DOI: 10.1002/((please add manuscript number)) Article type: Communication Long-Range Proton Conduction Across Free-Standing Serum Albumin Mats Nadav Amdursky,* Xuhua Wang, Paul Meredith, Donal D. C. Bradley, Molly M. Stevens* Dr. N. Amdursky, Prof. M. M. Stevens Departments of Materials, Bioengineering and Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom E-mail:, Dr. X. Wang, Prof. D. D. C. Bradley Department of Physics and Centre for Plastic Electronics, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom Prof. P. Meredith Centre for Organic Photonics and Electronics, School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4072 Keywords: Proton transfer, Protein films, Impedance Spectroscopy, Current-Voltage, Hopping mechanism Proton translocation is one of the fundamental processes in nature. The most well-known examples are proton translocation across the mitochondrial inner membrane or the chloroplast by the adenosine triphosphate synthase complex[1-3] and the proton pump activity of rhodopsin proteins (mainly bacteriorhodopsin protein) in halobacteria.[3-5] Proton transfer (PT) is also essential for numerous biochemical processes such as redox reactions, catalysis and phosphorylation. In general, protons are being transported by water molecules, although the exact mechanism of PT by bulk water is still debatable.[6-7] However, protons can be transported laterally along membranes[3, 8-9] or by specific amino acids such as the proton pump activity of bacteriorhodopsin.[3-5] Beyond biological systems, solid-state proton conductors are commonly used in devices such as batteries and fuel-cells.[10-11] In these devices, the most-used materials are inorganic oxides,[12] metal-organic frameworks,[13] solid acid membranes,[14] ionic crystals[15] and 1 polymeric membranes, where the most common example is Nafion®.[16] Several organic semi-conductors have been also shown to have the ability to conduct protons, which enables them to support parallel proton and electron conductivity.[17-20] In recent years several bioorganic materials have been also proposed for protonic devices, such as polysaccharide derivatives and melanin pigment.[21-25] While a wide diversity of materials have been shown to sustain proton current, there are only few types of proton-conductors: oxide ions, oxoacids (and their anions), and in some cases heterocycle molecules.[10] The common denominator for all proton conductors, whether solid-state materials or water, is the role of a hydrogen bond network that can support long-range proton conductivity.[6-7, 26] In this study, we explore the use of protein-based materials as long-range proton conductors. Due to the abundance of water molecules inside the protein structure and the presence of charged amino acids (mainly oxoacids), proteins are good candidates for the formation of proton conducting materials. Several studies have followed proton conductivity across collagen,[27] keratin[28] and lysozyme layers.[29-30] Recently, Gorodetsky and coworkers[31] showed that upon drop-casting reflectin (a structural protein found in cephalopods) and drying it between two electrodes, they could measure a proton conductivity across the film of 0.1mS/cm at room temperature, and up to 2.6mS/cm at 65°C. We used bovine serum albumin (BSA), one of the cheapest commercially-available proteins, to form an electrospun mat composed of fibrillar structures that can absorb large quantities of water. Our mat is a free-standing material that can be held and manipulated by hand. First, we explored local (short-range) proton translocation via excited-state proton transfer (ESPT) of a photoacid that was absorbed on the mat. Second, we explored long-range (millimetre length-scales) proton conductance between two electrodes bridged by the BSA mat with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and current voltage (I-V) measurements. We also examined their temperature dependence and the kinetic isotope effect (KIE). We propose that the observed proton translocation is due to an ‘over-the-barrier’ 2 proton-hopping mechanism that involves the oxo-amino-acids of the protein as the main proton hopping sites. It has previously been shown that BSA can be electrospun to form mats.[32] Following electrospinning, our mats were composed of fibrils with a diameter of several hundred nanometres and large spacing between individual fibrils (Fig. 1a). After placing them in aqueous solution, the fibrils absorbed water in a sponge-like manner, and transformed to a thick (>1μm) fibril surface with almost no spacing between individual fibrils (Fig. 1b). By weighing the mats before and after hydration, we could determine the swelling ratio (water content) of the mats to be 143 ± 18% (w/w). The large amount of water within the material distinguishes itself from other bio-organic proton conductors in the literature that contain 520% of water.