Department of Computer Science City University of Hong Kong Configuration Manual For Satir Family Therapy Board Game Copyright © Aplusple 2011 - 2012 12 Configuration Manual 2012 Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Group Introduction............................................................................................................ 2 1.1. Group Member........................................................................................................... 2 1.2. Member Responsibility .............................................................................................. 2 1.3. Remarks ...................................................................................................................... 3 Group and Project Management ....................................................................................... 4 2.1. Project Design ............................................................................................................ 4 2.2. Intra-group File Exchange .......................................................................................... 4 2.3. Group Meeting ........................................................................................................... 5 Tools used.......................................................................................................................... 5 3.1. Basic tools................................................................................................................... 5 3.2. Other Tools ................................................................................................................. 6 Project Development......................................................................................................... 7 4.1. Update ........................................................................................................................ 7 4.2. Coding ........................................................................................................................ 7 4.3. Commit ....................................................................................................................... 8 1 CS3343 Project – Satir Family Therapy Board Game Designed by Aplusple Configuration Manual 2012 Configuration Manual For Satir Family Therapy Board Game Designed by Aplusple 1. Group Introduction 1.1. Group Member Our group altogether has eight members. You can find their names and basic information in the table below. Name Student ID Nickname Position E-mail KANG Ning 51800967 Hong Ning PM Ho Kwok Hing 51857413 Ivan Assiatant PM HE Qiuye 51800783 Leon CM LI Wen 51839597 Wayne Test Led FAN Haosheng 51797842 Roger Develop Led XIA Fei 40040298 Samuel Coding Led WEN Wen 51839954 Wayne Documentation Mgr LONG Shaoyuan 1.2. 51839801 Lawson Contact Mgr Member Responsibility Kang Ning (Hong Ning) is the project manager. He is responsible for controlling the progress of the project. Coordinating group members is also a main concern of Kang Ning. 2 CS3343 Project – Satir Family Therapy Board Game Designed by Aplusple Configuration Manual 2012 Ho Kwok Hing (Ivan) is the assistant project manager. His main responsibility is to help Kang Ning manage the group. If you find Kang Ning is not available sometimes, you can contact Ivan. HE Qiuye (Leon) is the control manager of our group. He is in charge of version control. If you have any problem about the version control and file management, you should ask Leon for help. LI Wen (Wayne) is the test leader. He is responsible for testing and debugging. FAN Haosheng (Roger) is the development leader. He focuses on the technical part. He should know how to use all technologies. XIA Fei (Samuel) is the coding leader. His focus is implementation. He needs to ensure that all codes in this project are tidy and well-structured. WEN Wen (Wayne) is the communication manager. He is responsible for writing every meeting’s minutes. LONG Shaoyuan (Lawson) is the contact manager. He is the one who contact with users directly. If you feel some requirements are not clear enough, you may suggest Lawson contact with users. 1.3. Remarks According to the requirement, the team has a role rotation between Release 1 and Release 2. After the role rotation, every member has a new position and takes the corresponding responsibilities. Here is the information after the role rotation. 3 CS3343 Project – Satir Family Therapy Board Game Designed by Aplusple Configuration Manual 2012 Name Nickname Position KANG Ning Hong Ning CM Ho Kwok Hing Ivan PM HE Qiuye Leon Documentation Mgr LI Wen Wayne Contact Mgr FAN Haosheng Roger Assiatant PM XIA Fei Samuel Develop Led WEN Wen Wayne Coding Led LONG Shaoyuan Lawson Test Led 2. Group and Project Management 2.1. Project Design Project Introduction and current progress This project is about creating a game based on Satire Therapy. Process and project plan The process model we apply is Agile. The total time for this project is 12 weeks. To get more details, you can refer to the document [Project Plan]. Design of the game The game design has already finished in Release. You can check documents [Analysis Report] and [Design Report]. 