Maher Armoush - Qatar Academy

Maher Armoush 20112012
Maher Armoush
(The Effects of Smoking)
Qatar Academy
(3490 words without Work sited
and Appendices)
Maher Armoush 20112012
Table of Contents
Pg: 3
Selection of sources
Pg: 6
Application of Information
Pg: 9
Achieving the Goal
Pg: 10
Reflection on Learning
Pg: 21
Sources Cited
Pg: 23
o Evidence of product (If needed)
o Selection of Journals
Pg: 25
Pg: 25
Maher Armoush 20112012
We all have heard about the harmful affects of smoking on humans, whether seen on
TV, in school presentations and lectures, bill boards, etc.… But yet, people still choose to smoke
and cause harm to themselves and others. My personal project topic is the effects of smoking
on humans and lung cancer. The reason I selected this topic is that a couple of months ago a
dear relative of mine past away from lung cancer because of smoking. My grandmother, who
was the last of my grandparents, was a victim of this disease as the millions of other people
that are suffering from this fatal issue. I grew up watching my grandmother smoke as she used
to come visit us in the USA, and I remember times were my dad would beg here to stop
smoking and tried to show her pictures of what was happening to her lungs as she smoked and
she said she didn’t want to see them. I think this was because she knew she had a problem and
tried various amounts of time to quit but unfortunately she was unable to do so. In response to
this experience of seeing my grandmother in the hospital suffering from lung cancer for over
two years, I decided to choose this topic for my personal project.
My Goal is to learn more about the harmful effects of smoking and it’s fatal affect to
humans. To achieve my goal I will communicate my research in a persuasive way showing the
audience the effect of smoking on there heath by means of a short video film, that could be
used to encourage the viewers to either quit or stop smoking. After creating my video I will
broadcast it to viewers on “YouTube” and record their comments (if any) and the number of
views to see if my video had any impact on the viewers.
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There are many ways I could have approached this topic and ways of communicating my
findings to my audience. Such as a long documentary video, a website, blog, etc…. and since
studies show that visual media has a greater effect on the viewers than a written article in
newspaper or magazine. I choose to convey my message in means of a short video film. What
is good about this idea of a short video method is that it was going to be fast, easily
understood, and persuasive. I want this short video to be very effective to the audience and
won’t bore them. I previously did some research and found a video that was like a commercial
that showed the audience what taking drugs does to your brain, and it stuck with viewers for a
very long time like a symbolized expression.
As I mentioned before, I was going to look into the effects of smoking on the human
health, my topic best fits into the context of the Area of Interaction (AOI) Heath and Social
Education. The AOI Heath and Social Education focuses on different aspects leading us to a
healthier life, and looks at the key questions “How do I think and act?”, “How am I changing?”,
and “How can I look after myself and others?”. This Area of Interaction connects well to my goal
and topic because I will be looking at smoking which is considered to be one of the biggest
impacts on the human health, which falls within the key question “How can I look after myself
and others”. Also the social side of my project is broadcasting my video to the public and the
society encouraging them to quit smoking by showing them the effect of smoking on their
heath, and those who receive the message of my video maybe impacted to pursue a healthier
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The specifications I will use to evaluate the outcome on are:
 Ideal length: Between 3-5 minutes
How It relates to my goal
For my personal project I wanted to focus on
making a short to the point video, instead of a
long documentary film because shorter videos
tend to have better response rates to people.
 Inclusion of Factual information
Facts often help or support what the video is
trying to do, as people are going to believe
facts that are true rather then an opinion. In
my goal I stated that I wanted to use
persuasive language, by using facts and
statistics it shows the viewer the effect and
they are more likely to take in consideration of
quitting. It also relates back to my AOI of
Heath and social education.
 Nicely edited film such as the titles,
subtitles, etc…
Presenting the information is one of the most
important parts of my project because the
way the information is presented will impact
the way that viewers will see this issue to be.
By having a nice organized edited film it
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attracts people to come and view it.
 Good plot well planned
Having a good plot will also help the impact on
the viewers to be stronger.
 Uses persuasive language not like a
In my goal statement I stated that I wanted to
make a video that could be used to encourage
the viewers to quit smoking. Part of this will
be by using persuasive language.
 Views/Feedback from the viewers of
the video
As part of my goal I wanted my video to reach
as many people as it could. So I thought that
the best way to do this would be to place the
video onto YouTube.
Selection of Sources
Throughout my project, I interviewed and met with people that helped me with three
main parts of my personal project they are; my research, video interview, and with the
preparation of the video. Two main Doctors helped me with my research, Dr. Giorgia
Francesconi and Dr. Majdi Ashour. Dr. Giorgia is a specialist in internal medicine that did her
thesis on the topic of smoking. (Source 4) She has a vast experience with the topic. Dr. Giorgia
gave her statement in my Infomercial. She is a primary source and reliable because she has
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done research on this topic and has done her report on the effects of smoking on the human
Dr. Majdi Ashour is a doctor working for Hamad Hospital’s Stop Smoking Clinic, he
accounts for a primary source in my project.(Source 1) Benefits of this source include, he deals
with smokers all the time, and helps smokers quit. These interviews were relevant to my goal
because it helped me get my message across to the viewers, by having experienced
professional’s talk about the subject. My audience would more likely consider quitting after
hearing what professionals had to say about the topic.
Also for preparation of the video I met with two main people Mrs. Fletcher and
Abdurahman Megahad. Mrs. Fletcher is a film teacher at Qatar Academy that helped me get
started with the new software final cut pro. (Source 3) Since Mrs. Fletcher teaches film classes
and has been using this software for a long time making her a very reliable source for my
project. She is a primary source. Abdurahman Megahad helped me with the different effects in
my video he taught me how to do effects such as Color to monochrome subtitles, and title.
(Source 5)
Throughout my project I used different websites to research statistics and facts of the
effects of smoking to include in my video. The two main sites are from the “CDC”(Centers for
disease control and prevention) and WHO(World Health Organization).
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The CDC is a health organization formed in the USA in1942, to provide people with factual
information about diseases to help prevent them. On the CDC website they have an area
explaining the effects of cigarette smoking and provide up-to-date statistics for viewers to see.
This source is a secondary source and is reliable because they are a well known organization,
that targets to help people live healthier and better lives. (Source 2)
The WHO is the United Nations heath organization it was established in 1948. The World
Heath Organization’s mission is to help all countries reach the best level of health they can get.
On their Western Pacific Region page they have recent statistics on the effects of smoking on
our health. This source is a primary source and is reliable because the information given is from
experienced professionals that look at all aspects of health including smoking. (Source 9)
As part of my meeting with Dr. Majdi Ashour, he gave me different pamphlets that
contained looks of information and statistics about my topic smoking. The main two pamphlets
I got were “Second hand smoke” and “Quit Smoking Today”. The Quit Smoking Today (Source 6)
Pamphlet contained information about what happens at different periods of time when you
quit, and tips on how to handle quitting. The second pamphlet contained information about
second hand smoking (Source 7) and statistics on the issue. Both of these sources are primary
sources and are reliable because these pamphlets are from the supreme council of Heath in
Qatar and are sponsored by Pfizer.
Maher Armoush 20112012
Application of information
As stated above in my selection of sources I used a variety of different resources to
gather a high level of information on my topic, these sources rang from many different people,
media websites, and text sources. These sources as well as others helped me make keen
decisions to help me achieve my goal.
During my meetings with Dr. Giorgia, I was able to gain a lot of information from her on
the topic, and we went through different topics that could be included in my video. I had to
decide on which topics to include, because those topics would be what Dr. Giorgia would talk
about in her statement as part of my video. (See Appendices 4 and 11 ) Part of my goal was to
use persuasive language to encourage the viewers to quit smoking. I choose to have Dr. Giorgia
give her statement, because the viewer is more likely to believe and get affected on what a
professional states, rather then a non-professional. And the topics I choose where the main and
most important, in order for the video to have a big effect on the viewers.
