LHC Machine Advisory Committee Commissioning the Beam Dumping System Brennan Goddard AB/BT Input from E.Carlier, L.Ducimetière, M.Gyr, L.Jensen, J.Uythoven, V.Mertens, R.Assmann, V.Kain, R.Schmidt, M.Lamont , W.Weterings + many others http://proj-lbds.web.cern.ch/proj-lbds/ 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 1/20 Outline • Beam dumping system overview : – Principles – Layout – Safety critical aspects • Commissioning without beam : – Individual System Tests – Hardware Commissioning – Reliability Run • Commissioning with beam: – Overview of individual LHC Beam Dump System (LBDS) beam tests – Known problem areas • Ongoing work • Conclusion 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 2/20 LHC beam dump principle (and acronyms) Dump block Dilution kickers Passive diluter Extraction septum Passive diluter Extraction kicker 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 3/20 Underground kicker installations around P6 UD62 UP62 TD62 Dilution kicker generators, cables and magnets UJ62 UJ63 RA63 UA63 RA67 UA67 UJ67 UJ68 TD68 UD68 Extraction kicker generators, cables and magnets 16 June 2006 UP68 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 4/20 Also a lot of sub-system interconnectivity • Example: critical triggering/retriggering – – – – Synchronised to abort gap (internal PLL locks to rev. freq.) Parallel path with 1 turn delay by-passes synchronisation system Retriggering system detects any trigger and re-distributes Large amount of redundancy with crossed trigger lines – all needs commissioning IR6 BLM 2 of 15 generators shown User Permits (interlocks) from BIS clients 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 5/20 Safety critical aspects of the LBDS • Signal from beam interlock system (test in Hardware Commissioning/Reliability Run) – • Energy tracking (test in HC/RR & with beam) – • Increasing severity Insufficient dilution could damage dump block, entrance window and screens Abort gap ‘protection’ (test with beam) – • Dump with bad orbit could damage extraction elements (septa, diluters) Extraction-dilution kicker connection and sweep form (test in HC/RR & with beam) – • Undetected ‘dead’ extraction kicker severely reduces reliability Aperture, optics and orbit (test with beam) – • Wrong w.r.t. orbit exposes LHC arc / triplets / collimators. System self-tests and post-mortem (test in HC/RR & with beam) – • No retriggering could put whole 7 TeV beam at ~10s Mobile diluter TCDQ setting (test with beam) – • Potentially catastrophic (whole beam at “any” amplitude) Extraction kicker retriggering (test in HC/RR) – • No trigger = no beam dump Beam in the abort gaps risks quench, or aperture damage if TCDQ wrongly positioned Fault tolerance with 14/15 extraction kickers (test in HC/RR & with beam) – The system is designed to operate safely with only 14 out of the 15 kickers Nearly all aspects need beam commissioning (validation or optimisation) 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 6/20 Reminder – staged dilution system • Dilution kicker system MKB is staged (2/4 H, 2/6 V installed at startup) – Made for budget profile reasons, with argument that anyway intensity 50% in first 2 years • – – Limit on single bunch intensity (not possible to fill 50% of the ring with full intensity bunches…) Can dump full beam intensity up to ~2 TeV…but safer to limit the intensity at injection Remaining MKBs installed in 08/09 shutdown (conditional on actual installation/commissioning) Nominal beam, full dilution 50% nominal beam, staged MKB I/Inom Allowed dumped intensity (staged MKB) 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 0 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 p [GeV/c] 7/20 Individual System tests • Equipment groups provide tested sub-systems ready for Hardware commissioning – – Entry/exit condition, procedures & requirements defined with sub-system engineers and HC team Formal Test Procedures for most LBDS sub-systems presently in preparation http://proj-lbds.web.cern.ch/proj-lbds/ 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 8/20 Individual System tests • Example: outline of Individual System Tests for extraction kickers – Details of Individual System Tests for the equipment • • • • • • • Pulse the system and check all signals at 450 GeV equivalent voltage; Measurement of the pulse form (magnet current); Set up system timing without beam (adjustment