poussières de vie - Le Nguyen Thanh Truc

This proposal aims to promote PointSport, a charitable sport training program for underprivileged children in
Ho Chi Minh City. Organized by a Vietnamese - French NGO – Poussières de Vie (PdV), this program is a new project
which provides disadvantaged children with an opportunity to have a better life and a bright future with sport. This
project also aims to promote the importance of sport in the mental and physical development of children. To promote
the project, this PR plan will identify the target publics and suggest appropriate tactics to approach each public. This
proposal also includes evaluation methods to measure the outcomes of this campaign.
Our research indicates that Vietnam is going through a rapid process of globalization. Besides the economic
advantages, this process also brings about some significant social drawbacks. Firstly, the number of street children in
Ho Chi Minh City has been increasing dramatically over the past few years to approximately 10.000, due to
immigration as well as the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Secondly, nowadays, national and
international corporations have a tendency to concentrate on sustainable economic growth, primarily by doing CSR
activities. However, their strategies mainly focus on global issues such as the environment and human rights rather
than on maintaining Vietnamese culture – a relatively local area, due to the lack of guidance from authentic NGOs.
In this PR campaign, we target four groups of people including potential sponsors, children, general public,
and followers with different tactics and tools. Generally, we will hold one main event which is the Mid-autumn Festival
performance at Han Thuyen roundabout. The event will include the participation of two sport celebrities – Nguyen Tien
Minh and Pham Kim Hue – which will attract a wide range of attention and awareness of general public and the media.
Furthermore, various tactics and tools will be used exclusively for the underprivileged children, including field
trips, sample classes, Fitness Challenge, exchange sessions, and an educational corner at the Kermesse festival. In
addition, with the assistance of energetic followers, these events will help the children clearly understand the program,
experience the training facilities and have fun with sport. Also, we will use a media kit, social media, website, profiles
and editorials for specific target publics in order to achieve our objectives, which are mainly to gain awareness,
develop positive attitudes towards PointSport and attract donations.
Please continue reading for further details.
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Table of Contents
Statement of need ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Project description ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Target publics ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Potential sponsors .............................................................................................................................. 3
Disadvantaged children ...................................................................................................................... 4
General public .................................................................................................................................... 4
Followers ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Tactics and tools .................................................................................................................................... 5
General tactics........................................................................................................................................... 5
Potential sponsors .............................................................................................................................. 5
Disadvantaged children ...................................................................................................................... 5
General public .................................................................................................................................... 5
Followers ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Targeted medium ............................................................................................................................... 6
Evaluation .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Qualification ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 7
VI. APPENDIX............................................................................................................................................... 8
References ....................................................................................................................................... 22
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Statement of need
Over the past few years, Vietnam has witnessed a dramatic leap in economic growth and a corresponding
decline in poverty rates. This trend is a reaction to globalization, which brings about both opportunities and challenges
to corporations and community. On one hand, this tendency increases businesses’ profits and job opportunities. On
the other hand, it raises alarming issues, especially the increase of street children. With the poor living conditions and
low educational conditions, these children are undoubtedly in need of support from society.
Another noticeable point is that although Vietnamese companies have been aware of and paying attention to
CSR, their activities are still limited and lack of proper guidance from experienced NGOs. The main problem with
Vietnam’s CSR efforts is the overwhelming focus on global issues such as environment, human rights and so on,
rather than local issues such as bridging the gap between the rich and the poor, or preventing the loss of the traditional
Having studied closely HCMC’s current situation, our communication agency sees it as an opportunity to help
not only children to develop self-esteem and social integration but also businesses to do CSR effectively. In essence,
this PR campaign is necessary because, firstly, it sheds light on the life of street children – a recent urgent issue in
HCMC that interests general publics and the media – and secondly, it offers businesses a professional support for their
CSR activities from the experienced NGO – Poussières de Vie, with the main event concentrating on preserving
Vietnam’s traditional customs.
Project description
The project approaches relevant publics with clear communication goals, feasible objectives, and appropriate tactics
and tools. Targeted medium details, timeline description, budget approximation and evaluation methods are offered to
sketch out a realistic project. Please also be noted that in essence, in order to avoid compassion fatigue, the project
generates a high level of interactivity with general public alongside creating sport playgrounds for the children.
I. Target publics
The key identified target publics for this campaign are potential sponsors, disadvantaged children, general public and
followers in HCMC.
