Management and Use of Vehicles on University Business Policy

Management and Use of Vehicles on
University Business Policy
Effective from July 2007
Version Number: 3.0
Author: Safety/Fire Safety Officer
Health, Safety & Wellbeing
University of Salford
Policy title and Version
Document Control Information
Status and reason for development
Revised to update previous version.
Revision History
Summary of changes
Amended to reflect changes to driving licence
requirements; removal of Transport Coordinator
role; and minibus permits.
Document transferred to new template
V 3.0
Document updated to include minibus
Document developed
H&S Committee
July 2007
Policy Management and Responsibilities
The Associate Director of Health, Safety & Wellbeing is the document owner and has
delegated responsibility for writing and amending this policy to the Safety/Fire Safety
Others with
All Students, Staff, Contractors and Visitors are responsible for engaging with and
adhering to this policy.
(please specify):
Equality Analysis
Information Governance
Academic Governance
Cross relevant assessments
Cross relevant consultations
Consultation of the original policy took place through
the Health and Safety Committee.
Staff Trades Unions via HR
Students via USSU
Any relevant external bodies
(please specify) …………………………………..
Authorised by:
Cross if not applicable
The Executive
September 2015
Date authorised:
September 2015
Effective from:
2 years from date authorised
Review due:
Document location:
Document dissemination and communications plan:
The Safety/Fire Safety Officer will circulate to the Health and Safety Coordinators for the Colleges and
Professional Services to enable promotion throughout their area of responsibility.
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University of Salford
Policy title and Version
The University is committed to complying with its duties under Health and Safety and other relevant
legislation with regard to the use of vehicles at work, and recognises that there are specific risks to
employees who are driving on behalf of the University and to students, visitors and members of the public
present on its campuses.
The University has introduced this policy with the objective of identifying and minimising those risks and to
actively encourage the safe use of vehicles.
This policy applies to all employees of the University of Salford who use vehicles at work.
The purpose of this policy is to outline the University requirements with respect to using vehicles at work.
For the purpose of this document, “driving at work” means driving a vehicle on University business except
for journeys between home and the normal place of work.
University owned vehicles may include but is not limited to: cars, vans, tractors, ride on mowers, etc.
Policy Statements
3.1. Heads of Schools/Directors of Professional Services
Heads of School, or Directors of Professional Services, are responsible for ensuring that:
Appropriate local arrangements for implementing the University Policy for use of Vehicles exist within
the School/Service;
A local policy is produced and implemented, where University owned vehicles are operated;
Staff in the unit are familiar with the local arrangements;
Staff are aware of the following requirements in relation to use of their own vehicle:
 to hold a current, valid driving licence and are legally entitled to drive in the UK;
 that the vehicle is roadworthy and has a current MOT certificate, if appropriate;
 to hold business class insurance if using their vehicle in connection with work.
3.1.1 For drivers of University owned vehicles:
All University owned vehicles are in a safe condition and are fully maintained in line with the
manufacturer’s service schedule.
All University owned vehicles are appropriately insured, have a current MOT certificate and Road
Fund Licence.
All University owned vehicles, records of servicing, insurance, MOT certificates and Road Fund
licences are kept for seven years.
Records of Driving Licences are checked at 12 monthly intervals.
Drivers are trained to drive in the special conditions of a mainly pedestrianised campus.
Where appropriate, drivers are trained to drive heavy and specialist vehicles.
Records of Driver training are retained for seven years.
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Any accidents and injuries are reported in accordance with the University’s procedure for recording
and reporting accidents.
3.1.2 For drivers of Hired vehicles (other than minibuses):
Hired or leased vehicles are only obtained from companies approved by the University – this
information is available in the University Buyers Guide. This will ensure that the appropriate insurance
is included.
The Driver of the hired vehicle has a current driving licence.
For driving vans, the driver has been trained in the use of the vehicle or the driver can demonstrate
experience in using such vehicles.
3.2.4 For Drivers of Hired Minibuses:
All University of Salford Minibus Drivers must only drive on a voluntary basis. The Head of
School/Director of Professional Service must verify that the proposed driver of the minibus does not
have a requirement to drive minibuses in their contract of employment. Where this requirement exists,
the individual must hold a D1 PCV licence in order for them to drive minibuses.
Drivers without a full category D1 entitlement may drive a minibus within the UK provided that it is not
being used for hire or reward, under a Section 19 Minibus Permit. The Section 19 Permit enables
education and other such establishments to operate minibuses without the need for the driver to hold
a full minibus licence requirement. The Head of School or Director of Professional Service must
ensure that there is no intention to charge the passengers of the minibus, as this is seen as hire or
 Those who passed their driving test before 1 January 1997 automatically received category
D1(101) (not for hire or reward) entitlement. So staff with such a licence can drive a minibus
carrying up to 16 passengers with no maximum weight limit.
 Those who passed a driving test on or after 1 January 1997 may drive a minibus with a gross
vehicle weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, and not for hire and reward under certain conditions
outlined in the document.
Tachographs will not be required to be fitted to the vehicle as it is being driven on a voluntary basis.
The Section 19 permits (referred to above) must be obtained from the Head of Facilities in Estates
and Property Services, before undertaking a journey. Training
All non D1 PCV licence holders will be required to undertake the MiDAS minibus training and be
assessed. Training can be obtained through a number of organisations – please see link at Section 5.
For driving hired mini-buses, the Driver has been trained. Possession of a driving licence showing
eligibility to drive minibuses will not be sufficient.
A list of drivers who have been trained to drive mini-buses or vans is maintained within the
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3.3. Duties of Drivers
All staff who drive vehicles in connection with University business must familiarise themselves with
this University Policy for the Use of Vehicles, the Travel and Expenses Policy, and any local transport
arrangements for their unit.
If you are required to drive your own car for work purposes, you are required to ensure that your car is
safe and roadworthy. It is your legal responsibility to ensure you have a current, valid driving licence,
current business insurance and an MOT for cars over 3 years old. If you fail to do so and drive for
work purposes, you will be held responsible. For this reason, you will be asked to confirm possession
of the above before undertaking your journey. This must be done via the Business Expense Approval
Form – which can be accessed via the link at Section 5.
You must ensure you have the necessary documentation in place and a roadworthy vehicle, even if
you don’t intend to claim for your journey.
Drivers must:
Attend any relevant training sessions required by their Manager in accordance with this policy.
Inform their Manager of any changes to licence conditions, any endorsements or any health problems
which may affect their ability to drive.
Not consume alcohol or drugs (either prescription or recreational) that may affect ability to drive safely
whilst driving for work purposes. You can still be over the legal limit for alcohol the morning after.
Not use a hand-held phone whilst driving or riding a motorbike. Only use hands-free phones, sat navs
and 2-way radios if absolutely necessary. Be aware that if the police think you’re distracted and not in
control of your vehicle you could still get penalised for using hands-free devices.
Not drive whilst tired or drive for continuous periods of more than 2 hours without a 15 minute break.
Where possible use public transport to avoid the need to drive.
Plan for delays and allow plenty time for the journey. Avoid long journeys if the weather forecast is for
bad weather.
Always obey speed limits and not drive faster than conditions allow.
Not drive if unwell, overtired, have eyesight problems or any other condition which may impair ability
to drive until medical advice has been sought.
3.3.1 Following an Accident
All accidents whilst driving on University business must be reported in accordance with the University’s
procedure for reporting and recording accidents
 Exchange insurance details with all other drivers involved in the accident. Note: If nobody is injured it
is not a legal requirement to notify the police but it is advisable to do so to avoid a possible charge of
leaving the scene of an accident.
 Remove the vehicle from the carriageway if both safe and practical to do so. Note: that if people have
been injured in the accident the vehicle must not be moved until instructed to do so by the police
 Contact the appropriate breakdown recovery service.
 Report the accident to your line manager as soon as possible.
 If the driver is incapacitated but conscious the police should be requested to contact University
Security at Maxwell Reception.
3.3.2 Theft of or from Vehicles
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Policy title and Version
If a theft of, or from, a vehicle occurs whilst driving on University business, the driver should:
 Report the theft to the police and obtain a crime number,
 Report the theft to his/her line manager as soon as possible.
3.3.4 Breakdowns
If the vehicle breaks down whilst driving on University business the driver should:
 Remove the vehicle from the carriageway if both safe and practical to do so;
 Contact the appropriate breakdown recovery service;
 Report the breakdown to his/her line manager as soon as possible.
Policy Enforcement / What happens when the policy is not followed
Failure to implement a suitable and sufficient health and safety management system could result in noncompliance with legislation.
The application of this policy will be monitored as part of the external health and safety management
systems audit.
5.0 Related Documentation
Business Expense Approval Form -
Midas Minibus Training -
6.0 Appendices
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