of trigger voltage); Commission Internal diagnostics and post-operational check; Ramp the system and check all signals up to 7 TeV equivalent voltage; Set up kick strengths (adjust settings for different beam energies), Stability and reproducibility measurements at 7 TeV equivalent voltage – Estimated duration • 4 weeks per beam for MKD, 1.5 weeks per beam for MKB – Services required • • • • • • Electrical distribution system; Fire detection system; UPS system; Ethernet network infrastructure; Distribution of the LHC timing; Vacuum (ceramic chambers, interconnects, sector valves, pumps, gauges, bake-out) – Special safety or access conditions • • No access limitations during the HV conditioning and tests (systems designed such that contact with HV is not possible: All HV components contained in grounded metallic containers or racks, disconnection or opening not possible without special tools); Yellow flashers and Emergency Stops in RA and UAs next to equipment – Impact on transport or other activities in the zone • 16 June 2006 In principle No: however, basic considerations to enhance personnel safety may lead to implementation of transport restrictions during IST, or other additional safety measures. LHC Machine Advisory Committee 9/20 Hardware Commissioning • Hardware Commissioning to provide commissioned LBDS system to LHC OP – – Defined with HC Team and system engineers Formal HC Test Procedures exist in draft form; still to be finalised and approved 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 10/20 Hardware Commissioning • Main emphasis will be on testing the interconnections between the sub-system components and the connections to external systems – – – – – – Critical link to beam permit loop Signals from other systems (RF, PO) Control and data exchange Direct triggers (access, local BLM) Links to Safe LHC parameters and Injection kickers Internal and External Post-Mortem processes LHC control system Ethernet BPM IR6 TCDQ position DCCTs Access Fast timing (RF synch) BLM6 Abort gap monitor ? IR6 orbit feedback Direct triggers (to TSU) LBDS Slow timing Emergency stop status IR6 PM trigger Mains & UPS status External outputs External inputs Software interlock SLP Injection BIC interface Machine Protection interfaces LHC beam permit loop 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 11/20 Reliability Run • System “burn-in” by AB/BT and LHC OP in final configuration from CCC. – – – • Test pulsed systems after realistic waiting times; – – – • test (where feasible) functioning of error/fault detectors, fault tolerance and surveillance After each dump action perform full Internal and External post-operational checks on pulse generators and power converters – – – • ‘operational’ system reliability can be estimated and compared to calculated values. ‘Fault injection’ phase – • obvious/frequent faults are found and repaired. ‘Statistics gathering’ phase – • Generate statistics to give upper bounds on failure rates Validate reliability calculations; Bathtub reliability curve: if problems found, take time to repair and check statistics again ‘Debugging’ phase – • System debugged, and reliability assumptions measured. Discover hidden flaws Check sub-system interdependencies Check all currents and voltages in tolerance, relative to look-up tables. Look for trends and correlations in measured signals Determine if any parameter is outside margin Impact of final LHC HC scenario and planning needs to be evaluated 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 12/20 Reliability Run – what can be learnt? • Draft programme exists but detailed and coherent methodology to be elaborated • Schedule: need 3 months to make any meaningful conclusions – – • Needs system operating with connections to external components Much shorter period will not allow quantification of reliability assumptions Estimate MKD failure rate upper bound for test duration T, to try to demonstrate the design hypothesis: (failure rate per MKD branch ≤10-4/h). – Expect ~4 failures in 3 months for assumed 10-4 /h rate. A type I censored reliability testing with fixed duration T and pulsing frequency f is performed. The sampling distribution is Binomial. The curves in the figure are the one-sided 95% failure rate confidence intervals for 75% effective running time, f =1/h, T = 1,2,3 and 4 months and number of failures from 0 to 30. 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 13/20 Beam Commissioning • AB/BT and LHC OP to provide dump system ready for each new operational phase – LBDS will be “commissioned” for a defined operational parameter space. – Entry/exit condition, procedures & requirements fairly well defined with subsystem engineers and HC team. – Formal Test Procedures for most LBDS sub-systems presently in preparation – to be finalised and approved. • Methods, requirements and steps already analysed in detail for LHC phase I (up to 156 bunches) – Still to be fitted in to overall machine protection and beam commissioning plan – Procedures and steps now being formalised with LHC OP – substantial work • Implications with collimation being addressed – e.g. Halo load on TCDQ diluter for reduced collimation scheme 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 14/20 Entry conditions for beam commissioning defined • LHC Commissioning Procedures repository http://lhccwg.web.cern.ch/lhccwg/procedures/overview.htm 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 15/20 LBDS beam commissioning – pilot beam LBDS beam commissioning activity LHC mode With initial 450 GeV/c circulating beam IR6 optics measurements Commission dedicated LBDS BDI in IR6 Beam type Energy GeV Extraction kicker waveform Injection Circulating 1 pilot measurements 450 Extraction element aperture measurements Commission SW interlock on beam position at TCDQ Commission IR6 orbit BPM interlock Commission abort gap watchdog TCDQ “injection setting” positioning Orbit feedback / stability checks at TCDQ - Importance: high (defines aperture at TCDS/MSD) Injection Circulating 1 pilot 450 Tools: BPMD, BTVDD and BLMs. Injection Circulating 1 pilot 450 Mode: inject & dump. Injection safe beam 450 Intensity: Pilot Circulating, bunch Method: vary injected bunch bucket Injection Circulating, safe beam (6 measurement 450 points). Calculate kick at MKD and compare to Injection beam 450 tolerance limits Circulating, from MKD safe system measurements Injection Circulating, safe beam 450 Injection Circulating, safe beam 450 With 450 GeV/c extracted beam First extractions: rough timing adjustment TD line BDI commissioning Extraction trajectory and aperture measurements Inject & dump Inject & dump Inject & dump Check of aperture and trajectory with 14/15 MKD 450 450 450 Inject & dump Extract 1 pilot Extract 1 pilot Extract 1 pilot ms Extract89 1 pilot Data diagnostics: IPOC, logging, FDs, PM Inject & dump Extract 1 pilot 450 Verification of post-operational checks (IPOC, XPOC) MKD waveform overshoot measurements MKB sweep measurements Fine timing and amplitude adjustment Inject & dump Inject & dump Inject & dump Inject & dump Extract 1 pilot Extract 1 pilot Extract 1 pilot Extract 2 pilots 450 450 450 450 Through the energy ramp 450 – 7000 GeV/c Energy tracking measurements TCDQ position function through ramp Fine timing and amplitude in ramp Ramp Ramp Ramp Extract 1 pilot Circulating, safe beam Extract 2 pilots 450-7000 450-7000 450-7000 At 7000 GeV/c TCDQ positioning function through squeeze Adjust/squeeze Circulating, safe beam 7000 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 450 16/20 LBDS beam commissioning – intensity increase • Each commissioning step (intensity increase, # bunches) needs LBDS (re)tests – – Must be completed before operation with the new beam conditions can be allowed Method to enforce this ‘allowed’ LHC operational configuration still to be finalised LBDS beam commissioning activity LHC mode Beam type Energy GeV With 450 GeV/c circulating beam Orbit feedback / stability checks at TCDQ Checks of EMC on BI and control signals Test response of abort gap monitor Check abort gap cleaning Injection Injection Injection Injection Circulating Circulating Circulating Circulating 450 450 450 450 With 450 GeV/c extracted beam Extraction trajectory checks Inject & dump Extract 450 TD line beam instrumentation checks Data diagnostics: check XPOC response Define new references for correctly executed beam dump TDE thermal response Beam loss profiles (extraction, TD lines and TDE) Inject & dump Inject & dump Inject & dump Inject & dump Inject & dump Extract Extract Extract Extract Extract 450 450 450 450 450 Through the energy ramp Energy tracking and abort gap timing checks Ramp Extract during ramp 450-7000 At 7 TeV Checks of EMC on BI and control signals Test response of abort gap monitor Check abort gap cleaning Data diagnostics: check XPOC response Define new references for correctly executed beam dump TCDQ positioning at 7 TeV Adjust/squeeze Adjust/squeeze Adjust/squeeze Adjust/squeeze Adjust/squeeze Adjust/squeeze Circulating Circulating Circulating Extract Extract Circulating 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 17/20 Known “problem” areas – TCDQ • TCDQ diluter (+ TCS collimator) protects aperture against particles in abort gap – • Setting-up of this diluter will be time-consuming – – • unsynchronised dumps, extraction kicker pre-triggers, uncaptured beam Interdependency on collimation settings, and on orbit feedback Iterations (changes of orbit, b-beat, b*) to finalise TCDQ reference/interlock function Can by-pass some setting-up stages for early operation – – 450 GeV - set TCDQ/TCS system up at ±10 s • Rely on ±4 mm interlock to protect arc (maximum excursion at TCDQ is ≈2 s ) • Asynch dump with 156b, max. 1 bunch in interval 7-12 s Safe for 450 GeV 7 TeV - pilot near to damage level - set TCDQ/TCS at ±10 s • Rely on 2-jawed TCS to protect the TCTs – don’t worry about the orbit • Keep TCTs at ≈20 s protected for any orbit in IR6 (limits b* to 2 m) • Can then (if needed) delay full commissioning (final orbit feedback, fine TCDQ / beam positioning, SW interlock) to b* <2 m • Will be simpler and should improve operational efficiency during stage I – 16 June 2006 Need to check optics control/knowledge, plus orbit at aperture limitations LHC Machine Advisory Committee 18/20 Areas where work is still ongoing • Formalisation of the various commissioning procedures – – – – • Inject-and-dump mode – – • Details still to be worked out (limits, how to operate damper for cleaning, losses) Halo at TCDQ - effect of “minimum collimation” strategy on energy deposition in Q4 – • Operational states and allowed LHC beam conditions still to be defined in adequate detail Wider issue of OP software for machine protection (MCS, SIS, sequencer, …) outstanding Abort gap monitoring and cleaning – • Measurement, test and commissioning results to be maintained, plus operational data and settings Management of critical settings (MCS) – reference management needs subset of MCS presently in definition Ensuring that only ‘authorised’ beam can be used – – • Internal and External post-operational checks – definition and prototyping phase now in progress Configuration management – – • Needed from first extractions, for efficient commissioning Concept exists: details to finalise (timing, multiple injections, turn delays, HW,SW, logging) Diagnostics – • Individual system tests – outline drafted –Test Procedures to be made and approved Hardware Commissioning – draft Test Procedure to be updated and approved Reliability Run – Test Procedure to be written Beam Commissioning – details exist – being incorporated in LHC OP commissioning procedures FLUKA energy deposition simulations results show TCDQ is a concern – intense study ongoing Operation with ions - intercepting devices (diluters, dump block, entrance window) – Checks of effects of BI response and optics/orbit control – FLUKA work now being defined Wide-ranging and heavy workload for LBDS project – low in dedicated resources in AB/BT and rely heavily on various collaborators 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 19/20 Conclusion LHC Beam Dump system commissioning : • Starts with the Individual System Tests; • Will depend heavily on careful Hardware Commissioning; – Many key elements and connections will be fully commissioned without beam; • Requires a Reliability Run to guarantee safety of the system; – Validation of subsystem interconnectivity and reliability assumptions; – Debugging and fault finding in initial ‘simulated’ operational period; • Requires careful tests and checks with beam; – A lot can be done with pilot beam; • At 450 GeV before extraction, to check the optics and aperture; • At 450 GeV in “Inject & Dump” mode, to check system functionality; • During the ramp, to check the energy tracking and timing; – Requires specific checks when LHC beam conditions change; • To verify instrument response, diagnostics and losses; – Can be somewhat relaxed for difficult TCDQ/TCS positioning in early stages; • Take advantage of limited b* squeeze and limited number of bunches; • Still a lot of work to be done 16 June 2006 LHC Machine Advisory Committee 20/20