Compromise of 1850

What: we are learning is Power
By: learning events that kept the nation
together and pulled it apart in the mid-1800’s,
So: we know how power affects our lives.
In a Visual Discovery activity, students analyze and bring to life images depicting the
growing conflict between the North and the South to understand why the nation
could not prevent civil war.
In the course of reading this chapter and participating in the classroom activity,
students will
Social Studies
1. identify the regulations on slavery in the Northwest Ordinance.
2. trace the effects of territorial expansion on the debate over slavery.
3. analyze the impact of key events on the antislavery movement and on the
Language Arts
1. participate in simulated historical debate.
Social Studies Vocabulary
Key Content Terms
1. Union
2. Missouri Compromise
3. Fugitive
4. Wilmot Proviso
5. Compromise of 1850
6. Kansas-Nebraska Act
7. Dred Scott decision
8. Lincoln-Douglas debates
Academic Vocabulary
 In 1860 Abraham Lincoln elected
The nation was split apart over slavery.
The question was, could the nation
continue half-slave and half-free?
Many hoped slavery would simply die.
Instead, slavery began to expand into
new territories, and could not be
Between 1820 and 1860, Americans
tried several compromises on the issue
of slavery
Slavery is a political and moral issue
Lincoln thinks slavery is wrong
By 1819, 11 free states and 11 slave states
 Missouri threatened the balance of slave and free
Should there be a ban on slavery west of the
Should Missouri be a slave state ?
James Tallmadge proposed an amendment.
The amendment stated the Missouri could be added
to the Union but only as a free state.
Did Congress really have the power to decide if the
new state would be a slave state or a new state?
Instead, the people could decide if the state could be
free or slave.
People hoped slavery would die on its own. Instead
slavery spread into new territories. Americans tried to
fashion several compromises but each compromise
brought new problems.
Congress struggled to find a way out of its
deadlock over Missouri.
Southerners began using such dreaded
words as secession and civil war.
A Compromise Is Reached
Henry Clay presents The Missouri
Missouri was admitted as a slave state
Maine was admitted as a free state
imaginary line across the Louisiana
Purchase at latitude 36°30ʹ. North of
this line, slavery was to be banned
forever, except in Missouri. South of
the line, slaveholding was permitted.
Reactions to the Compromise
The Missouri Compromise kept the
Union together
Northern congressmen who voted yes
were called traitors.
Southern slaveholders resented the ban
on slavery in territories that might later
become states.
Secretary of State John Quincy Adams
recognized, the compromise had not
settled the future of slavery in the United
States as a whole.
 The Second Great Awakening leaders promised that
God would bless those who did the Lord’s work. For
some Americans, the Lord’s work was the abolition
of slavery.
The “Gag Rule” Congress voted in 1836 to table—or set
aside indefinitely—all antislavery petitions.
 In 1839, the gag rule prevented John Quincy Adams
proposed a constitutional amendment saying that no
one could be born into slavery after 1845.
Southern Fears
 After Nat Turner’s slave rebellion in 1831 many states
tried to keep abolitionist writings from reaching
Fugitive Slaves Individual slaves continued to rebel by
running away to freedom in the North.
 Slaveholders demanded that Congress pass a fugitive
slave law to help them recapture their property.
 Written by Henry Clay
 Supported by Senator Daniel
Something for Everyone
 California a free state.
 New Mexico and Utah
territories to decide whether
to allow slavery.
 End slave trade in
Washington, D.C. without
threatening the rights of
 Finally, Clay’s plan called for
passage of a strong fugitive
slave law. Slaveholders had
long wanted such a law,
which would make it easier
Slavery in the Territories
 Pennsylvania representative David Wilmot added an
amendment to the bill.
 The Wilmot Proviso stated that “neither slavery nor
involuntary servitude shall ever exist” in any part of the
territory that might be acquired from Mexico as a result of
the Mexican-American War.
 Southerners said Congress had no right to decide where
slaveholders could take their property. The Wilmot Proviso
passed the House, but it was rejected by the Senate.
Statehood for California
 Southerners proposed a bill that would extend the
Missouri Compromise line all the way to the Pacific.
Slavery would be banned north of that line and allowed
south of it. Northerners in Congress rejected this proposal.
 In 1849, California applied for admission to the Union as a
free state.