2.2. Intra-group File Exchange SVN Most files can be found from SVN. When you check the structure of folders, you may find that folders are divided by their functions. However, only CM can touch these folders. Other 4 CS3343 Project – Satir Family Therapy Board Game Designed by Aplusple Configuration Manual 2012 members can upload their files to folder raw. You can refer to the document [SVN_User_Guide]. Blackboard You can find all meeting minutes on the blackboard. Besides, you can download all the Release versions from blackboard. To do that, you need to go to our group page and find in File Exchange page. 2.3. Group Meeting The group meeting will be held every Sunday. The default time and venue is 8:30 p.m. at Hall 3. If there is change is the time or venue, an additional email will be sent by PM to all members. During the meeting, we will discuss the work that has been done in the previous week and work needs to be done in the next week. Every member is assigned some work in the meeting. After the meeting, Contact Manager will post the minutes on the Blackboard. 3. Tools used Basic Environment: Windows7 You can use whatever operating system to development the project. However, it must pass the tests under the Windows7 system. 3.1. Basic tools Below is a list of some basic tools that we use in this project. You can find the download URL as well. These tools are recommended by the lecturer. Tool Name Version Purpose Download URL JDK 6 Run and develop Java programs dex.html Development IDE Eclipse 3.6.1 61/heliossr1 5 CS3343 Project – Satir Family Therapy Board Game Designed by Aplusple Configuration Manual 2012 JUnit 4 Unit Testing for Built-in Eclipse Java FindBugs 2.0.0 Detecting bug patterns JavaDoc - Denerating Java Built-in eclipse documentation SVN 1.7.3 Subversion client JAutoDoc 1.9.0 Automatic Javadoc Generator Before you download and install these tools, you need to read the document [Eclipse Plugin Tools Guide]. This guide can save you a lot time and ensures you can install them successfully. 3.2. Other Tools Besides these tools that are recommended by the lecturer, our group also some other tools to make our group work more efficiently. Subclipse Subclipse can help you download and upload all source code from SVN. To install Subclipse, you may simply click Help->Install New Software, type and press return key. When the “subclipse” appears, select it and click Finish. After installation, the eclipse will be restart again. EclEmma EclEmma is a free java code coverage tool. You can install it under the eclipse. Go to Help->Install New Software and type After installation and restart your eclipse, you are able to use EclEmma. To run the EclEmma, you just need to right click your tests and click “Coverage As->JUnit Test”. You can check your coverage result in the Coverage Window. (To open the Coverage Window, click Windows->Show View->Others. Then under java category, click the 6 CS3343 Project – Satir Family Therapy Board Game Designed by Aplusple Configuration Manual 2012 “Coverage” item. Your java codes are showed in different colors. Red statements are those statements haven’t been covered. Yellow ones are partly covered. Green statements are fully covered. Your test coverage will be higher if more statements are in green color. 4. Project Development In this part, you can find everything you need to do or pay attention to in your development. All members should follow the rules mentioned below. Otherwise, the quality of the project cannot be guaranteed. 4.1. Update Every time when you need to do some changes to the project, you need to update your project to the latest version. If you don’t have the project in your eclipse, you should follow these steps: 1. Install the Subclipse. 2. Click Window in the tool bar and Show View->Others. In the pop-up window, choose SVN->SVN Repositories to add SVN repositories to the working window. 3. In the SVN Repositories navigation, right click and add a new location. In the pop-up window, enter the SVN url as well as your login username and password when needed. 4. After connect to the SVN server, you can check out the Aplusple folder as the project. Project Aplusple will show up in the Project Explorer navigation. If you have already had the project in your eclipse, update is quite simple. Right click the Apluple project and Team-> Update. Then your eclipse automatically downloads the latest version to your system. If some codes in your system are not saved, subclipse will ask you whether you want to save them first. Before you modify any code, you need to check out whether someone else is working on the same file. One file should not be modified by two members at the same time. Although subclipse provides merge option, you must not do that. Communicate before you act. It saves time and avoids unexpected error. 4.2. Coding 7 CS3343 Project – Satir Family Therapy Board Game Designed by Aplusple Configuration Manual 2012 When you are writing codes and comments, you need to follow the coding standard. It is quite important because other members may modify your code later. To make others’ life easier, every member must write the code in the same format. You can find these standards in the document [JAVA_Coding_Standard]. If you meet a problem that is not listed in the standard, contact Coding Manager as soon as possible. 4.3. Commit Once you modified any code, you need to commit the project. Right click the project, choose Team->Commit. Subclipse will ask to add a log. You need to pay attention to the log information. Every log record should contain what you have done, modify or create, who make that log and what is the date. If you think something is really important about the modification, you can also put it in the log. 8 CS3343 Project – Satir Family Therapy Board Game Designed by Aplusple