The CDC organization and the world health organization provided me with lots of
information to help me achieve my goal. Part of this information was statistics, which are very
important for us as humans to see smoking’s effect on us. After I videoed my doctor statement
showing all the aspects Dr. Giorgia and me discussed and planned, I had to decide on which
statistics on both of these sites would be relevant to the topic. In order to encourage someone
to do something you must give him or her facts on why. Like in my case I wanted to encourage
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people to quit smoking, by using of these statistics they would help back up the facts stated in
my video, and show the viewer what smoking has done to society. (See Appendices 6 and 7)
During one of my meeting with Mr. Schwaberow, we discussed different ways in how to
achieve my goal. Mr. Schwaberow suggested that one-way to achieve your goal could be to give
ask the FCD organization, (See appendix 8) when they come to Qatar Academy in late January
to play your video as part of there presentation. Or another way would be to upload the video
to YouTube. I decided on going with the YouTube route because I felt that my video could reach
a much larger audience if it was to be uploaded to YouTube.
Achieving the Goal
Evaluation of the Product to the Design Specification:
1. Ideal length: Between 3-5 minutes
For my product I wanted to focus on making a short video because I learned that a
longer film tends to bore people and has a smaller response rate. My final product was
three minutes and nine seconds (3:09), which falls in the time length I had in my
specification. This specification was an important part of my project because in my goal I
stated I wanted my video to be quick and to the point unlike a documentary film. During
the making of this video I originally got footage that add up to equal 6 minutes but when
I started working in the film lab and editing the length came down.
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2. Inclusion of Factual information
Throughout my video there is lots of information and explanations about the effects of
smoking on the human body. In the video statistics would appear on screen to inform
the viewers on the diseases effect globally. There was many ways I could have approach
this specification in my video such as a voice over etc. but I decided if it appeared on
screen for the viewers to read it would be more effective. Also another point is the
doctors statement, when viewers see that a Doctor that has done her thesis statement
on this issue is explaining there findings, they are more likely to believe it. Again my
video has lots of factual information, and meets this specification.
3. Nicely edited film such as the titles, subtitles, etc…
In a video the editing stage is really important. It’s the different effects that bring out
the effect you want to have on the audience. A lot of the time I spent on my video was
editing it and making it look nice. In my video it has a very nice title (Description: Smoke
passing though as the title appears), Subtitles including the name of the doctor that is
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speaking, and many other effects like fade to black and white (To show that smoking
was a bad thing so in my montage I would fade the clip to black and white as if it was a
crime.), transitions, text appear, and background music that is programmed to lower its
volume as someone is talking.
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4. Good plot well planned
Planning is one of the most important parts of the video making process. Before I
started videoing or getting any footage I made and filled out a video structure sheet.
This helped me organize where things where going to be in my video and also helped
me layout what I wanted to include in my video. This planning sheet also helped me
with editing my video because I did not only place the content of the video but the
description of what it would look like on screen. This planning technique helped my
video to become successful because many of the specifications listed were placed in
there to become part of the video. My product is well planned and has a great plot. The
video is organized as it follows a normal video structure (Title-Beginning-Middle-EffectsConclusion- Tips on how to quit and End).
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5. Uses persuasive language not like a documentary.
This specification was another important aspect of my video. In my goal I stated I
wanted my video to use persuasive unlike a boring documentary. Persuasive language
would encourage the viewers to stop smoking. In my video I used persuasive language
by including facts and examples, when a person realizes the effects of smoking and is
provided with facts he is more likely to consider quitting. Also by using a doctor to talk
about the effects of smoking ensures the viewers that they are telling the truth because
they are specialists. Another way I use Persuasive language is by giving the viewers tips
on how to quit. So the style and language in my video is a persuasive type unlike the
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6. Views/Feedback from the viewers of the video
For my project I got feedback at two main stages, the mid-term submission, and my test
results from YouTube. During the midterm submission I recorded comments from
people that came and viewed my video. Some of these comments were to make a
couple of changes so I recorded them and I would fix them over the break. In my goal I
stated that I wanted to record the comments given by viewers, but I changed that to
comments and views because there are many people that view videos and do not have
YouTube accounts to place comments. Below in my test results you can see the success
of my draft video in YouTube.
Results from Testing:
Below are the statistics showing how successful my video was by the number of people
that have viewed the video. But its not just the number of views but where the video was
viewed (Country), the videos progress over time, Charts distinguishing how many views from
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each gender, the comments I got (2), and where the video was most popular. These charts are
relevant to my goal, because I statement that I would post the video onto YouTube and see
how many views and feedback the video would get. Overall my product meets all the
specifications I set up and given these statistics it shows that the product was successful
because it got a good number of views and many different people all over the world viewed the
video. I would give this product a 4.
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Above is a larger scale performance chart showing the steady incline of the video overtime. It also
includes the top sources as posted in letters.
-Above is a chart showing how the video was found what was typed into the search engine.
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-Above is a chart showing the places in which the video was viewed and the amount of views in that
The above screenshot shows the different playback locations as well as what device was used to
view the video (Mobile Phone, YouTube watch page etc.)
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-Above is a chart showing how many Male viewed the video against the number of females that viewed
the video.
-Above is a map showing where the video was most popular in the world.
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Reflection on Learning
In my goal statement, I wanted to learn more about the harmful effects of smoking and
it’s fatal affect to humans. Before completing this project, I knew some basic effects of smoking
such as lung cancer. This project has extended my knowledge on the topic of smoking. I have
learned that smoking provides nicotine into our blood, which damages all of the cell in our
body. I have also learned that smoking can cause Urinary bladder cancer, and it can cause
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases like asthma and bronchitis. Another effect of smoking
is stroke and cardio vascular diseases that are between the heart and the brain. Pregnant ladies
that smoke cause huge health effects to there babies, like giving birth to an under weight baby
with chronic diseases. As you can see the sources used during this project has helped me gain a
vast amount of information about the topic of smoking, and I was able to communicate my
findings through my video.
Completing this project extended my knowledge about my AOI Heath and Social
Education, by helping me realize that there are many organizations out there trying to raise
awareness about the effects of smoking, to help encourage smokers to quit smoking as part of
health and social education. For example the CDC organization and the WHO organization both
has webpages explaining the effects of smoking, and provide statistics on the topic. On a
personal level, this project helped me realize the fatal affect of smoking and its impact on
society. Families with cancer stricken members suffer emotionally and financially. So this is why
it is important to raise awareness in order to look after myself and others.
Maher Armoush 20112012
As an ATL learner, this project helped me practice all of the ATL skills. The main ATL skills
that were improved are organization, communication, and thinking skills. All these skills
contributed to the success of my personal project.
This project helped me enhance my organizational skills by meeting the deadlines and
milestones of this project. Throughout this project I had to manage time for personal project as
well as the other school subjects. Even though, I still feel that I could use better time
management skills to manage this project and other school subjects to avoid procrastination.
This project also improved my communication skills, as I had to interview several different
professionals like Doctors, film professionals, advisors, and peers. I’m sure this improved skill of
communication will help me in the future interacting with others. By communicating I was able
to get direct answers to my questions, to help me prepare my personal project. Throughout the
course of this project, my thinking skills had improved by being exposed to different situations
that caused me to make certain decisions and to plan for different aspects related to my
personal project. This improvement will help me solve different problems as they come up later
on in my life.
Maher Armoush 20112012
Sources Cited
1. Ashour, Dr. Majdi. "Interview with Dr. Majdi Ashour at Heath Convention." Personal
interview. 30 Nov. 2011.
2. "CDC - Fact Sheet - Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking - Smoking & Tobacco Use."
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 3 Nov. 2011.
3. Fletcher, Mrs. Suzanne. "Learning Sessions on How to Use Final Cut Pro." Personal
interview. Nov.-Dec. 2011.
4. Francesconi, Dr. Giorgia. "Interview about the Effects of Smoking on Humans." Personal
interview. 10 Nov. 2011.
5. Megahed, Abdelrahman. "Learning How to Do Certain Effects in Final Cut Pro." Personal
interview. Nov.-Dec. 2011.
6. Quit Smoking Today. Qatar, Doha: CMD- Supreme Council of Health, 2010. Print.
Sponsored By Pfizer
7. Second Hand Smoke. Qatar: CMD- Supreme Council of Health, 2010. Print. Sponsored
By: Pfizer
8. Shisha (Hookah). Doha, Qatar: CMD- Supreme Council of Health, 2010. Print. Sponsored
By: Pfizer
Maher Armoush 20112012
9. "WHO Western Pacific Region - Fact Sheets - Smoking Statistics." WHO Western Pacific
Region - Home. Web. 6 Nov. 2011.
