MALTA Maltese Tax Law leading to Opportunities to Invest via Malta ACEE 4 June 2010 Session Agenda ► Country background and business environment ► Taxation of Companies / Individuals on operations run via Malta ► Key characteristics of a private company ► Holding regime - participation exemption ► Full imputation and tax refundable system ► Planning opportunities ► Taxation of individuals ► ► Permanent Resident Scheme ► Expatriates working in Malta VAT Yacht Leasing Scheme Page 2 Country background and business environment Country Background ► ► ► ► Malta is a small and densely-populated island comprising an archipelago of three islands in the Mediterranean Sea. A country of Southern Europe, Malta lies south of Sicily, east of Tunisia, and north of Libya. This strategic position has allowed Malta to develop as an important trading post. Indeed, the Malta Freeport is one of the Mediterranean’s leading ports for container transhipments. Malta, in the heart of the Mediterranean, is a melting pot of civilisations with a history stretching back thousands of years and has been inhabited since around 5200 BC. Malta became independent in 1964 and joined the European Union on 1st May 2004. Although it is the smallest member in size and population, it is well placed to reap the benefits from EU accession and embark on a path of rapid growth. Its human capital and geographical location place it in a favourable position in this regard. Malta joined the Eurozone on 1st January 2008. Valletta, the capital, is the cultural, administrative and commercial centre of the archipelago. Malta is well served with harbours, chief of which is the Valletta Grand Harbour. Malta’s international airport is situated five kilometres away from the capital. The last census held estimated a resident population of Malta of around 410,000. The national language is Maltese but English is recognised as an official language. Italian is also fluently spoken and written while French, Spanish and German are also spoken by a substantial number of people. Page 4 Business environment ► ► ► Page 5 Malta joined EU on 1 May 2004. Maltese tax laws are in full compliance with the EU rules on harmful tax practices and illegal state aid. Part of the European Monetary Union as of 1 January 2008 having Euro as its official currency No exchange control restrictions. Taxation of Companies / Individuals on operations run via Malta Summary of Main Advantages ► No withholding taxes (D, I & R); ► Flexibility ► Participation exemption (ncludes local PE too); ► Refund based on Malta tax not Malta tax paid; ► Various refunds (Full, 6/7ths, 5/7ths, 2/3rds) ► Benefits apply to branches ► Benefits apply to certain types of partnerships ► Remittance basis of taxation for Companies / Individuals ► Wide definition of ‘trading activities’ ► Wide treaty network (57),10 treaties in pipeline. System is not complicated ► ► ► ► ► Page 7 No thin capitalization rules No debt to equity ratios No complex transfer pricing rules No CFC rules Taxation of corporations (general) ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Malta levies tax on any income accruing or derived from Malta or elsewhere (worldwide income) on resident companies. Definition of tax residency under domestic law: An incorporation test is applied for companies registered in Malta. A management and control test is applied for companies registered abroad. Management and control from Malta implies that all important decisions must be taken from Malta. Substance requirements should be considered from the angle of the other jurisdictions involved. As a minimum, the directors’ meetings should take place in Malta and the majority of directors to be residents of Malta or physically present. Standard (Corporate) Income Tax at 35% for all corporate taxpayers. Basis of determining taxable income of tax residents: worldwide income from business activities based on financial statements (IFRS based). Income is allocated to different tax accounts. All business expenses incurred to generate taxable income deductible (provided at arm’s length basis). Income Tax on capital gains (one law for both IT and CG) at the rate of 35% on certain capital gains. Malta operates a full imputation and refundable system of taxation. Participation exemption rules are also in place. Tax losses may be carried forward indefinitely. No carry back of tax losses is allowed. Group loss relief is available between Maltese tax resident companies provided that a number of conditions are