1. Potential sponsors
We will approach 15 potential sponsors including sponsors of facilities, schools and teachers, and food supply
and financial sponsors (for list of potential sponsors, see appendix 1.1, page 9).
a) Goals:
 To attract sponsorships in money, facilities and human resources to for PointSport
 To build and maintain mutual beneficial relationships with new and existing sponsors
b) Objectives:
 To raise 70% awareness of potential sponsors about PointSport at the end of the 2nd week of the
 To inform 60% of potential sponsors about PointSport at the end of the 2nd week of the campaign.
 To make 30% of potential sponsors understand and feel the importance of PointSport that they can obtain
benefits from investment at the end of the 3rd week of the campaign.
 To have 20% of potential sponsors support money and facilities for the program at the end of the 5th week
of the campaign.
c) Key message: “Poussieres de Vie is an experimental NGO association with 10 years of conducting
successfully cost-effective CSR projects in Vietnam. Supporting PointSport not only benefits your company but
also helps street and vulnerable children as a future Vietnamese generation have better social integration and
personal development.”
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2. Disadvantaged children
Approximately 600 (see appendix 1.2, page 10)
a) Goal: To recruit students for PointSport in December 2012
b) Objectives:
 To raise 100% awareness of the children about PointSport at the end of the 2nd week of the campaign.
 To inform 100% of the children about PointSport at the end of the 2nd week of the campaign.
 To make 10% of the children feel they want to take part in PointSport at the end of the 2 nd month of the
 To have 7% of the children register for PointSport at the end of the campaign.
c) Key message: “By joining PointSport you will have the chance to improve your health, make more friends and
have fun with sport.”
3. General public
Approximately 7.3 million (see appendix 1.3, page 10)
a) Goals:
 To help this group understand the purpose of PointSport program and the PR campaign.
 To call for their donation for PointSport.
b) Objectives:
 To raise 8% awareness of this group about PointSport and the campaign at the end of the 2nd week of the
 To make 5% of this group have the positive attitude towards PointSport and the campaign at the end of
the 3rd week of the campaign.
 To have 2% of this target public keeping on track with PointSport and the campaign throughout the
 To have 0.01% of this group (about 730 people) donate 20 million VND to support PointSport at the end of
the campaign.
c) Key message: “PointSport is a meaningful program to assist the disadvantaged children in HCMC and to
brighten their future. The campaign is an initial step of the long-term assistance for children through sport.”
Approximately 414.000 (see appendix 1.4, page 11)
a) Goals:
 To raise awareness and positive attitude of young people towards PointSport and the PR campaign.
 To recruit volunteers for the PR campaign.
b) Objectives
 To raise 10% awareness of HCMC university students (about 14,000) about PointSport and the campaign
at the end of the 2nd week of the campaign.
 To inform 5% of HCMC university students (about 7,000) about PointSport and the campaign at the end of
the 2nd week of the campaign.
 To make 1% of HCMC university students (about 1,400) have positive attitude towards PointSport and the
campaign at the end of the 2nd week of the campaign.
 To have 0.025% of HCMC university students (about 100) apply for volunteer positions for the campaign
at the end of the 3rd week of the campaign.
c) Key message: “A helping hand from you will make future plans of street children easier to reach. All moments
you experience in the campaign will be meaningful memories of your precious student life.”
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II. Tactics and tools
General tactics
To target all four target publics, we will use the tactics below:
 Mid-Autumn Festival performance: Held on 30th September 2012 at Han Thuyen roundabout (see
appendix 2.1, page 11)
 Kermesse festival: Activities at the educational corner in December 2012 (see appendix 2.2, page 12)
1. Potential sponsors
LinkedIn: Start and develop mutual relationships with potential sponsors like Managers and CEOs from
various organizations through discussions about CSR and our PR campaign.
Sponsor letters: Will be delivered to via e-mails and printed letters (see appendix 2.3, page 12)
Direct contacts: Use e-mails, phone calls and direct conversations to inform potential sponsors about
PointSport and the campaign.
Social media: Develop and maintain mutual relationships with potential sponsors from different
organizations through Facebook and Twitter.
Editorials: Focus on niche publications relating to economy and business, distributing updated news
regarding underprivileged children and PointSport (see appendix 2.4, page 12)
Weekly Newsletters (E-newsletter and print newsletter): Update all information about the campaign,
media coverage and evaluate results to official sponsors (see appendix 2.5, page 12)
2. Disadvantaged children
(for expanded tactics and tools, see appendix 2.7, page 11)
 Field trip: Allow the children to see the training locations and facilities in person (see appendix 2.6, p.11)
 Sample class: Give the children the first-hand experience on their upcoming classes.