 Northerners in Congress welcomed California with open
 Southerners, however, rejected California’s request.
 California would upset the balance between slave and free
 Southerners spoke openly of withdrawing from the Union.
And once again, angry Northerners denounced slavery as a
crime against humanity.
Extend the Missouri
Compromise line.
2. Northern want to prohibit
3. Wilmot Proviso is a bill that
would ban slavery in Mexican
Cession . This bill fuels
4. Other want popular
sovereignty to decide.
Democrats and Whigs take
not stand on slavery
2. Wilmot Proviso supporters
form Free-Soil Party
3. Zachary Taylor barley wins.
California applies for
2. They wanted to be a free
3. Southern opposed any new
free states because it will
upset balance of power.
Henry Clay’s compromise for
Mexican Cession and
1. California as free state.
2. Popular Sovereignty will
decide in new territory.
3. Congress to pay Texas’s
debts for land dispute.
4. End of Slave trade in
Washington D.C.
5. New Fugitive slave law
1. Antislavery northerners
want California without
2. Southerners reject it
because it upsets balance.
3. Daniel Webster supports to
preserve the Union.
4. It is Passed!!!
Federal crime to help runaways
2. Officials can arrest fugitives
even in free states.
3. Northerners oppose the law
because no trial by jury.
 northerners is attempted to
free Anthony Burns.
 Abolitionists write slave stories
 Uncle Tom’s Cabin changes
peoples views.
 Henry Clay’s and Daniel
Webster’s Compromise of
1850 satisfied almost no one
and the debate grew louder
each year.
The Fugitive Slave Act
 Northerners did not want to
enforce the act.
 Southerners felt the act did
not do enough to ensure the
return of their escaped
 Under the Fugitive Slave Act, a
person arrested as a runaway slave
had almost no legal rights.
Many runaways fled all the way to
The Fugitive Slave Act also said
that any person who helped a slave
escape, or even refused to aid slave
catchers, could be jailed.
Opposition to the act was
widespread in the North.
Northerners’ refusal to support the
act infuriated slaveholders.
Only 299 were captured and
returned to their owners during
this time.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
 Nothing brought the horrors of
slavery home to Northerners more
than Uncle Tom’s Cabin
 A novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
 Few other novels in American
history have had the political
impact of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
 Fueled the antislavery movement.
 In 1852, Uncle Tom’s Cabin was
published as a novel.
 No other work had ever aroused
such powerful emotions about
 In the South, the novel and its
author were scorned and cursed.
The Democrats
1. Franklin Pierce from New
2. Pleased southerners by
promising to honor
Compromise of 1850 and
enforce Fugitive Slave Act.
1. War hero, Winfield Scott
2. Southerners don’t trust his
commitment to Compromise
of 1850.
The Ostend Manifesto and the
Kansas- Nebraska Act
 Ostend Manifesto was a messeage:
President Franklin Pierce urged the
U.S. government to seize Cuba by force
if Spain refuse to sell.
 Northerners charged that Pierce’s
administration wanted to add another
slave state to the Union.
Senator Stephen A. Douglas introduced a bill to get a
railroad built to California.
Southerners in Congress agreed to support the bill only
if Douglas made a few changes—and those changes had
far-reaching consequences.
Kansas-Nebraska Act passed in 1854
created two new territories, Kansas and Nebraska.
abolished the Missouri Compromise leaving
settlers to vote on slavery .
Bloodshed in Kansas:
 settlers poured into Kansas either to support or to
oppose slavery.
 May 21, 1856, proslavery settlers and so-called “border
ruffians” from Missouri attacked Lawrence, Kansas,
 A fiery abolitionist named John Brown and seven
followers, invaded the proslavery town of Pottawatomie,
Kansas. There, they dragged five men they suspected of
supporting slavery from their homes and hacked them
to death with swords.
The Railroad to Pacific
1. Stephen Douglas, wants
railroad to the Pacific to run
through Illinois.
2. Needs Louisiana Purchase to
become a territory.
3. Missouri Compromise would
make that land free States.
Douglas and the Southerners
1. Southerners want railroad
through the south
2. Douglas promises to open
new territory to slavery.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
Douglas proposes KansasNebraska bill to Congress.
2. Divides the land into two
territories call Kansas and
3. Popular Soveignty will determine
Anti-slavery northerners said it
violates the Missouri
Compromise for slavery.