met. No other state or local taxes. Maltese resident companies eligible to apply EU Directives on direct taxation. Page 8 Taxation of corporations (general) ► ► ► ► ► ► ► No withholding taxes on dividend payments to non-residents. No withholding taxes on interest or royalty payments to non residents provided that the foreign company receiving the dividend does not have a permanent establishment in Malta. No tax in Malta on profit arising on the sale of shares in a Maltese company provided that the assets (of the company whose shares are sold) do not consist wholly or principally (>50%) of immovable property situated in Malta. Exemption from tax when there in an approved reorganisation and transfer of assets within a >50% group provided that there is no change in the ultimate shareholders. Stamp duty (2%) only on instruments/ agreements relating to the transfer of real estate situated in Malta or transfer of shares in companies whose assets consist wholly or principally of real estate situated in Malta. Interest expense associated with the financing of investments would not be deductible if the dividend income qualifies for participation exemption. However, a company engaged in both holding and financing activities would reasonably be able to set-off interest expense without restrictions (i.e. even if no profit margin is left in the Maltese company). A Letter of Understanding is recommended. No anti-tax haven legislation - back-to back loan arrangements with low or zero tax jurisdictions is possible (safe harbor rule 3% - 5% on gross income). It is recommended to confirm this with the Maltese authorities by obtaining a Letter of Understanding. Page 9 Incorporation of a (private) company ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Registration fees (capital duty) are payable only on registered nominal/authorized share capital (i.e. for authorized share capital up to €1,500, the registration fee is €245). There is also an annual fee (i.e. for authorized share capital up to €1,500, the annual fee is €100). Any capital contribution through other ways (like share premium contributions) will not be subject to registration fees. Set-up a newly incorporated company (15 to 20 working days) Purchase an existing (of the shelf/empty) company (4-5 working days) (not usual) Detailed client identification information to be provided Completion of company formation questionnaire Approval of Registrar of Companies required Appointment of local representative (trust company/corporate service provider) Registered office must be in Malta Limited liability company with a minimum capital requirement of €1,165 Capital may be denominated in any currency; ‘One stop shop’ ensures a quick registration process. Page 10 Filing Requirements ► ► ► ► ► Accounts kept in same currency in which share capital is denominated; Audited financial statements to be submitted to Registrar of Companies and tax authorities; Companies with a December year end must submit the tax return by September of the following year (October if filed electronically); Tax payment and refund effected in same currency; Refunds effected within 14 days from end of month in which it becomes due. Page 11 Holding Regime Holding regime - Participation exemption ► Participation exemption was introduced as of January 2007 and extended to local companies in March 2010. ► Dividend income and capital gains from “participating holding” are subject to tax but completely exempt if certain conditions are met - see later. ► Should be subject to tax as this is a prerequisite to apply the Parent-Subsidiary Directive. ► Participation exemption is optional. A company which is eligible to benefit from the PE may opt to pay tax on income/gains from the participating holding and the shareholder claims a full refund of the tax (when Malta HoldCo pays a dividend). Will depend on the tax jurisdiction of the parent (its CFC rules and how they treat refund of tax). Page 13 Holding regime - Participating Holding ► What is a “participating holding”? ► Foreign dividends received by Malta Holdco from a ‘‘participating holding’’ are treated as exempt if Malta Holdco satisfies one of the following conditions: 1. owns directly at least 10% of the equity shares of the subsidiary; or is an equity shareholder in a company and has an option to call for and acquire the balance of the entire equity shares of that company; or is an equity shareholder in a company and is entitled to first refusal over the balance of the equity shares of that company; or is an equity shareholder of the subsidiary and is entitled to either sit on the Board of Directors or appoint a person to sit on the board of that company; or acquired the company for a cost which exceeded circa €1,165,000 and holds the equity for an uninterrupted period of not less than 183 days; or is an equity shareholder in a company and the shareholding is held for the furtherance of its own business and not as trading stock. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Equity holding means (any two of) the right to vote, to profits available on distribution to shareholders and to assets available on winding up of that company. Page 14 Holding regime - Participating Holding (cont’d) Anti-abuse provision only for dividends (and not for capital gains) was introduced that provides that the PE would apply if the company in which the participating holding is held satisfies any one of the following conditions: (1) it is resident or incorporated in a country or territory which forms part of the European Union; or (2) it is subject to any foreign tax of at least fifteen per cent (15%); or (3) it does not have more than fifty per cent (50%) of its income derived from passive interest or royalties. Where none of the conditions set out before are satisfied, then both of the following two conditions must be satisfied: (1) the equity holding by the company registered in Malta in the body of persons not resident in Malta is not a portfolio investment, For this purpose, the holding of shares by a company registered in Malta in a body of persons not resident in Malta which derives more than fifty per cent of its income from portfolio investments shall be deemed to be a portfolio investment; and (2) the body of persons not resident in Malta or its passive interest or royalties have been subject to any foreign tax at a rate which is not less than five per cent (5%). Page 15 Holding regime - refunds ► Where the investment held does not meet the definition of a “participation holding” (or when a company is engaged in trading in investments), a 6/7th refund of the Malta tax paid would be payable to the shareholder upon payment of a dividend by MaltaCo. The refund is reduced to 2/3rd of Malta tax paid when the Maltese company has availed itself of any form of double tax relief. ► Where the participating holding fails to meet the anti-abuse provisions, a 5/7th refund of the Malta tax paid would be payable to the shareholder upon payment of a dividend by MaltaCo. The refund is reduced to 2/3rd of Malta tax paid when the Maltese company has availed itself of any form of double tax relief. Page 16 Exit strategies (a) Sale of shares by non-residents in Malta HoldCo - No tax in Malta unless Malta HoldCo assets consist (directly or indirectly) wholly or principally of real estate situated in Malta. No stamp duty liability. (b) Sale of shares in Malta OpCo – No tax in Malta via the local participation exemption unless Malta OpCo assets consist (directly or indirectly) wholly or principally of real estate situated in Malta. No stamp duty liability. (c) Sale of shares in foreign subsidiaries - No adverse tax consequences in Malta provided that the foreign company qualifies as a participating holding. Tax-free distribution of gain. (d) Voluntary liquidation of Malta HoldCo - There would be no adverse tax consequences in Malta provided that the shares of Malta HoldCo would be held directly or indirectly by a non-resident and the Maltese company’s assets do not consist wholly or principally of real estate located in Malta. (e) Transfer of registered office out of Malta - No adverse tax consequences provided no real estate is held in Malta – as mentioned above. Page 17 Full imputation system and the tax refundable credit system of taxation Full Imputation System ►Company distributes profits in the form of dividends; ►Company issues dividend warrant to shareholder; ►Company pays income tax to Inland Revenue; ►Shareholder declares dividend gross of income tax; ►Self assessment; ►Full credit for tax at source; ►Excess Page 19 tax is refunded to shareholder. Full Imputation - an example Malta operates both a territorial system of taxation as well as a residence based system of taxation thus dividends paid by a Maltese company are subject to tax in Malta. However, Malta operates the full imputation system. ► Company PROFIT BEFORE TAX 1,000 TAX THEREON AT 35% 350 PROFIT AFTER TAX 650 GROSS DIVIDEND TAX @ 35 % Shareholder CREDIT FOR T.A.S. TAX PAYABLE