 Fitness Challenge (at RMIT University): The children will have the chance to take part in different sport
activities and to interact with the participants.
 Exchange session: Allow the children to use the infrastructure and equipment at partners’ places.
3. General public
Social media: People can share photos and short stories related to their own experience with street
children (see appendix 2.8, page 13)
Youtube: Videos about the main event and documentary clips about street children (appendix 2.9, p. 13)
Profile: Of Pham Kim Hue – a successful volleyball player having difficult childhood (appendix 2.10, p.14)
Website: Will be updated with official announcements, profiles, background information about PdV,
PointSport, and the PR campaign, contact details, and donation information (see appendix 2.11, page 14).
Editorials: To raise awareness and capture attention of general public about social issues relating to
underprivileged children in HCMC, about PointSport and the campaign (see appendix 2.12, page 14).
(for specific volunteer tasks, see appendix 1.4, page 11)
 Editorials: (see appendix 2.13, page 14)
 Social media: Volunteers will share videos and photos of their experience during and after the campaign
via Facebook and Zing Me (see appendix 2.14, page 14)
 Website: Contains information about the campaign for followers (see appendix 2.15, page 15)
 Profile: Of the officer in charge of the campaign’s volunteer group, or of a university student who has a
remarkable profile in doing extra-curricular activities and is currently working for PointSport.
 Training: To inform volunteers about the agenda of the campaign and specific tasks, to keep them on
track, make them confident, and encourage them to do their best.
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Targeted medium
For this campaign, we use niche publications specialized in economy and primarily distributed in HCMC to reach the
potential sponsors. For general public, we utilize one main national print publication - Thanh Nien newspaper, and
other high-ranked online newspapers to update news instantly and to achieve a wide range of attention. Social media
is a powerful tool not only to raise awareness of followers but also to encourage them to spread out information about
the campaign to the online community. It also generates a high level of interactivity to engage and to keep followers on
track with the campaign.
Timeline and budget
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Sponsor letters
Direct contacts
Social media
Weekly newsletters
Field trip
Sample class
Fitness Challenge
Exchange session
Main event
Kermesse festival
Budget ($1000USD)
Tactics &
(See appendix 4, page 19 for details)
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V. Evaluation
(See appendix 5, page 20 for details)
General public
- Raise awareness
- Knowledge of the campaign and PointSport
- Understand and feel PointSport’s benefits
- Support for PointSport program
- Raise awareness
- Knowledge about the campaign and PointSport
- Ignite feeling of desire for participation
- Call for participation
- Raise awareness
- Generate positive attitude towards the campaign
- Follow the process of the campaign
- Raise fund
- Raise awareness
- Ignite positive attitude about participating
community works
- Call for support
Evaluation methods
- Surveys; Counting via LinkedIn
- Visiting website (sponsorship section);
personal phone calls; Twitter beep
- Surveys and discussion panels
- Responding sponsor letters
- Surveys
- Counting
- One-on-one consultation
- Counting
- Surveys
- Focus group interviews
- Observation and counting via
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and website.
- Counting
- Counting via Facebook, Zing Me, YouTube,
Flickr and online newspapers.
- Observation
- Counting
VI. Qualifications
Infinity Communication was founded in October 2002 by four Vietnamese PR specialists. Our headquarters are
located in Bitexco Financial Tower, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, and we also have branches in four other big cities –
Hai Phong, Ha Noi, Da Nang, Can Tho. Specialized in the public relations field, we have been working attentively in
Vietnam’s communication industry for ten years. Infinity’s staff has profound experiences working with the
media, managing issue and crisis, doing CSR campaigns, making proposals and planning events for numerous
enterprises and NGOs in Vietnam. Our clients include Pepsi Co., Unilever, Kraft Food, Loreto, Saigon Children
Charity, to name a few. At Infinity we hold an infinite social commitment, which is also our belief of fulfilling the needs
of NGOs and businesses that inspired us to create the PR campaign for PointSport.
VII. Conclusion
As an experienced organization, Infinity Communication believes an effective PR campaign with insightful
approaches is not necessarily costly. We ensure that our PR plan is a result of deep research and hard work from our
passionate and devoted staff. We would like to thank you for looking at our proposal, and we look forward to working
with you to bring the greatest success to PointSport.