[22-25] Following hydration of the mats, most of the water could be removed by heating or placing the mats in vacuum. By thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) we estimated the amount of the remaining water content of the dehydrated mat to be ~7% (TGA results are provided as Fig. S1 in the Supplementary Information). Removal of these water molecules transformed the mat from a flexible film that was easy to hold and manipulate to a highly brittle film. This observation made it clear that water played a major role in the structure of this material. The mats could also be placed in a variety of organic solvents and acids without being dissolved for months (Fig. S2). a b Figure 1. Morphology of the SA mat. Scanning electron microscopy images of the SA mats before (a) and after (b) immersion in water. The scale bar represents 10 μm. 3 The large amount of water in the BSA mat along with the high ratio of charged amino acids in the protein structure of the protein (more than one-third) have encouraged us to explore whether the BSA mat can sustain proton conduction. To probe local PT processes in the BSA mat, we used the photoacid of 8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonate (HPTS, see inset of Fig. 2a for the protonated, ROH, form). Photoacids are molecules with lower pKa values in their electronically excited state; for HPTS, an ROH photoacid, the pKa decreases from 7.4 in the ground state to 1.3 in its first excited singlet state. Following optical excitation, HPTS in water undergoes an ESPT reaction, [22-23] as the proton from its hydroxyl group is transferred to the aqueous solvent leaving behind the excited RO-* anion: ROH* kPT ka [RO¯*···H+] diffusion RO¯* + H+ (1) After excitation, the proton is transferred to form an ion pair with the de-protonated molecule. The proton can then diffuse to bulk water or recombine back with the excited anion to form the ROH* form in what is known as geminate recombination.[33] Since the ROH* and RO¯* forms have different emission wavelengths (for HPTS, 440 and 535nm, respectively), it is relatively easy to follow their time-resolved and steady-state fluorescence.[34-37] In pure water, the proton diffuses rapidly from the photoanion, which results in a predominant RO¯* species, as can be seen in the steady-state emission spectra (Fig. 2a). On the other hand, when HPTS is in its dry state (powder), the predominant species is the ROH* (Fig. S3), as there is no bulk water in which to diffuse. However, when HPTS was adsorbed on the BSA mat and the mat was dehydrated (leaving ~7% water content as measured by TGA, Fig. S1, and the measurements were conducted under similar room temperature conditions as in the previous experiment in Fig S3), the predominant form was still RO¯*. This unexpected finding implies that even in the relatively dry state, HPTS can transfer a proton to nearby molecules. Since there is no excess of water molecules in the dehydrated sample, the proton is likely transferred to nearby carboxylates or amines or to trapped water molecules. Following the gradual 4 addition of small amounts of water to the surface (up to 300% w/w of water), we observed only a slight change in the ROH* band intensity, which was still very different to HPTS in bulk water. Our findings can be explained by a combination of the following explanations: (1) the PT rate of HPTS is slower on the mat than in bulk water; (2) the protons diffuse along the mat in lower dimensionality in comparison to bulk water; and (3) the geminate recombination is more efficient on the mat in comparison to water. Normalized Intensity a 1.0 Dehydrated mat +50% H2O RO-* 1 1 b c +100% H2O 0.1 +200% H2O 0.8 +300% H2O 0.1 HPTS in water 0.6 0.01 ROH* 0.4 0.01 1E-3 0.2 0.0 1E-3 400 450 500 550 600 Wavelength [nm] 650 1E-4 0 5 10 15 20 Time [ns] 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time [ns] Figure 2. Photo-induced PT. (a) Steady state and (b and c) time-resolved fluorescence of HPTS at the detection wavelength of (b) RO¯* and (c) ROH* of the dehydrated mat and with the different weight percentage (%w/w) of added water in comparison to HPTS in water. The dashed line in panel c represents the instrument response function. To distinguish between these possibilities, we probed the time-resolved fluorescence of HPTS at the emission wavelengths of both RO¯* (Fig. 2b and Fig. S4a and S4b) and ROH* (Fig. 2c and Fig. S4c and S4d). The PT rate constant (kPT) can be roughly estimated by: πππ = πΉ πΌRO¯ πΌπΉ −1 ⁄ πΉ × πRO¯ , where RO¯⁄ πΉ is the ratio between the steady-state intensity of the RO¯* πΌROH πΌROH and the ROH* bands (Fig. 2a) and πRO¯ is the fluorescence lifetime of the RO¯* form (Fig. 2b). Hence we can estimate kPT to be within the range of 5.5×108s-1 in the dehydrated mat to 7.6×108s-1 in the fully hydrated mat, which is significantly different in comparison to 3.4×109s-1 for HPTS in water (Table S1). The time-resolved emission of the ROH* form (Fig. 2c) can imply the dimensionality of the proton diffusion. In bulk water, protons diffuse in 3-D and the ROH* form decays rapidly. However, the decay of the ROH* form is much slower on the BSA mat, even in fully hydrated samples, which might imply that protons diffuse along 5 the SA mat and not into bulk water. The time-resolved emission of the ROH* form can be used to get an estimation of the dimensionality of the proton diffusion space, where the fluorescent tail obeys a power-law of t-d/2, where d is the diffusion space dimensionality (see further discussion in Supplemental Materials).[34, 36-37] By plotting a log-log plot (Fig. S5) of the lifetime corrected ROH* decay, we could estimate the fractal space dimensionality of the proton diffusion by linear fitting the first nanoseconds of the decay. We found that for the highly hydrated sample (with 300% w/w water, meaning that this sample contained double the amount of water than the measured swelling ratio of the mat) the dimensionality is 1.07 (and even lower, closer to 1, for the less hydrated samples), compared to 2.99 for HPTS in bulk water (Table S1), meaning that the protons diffuse along the fibrils within the mats. The role of the geminate recombination of HPTS on the BSA mat is challenging to assess quantitatively. The geminate recombination is interdependent with proton diffusion (Eq. (1)), where slower diffusion results in an enhanced geminate recombination.