Page 20 1,000 350 (350) 0 Distribution of profits – Refund of tax ► Shareholders are entitled to a refund of Maltese tax whenever a Malta company makes an actual distribution. The following refunds are available: 6/7 refund provided that double tax relief is not claimed; 5/7 refund if dividend consists of “passive interest or royalties” and provided double tax relief is not claimed; 5/7 refund when the participating holding does not satisfy the anti-abuse provisions; 2/3 refund when income (source of income paid as dividend) has been allocated to the Foreign Income Account and has availed itself of any form of double tax treaty relief. ► Refunds effected within 14 days from end of month in which it becomes due. Page 21 Refunds to shareholders Full refund COMPANY SHAREHOLDER 1000 1000 1000 Tax @ 35 % 350 350 350 Profit After Tax 650 650 650 Gross dividend 1000 1000 1000 Tax @ 35% 350 350 350 (350) (350) (350) 0 0 0 (350) (300) (250) 350 1000 350 (350) (300) (250) 0 50 100 Credit for tax at source Refund of company tax Tax paid by the company Refund received by shareholder Effective tax paid in Malta Page 22 5/7 refund Profit Before Tax Balance refundable SUMMARY 6/7 refund Double Taxation Relief 1 Treaty relief 2 Commonwealth relief 3 Unilateral relief 4 Flat rate foreign tax credit Page 23 Relief by way of credit Credit cannot exceed Malta tax on the foreign income Bilateral relief - based on treaty (some treaties provide for both withholding and underlying tax relief) Unilateral relief on foreign withholding tax as well as underlying tax on tax suffered on profits. 10% minimum shareholding requirement for underlying tax relief . Flat Rate Foreign Tax Credit (FRFTC)- deemed credit given on foreign income even if not subject to tax. The credit is limited to 85% of Malta tax payable (examples given later). Tax Treaties in Force Albania Australia Austria Barbados Belgium Bulgaria Canada China Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Estonia Finland France Germany Georgia Greece Page 24 Hungary Iceland India Ireland Isle of Man * Italy Jordan * Korea Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Libya Lithuania Luxembourg Malaysia Montenegro Morocco Netherlands Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal Qatar Romania San Marino Serbia * Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland * Syria Tunisia United Arab Emirates United Kingdom USA * Flat Rate Foreign Tax Credit - FRFTC ► FRFTC is equal to 25% of the income or capital gains before any expenses; ► Income or gains which the company is specifically empowered to receive and are attributable to the foreign income account; ► Certificate issued by a certified public accountant (auditor) that income or gain falls to be allocated to the FIA is sufficient; ► FRFTC is added to income or gain and given as a credit against the Malta tax; ► Credit is limited to 85% of Malta tax payable. Page 25 FRFTC / 2/3 refund- an example COMPANY INCOME / GAINS 1000 FLAT RATE FOREIGN TAX CREDIT 250 TAXABLE PROFIT 1250 TAX THEREON AT 35% 437,5 FLAT RATE FOREIGN TAX CREDIT (250) TAX PAYABLE 187,5 GROSS DIVIDEND 1000 TAX @ 35% 350 CREDIT FOR TAX AT SOURCE SHAREHOLDER Page 26 TAX PAYABLE (350) 0 TWO THIRDS REFUND OF COMPANY TAX * (125) TOTAL REFUND (125) EFFECTIVE TAX PAID IN MALTA 62,5 Advance Revenue Ruling ► An advance revenue ruling may be obtained from the tax authorities on the following matters: ►participating holding; ►tax treatment of a transaction which concerns any financial instrument or other security; ►tax treatment of any transaction which involves international business. An advance revenue ruling is: ►given ►valid within 30 days; for a period of 5 years; ►renewable ►binding for a further period of 5 years; for 2 years from any change in the legislation. The above do not apply to a letter of understanding but a letter of understanding would create a right to legitimate expectations. Page 27 Planning Opportunities Financing/Royalty Structures Financing / Royalty activities ► A Maltese company may carry out other activities in addition to the holding of a participation such as intra-group financing ► 5/7th refund ► What is “Passive interest or royalties”? No detailed interpretation but NOT passive if: - Foreign withholding tax on interest/ royalties received is at least 5% OR - Interest or royalty is not derived, directly or indirectly, from a trade or business. (If from trade or business 6/7th refund applies) ► Letter of Understanding is definitely recommended No complex