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1. Target publics
1.1 List of potential sponsors
Sponsors of facilities, schools, teachers and food supply:
Vietnam Vovinam Federation (VVF):
Vietnam Vovinam Federation officially constituted in May 1995 aims to propagate the spirit of Vovinam –
the traditional Vietnamese martial art, encourage and guide people to participate in Vovinam training for
not only physical development but also cognitive and social well-being. VVF has operated various
departments: training, organization, research and development departments. VVF has achieved an
enormous connection with small Vovinam clubs throughout the country, specifically Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh
City and Gia Lai province; indeed, in external destination like Frankfurt in Germany. Besides, VVF has
successfully brought Vovinam to international sport competitions such as SEA Games and ASIAN Indoor
Games. Hence, with long-term experience in educating and promoting Vovinam to the Vietnamese and a
wide range of sustainable connections with internal and external resources, VVF will be the ideal sponsor
in supporting not only experienced teachers but also opportunities to build up the underprivileged
children’s future.
Thuong Dinh:
Thuong Dinh is one of the biggest Vietnamese footwear manufacturers. For 50 years, Thuong Dinh has
developed various products encompassing sandals, sneakers and sport shoes with average prices to
meet demands of a wide age-range of Vietnamese people from children to adults. Thuong Dinh’s products
and services have spread throughout Vietnam and some other neighbor countries such as China, Lao,
Cambodia. Since Thuong Dinh has achieved sustainable development and credibility in Vietnamese
footwear market, our campaign aims to attract their attention to receive their support in sport shoes for
volunteers in Mid-Autumn Festival Performance and also for the children throughout PointSport program.
Kinh Do:
Kinh Do is a Vietnamese food organization and for over seventeen years has been nationally best known
for its high quality products Beside having over 600 distributors and 200,000 retails all over the country,
Kinh Do also expands its abroad market by exporting products to thirty five countries such as the United
Kingdom, the United States, Japan, Singapore, etc. One of Kinh Do’s main products is moon cake which is
favourited by lots of Vietnamese when the annual traditional Mid-Autumn festival takes place. Therefore,
by being PointSport PR campaign’s sponsor Kinh Do could provide the main event of the campaign with
its amazing moon cakes. This is also a great opportunity for Kinh Do to strengthen as well as spread out
its reputation to the public.
Sponsors of funding:
Vietnamese Corporations:
Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL):
Founded in 1993, today HAGL is a national multidisciplinary organization specialized in wooden furniture,
real estate, rubber, hydropower and minerals. HAGL is a dynamic company and always tries to give
customers the best service and products with highest quality. Since HAGL is a powerful company with a
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significant financial source, its sponsorship will help the campaign grow stronger and faster. Furthermore,
HAGL also has a football club and thus it can create opportunity for the children to have a chance to talk to
HAGL’s football players and then be inspired by watching them play the game.
Asia Commercial Bank (ACB): With its headquarter in Ho Chi Minh City and many branches around
Vietnam, ACB is a national bank with high standard of excellence and great trust from the general public.
In 2011, ACB won an award for the best bank in Vietnam by the Global Finance magazine. In addition,
PdV’s official bank account is operated by ACB so this PdV’s campaign will have a high chance of
receiving financial support from ACB.
French Corporations:
French Chamber of Commerce Vietnam (CCIFV):
French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Vietnam is a foreign organization that assists French
business corporations in connecting and promoting to embark on their operation in Vietnam. Their
members embrace companies and organizations of different fields from commerce, banking, auditing, and
engineering to communications. CCIFV represents for the community of French enterprises in Vietnam.
Moreover, CCIFV also achieves its role as a social-committed association with various CSR campaigns.
Thus, CCFIV can support us in informing other French corporations about our campaign along with
PointSport program; indeed, distributing PdV “success stories” for a special attention to the French
Natixis is a French multidisciplinary organization operating three core businesses namely, corporate and
investment banking, investment solutions and financial services. Natixis has developed its businesses,
especially in banking, to 68 countries in four regions like French, America, Asia-Pacific and EMEA. In
2010, Natixis was awarded as the best arranger of Vietnamese syndicated loans by Euro Week Awards.
Besides, Natixis also fulfills its role as a social-committed organization through sport sponsorship. Indeed,
it has supported two sport events in Europe like the Racing Metro 92 and the French Olympic Team since
2009. Therefore, as Natixis is a strong financial brand and interested in sponsoring sport events,
PointSport program will lure the organization’s attention in starting its sport sponsorship in Vietnam.
