff frequency volumes.
Increased ability to deliver greener suburbs, with improved health and vigour of trees and
other plantings.
Cooler microclimates at the height of summer.
In recognition of the above, a project to assess options for integrated water management servicing
options across the Wyndham West growth front is currently being undertaken by City West Water
and Melbourne Water. Initiatives under consideration include, but are not necessarily limited to:
Precinct scale stormwater harvesting
Lot scale harvesting and treatment
Precinct scale water quality treatment systems
Whole of growth front stormwater harvesting and re-use.
At the time of this report, no definitive outcomes of this study are available, however in the absence
of this, City West Water currently plan to supply the western growth front PSP’s with Class A
recycled (treated sewerage) water. This would supply alternative water for at least irrigation and
toilet augmentation, with potential for augmentation of laundry or other uses, depending on future
treatment standards. In addition, the size and location of treatment plant/s to service the Wyndham
west precincts is yet to be determined by City West water.
Installation of a 3rd pipe for recycled (treated sewerage) water will potentially enable non-potable
supply to be adjusted in future to include treated stormwater. There is also opportunity for more
localised stormwater harvesting and / or treatment to enable irrigation of sports fields.
At the subdivision level within all precincts there is scope for incorporation of water sensitive design
initiatives and / or water quality treatment within streets and open spaces in accordance with
Planning Scheme Clause 56. This would further assist with achieving integrated water management
objectives and outcomes.
1.15. Housing
By the time of full development in the Wyndham West area it is expected that the residential areas
within the Precinct will supply significant housing diversity in terms of lot sizes, dwelling types and
price points.
The Wyndham West area will provide a range of lot sizes, from smaller lots (through the small lot
housing code) which are suitable to construct cottages, terraces, townhouses and integrated
housing units to larger lifestyle lots suitable for large family homes with private open space.
Housing diversity in the Wyndham West area is also linked to a requirement for a range of dwelling
types. In the City of Wyndham in 2006 only 9% of dwellings had two bedrooms or less, compared to
26% across metropolitan Melbourne (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2006 Census), suggesting a
shortfall in dwelling types more suited to smaller households. In order to meet part of this shortfall,
it is encouraged for there to be a greater provision of one and two bedroom dwellings in the
Wyndham West area.
Providing dwellings that are situated on different lots sizes and demonstrate a variety of built forms
will provide dwellings for members of the future Wyndham West community from a range of life
cycle stages and age groups.
1.16. Infrastructure Funding
The development of the Wyndham West area will require the construction of a suite of new
infrastructure including roads, rail, active and passive recreation, schools and community centres.
The Wyndham West Development Contributions Plan has been approved to provide a significant
contribution towards the construction of the identified infrastructure items in the area.
Other funding sources that will contribute towards funding the necessary infrastructure items are
developer works, Council rate base and various State Government agencies. A Precinct
Infrastructure Plan is contained within the PSP, which also outlines responsibility for delivery of key
2.1. PSP 42.1 Black Forest Road North
Background information on the Black Forest Road North PSP area has been drawn from the
following reports, which have informed the preparation of the PSP:
‘Biodiversity Assessment Report (Native Vegetation)PSP 40: Wyndham Vale July 2010’,
AECOM Australia, July 2010
‘Phase I Environmental Site Assessment’, submitted to Phileo Australia Limited, Golder
Associates, 28 February 2011
‘Services Infrastructure Report: Daleston Development Area’, prepared for Phileo Australia Pty
Ltd, Cardno, 11 September 2014
‘Cultural Heritage Management Plan number: 12344: Residential Subdivision – Black Forest
Road, Mambourin’, Sponsor: Phileo Australia Limited, Cultural Heritage Advisor: Emma Rae
‘Cultural Heritage Management Plan 11513, Sponsor: Daleston Pty Ltd, Cultural Heritage
Advisor: Rick Bullers
Wyndham West Precinct Structure Plan Transport Assessment Client GAA, GTA, May 2012
‘Stage 1 and 2 Desktop Hydrogeological and Geotechnical Assessment: Report on PSP Area 42
– Black Forest Road’, by SKM version 2, 23 July 2010; and follow up letter to Tony Stella by
SKM 3 July 2013
‘Black Forest Town Centre: Site composition Assessment’, Urbis, July 2012
‘Arboricultural Assessment: Precinct Structure Plan-42 North East, Black Forest Road,
Mambourin’, Treelogic, September 2011