Marjon Link Road update no 9

Marjon Link Road – Site update no. 9
(covering period 4th May to 17th May 2015)
Week 17 – Monday 4th May to Sunday 10th May 2015
Working hours: 07:30 to 16:30hrs. No weekend, evening and Bank Holiday working currently
Works: Road widening on the north side of Derriford Road
Road widening on Marjon Link Road
Marjons Sports Centre car park
Work activities:
Road widening on the north side of Derriford Road:
 Relocating existing Virgin Media ducts
 Relocating existing BT ducts
 Adjusting/rebuilding existing BT and Virgin Media chambers
Road widening on Marjon Link Road:
 Removing surplus fill material from existing road
 Placing granular road material in new link road with vibrating roller
 Placing granular footway material in new footway and shared use footway/cycleway
with vibrating roller
 Laying new kerbs to new link road
 Laying new edgings to new footway and shared use footway/cycleway
Marjons Sports Centre Car Park:
 Erecting temporary fence closing off disabled parking bays opposite and adjacent to
main entrance into the Sports Centre to allow for car park alterations (Phase 3 works).
 Car park alterations (Phase 3 works) to disabled parking bays/footway on east and west
sides of car park.
Excessively noisy operations:
A concrete breaker will be required to remove rock under the existing link road and on the north
side of Derriford Road.
Traffic management:
Derriford Road: Traffic signs, cones and barriers. 2 way vehicular traffic flows will be maintained.
Westbound traffic re-routed onto new widened section of road on south side of Derriford Road.
Footway on south side of road between Derriford Hospital east and west entrances reopened and
footway on north side of Derriford Road between the link road and Nuffield Hospital entrance closed
with pedestrian diversion route via footway on south side of Derriford Road.
Week 17 – Monday 4th May to Sunday 10th May 2015 contd:
Traffic management contd:
Derriford Hospital east entrance: One way flow into Derriford Hospital only. Exit from hospital
closed. Exit will be via Derriford Hospital internal bus link road and Derriford Hospital west entrance.
Derriford Hospital west entrance: Bus lane onto Derriford Road will be suspended to allow its use by
all vehicles.
Plymbridge Lane: Temporary traffic lights removed and temporary road signs erected with
roundabout opened to all traffic (on a temporary road surface). Pedestrians using part new footway
to gain access to Marjons University and Marjons Sports Centre.
Marjon Link Road: Closed to all users until scheme completion. Diversion for all users will be via
Plymbridge Lane and Derriford Road.
Marjons Sports Centre car park: Temporary fence closing off disabled parking bays opposite and
adjacent to main entrance into the Sports Centre. Temporary fencing on north west side of car park
pushed back to verge area to allow car parking. South west side of car park fenced off.
New Plymbridge Lane roundabout opened to all traffic (on a temporary road surface) giving access
to Marjons University access road and Marjons Sports Centre. Pedestrians using part new footway to
gain access to Marjons University and Marjons Sports Centre.
Week 18 – Monday 11th May to Sunday 17th May 2015
Working hours: 07:30 to 16:30hrs. No evening working currently anticipated. Weekend working
possible (see below)
Works: Road widening on the north side of Derriford Road
Road widening on Marjon Link Road
Marjons Sports Centre car park
Work activities:
Road widening on the north side of Derriford Road:
 Laying new kerbs to carriageway widening
 Laying new edgings to shared use footway/cycleway
 Adjusting/rebuilding existing BT and Virgin Media chambers
 Diverting WPD electric cables (this work will not interrupt the power supply to
Nuffield/Derriford Hospitals)
 Installing traffic signal ducts and chambers for new traffic signal controlled junction
 Reconstructing existing foul sewer manhole serving Nuffield Hospital (weekend working
- to be confirmed)
Road widening on Marjon Link Road:
 Removing surplus fill material from existing road
 Placing granular road material in new link road with vibrating roller
 Placing granular footway material in new footway and shared use footway/cycleway
with vibrating roller
 Laying new kerbs to new link road
 Laying new edgings to new footway and shared use footway/cycleway
Marjons Sports Centre Car Park:
 Car park alterations (Phase 3 works) to disabled parking bays/footway on east and west
side of car park.
Week 18 – Monday 11th May to Sunday 17th May 2015 contd:
Excessively noisy operations:
A concrete breaker will be required to remove rock under the existing link road and on the north
side of Derriford Road.
Traffic management:
Derriford Road: Traffic signs, cones and barriers. 2 way vehicular traffic flows will be maintained.
Westbound traffic re-routed onto new widened section of road on south side of Derriford Road.
Footway on south side of road between Derriford Hospital east and west entrances reopened and
footway on north side of Derriford Road between the link road and Nuffield Hospital entrance closed
with pedestrian diversion route via footway on south side of Derriford Road.
Derriford Hospital east entrance: One way flow into Derriford Hospital only. Exit from hospital
closed. Exit will be via Derriford Hospital internal bus link road and Derriford Hospital west entrance.
Derriford Hospital west entrance: Bus lane onto Derriford Road will be suspended to allow its use by
all vehicles.
Plymbridge Lane: New roundabout opened to all traffic (on a temporary road surface). Pedestrians
using part new footway to gain access to Marjon University and Marjon Sports Centre.
Marjon Link Road: Closed to all users until scheme completion. Diversion for all users will be via
Plymbridge Lane and Derriford Road.
Marjon Sports Centre car park: Temporary fence closing off disabled parking bays opposite and
adjacent to main entrance into the Sports Centre. Temporary fencing on north west side of car park
pushed back to verge area to allow car parking. South west side of car park fenced off.
New Plymbridge Lane roundabout opened to all traffic (on a temporary road surface) giving access
to Marjons University access road and Marjons Sports Centre. Pedestrians using part new footway to
gain access to Marjons University and Marjons Sports Centre.
Works Progress for period Monday 20th April to Sunday 3rd May 2015 (weeks 15 and 16)
Removed surplus earthworks material from north side of Derriford Road
Part existing Virgin Media ducts on north side of Derriford Road relocated
Part existing BT ducts on north side of Derriford Road relocated
Lowered existing SWW water service supply pipe to Nuffield Hospital on north side of
Derriford Road
WPD high voltage cable serving Nuffield Hospital sub-station lowered.
Trench for WPD diversion excavated on north side Derriford Road
Lighting columns installed on north side of Derriford Road
Adjusted/raised existing BT chambers on north side of Plymbridge Lane
Kerbing to west side pedestrian refuge island laid on Plymbridge Lane
Bituminous road surfacing material laid on north side of Plymbridge Lane roundabout
Illuminated traffic bollards installed on Plymbridge Lane roundabout islands
Plymbridge Lane roundabout opened to traffic (on temporary road surface)
Surplus fill material removed from existing link road
Kerbs laid to new link road and west side of Marjons Sports Centre car park
Cycle shelter /hoops and parking meter in Marjons Sports Centre car park removed and set
aside for re-use
Edgings laid to new link road footway and shared use footway/cycleway
New block paving to repalce soft landscaping planter areas on west side of Marjons Sports
Centre laid.
Key scheme events:
 Complete Derriford Road south west side widening (April 2015)
 Complete Plymbridge Lane Roundabout (May 2015)
 Complete Derriford Road north side widening (May 2015)
 Complete Marjons University Sports Centre Car Park (July 2015)
 Complete Derriford Road south east widening (July 2015)
 Complete Marjons Link Road (September 2015)
 Complete Derriford Road traffic signalised junction (September 2015)
 Scheme completion (September 2015)
For scheme information please visit:
For all enquiries please e-mail: