Comparative Government Review and Preview Dr Chris Longman Semester 1 - Review Basic concepts Anglo-American democracy What is Comparative Government? Communist systems Islamic systems Political systems in transition Semester 2 - Preview European Issues States France Spain Germany Italy Territorial politics sub-state issues European Union General Issues Federalism Elections, parties and electoral systems The media Civil society Review What is Comparative Government? Classify How? What do we compare? Models Is comparative government obsolete? Review Basic Concepts and Key Terms politics power government and governance legitimacy and authority Weber’s classification nation and nationalism state and sovereignty Review Anglo-American Democracy A ‘special relationship’? Differences Similarities Review Communist Systems variety, not a uniform system analyse historical development or, regional / country differences The Party USSR China Review Islamic Systems variety, not a unified concept World distribution Islam and identity Islamism Are there typical Islamic institutions? Review Political Systems in Transition Democratisation in the world 3 waves? Explaining transition typologies of transition Central and Eastern Europe Arab democratic transitions Second Semester - Preview Lectures The French system Other systems of govt. in W. Europe Federalism Territorial politics The EU Elections and political parties The media Civil society (T) (T) (T) Preview The French System History - 4th to 5th Republic Constitution and type of state executive and legislature dual executive weak parliament? parties and elections political culture and democracy Preview Other Systems of Government in Western Europe Political systems in W. Europe Spain and Germany historical developments constitutions and types of states types of government parties and elections political culture and democracy Preview Territorial Politics Regions in contemporary Europe The New Regionalism Minority nationalism and stateless nations Regions and the European Union Preview The European Union What is it? History and development Institutions Power sharing Problems The future Preview The Other Lectures Federalism (Prof Michael Rush) Elections, parties and electoral systems (Dr Malcolm Shaw) The media Civil society