transfer pricing legislation ► Interest margin arising in Malta can be very low on back to back financing ► Interest-free loans are likely to be challenged by the tax authorities Page 29 Intra-group Financing Expected outcome Loans provided to overseas subsidiaries of Foreign groups can be made at minimal tax burden. Application of the structure Foreign Group Equity ► MaltaCo is established and capitalised via Distribution MaltaCo Loan Sub A Page 30 Loan Sub B equity to provide loans to the Foreign Groups’ foreign subsidiaries (may be based in high-tax jurisdictions). ► ETR of 5% in Malta after distribution of dividends to Group. ► The provision of loan finance by MaltaCo treated as a trading activity by Malta Tax Authorities. Example of Tax Refund Mechanism 6/7 Ref 2/3 Ref 1,000 1,000 N/A 250 1,000 1,250 TAX THEREON AT 35% 350 437,5 FLAT RATE FOREIGN TAX CREDIT N/A (250) TAX PAYABLE 350 187,5 1,000 1,000 350 350 (350) (350) 0 0 6/7 or 2/3 REFUND (300) (125) TOTAL REFUND (300) (125) 50 62,5 INCOME / GAINS COMPANY FLAT RATE FOREIGN TAX CREDIT TAXABLE PROFIT GROSS DIVIDEND TAX @ 35% SHAREHOLDER CREDIT FOR TAX AT SOURCE TAX PAYABLE EFFECTIVE TAX PAID IN MALTA If no expenses: 6/7 (5%) is better than 2/3 (6,25%) which is better than 5/7th (10%) Page 31 Example of Tax Refund Mechanism with B-t-B Low Tax FinCo grants a loan of €1 million to Malta FinCo at interest rate of 5%. Malta Fin Co grants loan of €1 million to subsidiaries at an interest rate of 5.25%. 6/7 Refund 2/3 Refund 52,500 52,500 Gross up [(52,500 – 50000) x 0.4235 ] N/A 1,059 Gross Interest Income N/A 53,559 (50,000) (50,000) 2,500 3,559 Malta Tax at 35% 875 1,245 FRFTC N/A (1,059) Tax payable in Malta 875 186 Tax refund (6/7 or 2/3) 750 122 Tax suffered in Malta 125 64 0.24% 0.12% 5% 1.75% Interest Income Interest Payable Chargeable Income (allocated to FIA) Effective Tax rate on Interest Income Effective Tax rate on Chargeable Income Page 32 Dual – resident Taxation on a receipt basis “In the case of income arising outside of Malta to a person who is not ordinarily resident in Malta or not domiciled in Malta, the tax shall be payable on the amount receivable in Malta” ► “ No tax shall be payable on capital gains arising outside Malta to a person who is not ordinarily resident in Malta or not domiciled in Malta” ► Applies to Companies incorporated outside Malta but managed and controlled from Malta. ► Page 33 Substance requirements ► Maintain an office, books and records, directors, bank account, board meetings etc. Should be explored from the angle of the other jurisdictions Dual - resident company Foreign Parent Equity IP Contribution • Company incorporated in Ireland but M&C from Malta •Financing / Royalty company taxed only on income received in Malta Malta • No tax in Ireland since not Ireland considered resident. Loan & License • Letter of Understanding should be obtained . Page 34 EU Interest & Royalties FOREIGN BANK ACCOUNT Trading Activities ► A Maltese company may be used to carry out trading activities in and outside Malta. ► Income from trading activities outside Malta is allocated to the Foreign Income Account. ► 6/7ths / 2/3rds refund upon re-distribution. ► 0% WHT on any outbound distributions. Page 35 Trading Activities Foreign Co No WHT in Malta Distribution Equity Malta HoldCo Distribution Equity Malta OpCo Foreign branch Page 36 6/7ths / 2/3rds refund upon re-distribution to Malta HoldCo ETR 5%/6.25% Taxation of individuals Maltese Permanent Residence Scheme Conditions ► ► Income Qualification ► An annual income of circa €23,500; or ► A proven Capital of €150,000. (This Capital need not be brought into Malta.) Annual Income Remitted to Malta ► ► Acquisition / Rental of Property ► ► ► The minimum is circa €14,000 per person plus circa € 2,400 per dependent. PRs must either own a residence valued at not > €116,500 for a house or €70,000 in the case of an apartment, or alternatively, may lease or rent premises for not > € 4,200 per annum. No Business / Political engagements in Malta ► ► Page 38 may not work or otherwise engage in business in Malta, and may not be involved in political activities in Malta. Maltese Permanent Residence Scheme ► A very low income tax rate ► ► Double Taxation Relief ► ► ► ► ► (15% on remittances – subject to a minimum of €4,200 pa); (close to 50 Treaties concluded); Exemption from Customs Duty on the Importation of Household Effects (6 months); Exemption from Customs Duty and VAT on the Importation of certain vehicles; A low VAT Rate (18%); No Estate Duty, Mortgage taxes, Provincial Taxes, Land Duty and Property Taxes. ► ► Page 39 The Maltese taxation system does not envisage Estate Duties, Mortgage Taxes, Provincial Taxes, Municipal taxes, Net Worth or Wealth taxes and Property taxes, but incorporates duty on certain documents and transfers. A Duty on Documents and Transfers, amounting to 5% of the market value, is payable on the transfer of immovable property. Duty of 2% is payable on the transfer of shares in a Maltese limited liability company. Duty on Documents and Transfers is also due by heirs upon inheritance of immovable property and shares. Duty will be due at the rate of 5% in the case of immovable property and 2% in the case of shares. VAT Yacht Leasing Scheme Yacht Finance Leasing Scheme - Conditions In order for these guidelines to apply the following conditions must be satisfied: ► ► ► ► ► ► The Operating Company purchases the Yacht. The Yacht is leased via a finance lease. The boat must come to Malta, preferably at the start of the lease agreement; The lessor must be a Maltese company; The lessee may be an individual or a company. Prior approval from the Commissioner of VAT is required. The Commissioner will confirm the rate applicable as well as the acceptability of the value of the craft as declared. A valuation certificate of the yacht must be submitted with the approval application; Page 41 Yacht Finance Leasing Scheme - Conditions ► ► ► ► ► ► The lessee must pay to the lessor an initial contribution of 50% of the value of the yacht; The lease instalments are payable each month up to a maximum of 36 months; Monthly lease charges by the lessor to the lessee are subject to VAT at rates ranging from 5.4% - 18% depending on deemed use within / outside EU territorial waters. The lessor is expected to make a profit from the lease agreement; The final purchase value of the yacht, if purchased, must be at least equal to 1% of the original value of the pleasure craft and this will be subject to the full 18% VAT rate. At the end of the lease period, the lessee may opt to purchase the craft at a % of the original price. The VAT Dept will issue a VAT paid certificate. Page 42 Yacht Finance Leasing Scheme Length of Yacht/ Sailing/Motor Boats Over 24m Between 20.01m & 24m Between 10.01m & 20m Sailing boats up to 10m Craft Permitted to sail in protected waters only Page 43 % of lease subject to VAT 30% 40% 50% 60% 100% Effective Rate of VAT 5.4% 7.2% 9.0% 10.8% 18% Summary of Main Advantages ► No withholding taxes (D, I & R); ► Flexibility ► Participation exemption (now includes local PE too); ► Refund based on Malta tax not Malta tax paid; ► Various refunds (Full, 6/7ths, 5/7ths, 2/3rds) ► Benefits apply to branches ► Benefits apply to certain types of partnerships ► Remittance basis of taxation for DRC’s / Individuals ► Wide definition of ‘trading activities’ ► Wide treaty network (57),10 treaties in pipeline. System is not complicated ► ► ► ► ► Page 44 No thin capitalization rules No debt to equity ratios No complex transfer pricing rules No CFC rules PRACTICAL APPLICATION BANKING ► ► the number of banks based in Malta has risen from 16 in 2004 to 24 in 2010. From the back office roles in the beginning now foreign banks in Malta seek to run specialised aspects of the group's global operations. the Electronic Money legislation enables the setting up of online stockbroking, credit card companies and other money institutions. Page 46 FUNDS INDUSTRY ► ► ► ► ► ► reputation as a European fund domicile is rising fast as the funds industry has climbed from 48 investments funds in 2003 to over 400 today, with some Euro6 billion under management. As part of the declared Vision 2015, Malta is experiencing growth in the fund business of 36% per annum. Malta is securely established as a prime onshore domicile with a sophisticated regulatory regime practical enough to suit Hedge Funds. This coupled with passporting rights for UCITS certified funds makes Malta a serious contender for cross-border and international fund business. The UCITS IV Framework Directive provides the Maltese Financial Services sector with an impetus for growth. Complete flexibility of fund administration. Presence of 16 Funds administrators in Malta including Customs House, Praxis, Apex. However funds registered in Malta need not use the services of locally based administrators. Administrators based in Malta are not limited to servicing funds domiciled in Malta. As the funds industry consolidates the