English 9 Syllabus

Welcome to English 9!
Mrs. Bruesewitz
Mr. Morreale
Room OC2
Course Overview
This course should be both challenging and exciting as you embark on your first year of high school. I look forward to
working with you as we navigate this school year together. The major theme of 9th grade English is IDENTITY. Our units will
be focused on a specific text of study, with thematic elements drawn from short stories, non-fiction, poetry, art, and film to
further enhance our understanding of the literature. In addition to our exploration of literature and formal essays, you should
expect regular and rigorous vocabulary and grammar study throughout the year.
Possible Units of Study
Night, Elie Wiesel
Poetry and recitations
Stuck in Neutral, Terry Trueman
The Odyssey, Homer
Greek/Roman mythology
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian, Sherman Alexie
Short stories from Holt Elements of Literature, Third Course
*Texts will be eliminated/added based on the needs of the class
The goals for this course:
 To develop your power of expression, both in oral and written communication.
 To encourage a personal appreciation of literature and lifelong interest in reading and writing.
 To introduce you to both classical and modern reading selections in order to understand genres, styles, criticism, and
techniques as they shift through time
 To be able to develop close reading skills and detailed, critical examinations of written texts
Some of the books we will read and topics we will discuss may be sensitive or controversial issues. We should all feel
comfortable to freely express our opinions and ideas in writing or orally. None of us should tolerate disrespect in the
As 9th graders, I expect that you behave as young adults and think, speak, and act with respect. I believe…
 As students and as individuals, you deserve respect from me.
 As a teacher and as an individual, I deserve respect from my students.
 As members of the Washington-Lee community, we all deserve respect from one another.
Odd’s N Ends:
 Be present! Look alive and ask questions. We have so much to learn from you.
 Electronic devices are not welcome during classroom instruction class. If devices are used in class inappropriately:
First time – Warning
Second time – Taken away and parents contacted
Third time – Referral to AP
 You will come to class fully and appropriately dressed. Do not make me call attention to your fashion choices.
 Arrive on time and come prepared with your computer, homework, text, writing implement, and paper.
 Leaving the classroom – Students will be given 3 passes each quarter. Unused passes can be turned in for extra
credit at the end of the quarter. Please do not interrupt class for a pass.
Social media – Use Google Classroom and follow me on Twitter @MrsB_WL to stay updated.
Assessment Details
We will follow the APS accepted 10-point grading scale. Specific grades in English will be calculated based on the following:
30% = Exams/Projects/Seminars
30% = Writing
25% = Quizzes
15%= Homework/Classwork/Participation
The final exam will be weighted as 20% of your overall grade. All students will take the final exam. Quarter grades and final
exam grades will be rounded up when a percentage yields a decimal of .5 or higher.
A = 90-100
B+ = 87-89
B = 80-86
C+ = 77-79
C = 70-76
D+ = 67-69
D = 60-66
E = 0-59
NOTE: Student grades reflect student achievement and not student behavior.
In addition to achievement, work habits as noted in the report card comments will be evaluated for each course using the
following symbols:
X = Surpasses expectations
Y = Meets expectations
Z = Approaching expectations
N = Needs improvement
3 ring binder
4 dividers for binder
Writing utensils (pens or pencils)
Box of tissues
Loose-leaf paper
Post it notes
Highlighters, colored pencils, or pencil
Assignment recorder (paper or digital)
Attendance Policy
According to APS School Board Policy Implementation Procedures 25-1.1. “Students forfeit daily class grades for all
unexcused absences.” Students entering class after the bell will be marked tardy and will lose credit for the warm-up activity
already in progress or homework collected. Three unexcused tardies will result in a detention assigned by the teacher.
Parents will be notified. Additional tardies will result in a referral to the student’s AP and may result in Saturday school.
Reading Assignments
This is an advanced course which demands that students read much and deeply. You are strongly encouraged to purchase
your own texts so you may mark them up and take well-informed notes. You will do most of your reading at home and outside
of class so that we may devote class time to discussions, activities, and research. It will behoove you to avoid websites such
as Spark Notes, Pink Monkey, and Cliff Notes. You will have reading quizzes regularly and they will not be multiple choice.