Maher Armoush 20112012
Video URL:
1. Ical, is a calendar application on Mac. I sometimes used this calendar to organize my time so that I
would have enough time to complete other assignments, with the Personal project Submissions.
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2. During sessions of editing I had to plan when I would come back to the film lab to continue editing. As
shown at the end of the below Journal Entire.
Maher Armoush 20112012
November 22nd- Continuing the editing of my video
After school Abduraman Megahad and me went to the film lab to show me how the techniques on
how to fade the footage to black and white. When we got there he taught me about an effect called
color corrector this effect allows you to edit the color of the video. This effect was located under the
effects window under video filters so I dragged it and placed it over the first clip. Know when I
double clicked on that clip the color corrector was part of its properties.
Know that the color corrector was placed as usual I had to Render the clip. So Abdurahman told me
that under filter properties the color corrector would be there. It also should a timing there I had to
also put the input and output for where I wanted the video to fade.
Abdurahman explained to me that the Saturation bar adjusts that color, so in my video normally it
would be set to 100 as the usual so where I wanted it to fade would fall all the way to zero meaning
no color. When I did that I had to smooth en the time line so it would show the clip turning from
color to non-color slowly. And that worked I rendered and thanked Abdurahman. He had to leave
but know I knew how to do it. I inserted a color corrector into the next clip and following the same
structure I faded it to black and white. But before the full effect could be shown I had to insert a fade
out effect onto the clips. I was able to complete all three clips for the montage.
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Mrs. Fletcher came in and wanted to see how I was doing, she said that the fade was coming out well
and said to continue.
After the fade was complete I could know put in the statistics over those clips. So I inserted a text
effect over each clip and added the text to it, the sive had to be adjusted in order to see the full text on
the screen. After each change I had to render the clip and save. The screen shot below shows how the
text was added before it was placed over the clip.
I had just finished the third statistic and it was time to leave it was 10 past 3:00 and Mrs Flecture had
to lock the film lab. Since I had an assessment to work on tomorrow I would not be able to come and
continue editing so I planed to come on next Sunday November 27 th 2011.
Collaboration Skills:
Communication Skills:
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Thinking Skills:
6. I used the ATL Thinking skills when I was deciding on what aspects to include in my video. I did this
when I filled out My Movie Structure sheet given to me by Mrs. Fletcher.
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Maher Armoush 20112012
8. During the MYP Personal Project Retreat I had to think about which AOI my project would be based
on. As part of the retreat there was a session about AOI’s, we were asked to list three different AOI’s
that our project could be on and make a final decision on which one ours will be based on.
(MYP Personal Project Retreat September 21st 2011)- Journal Entire
Today is the annual MYP Personal project retreat, today all the 10th graders in our school where going to
be split up into different groups. Each group will attend a different round robin of sessions. In the
morning we were asked to enter the Qatar Academy auditorium where there was a brief introduction of
the day given by Mr. Sweeney. This was at 7:30- 8:00 am, at this point we were asked to grab a candy
bar and then take a seat. Based on which type of candy bar you received is the group you were going to
be in during this day. Mr. Sweeny explained to us that there were 3 sessions today that were held by
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three different teachers and at different places. Since I was part of the Snickers group Mr. Sweeny said
that the Snickers groups’ first workshop was with him Mr. Sweeney, and it was in the Rec-center
Theater. This workshop was about the Requirements and Assessment of the personal project. When we
arrived to the Rec Center Theater Mr. Sweeny asked us to open our laptops and go to the moodle and
download the “Getting Started” document that had everything we needed to know about the personal
project. The first thing we did was review the timeline we were running on for this project this was on
page 5 in the document. Mr. Sweeney said that the first up coming due date was the goal submission
which was on October 6th 2011 two weeks from know. And after that the next due date would be the
mid term project submissions that was on December 14th 2011, on this day proof of our product as well
as well as the process journal and goal must be submitted. Mr. Sweeney told us to not worry about the
report until after the product and the process journal were completed. After reviewing the important
due dates for personal project, Mr. Sweeney then explained to us the structure of this years personal
project. “This year the personal project will be assessed on the journal, the product, and the report” said
Mr. Sweeney so that meant that it was pretty balanced. Next we continued to criteria’s that the
personal project was asseded on. Criteria A is the Use of Process Journal, Criteria B is the goal, Criteria C
is Selected Sources, Criteria D Apply Information, Criteria E Achieving the goal, Criteria F reflecting on
your personal learning, and criteria G report the project. So the personal project is assessed on all the
criteria’s in the MYP system. And to some up this workshop we looked at different goals and assessed
them verbally in groups.
