Touching Spirit Bear - Catawba County Schools

Touching Spirit Bear
Totem Poles
Actual Totems
Animals and Meaning
Bear - Bear is known for its period of hibernation.
Bear can help us with the ability to turn inward to
access our strength and honor your nature cycles.
He teaches us when it is time to act and when it is
time to be still.
Beaver - Has an amazing ability to build and
create. Beavers can help you solve problems by
creating solid solutions
Buffalo /Bison - Buffalo brings abundance and
healing. The buffalo is sacred to Native American
people and no part of him wasted.
Animals and Meaning
Cougar - A symbol of power. Cougar
teaches you to balance your own. Cougar
responds to any challenge with swiftness.
Coyote - aIso known as the trickster. He
calls on us to look truthfully at our selves
and our behavior.
Crow - a messenger, keeper of sacred law
who sees with a unified eye.
Animals and Meaning
Deer - Deer is alert and a symbol of
sensitivity and kindness.
Dolphin - Dolphins are messengers
between water and sky. They are playful
and intelligent. They bring the message of
harmony and balance.
Eagle - A symbol of freedom and
perspective. As a representation of great
spirit eagle carries our prayers to the sky.
He teaches us to fly.
Animals and Meaning
Fox - cunning and clever he moves
with the utmost discretion. Fox
teaches us to slow down and
Frog - Assists with the cleansing of
our emotions.
Horse - Represents strength and
freedom. Horse teaches us how to
use our power gracefully.
Animals and Meaning
Owl - Represents wisdom. Owl has
amazing vision bringing the gift of insight.
Rabbit - A symbol of fertility. Rabbit help us
reveal our hidden talents.
Raven - Raven is the messenger from
spirit world. He represents mystery
Snake - Symbolises transformation and the
shedding of ones skin.
Animals and Meaning
Turtle - protected by her shell. She
represents mother earth to some tribes.
Whale - record keepers of the ocean. They
bring us the gift of telepathy and teach us
the value of sound.
Wolf - a great teacher. He helps you find
the answers within yourself. Associated
with the moon wolf will help you develop
your intuition.
Here are some questions to ask
Does a certain kind of animal consistently
appear in your life? This doesn’t
necessarily have to be a physical
appearance, it could be represented in
other ways such as receiving card and
letters with the same animal pictured over
and over, unexplainable dreams of a
particular animal, watching television and
seeing the same animal featured time and
time again, or, actually having the animal
show up.
Here are some questions to ask
Have you ever felt drawn to one animal or
another without being able to explain why?
When you go to the zoo, a park, wildlife
area, or forest, what are you most
interested in seeing?
Are there any animals that you find to be
extremely frightening or intriguing?
Is there a particular animal that you see
frequently when you’re out in nature?
Here are some questions to ask
Have you ever been bitten or attacked
by an animal?
Have you ever had a recurring dream
about a certain animal, or a dream
from childhood that you have never
been able to forget?
Are you drawn to figurines or
paintings of a specific animal?
WHITE: This color is used, along with
other light colors, as a background
and predominating shade. As a rule it
symbolized the skies and spacious
heavens. It also stood for purity,
peace, and death.
Red: Generally this color stands for
blood, war or valor. Sometimes it is
used as appears in nature, such as
the crest of a red-headed
woodpecker, the scarlet tanager or
frequently the tongue of an animal.
Blue: This color was most commonly used
as the symbol for the rivers, waters, and
lakes, also the skies. Certain tribes even
used used it for mountains in the
distance. It stands for sincerity and
happiness. Berries formed a large portion
of the natural materials for this
color. Western clay and pigments of the
canyons also lent varying hues to this
effective color.
Yellow: The natural abundant
materials made this color a very
popular and predominating one.
Clays, roots, and tannic barks
furnished the natives with
dyes. Yellow reflects the symbol of
the sun, light and happiness. Yellow
dye is readily make from tree moss.
BLACK: Mud from sulphur springs
and other earth deposits made this
color available to the Indian. As a rule
it stood for power.
PURPLE: Huckleberries give a very
good substance for dyeing and the
Indians used this commonly. Purple is
an excellent color for recessed
Portions of the carving and for
symbols of a reverent nature. It stood
for mountains in the distance and
general conventionalized signs.