[33] Proton diffusion along the mat, and especially the dehydrated one, is expected to be slower than water. Indeed, as will be discussed below, proton hopping along the mat is significantly slower in comparison to water. The ability of HPTS to transfer protons to nearby amino acids has been observed before for the case of HPTS bound in the binding site of natively folded human serum albumin.[38] It was also recently shown that HPTS can transfer protons to glucosamine units of chitosan.[39] In order to probe the role of water molecules in the diffusion of the protons, we have followed the kinetic isotope effect (KIE) of the HPTS time-resolved measurements (Fig. S6). In water, the KIE of HPTS is ~3 (Fig. S6a). Surprisingly, we have found no KIE for all the BSA mat samples (Fig. S6b-f), regardless to the percentage of water in the mat. The lack of a KIE implies that proton diffusion in bulk water is not the main proton transfer mechanism in the mat. 6 In the previous section we showed that within the excited-state lifetime of HPTS, which limits the measurable transport length of the proton to up to ~15nm, the protons in the BSA mat can diffuse along the fibrillar structure of the mat with different kinetics in comparison to water. Next, we investigated whether the mat could serve as an efficient proton conductor in a bioelectronic device. By placing the mat on top of a gold finger electrode structure (Fig. S6), we could examine the distance-dependent a.c. electrical impedance response (Fig. 3a) using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the d.c. response (Fig. 3b) using current voltage (I-V) measurements. It is important to note that the measurements were conducted in the swollen state of the mat (i.e., at ~150% (w/w) water). The EIS results, which are represented as a Nyquist plot (the imaginary part of the impedance, Zim, as function of the real part, Zreal), exhibit a semi-circle representative of a parallel RC circuit model (the small spur in the low frequency domain is indicative of charge accumulation in the contacts of throughplane EIS measurement).[40] By fitting the semi-circle to an RC circuit (Table S2), we were able to extract the resistance values; these range from 0.10 ± 0.03 to 0.81 ± 0.30MΩ for l = 0.25 and 2.5mm electrode finger separations, respectively. Taking into account the distance between electrodes, the thickness of the mat (~75 μm) and the electrode length in contact with the mat (~7-9mm), this corresponded to conductivity values of 41.1 and 48.6μS·cm-1, respectively (Table S2). The EIS measurements were complemented with I-V measurements (Fig. 3b) that showed a featureless non-ohmic behaviour, which is not affected by contact resistance (Fig. S7). Both measurements had a similar distance decay profile (Fig. 3c, comparing the measured EIS conductance with the current magnitude in the low bias linear regime of the I-V curve), with an identical distance-decay constant (inset of Fig. 3c) where the π΄ conductance/current is proportional to 1/distance (Fig. S8, following Pouillet's law: πΊ = π π , where G is the conductance, σ is the conductivity, A is the cross-sectional area (film thickness 7 times electrode length) and l is the distance between electrodes), which confirms that the same charge carrier (protons) dictates the conductivity in both a.c. and d.c. measurements. a c b Figure 3. In-plane proton conductance across BSA mats. (a) a.c. EIS response (plotted on an isometric scale) and (b) d.c. I-V sweeps for several inter-electrode separation distances, l. (c) The distance decay of the EIS conductance (left y-axis, black squares) and the I-V current at 0.05V (right y-axis, red squares). The inset shows the same points on a semi-logarithmic scale spanning two orders of magnitude on both y-axes, along with fits to the same π −0.87 dependence. In order to examine the in-plane proton conductance mechanism across the BSA mat we measured the kinetic isotope effect (KIE) and the temperature-dependence of the conduction process. Similar to the ESPT results (Fig. S5), we found no KIE for the proton conductance for both EIS (Fig. 4a) and I-V (Fig. S9) measurements (the KIE of the EIS was slightly inverse (i.e. lower than 1) but within the error range). The EIS temperature dependence studies for two of the measured distances (l = 0.75 and 1.5mm, Fig. 4b and S10, respectively) showed (via an Arrhenius fit) that the proton conductance was thermally activated with Ea = 0.29 ± 0.02eV. The temperature dependence of the I-V measurements showed a similar trend 8 with consistent activation energies for the measured distances (Fig. S11). We note, however, that conductivity measurements (a.c. and / or d.c.) on hygroscopic conductors where the electrical response is strongly affected by the state of hydration are notoriously unreliable – the temperature dependence can be perturbed or even masked by attendant changes in the hydration state. The fact that in our experiments the water content of the mats was high (~ 150% w/w, yielding reduced sensitivity to thermal changes), and further, that we conducted the measurements in a fairly narrow range around room temperature, we consider that the results are moderately robust. In addition, we note that we see an increase in conductance with increasing temperature, whereas were the measurements dominated by dehydration, the opposite would have been expected. Moreover, a simple Arrhenius fit to the temperature dependent I-V data over this limited range and under circumstances where there will be some change in the state of hydration does not allow us to draw any independent mechanistic conclusions about the underlying transport physics. It does however provide an internally selfconsistent check of the a.c. data and conclusions. a D2O 400000 H2O -ZIm [ο] 300000 200000 100000 2.5 mm 0.25 mm 0 400000 ZReal [ο] b -ZIm [ο] 160000 120000 80000 35ο°C 30ο°C 25ο°C 20ο°C 15ο°C 800000 ln(Conductance [ο-1]) 0 -12.3 Ea=0.28 eV -12.6 -12.9 3.28 3.36 40000 0 15ο°C 35ο°C 0 3.44 1000/T [K-1] 100000 200000 ZReal [ο] 9 300000 400000 Figure 4. KIE and temperature dependence studies. (a) KIE of EIS where water (filled black squares) was replaced with deuterium (open blue squares). (b) Temperature dependence of EIS across the X = 0.75mm junction. The inset shows the activation energy of the process by fitting to an Arrhenius equation (πΊ ∝ exp(−πΈπ /ππ΅ π)). The graphs are displayed on an isometric scale. Proton conductivity within hydrated samples is commonly explained by the Grotthuss mechanism, which describes proton hopping (diffusion) across water networks, apperently by hopping across the H9O4+ or the H5O2+ cations.[7] In this mechanism the proton hops from one water molecule to another, and it is expected to have activation energy of 2-3kcal/mol (~90130meV), and a KIE of 1.4.[7] Gorodetsky and coworkers[31] and Rolandi and coworkers[23, 25] explained the high proton conductance of dry films of the relectin protein and polysaccharides, respectively, by the Grotthuss mechanism, and also suggested that the protein film contains water channels that support proton conductivity. In Gorodetsky‘s work,[31] similar KIE (~1.7) values as expected for the Grotthuss mechanism have been found but with a slightly larger Ea value (~0.2eV).[31] In our measurements, we found the following evidences suggesting that the Grotthuss mechanism for proton diffusion across bulk water was not the predominant mechanism for the BSA mat conductivity: 1) The photo-induced ESPT of HPTS was efficient in the dried sample and its kinetics did not change significantly as water was slowly added to the mat; 2) We found no KIE for both the ESPT kinetics and proton conductance; and 3) The measured activation energy for proton conductance (~0.29eV) was higher than expected for water-mediated proton hopping. To explain these unique observations, we propose that oxo-amino-acids have a significant role as mediators for proton hopping along the BSA mat fibrils since: 1) The ESPT from HPTS to charged amino acids in the mat can be efficient and it should not be affected by the hydration level of the mat; 10 2) The protons of the charged amino acids in the mat are not expected to be deuterated by the addition of D2O, so the KIE should be 1 as observed; and 3) The activation energy in the Grotthuss mechanism is related to the hydrogen bond strength in water.[7] The larger hydrogen bond strengths between carboxylates and between carboxylates and amines[26] might then explain a higher activation energy. Though it is hard to visualize or predict how exactly the network of oxo-amino-acids and trapped water molecules are arranged in space to support the proton translocation, it is very likely that the proton conductivity mechanism within the BSA mat can be related to lateral proton diffusion as observed next to membrane-water interfaces,[8-9] and even to some extent in BSA monolayers at a water-air interface.[41] This mechanism is also one of the proposed mechanisms to justify the high proton conductivity for Nafion® films, where a water supported network of sulfonic acid moieties might serve as the proton hopping sites,[42] though it is important to note that the conductivity of Nafion is orders of magnitude higher than measured here for BSA mats. We further attempted to fit our experimental results to the theoretical paradigm of proton hopping to estimate the hopping rate and the distribution of hopping sites in the mat. Protonhopping can be envisioned as a small polaron problem where proton donors and acceptors are bridged by a hydrogen bond; each hopping event corresponds to a phonon-assisted tunneling across a barrier.[43] In general, an under-the-barrier event can be distinguished from an overthe-barrier one (Fig. S12a for schematic representation). The activation energy (Ea) in an under-the-barrier event is of the order of βπ (where ω is the optical phonon frequency and β is the reduced Planck constant), and the PT rate, kPT, can be expressed by the common expression for a nonadiabatic tunneling event.[43] For an over-the-barrier event, the proton resides on the bridge (with a lifetime of πππ )[44] and the activation energy serves as the barrier where πΈπ > βπ.[43] For the same donor and acceptor, an over-the-barrier event will have 11 larger Ea and will be the dominant mechanism at higher temperatures (Fig. S11b S12b for schematic representation). Our measured activation energy (~0.29eV) in comparison to the optical phonon frequency (estimated by infrared (IR) spectroscopy [Fig. S13] to be ~3300cm-1 i.e. with βπ = 65meV) is suggestive of over-the-barrier proton hopping. In this case, πππ can be expressed as: −1 πππ = π β πΈ exp[− π ππ], π΅ (2) where kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is temperature. Using the measured values for −1 activation energy and phonon frequency, we estimate πππ to be ~1×1010s-1 (πππ ~100ps), a significantly higher value than the PT rate in water (~1.5ps), which is considered an under the barrier PT. We can further fit our measured conductivity values using the Nernst-Einstein relation between conductivity (ο³) and charge carrier mobility (μ): π = πππ, (3) where n is the charge density and e the electron charge. The charge carrier mobility is further proportional to the diffusivity of the charge carrier: π=π π π΅π π·, (4) with diffusion constant: −1 2 π· = πππ πππ , (5) where rnn is the average hopping distance. Combining Eqs. (3)-(5) yields the following relation for the mat conductivity: π(π) = 2 π −1 ππ 2 πππ ππ ππ΅ π . (6) The distance between proton donor and acceptor (rnn) for a single hopping event is determined by the length of the hydrogen bond and it is confined to a narrow range around 2.5Å. Using the above calculated PT lifetime (~100ps), we can estimate the charge carrier density to be 1 × 1018cm-3 (= 1.7 × 10-6mol/cm-3 = 1.7mM), which can be compared to the concentration of 12 hydronium ion at pH2.8. The 2.5Å hopping distance was chosen for cases where the proton donor and acceptor are bridged by a hydrogen bond, as discussed for the Grotthuss mechanism.[7] However, according to the Eigen-Weller model, a PT event can be also mediated by up to 2 water molecules, which leads to an optimal PT distance of ~7Å.[45] On using the latter value for rnn, the estimated charge carrier density in the mat is reduced to 1.5 × 1017cm-3. It is also important to note that the measured conductivity values may be underestimated as they consider the entire cross-section of the mat in calculations, while the charges most likely migrate along a narrower cross-section closer to the electrodes and along specific pathways of the fibril structure. In summary, we followed the in-plane PT within free-standing BSA mats by photoinduced ESPT, EIS and I-V measurements. We found that protons could be transferred along the fibrillar structure of the mat which allows long-range (millimetre length-scales) proton transport with one of the highest deduced conductivity values (~50µS/cm) for biological materials. Temperature dependence and KIE measurements suggest that oxo-amino-acids have a significant role in the PT mechanism. Our results support an over-the-barrier protonhopping mechanism and we were able to calculate the proton lifetime on the bridge (barrier) to be in the order of 100ps. Together with the Nernst-Einstein relation, we used this lifetime to fit our measured conductivity values and estimate the charge carrier density of the hopping sites in the mat to be 2 × 1018cm-3. Using proteins as materials for proton conduction opens new and exciting possibilities for bioelectronic devices. BSA mats are biocompatible and can support cell proliferation,[46] which makes this system ideal for the study of proton translocation between cells. Moreover, BSA mats are highly robust and can be placed in many organic solvents and acids without being dissolved. Together with their high proton conductivity, BSA mats could be easily used in proton conducting devices such as fuel cells and batteries. BSA mats distinguish themselves from other bio-organic proton conductors, and also from common inorganic 13 conductors, as they are extremely cheap (in the order of 1 GBP/g) and can be easily processed to form electrospun mats in the metre length-scale. Supporting Information Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or from the author. Acknowledgements We thank N. Agmon, D. Huppert, N. Stingelin and J. Riley for fruitful discussions and critical reading. N.A. was supported by Marie Curie actions FP7 through the Intra-European Marie Curie Fellowship ConPilus under grant agreement no. 623123. P.M. is an Australia Research Council Discovery Outstanding Research Award Fellow and the Centre for Organic Photonics and Electronics is a strategic initiative of the University of Queensland. M.S. acknowledges support from the Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Grant 098411/Z/12/Z and the ERC Seventh Framework Programme Consolidator grant “Naturale CG” under grant agreement no. 616417. Received: ((will be filled in by the editorial staff)) Revised: ((will be filled in by the editorial staff)) Published online: ((will be filled in by the editorial staff)) [1] J. Weber, A. E. Senior, FEBS Lett. 2003, 545, 61-70. [2] P. D. Boyer, Annu. Rev. Biochem. 1997, 66, 717-749. [3] R. J. P. Williams, Annu. Rev. Biophys. 1988, 17, 71-97. [4] J. Heberle, Biochim. Biophys. Acta-Bioenerg. 2000, 1458, 135-147. [5] H. Luecke, H. T. Richter, J. K. Lanyi, Science 1998, 280, 1934-1937. [6] C. Knight, G. A. Voth, Acc. Chem. Res. 2012, 45, 101-109. [7] N. Agmon, Chem. Phys. Lett. 1995, 244, 456-462. [8] M. 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Bioeng. 2014, 111, 1246-1257. 