
1) Impedance obeys Ohm’s Law and has the form
2) The reason impedance can be complex is to account for the phase
current and the voltage.
difference between the
3) Resistance is a voltage drop.
4) The contribution of a reactive (imaginary) component. Z relates current to
5) Inductors to help understand the concepts of filtering and impedance.
6) Write a short note on passive circuit components?
Impedance of Passive Circuit Elements
Following engineering conventions we use the symbol 1−=jinstead of the i usually used in
physics. This allows use of the symbol i to represent current. Impedance, Z, is the generalized
word for resistance, measured in ohms, but allowed to be complex to include the contribution of
a reactive (imaginary) component. Z relates current to voltage for a particular circuit element.
Impedance obeys Ohm’s Law and has the form
where R is the resistance and X is the reactance. The reason impedance can be complex is
to account for the phase difference between the current and the voltage.
7) Write a short notes on components?
Resistors, capacitors, and inductors; to help understand the concepts of filtering and
impedance. Detailed explanations are given in the lectures and textbook, but are summarized
here to help you get started in this lab. The final section concerns diodes, our first example of a
non-linear circuit element.
Units and Notation: SI Units, Unit Prefixes, Consistent Sets of Units, Signal Notation
Electric Quantities: Charge, Potential Energy, Voltage, Relation between Electric Field and
Potential, Current, Power, Active and Passive Sign Convention
Electric Signals: DC Signals, Time-Varying Signals, The Step Function, The Pulse, Periodic
Signals, Ac Signals, Analog and Digital Signals, Average Value of a Signal, Full-Cycle and
Half- Cycle Averages
Electric Circuits: Circuit Analysis and Synthesis, Branches, Nodes, Reference Node, Loops
and Meshes, Series and Parallel Connections
Kirchhoff's Laws: Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL), Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL), Power
Circuit Elements: i-v Characteristic, v-i Characteristic Straight Line
Sources: Voltage Sources, Current Sources, A Hydraulic Analogy, Dependent Sources, Voltage
Resistance: Ohm's Law, i-v Characteristic, Conductance, Power Dissipation, Conduction,
Practical Resistors and Potentiometers
Series/Parallel Resistance Combinations: Resistances in Series, Resistances in Parallel,
Series/Parallel Resistance Reductions, The Proportionality Analysis Procedure
Voltage and Current Dividers: The Voltage Divider, Gain, The Current Divider, Applying
Dividers to Circuit Analysis
Resistive Bridges and Ladders: The Resistive Bridge, Resistive Ladders, R-2R Ladders
Practical Sources and Loading: Practical Voltage Source Model, Practical Current Source
Instrumentation and Measurement: Voltage and Current Measurements, Loading, Multimeters, DC and AC Multimeter Measurements, Oscilloscopes
Circuit Solution by Inspection: Resistive Ladder Design, DC Biasing
Nodal Analysis: The Node Method, Checking, Supernodes
Loop Analysis: The Loop Method, Checking, Supermeshes
Linearity and Superposition: The Superposition Principle, Concluding Observation
Source Transformations: Analysis Techniques Comparison
Electric Circuits Fundamentals
Circuit Analysis Using SPICE: SPICE, An Illustrative Example, Resistors, Independent DC
Sources, Scale Factors, Automatic DC Analysis, The .OP Statement, Dummy Voltage Sources.
One-Ports: i-v Characteristics of Linear One-ports, Finding Method 1, Finding q: Method
Circuit Theorems: Thevenin's Theorem, Norton's Theorem, Thevenin and Norton Comparison,
Concluding Remarks
Nonlinear Circuit Elements: Iterative Solutions, Graphical Analysis
Power Calculations: Average Power, RMS Values, AC Multimeters, Maximum Power
Transfer, Efficiency
Circuit Analysis Using SPICE: Finding Thevenin/Norton Equivalents, Nonlinear
Dependent Sources: Resistance Transformation, Transistor Modeling
Circuit Analysis with Dependent Sources: Nodal and Loop Analysis, Thevenin and Norton
The Transformer: Circuit Model of the Ideal Transformer, Power Transmission, Resistance
Transformation, Practical Transformers
Amplifiers: Voltage Amplifier Model, Current Amplifier Model, Transresistance and
Transconductance Amps, Power Gain
Circuit Analysis Using SPICE: Voltage-Controlled Sources, Current-Controlled Sources, The
Ideal Transformer.
13) Explain the passive circuit components?
Resistors, capacitors, and inductors; to help understand the concepts of filtering and impedance.
Detailed explanations are given in the lectures and textbook, but are summarized here to help
you get started in this lab. The final section concerns diodes, our first example of a non-linear
circuit element.
Impedance of Passive Circuit Elements
Following engineering conventions we use the symbol 1−=jinstead of the i usually used in
physics. This allows use of the symbol i to represent current. Impedance, Z, is the generalized
word for resistance, measured in ohms, but allowed to be complex to include the contribution of
a reactive (imaginary)
component. Z relates current to voltage for a particular circuit element. Impedance obeys Ohm’s
Law and has the form
where R is the resistance and X is the reactance. The reason impedance can be complex is to
account for the phase difference between the current and the voltage.
14) Explain about inductors?
Units and Notation: SI Units, Unit Prefixes, Consistent Sets of Units, Signal Notation
Electric Quantities: Charge, Potential Energy, Voltage, Relation between Electric Field and
Potential, Current, Power, Active and Passive Sign Convention
Electric Circuits: Circuit Analysis and Synthesis, Branches, Nodes, Reference Node, Loops
and Meshes, Series and Parallel Connections
Kirchhoff's Laws: Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL), Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL), Power
Circuit Elements: i-v Characteristic, v-i Characteristic Straight Line Characteristic
1.1 Electronics
The branch of engineering which
deals with current con-duction
through a vacuum or gas or
Electronics essentially deals with
utilisation. An electronic device is
in which current flows through a vacuum or gas or semiconductor. Such devices have valuable
properties which enable them to function and behave as the friend of man today.
Importance. Electronics has gained much importance due to its numerous applications in industry. The electronic devices are capable of performing the following functions :
(i) Rectification. The conversion of a.c. into d.c. is called rectification. Electronic devices
can convert a.c. power into d.c. power (See Fig. 1.1) with very high efficiency. This d.c. supply
can be used for charging storage batteries, field supply of d.c. generators, electroplating etc.
Fig. 1.1
(ii) Amplification. The process of raising the strength of a weak signal is known as
amplifica-tion. Electronic devices can accomplish the job of amplification and thus act as
amplifiers (See Fig. 1.2). The amplifiers are used in a wide variety of ways. For example, an
amplifier is used in a radio-set where the weak signal is amplified so that it can be heard loudly.
Similarly, amplifiers are used in public address system, television etc.
Fig. 1.2
(iii) Control. Electronic devices find wide applications in automatic control. For example,
speed of a motor, voltage across a refrigerator etc. can be automatically controlled with the help
of such devices.
(iv) Generation. Electronic devices can convert d.c. power into a.c. power of any frequency
(See Fig. 1.3). When performing this function, they are known as oscillators. The oscillators are
used in a wide variety of ways. For example, electronic high frequency heating is used for
annealing and hardening.
* The word electronics derives its name from electron present in all materials.
Fig. 1.3
(v) Conversion of light into electricity. Electronic devices can convert light into electricity.
This conversion of light into electricity is known as photo-electricity. Photo-electric devices are
used in Burglar alarms, sound recording on motion pictures etc.
(vi) Conversion of electricity into light. Electronic devices can convert electricity into light.