2. Pierce and Douglas convince
Democrats to vote for it.
3. Passes in 1854
Kansas becomes a contest.
Territory Elections
Held in March 1855
2. Won by pro-slavery forces, with
thousands of Missouri votes.
Two governments
Territory legislature passed strict
pro-slavery laws
2. Antislavery Kansans formed
their own government
3. Pro-Slavery men attacked
4. John Brown killed proslavery
men at Pottawatomie Massacre.
Violence in the Senate
1. Charles Sumner gave
speech insulting Senator
Andrew Pickens Butler of
2. Butler’s nephew,
Representative Preston
Brooks, beat Sumner badly
with a cane in the Senate
3. Northerners are outraged.
4. Southerners send Brooks
more canes.
Kansas-Nebraska Act impact
Whigs, Democrats, Free-Soilers and
abolitionists form Republican Party.
Northern Democrats who voted for the
Act are not re-elected
Whig Party split
The Election of 1856
Know-Nothing Party split
Democrats choose James Buchanan
Republicans choose John C. Fremont
Election Returns
Buchanan won ,taking 14 of 15 slave
states and 5 free states.
Fremont won remaining free states
Know-Nothing Party won M.D.
In 1857, the slavery controversy shifted from Congress to
the Supreme Court.
 Scott had traveled to Wisconsin, where slavery was
banned by the Missouri Compromise.
 He argued that his stay in Wisconsin had made him a
free man.
Questions of the Case
 The justices had key questions to decide.
First, as a slave, was Dred Scott a citizen who had the
right to bring a case before a federal court?
Second, did his time in Wisconsin make him a free
Did Congress have the power to make any laws at all
concerning slavery in the territories?
And, if so, was the Missouri Compromise a
constitutional use of that power?
Nearly 80 years old, Taney had long been opposed to
slavery. As a young Maryland lawyer, he had publicly
declared that “slavery is a blot upon our national
character and every lover of freedom confidently hopes
that it will be . . . wiped away.” Taney had gone on to free
his own slaves. Many observers wondered whether he
and his fellow justices would now free Dred Scott as well.
Two Judicial Bombshells
On March 6, 1857, Chief Justice Taney delivered the
Dred Scott
By a vote of five to four, the Court had decided that
 Scott could not sue for his freedom in a federal court
because he was not a citizen.
 No African American, whether slave or free, was an
American citizen—or could ever become one.
 Taney declared that the Court had rejected Scott’s
argument that his stay in Wisconsin had made him
a free man.
 The Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.
Slaves are property.
The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution says that
property cannot be taken from people without due
process of
banning slavery in a territory is the same as taking
property from slaveholders who would like to bring their
slaves into that territory that is unconstitutional.
Congress has a constitutional responsibility to protect
the property rights of slaveholders in a territory.
The Case
Dred Scott-slave of a Missouri surgeon
who traveled to Illinois.
Scott sues for freedom after owners
death in Illinois
Questions for Supreme Court
Is Scott a citizen? Can he sue?
Was he freed by going to free soil?
Is the ban on slavery in Louisiana
territory legal?
The Dred Scott decision
Roger B. Taney decides. (He was from a
slave holding family.)
African Americas are not citizens
Scott is not free
Missouri Compromise is illegal.
Kansas-Nebraska Act, help create a new political organization, the
Republican Party.
The Republicans were united by their beliefs that “no man can
own another man . . . That slavery must be prohibited in the
territories . . . That all new States must be Free States . . . That the
rights of our colored citizen . . . must be protected.”
In 1858, Republicans in Illinois nominated Abraham Lincoln to
run for the Senate
Quoting from the Bible, he warned, “A house divided against itself
cannot stand.” Lincoln went on: “I believe this government cannot
endure, permanently half-slave and half-free. I do not expect the
Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but I do
expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all
the other.”
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Lincoln’s opponent in the Senate race was Senator Stephen
The Illinois senator saw no reason why the nation could not go on
half-slave and half-free.
Lincoln lost the election. But the debates were widely reported,
and they helped make him a national figure.
His argument with Douglas also brought the moral issue of slavery
into sharp focus.
Compromises over slavery were becoming impossible.
Abraham Lincoln challenged
Stephan Douglas for U.S.
Senate seat
They hold seven debates
across Illinois.
Lincoln argued to stop the
spread of slavery in territories
Douglas announces Freeport
Doctrine- American citizen
have power to ban slavery not
Douglas won but Lincoln
gains popularity in the
Republican Party
John Brown’s Raid
 While Lincoln fought to stop the spread of
slavery through politics, abolitionist John
Brown adopted a more extreme approach.
 Brown planned to seize the federal arsenal
at Harpers Ferry, Virginia and to use the
weapons to arm slaves for a rebellion that
would end slavery.
 Brown launched his raid in 1859
 All of Brown’s men were killed or captured
during the raid.
 Brown himself was convicted of treason and
sentenced to die.
 “I John Brown am now quite certain that the
crimes of this guilty land will never be
purged away but with Blood.”
 Southerners feared future attacks
 Northerners viewed Brown as a hero also left
white Southerners uneasy.
John Brown
1. Planed to attack federal
arsenal in Harpers Ferry,
2. Want to arm slave for a slave
John Brown’s Raid
1. 20 men including John Brown
and his three sons
2. 10/16/1859, captured arsenal,
but slaves did not join in.
3. White towns people fought
back until the army arrived
and captured Brown and his
Brown was convicted of
Treason, murder and
conspiracy of rebellion.
He was hanged in Dec. 1859
Hero in the north
Some northern did not
approve of the violence.
White southerners felt
threatened and fear more
Explain how Americans reacted to John Brown’s
raid on Harpers Ferry.
Explain what factors led to Lincoln’s victory in the
presidential election of 1860.
Explain why some southern states decided to leave
the Union.
The Election of 1860
1. Democratic Party splitStephen Douglas for the
northern Democrats and John
C. Breckinridge for the
southern Democrats.
A new party
1. Constitutional Union Party,
nominated John Bell.
Republican Party nominated
Abraham Lincoln.
1. Lincoln only won 40 %
2. Lincoln didn’t win a southern
Breaking with the Union
1. Constitution does not address
secession or forming
withdrawing from the Union.
2. S.C. seceded in Dec. 1860
fearing Lincoln would end
3. John J. Crittenden try to make
the south happy with a series
of proposed amendments.
4. Republican reject the
proposals because they
extend slavery.
 The 1860 presidential race showed just
how divided the nation had become.
 Republicans united behind Lincoln.
 The Democrats split
 Northern Democrats nominated
Stephen Douglas.
 Southern Democrats supported
John C. Breckinridge.
 Constitutional Union Party
nominated John Bell.
Abraham Lincoln Is Elected President
 With his opposition divided three ways,
Lincoln won the presidential election with
just 40 percent of the vote.
The South Secedes from the Union
 The Senate committee held its first meeting
on December 20, 1860. Just as the senators
began their work, events in two distant
cities dashed their hopes for a settlement.
President-Elect Abraham Lincoln said he
would not interfere with slavery in the
South. And he would support enforcement
of the Fugitive Slave Act. But Lincoln drew
the line at letting slavery extend into the
territories. On this question, he declared,
“Let there be no compromise.”
Meanwhile, in Charleston, South Carolina,
delegates attending a state convention voted
that same day—December 20, 1860—to
leave the Union.
Six more states soon followed South
Carolina’s lead. In February 1861, those
states joined together as the Confederate
States of America.
The Civil War Begins On March 4, 1861,
Lincoln became president of the not-so-
The Civil War Begins
 On March 4, 1861, Lincoln became president
of the not-so-united United States.
 In his inaugural address, Lincoln stated his
belief that secession was both wrong and
unconstitutional. He then appealed to the
rebellious states to return in peace. “In your
hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen,
and not in mine,” he said, “is the
momentous issue of civil war.”
 On April 12, 1861, they opened fire on Fort
Sumter, a federal fort in Charleston Harbor.
After 33 hours of heavy shelling, the
defenders of the fort hauled down the Stars
and Stripes and replaced it with the white
flag of surrender.
 The time for compromise was over. The
issues that had divided the nation for so
many years would now be decided by a civil
By Feb. 1, 1861 7 states
2. SC, MS, FL, AL, GA, LA,
TX, (The deep south)
3. They formed a new nation
called Confederate States of
4. Jefferson Davis is elected
the president of the
Confederate States of