17 Free-standing protein mats can transport protons over millimetre length-scales. The results of photo-induced proton transfer and voltage-driven proton conductivity measurements, together with temperature dependent and isotope effect studies suggest that oxo-amino-acids of the protein play a major role in the translocation of protons via an ‘over-the-barrier’ hopping mechanism. The use of proton-conducting protein mats opens new possibilities for bioelectronic interfaces. Keywords: Proton transfer, Protein films, Impedance Spectroscopy, Current-Voltage, Hopping mechanism Dr. N. Amdursky, Prof. M. M. Stevens Departments of Materials, Bioengineering and Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom E-mail:, Dr. X. Wang, Prof. D. D. C. Bradley Department of Physics and Centre for Plastic Electronics, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom Prof. P. Meredith Centre for Organic Photonics and Electronics, School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4072 Long-Range Proton Conduction Across Free-Standing Serum Albumin Mats Nadav Amdursky,* Xuhua Wang, Paul Meredith, Donal D. C. Bradley, Molly M. Stevens* -ZIm [οο] 0.4 0.2 0.0 2.5 mm 0.25 0.0 0.5 ZReal [οο] H+ H H+ H+ H+ 1.0 + H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ ToC figure ((Please choose one size: 55 mm broad × 50 mm high or 110 mm broad × 20 mm high. Please do not use any other dimensions)) 18 Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69469 Weinheim, Germany, 2013. Supporting Information Long-Range Proton Conduction Across Free-Standing Serum Albumin Mats Nadav Amdursky,* Xuhua Wang, Paul Meredith, Donal D. C. Bradley, Molly M. Stevens* Materials and Methods Electrospinning of BSA mat – BSA (Sigma-Aldrich) was used to form the mats according to the protocol of Fleischer et al.1 BSA was dissolved in 90% TFE to a final concentration of 14% (w/v). β-mercaptoethanol was added to the solution to a final concentration of 5% (v/v). A custom-built electrospinning system was used, where a bias of 11.5kV was applied on an 18-gauge blunt needle, while the collector was grounded. The distance between the collector and the end of the needle was ~11cm, and the rate of injection was 0.9 mL/min. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) characterisation – small pieces from the mat were coated with a thin layer of Au, and imaged with a SEM JEOL 5610LV system, at an operating bias of 17-20kV. Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence – Dry BSA mat was placed in a 0.05mM solution of HPTS for ~4h. The hydrated mat with HPTS was placed in vacuo over night for complete dehydration. Deionised water was added to the mat in small aliquots to reach the desired water percentage. The dehydrated mat was weighed before the experiment in order to calculate the desired amount of water. A Fluorolog system (Horiba) with 1 nm bandpass slits in both the entrance and exit arms was used for the steady-state measurements and the sample was excited at 390nm. A Deltaflex system (Horiba) was used for time-resolved emission spectroscopy with a 405nm laser diode (<100ps pulse duration) as excitation source and data (at least 20,000 counts) were collected at 440 and 530nm. 19 Finger electrode preparation – A custom stainless steel shadow mask was fabricated with the desired finger electrode pattern. Freshly-cleaned microscope slides were used as substrates onto which a 100nm thickness gold pattern was evaporated through the shadow mask using a MBraun thermal evaporator (5 x 10-7mbar) inside a nitrogen filled overpressure glovebox system. Prior to gold deposition, a 10nm thickness chromium layer was first evaporated to act as an adhesion promotion for the gold. Impedance Spectroscopy – The impedance measurements were carried out using an SI 1260 impedance/gain-phase analyser (Schlumberger). At least 24h before the measurement the dry mats were placed in deionised water. The wet mats were then placed onto the gold finger electrode substrates (Fig. S6) and were dried with filter paper to remove excess water not tightly bound to the surface. Micromanipulator probes were used to contact the gold electrodes. A frequency range of 10MHz – 100Hz was used with applied a.c. bias = 100mV and integration time = 0.5s; no d.c. bias was applied. The impedance spectra were fitted using ZView software (© Scribner Associates, Inc), allowing extraction of the resistance and capacitance values for each junction. Current-Voltage measurements – The current-voltage sweeps were carried out using a Keithley 2400 source-measure unit controlled by computer via a home written Labview program. The same electrode format, BSA sample preparation and micromanipulator probe set ups were used for these d.c. experiments except that one of the probes was biased while the other was grounded. The scan rate was 20mV/s in the ±1V bias range with a voltage step of 0.01V. The presented I-V curves are averages of forward (-1V→+1V) and reverse (+1V→1V) scans. The conductance/resistance values were extracted from these current-voltage measurements by linearly fitting the low bias (±0.05V) region. KIE measurements – The dry electrospun mat was placed in deuterium oxide (Sigma-Aldrich >99.9%) for at least 24h before measurement. For the time-resolved measurements, the mat was then dehydrated in vacuum overnight, and the measurements were conducted by adding 20 small amounts of D2O to reach the desired deuterium percentage. The subsequent sample preparation for EIS and I-V measurements was exactly as for non-deuterated samples. Temperature dependence – The finger pattern electrodes with BSA mats on top were placed on a heater that was controlled by a Keithley temperature controller. The sample was equilibrated for ~5min at each temperature point (starting from 15ºC and rising to 35ºC) and the EIS and I-V measurements were performed as already discussed above. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) measurements – FTIR measurements used a Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100 FTIR spectrometer with a single bounce Ge-ATR at 16°C. A background scan was measured before the sample. The spectrum was collected in the range 900-4000cm-1, with a 1cm-1 increment. Both background and sample measurements were averaged over 10 scans. TGA measurements – A disc (~6 mm diameter) of the BSA mat was placed in water for several hours following by de-hydration in vacuum over-night. The TGA measurement of the de-hydrated mat was conducted with a Netzsch STA449 F5 Simultaneous DSC/TGA. 21 100 -7% Weight [%] 80 60 40 20 0 0 200 400 600 800 Temperature [°C] Figure S1. Thermogravimetric analysis of the dehydrated BSA mat. The dashed line is the derivative of the weight loss profile. Figure S2. BSA mats in various solvents. The mats were placed for 3 months in (from left to right): Chloroform, Dimethyl sulfoxide, 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-propanol, Acetone, 2,2,2Trifluoroethanol, 1M HCl and Deionised water. 22 Normalized Intensity ROH* 1.0 RO-* Dry mat HPTS in water Dry HPTS 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 400 450 500 550 600 Wavelength [nm] Figure S3. Steady state fluorescence spectrum of HPTS in dehydrated BSA mat, in bulk water and in dry condition (powder on glass). 23 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 b 1 Normalized Intensity Normalized Intensity a 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0 0.3 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 5 10 Time [ns] c d 20 Dry mat +50% H2O 1 Normalized Intensity 1 Normalized Intensity 15 Time [ns] 0.1 +100% H2O +200% H2O +300% H2O HPTS in water 0.01 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 Time [ns] 5 10 15 Time [ns] Figure S4. Time-resolved spectra of HPTS on BSA mats. (a) Zoom area and (b) linear scale of Fig. 2b in the main text. (c) Zoom area and (d) linear scale of Fig. 2c in the main text. 24 Table S1. Calculated fractal space dimensionality of the proton diffusion. Calculated kPT Derived space π°πππ¯ πππ¯ ⁄π Sample power-law -1 (s ) dimensionality π°πππ (ns) factora Dehydrated 2.6 4.9 5.6×108 0.500 (0.970) 1.00 BSA mat 2.9 5.1 5.9×108 0.510 (0.976) 1.02 +50% H2O 3.4 5.4 6.4×108 0.530 (0.980) 1.06 +100% H2O 8 3.8 5.4 7.1×10 0.530 (0.987) 1.06 +200% H2O 4.1 5.4 7.6×108 0.535 (0.990) 1.07 +300% H2O HPTS in bulk 18.5 5.5 3.4×109 1.495 (0.994) 2.99 H2 O a The brackets display the adjusted R2 of the fit. Intensity*exp(t/5.4) 1 0.1 Dry mat +50% H2O +100% H2O +200% H2O +300% H2O 0.01 0.1 HPTS in water 1 time [ns] Figure S5. Log-log plot of the time-resolved kinetics, after multiplying by exp(t/5.4), where 5.4 is the radiative life time in ns, together with the fit that was used to extract the power law factor (Table S1). Fractal space dimensionality of the proton diffusion The ROH* decay has a non-exponential long-time fluorescence tail with a power-law decay of t-α. Due to the high fluorescence intensity of HPTS, one can follow the tail intensity over a long time scale (into the nanosecond regime). The decay of the ROH* fluorescence is very sensitive to the space dimensionality of the proton diffusion. In back-to-back publications, Huppert, Agmon and Pines developed the numerical solution for HPTS (or any other photoacid) kinetics.2,3 They showed that if the ROH* fluorescent decay (πΌππ ππ» ) is multiplied 25 by exp[t/τr], where τr (=5.4 ns) is the radiative decay lifetime, the factor (α) of the power-law is proportional to d/2, where the d is the space diomensionality of the proton diffusion: πΌππ ππ» (π‘)exp[π‘/ππ ] ~ ππ2 ππ exp[−π(π)] −π/2 π‘ 2πππ (ππ·)π/2 where D is the proton diffusion constant, ka is the proton geminate recombination rate constant, kPT is the proton transfer rate constant, and a is the radius of the reaction sphere, where the reaction sphere potential, V(a), is proportional to RD/a, where RD is the Debye radius. RD is expressed as: π π· = |π§|π 2 πππ΅ π where z is the RO- form charge (in electron charge units), e is the electron charge, ε is the dielectric constant of the medium and kB is the Boltzmann constant. For HPTS in bulk water the protons diffuse in 3-D from the excited HPTS molecule, which means that the power-law factor is 3/2 (d=3). In Table S1 we summarize the calculated space dimensionality of the proton diffusion in each mat sample containing different amounts of water, in comparison to HPTS in bulk water. It is mportant to stress that this approximation is an analytical solution based on the ESPT of photoacids (Eq.