Diversity Worksheet – pp.99-102 Field Manual Name_____________________________Date______Period_____ Part I - PTI – Pollution Tolerance Index In the field you conducted a macroinvertebrate study to determine the health of the stream. After 3 samples using a kick seine you have collected and identified several species. Now you must run a few tests to draw your conclusions. Below is a list of the species collected: # specimens Common Name 5 13 10 6 2 5 106 7 15 Mayflies Caddisflies Crayfish Damselflies Lunged Snail Midges Sowbugs Worms Stoneflies Group (I, II, III) Abundance Code (R, C, D) Order (or Class) ` 1. Fill in the GROUP (I, II, III) and order (or class in some cases) for each species in the table above. 2. Identify the macroinvertebrates (to order) in your sample. Record the number of organisms below and then assign each organism an abundance code: R (rare) = 1-9 organisms; C (common) = 10-99 organisms; or D (dominant) = 100 or more organisms Example: _ 20_ ( C )_ Water Penny Larvae 3. Calculate the water quality rating using the scale below. Show all #s. Based on the species collected, what do you hypothesize the water quality rating will be (Good, Fair, Poor)? To calculate the index value, add the number of letters (not numbers of macros) found in the three groups on the other side and multiply by the indicated weighing factor. ________________________________________________________________________ Group I – Sensitive (# of R’s) x 5.0 = _______________ (# of C’s) x 5.6 = _______________ (# of D’s) x 5.3 = _______________ Sum of Index Value for Group I = _______________ ________________________________________________________________________ Group II – Somewhat Sensitive (# of R’s) x 3.2 = _______________ (# of C’s) x 3.4 = _______________ (# of D’s) x 3.0 = _______________ Sum of Index Value for Group II = _______________ ________________________________________________________________________ Group III – Tolerant (# of R’s) x 1.2 = _______________ (# of C’s) x 1.1 = _______________ (# of D’s) x 1.0 = _______________ Sum of Index Value for Group III = _______________ ________________________________________________________________________ To calculate the water quality score for the stream site, add together the index values for each pollution tolerance group. The sum of these values equals the water quality score. Water Quality Score = ____________________ Compare this score to the following number ranges to determine the quality of your stream site: Circle the Rating you Calculate Good > 40 Fair 20 – 40 Poor < 20 Note: The tolerance groupings (Group I, II, III) and the water quality rating categories were developed for streams in the Mid-Atlantic states. Part II – Sequential Comparison Index Complete the SCI for the following scenario: A BBBB AAA C BBB 1 2 3 4 5 1. Total # Runs = ________ 2. Total # Individuals = ________ 3. SCI = _______ 4. SCI Value (Fill in the category) (1 point each) 4 (____________) 0.9-1.0 3 (____________) 0.6-0.89 2 (____________) 0.3-0.59 1 (____________) 0.0-0.29 Conclusions: 5. What is the SCI Value (from table above)? 6. What would you say about the relative abundance of organisms in this sample? 7. What is the Diversity Index for the sample above? Show equation & work. DD 6 Part III – EPT Richness Biological diversity can be quantified in many different ways. The two main factors taken into account when measuring diversity are richness and evenness. Richness is a measure of the number of different kinds of organisms present in a particular area. For example, species richness is the number of different species present. However, diversity depends not only on richness, but also on evenness. Evenness compares the similarity of the population size of each of the species present. EPT Richness 1. Choose 3*3 m sample and collect specimens using a kick net or D net 2. Sample 3 times. 3. Pick through and count the # of taxa representing the three orders: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, & Trichoptera. 4. Divide total # of EPT individuals by the total # of chironomid individuals = EPT/midge ratio. A healthy system >.75 EPT Richness 4 (Excellent) >15 families 3 (Good) 12-15 families 2 (Fair) 8-12 families 1 (Good) <8 families Scenario: In the field you collect the following organisms: 3 Mayfly Families = 16 species 4 Stonefly Families = 12 species 2 Caddisfly families = 5 species 11 Midges Determine the EPT Richness for this particular area.