After that session was completed our next workshop was in the senior school Library with Ms.
Sudah it was about Citation and research. At this workshop we were shown a power point by Ms. Sudah
about Citing work and bibliography, during the PowerPoint a lady was passing out a work sheet called
“How to cite your work…” this worksheet had different examples on how to cite your work based on the
different sources you used like a website, tv/radio, sound recording, lecture/speech and much more.
After the PowerPoint was shown we were asked to do some research based on our topic and to find
different sources and cite them and upload them to the Moodle. This exercise was important because it
helped me learn how to cite sources other then a website which is usually the case at our school. Ms.
Sudah explained to us that we have to have a variety of sources in our bibliography to get a good mark
on the selection of sources.
After the session in the library with Ms. Sudah it was time for our final workshop which was back
in the recreation center in the Shafallh area, but this time with Ms. Schwaberow that was about AOI or
Area of Interaction. As you know each Personal Project must have or relate to an AOI. In this session we
were shown another power point about each of the different AOI’s, which include AOI: Human
Ingenuity, Heath and Social Education, community and service, Environments, and Approaches to
learning. After we were shown examples of what a project would be for each AOI we were given an
exercise to complete which was for our personal project. We had to chose three different AOI’s that our
project could be part of. I choose Heath and social education, human ingeniety, and community and
service. At the end I choose health and social education because it was the AOI that best fits my Goal
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and topic. That was the last session for the day after that we had lunch and for the rest of the day began
working on our goals that were due soon.
9. November 20th 2011- Getting started with Editing and Final Cut Pro
As planned I meet with Mrs. Fletcher so she can help me get started with final cut pro. But before we could begin
Mrs. Fletcher told me to get all the files I have in the right format. Meaning the videos I downloaded where in a
FLV file and had to be converted to a MOV file in order for it to be used in Final Cut. To do this Mrs. Fletcher told
me to use the software called MPEG Streamclip. So I downloaded it and imported each video starting with the
montage clips. The screenshot below shows the MPEG Streamclip window.
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When I clicked on export to Quick time the window above appeared. I had to change a couple of things before I
export the video. The Quality was changed to 100%, and “Deinterlace Video was checked, and then I exported the
video. I did that for the rest of the montage and then the Statement from Doctor Georgia. After that using Mrs.
Fletcher hard drive I placed all my files into a folder and then uploaded the folder to one of the computers in the
film lab. When That was done Mrs. Fletcher told me to open Final Cut pro. The Following windows filled the
Mrs. Fletcher Explained to me what each window was for and how to open them if they do not appear n=on
screen. The windows were:
Browser window- This windows contains all the files that you import into final cut. It is also where effects
can be added to your footage.
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Timeline Window-the Timeline window shows the order that the video will be played in. in is basically the
video structure itself.
Viewer window- This window is used to drag parts of a video that one wants into his film.
Canvas window- this will play what is on the timeline
Toolbar window- this window contains the tools that can be used to edit the film.
Audio window- Displays the Sound coming out of the footage.
After I was introduced to the windows it was time to import my footage into Final Cut so I went to File---Import--Folder. I clicked on my Folder and it uploaded to the browser window. By that time it was time for Mrs. Fletcher to
leave so she told me to save the file, and we can continue tomorrow. I went to File---Save and then closed Final cut
Pro. I Thanked Mrs. Fletcher and scheduled to meet her during lunch and after school in order t have more time
and she agreed.
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Information Literacy
11. Here I had to choose which Doctor (Source) would be the most relevant to help me achieve
my goal.
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12. Here I had to choose a reliable source to help me with the editing of my video so I went to
talk to Mrs. Fletcher.