(1) in the main text). However, in some cases, the experimental results cannot be well fitted using this analytical solution (for instance, the decay of HPTS in the dehydrated mat), and the extracted value of dimensionality should, therefore, be considered with great care. 26 HPTS in water 1 ROH in H2O ROH in D2O RO- in H2O 0.8 RO- in D2O 0.6 0.4 0.2 Normalized Intensity 1.0 Normalized Intensity a HPTS in water 0.1 0.01 1E-3 0.0 1E-4 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 Time [ns] Dehydrated mat Normalized Intensity 1.0 ROH in D2O RO- in H2O 0.8 1 ROH in H2O RO- in D2O 0.6 0.4 0.2 Normalized Intensity b 12 16 20 24 28 24 28 24 28 Time [ns] Dehydrated mat 0.1 0.01 1E-3 0.0 1E-4 0 4 8 12 16 0 20 4 8 Normalized Intensity 1 ROH in H2O +50% H/D2O 1.0 ROH in D2O - RO in H2O 0.8 RO- in D2O 0.6 0.4 0.2 Normalized Intensity c 12 16 20 Time [ns] Time [ns] +50% H/D2O 0.1 0.01 1E-3 0.0 0 4 8 12 16 20 1E-4 0 Time [ns] 4 8 12 16 Time [ns] 27 20 1 ROH in H2O +100% H/D2O 1.0 ROH in D2O Normalized Intensity Normalized Intensity d RO- in H2O 0.8 RO- in D2O 0.6 0.4 0.2 +100% H/D2O 0.1 0.01 1E-3 0.0 1E-4 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 Time [ns] Normalized Intensity 1 ROH in H2O +200% H/D2O 1.0 ROH in D2O Normalized Intensity e RO- in H2O 0.8 12 16 20 24 28 24 28 24 28 Time [ns] RO- in D2O 0.6 0.4 0.2 +200% H/D2O 0.1 0.01 1E-3 0.0 1E-4 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 Time [ns] Normalized Intensity 1 ROH in H2O +300% H/D2O 1.0 ROH in D2O RO- in H2O 0.8 RO- in D2O 0.6 0.4 0.2 Normalized Intensity f 12 16 20 Time [ns] +300% H/D2O 0.1 0.01 1E-3 0.0 1E-4 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 Time [ns] 4 8 12 16 20 Time [ns] Figure S6. KIE of HPTS kinetics of (a) HPTS in water, (b) in the dehydrated mat and upon the addition of (c) 50%, (d) 100%, (e) 200% and (f) 300% of D2O. The left graphs present the data on a linear scale and the right graphs present the same data on a semi-log scale. 28 Figure S7. Image of the BSA mat on the gold finger array electrode. The bar represents 5 mm. The Au fingers are not connected to the Au bar in the top of the image, and they are separated from each other. Resistance (Ohm) 2.0x109 1.5x109 1.0x109 5.0x108 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Distance (mm) Figure S8. Contact resistance estimation for the BSA mats. The contact resistance was estimated by extrapolation of the resistance to a hypothetical electrode separation distance l = 0. The deduced contact resistance is negligible for the conductance measurement across the mat (since the resistance across the mat is significantly higher). 29 EIS I-V 4E-10 8E-06 3E-10 6E-06 2E-10 4E-06 1E-10 2E-06 Current @0.05V [A] - I-V Conductance [S] - EIS 1E-05 0E+00 0E+00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 1/distance [mm-1] Figure S9. The EIS conductance (left y-axis, black squares) and I-V current at 0.05V (right yaxis, red squares) as a function of 1/distance. Table S2. Resistance and capacitance values as measured by EIS and fitted to the below electric circuit. Distance [mm] 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 2.5 Calculated Resistance [Ω] 0.98±0.30·105 1.60±0.39·105 2.52±0.98·105 3.39±1.35·105 4.72±1.81·105 6.49±2.73·105 8.08±3.04·105 Calculated Capacitance [F] 4.32·10-12 3.68·10-12 2.98·10-12 2.33·10-12 1.50·10-12 1.28·10-12 1.14·10-12 30 Conductivity [S·cm-1] 4.11·10-5 4.88·10-5 4.65·10-5 4.63·10-5 5.01·10-5 4.86·10-5 4.86·10-5 Electric Circuit 150 0.25 mm 150 0.5 mm 150 0.75 mm 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 0 0 0 0 -50 -50 -50 -50 -100 -100 -100 -100 -150 D2O H2O -1 0 1 150 -150 -1 0 1 150 1.5 mm -150 -1 0 1 150 2 mm 100 100 100 50 50 50 0 0 0 -50 -50 -50 -100 -100 -100 -150 -1 0 1 -150 -1 0 1 -150 -150 1 mm -1 0 1 2.5 mm -1 0 1 Bias [V] ln(Conductance [ο-1]) Figure S10. I-V curve KIE data for all of the measured inter-electrode separation distances. 300000 -ZIm [ο] Current [nA] 150 200000 35ο°C 30ο°C 25ο°C 20ο°C 15ο°C -12.6 -12.8 Ea=0.31 eV -13.0 -13.2 -13.4 3.28 3.36 3.44 1000/T [K-1] 100000 0 15ο°C 35ο°C 0 150000 300000 450000 600000 750000 ZReal [ο] Figure S11. Temperature dependence of the EIS for a 1.5 mm inter-electrode separation distance. The inset shows the activation energy of the process by fitting to an Arrhenius equation. 31 0.3 Current [οA] 0.2 0.1 b 15C 20C 25C 30C 35C -18.2 ln(Conductance [S]) a 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -18.4 Ea=0.29 eV -18.6 -18.8 -19.0 -0.3 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 3.25 Bias [V] 3.30 3.35 3.40 3.45 3.50 -1 1000/T [K ] Figure S12. (a) Temperature dependence of I-V data for a 0.75 mm inter-electrode separation distance. (b) The carrier transport activation energy (~0.29 eV) was estimated by an Arrhenius fit (red line) to the extracted conductance data (filled squares). 32 −1 πππ A πππ D A B log kPT Over-barrier Under-barrier 1/T Figure S13. (a) Schematic representation for proton transfer mechanisms from proton donor (D) to acceptor (A). The bottom straight arrow represents under the barrier proton transfer, characterized by a large proton transfer rate (πππ ) in the order of 0.3-1×1012. The curved arrows represent the trajectory of over the barrier proton transfer. In the latter case the proton interacts with the barrier and resides thereon, resulting in a much longer proton lifetime (πππ ). 33 100 98 Intensity 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumber [cm-1] Figure S14. FTIR spectrum of a dry BSA mat. The inset bracket identifies vibrational modes associated with charged amino acids. The peaks around 1640 and 1530 cm-1 correspond to amide I (CβO stretching) and amide II (CβN stretching, NβH bending) moities respectively. Supplemental References [1] S. Fleischer, A. Shapira, O. Regev, N. Nseir, E. Zussman, T. Dvir, Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2014, 111, 1246-1257. [2] E. Pines, D. Huppert, N. Agmon, J. Chem. Phys. 1988, 88, 5620-5630. [3] N. Agmon, E. Pines, D. Huppert, J. Chem. Phys. 1988, 88, 5631-5638. 34