Exercise good judgment and if you need more time to read, consider Generals Period.
Writing Assignments
All formal writing assignments will be typed in Times New Roman 12 point font. You will learn to follow the MLA guidelines for
a proper heading and formatting of each paper you turn in to me. For large-scale writing assignments, I will allow for revisions
and editing in order for you to improve your writing and your grade. We will discuss this for each assignment. For a grade of
C or below on any paper, you will be required to meet with me for a paper conference in order to bring up your grade.
Oral Assignments
You will be asked to make a number of oral presentations. Not only will I give you feedback, but your peers will also assess
your presentation. It is important for you to participate in discussions and in your small group work activities so that you will
feel prepared to speak in front of our class. Do not panic! We will all be kind and courteous. My goal is that you will be
comfortable speaking in front of anyone by the end of our year together.
Make up Work
Make-up work is only accepted if a student’s absence is excused. It is the student’s responsibility to verify excused
absences in the attendance office within two days of returning to school. According to Washington-Lee policy, you have
exactly one week from the last day of your excused absence to complete and submit assignments. Previously
scheduled homework, tests, and projects are due the day you return to school (even if you do not have my class that day). In
the case of a legitimate prolonged absence, alternate arrangements can be made. Please communicate with me about this.
Late Work
All assignments are due at the beginning of class. Arriving to class with an unexcused tardy after homework is collected
will result in a late homework grade. All assignments will lose one letter grade (10 points) for each school day that they are
late. Even if I do not see you on the next day, it is your responsibility to find me and turn in your work. You have either five
days or to the end of the quarter (whichever comes first) to hand in the assignment. An unexcused absence will result in a
zero for any classwork completed that day.
Academic Integrity
I take the W-L honor code very seriously. Students will be asked to sign an honor pledge for each major assignment turned
in. By signing the pledge, students will acknowledge their understanding of the honor policy and that they have not violated
that policy in any way:
“On my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized information on this assignment.”
Show your academic integrity by turning in work that reflects your own best effort at all times. This year we will all continue
to cultivate a work ethic and honorable conduct of which you will always be proud. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated.
Extra Credit Policy
While it is my discretion to allow for extra credit, do not rely on these bonus points regularly. If you do your work diligently,
correctly, and on time there should be no need for you to pursue extra credit.
Individual Assistance
Notes, exemplars, and additional resources will be posted on Google Classroom. Students are encouraged to seek
additional help and feedback on their work. Ms. B is usually available after school in room OC2. Mr. Morreale can be found
in 2024. Utilize Generals Period to gain extra help or guidance. The Writing Lab is also available. We are available by phone
at (703)228-6200 or email at Jennifer.bruesewitz@apsva.us and Daniel.morreale@apsva.us.
The work you are doing here is important.
You CAN do this work.
We will support you as you do the work.
You may not choose to fail.
Virginia Standards of Learning for Grade 9 English
Oral Language
9.1 The student will plan, present, and critique dramatic readings of literary selections.
9.2 The student will make planned oral presentations
Reading Analysis
9.3 The student will read and analyze a variety of literature.
9.4 The student will read and analyze a variety of informational texts and nonfiction materials.
9.5 The student will read dramatic selections.
9.6 The student will develop narrative, expository, and informational writings to inform, explain, analyze, or entertain.
9.7 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and
9.8 The student will credit the sources of both quoted and paraphrased ideas.
9.9 The student will use print, electronic databases, and online resources to access information.
Mrs. Bruesewitz’s and Mr. Morreale’s English 9 Syllabus Receipt and Student Information Sheet
Student’s Name: ______________________________
Period: ________
Email address: ________________________________@apsva.us
“I have read and understand the English 9 course expectations and policies.”
(Student signature)
In addition, please provide a phone number, email address, or both. Thanks!
Parent/Guardian’s Name: _____________________________________________________________
Relationship to Student: _______________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________
Preferred method (circle one): Phone or Email
Best time to contact __________________________________
“I have read and understand the English 9 course expectations and policies.”
(Parent/Guardian signature)