trend away from offshore jurisdictions and towards wellregulated, onshore locations Malta has seen a significant migration of funds into the island. This is facilitated by the island's eight year old company redomiciliation legislation which practically leaves management, ownership, structures, assets of the company (fund) largely unaffected and at minimum time and cost. A number of large MNC already have a presence in Malta – largely through treasury, insurance or holding companies Page 47 TRUSTS AND FOUNDATIONS ► ► ► ► ► ► Malta is a most effective civil law wealth management jurisdiction as the growing number of wealthy continental business families registering their trusts in Malta can prove. Through Trusts legislation one can set up an Anglo Saxon type of trust which predominantly detaches the owner from involvement in the trust's direction. The Foundation legislation offers a good alternative to wealthy people from Continental civil law jurisdictions who wish to maintain a level of control on the direction of the estate. Regulation of both Trusts and Foundation is sophisticated which affords our clients trustworthy vehicles which provide both certainty and security. There is also effective re-domiciliation legislation which facilitates the smooth transfer of trusts from offshore jurisdictions to onshore EU Malta. There are over 100 Maltese and International companies licenced to offer trust and trustee services in Malta including Maitland Group, Sovereign Group, and Dominion. Page 48 INSURANCE ► ► ► ► ► Malta offers a prime international domicile. The insurance sector in Malta has doubled over 3 years with Euro670 million in premiums in 2009 mainly generated through increased international and captive insurance business. Malta has attracted global giants such as AON, Marsh and Munich Re as both a captive and reinsurance location. Passporting rights through EU membership and Redomiciliaition provisions facilitate setting up in Malta. Presence of renowned Insurance managers on the island such as AON, Marsh, Willis, Heath Lambert and Heritage. Protected Cell Company legislation. Page 49 MARITIME AND AVIATION ► ► ► ► Malta is home to the second largest international ship register in Europe. Superyacht Incentives and VAT certificate legislation With the presence of Lufthansa Technic and SR Technic Malta is gaining a reputation for aircraft maintenance Following on from the maritime register, Malta is confidently moving into aircraft registration to participate in the ever increasing number of private and corporate business jet owners who are seeking a European base. Page 50 KNOWLEDGE INDUSTRY ► ► ► ► ► ► A new biotechnology park, or Life Science Centre, is to be built close to the the University of Malta and is scheduled for completion in 2013 Dubai Tecom are investing USD300 million on developing a Smart City, an IT village which is to commence operating in 2010 and scheduled for completion in 2020 Pharmaceutical companies setting up in Malta now export Euro168 million In ICT, Malta is considered as one the EU front runners in terms of IT adoption and regulatory framework for electronic money and electronic institutions Malta's IT industry is dominated by software activities and Microsoft, Cisco and Oracle have all established a significant presence on the island with the aim of using Malta as a R & D testing ground for eGovernment solutions Last year alone, around €1 billion were invested in ICT businesses Page 51 TOURISM AND REGENERATION ► By 2015, the tourism industry will be facing fresh challenges, competing with new destinations and product offerings, and dealing with new operators and customer trends. There will be strong investment in tourism areas and in the restoration and upkeep of heritage sites such as The Grand Harbour and Marsamxett harbour projects, Dock No. 1 in Vittoriosa. and others. Incidentally this dock belonged to the Malta Drydocks which has recently been rationalised and privatised and acquired by the Italian ship repair company Palumbo S.p.a Page 52 MANUFACTURING ► ► ► ► Malta is moving in the direction of high-value-added production, which offers higher pay for greater skills, in sectors that include pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and sophisticated technology. Incentives, Grants, EU Schemes Rented premises and factories Page 53 Thank you Mario P. Galea In case of questions please contact me on Tel : + 356 2134 2134 E-mail : Happy to meet your clients about a Malta solution anywhere. Page 54