1.2 Targeted disadvantaged children
600 children we are targeting including:
 100 children currently in PdV’s Tu Xuong DotCom project
 80 children from Christian Noble Children’s Foundation
 450 children from Go Vap Centre of Nurture and Protect Children
The reason we focused on children’s PdV and these other two centers is because there are only 40 children
required to run PointSport in December 2012. With such small figure, targeting all disadvantaged children in
HCMC at this time would not be an appropriate approach.
We plan to target a broader range of children afterwards (starting from 2013) (for expanded tactics and tools, see
appendix 2.7, page 11)
1.3 General public
In this group, we will primarily target around 7,400 million local residents living in HCMC who care about the
physical and mental development of children through sport in general as well as the difficult living conditions of
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underprivileged children in this area. Beside sponsorships and partnerships, general public also needs to be
targeted due to 3 main reasons. Initially, this group has the largest size in terms of amount, meaning they have the
great influence to spread the awareness and attention of this project based on word-of-mouth. Secondly, if
PointSport could attract a great amount of general public, it will also assure the potential sponsors and partners
about their benefits in cooperation with PdV, especially enhancing good reputation and conveying brand image.
Thirdly, this public is also the potential source for donation. Thus, approaching these people to evoke their
sympathy is a good way to call for their assistance.
The reason we choose followers as one of the target publics is that because they are partners of PointSport
throughout the whole campaign. They are also young, energetic and dynamic people who have creative,
innovative minds. Furthermore, they are eager to try something new, do different things which are helpful to the
general community. PointSport is an opportunity for the youth to not only gain experience and extend relationships
but also and above all show their contribution to the society and see the meaningfulness in what they do. The
number of university students generally aged 18-22 in HCMC is 413,739 and we will recruit them for volunteers.
With support from this group, we hope to spread out the campaign through an effective and totally free way –
word-of-mouth – since students are usually aware of and interested in what their friends are doing. They are also
looking for an opportunity to be part of community campaigns and projects so PointSport’s PR campaign will be a
great start for them.
Specific tasks:
Exchange: Volunteers will guide the children while they play sports at the partners’ places and make sure
everything is under control during the exchange.
Field trip: Volunteers will guide the children to see the sport facilities and make sure everything is under
control during the trips.
Fitness challenge: Volunteers will guide the children during the fitness challenge and make sure every
activity is under control.
Main event (Mid-autumn festival performance): Volunteer will help raise public’s awareness about the event
before it actually happens. During the event they will have specific tasks to complete.
Kermesse festival: Volunteers will introduce PdV and PointSport, answer related questions, help raise fund,
guide visitors to play games and engage them in activities, and keep everything on track.
2. Tactics and tools
General tactics
2.1 Mid-autumn festival performance
 Time: 30th September 2012 (Mid-autumn festival)
 Place: Han Thuyen roundabout (the centre of HCMC where can attract the attention of numerous local people
and tourists)
 Activities: Children from PdV will perform the traditional dragon dance along with 10 (ông địa?) wearing sport
uniforms dancing around to engage audience. At the end of the performance, two (ông địa) will wear off their
masks and the audience will surprisingly recognize Tien Minh and Kim Hue – two famous athletics.
Afterwards, these celebrities will present their speeches to inspire the audience about sport. Furthermore,
during the event time, there will be a section for children to decorate the lanterns. The money collected by
selling these lanterns will be donated for PointSport.
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Kermesse festival
Time: December 2012 (not fixed)
Place: Saigon Zoo
Targeted publics: Mostly children and their parents who join Kermesse
Flash mob: Underprivileged children of PdV will perform the flash mob dance. They will wear the uniforms of
some specific sports included in PointSport program. Furthermore, the dance steps will be designed related to
those sport activities. Volunteers will also wear these uniforms and invite children to join the flash mob dance.
These children will be quickly trained some basic steps to help them be familiar and interested in sport
Q&A session: Volunteers and representatives of PdV will answer all the questions about PointSport.
Potential sponsors
2.3 Sponsor letters include eight main parts:
Main purpose of conducting PointSport project
Main goals and objectives of PointSport project
Timeline and details of PointSport program
Sponsorship packages from Bronze, Silver, Gold to Diamond
Benefits for each sponsorship package
The form of sponsorship agreement
Media plan
Contact details
2.4 Editorials (see appendix 3.1, page 15 for details): Recommended titles and their brief description for media
The unfortunate lives: portraying the living standards of street children and children from disadvantaged
families in Vietnam and how they struggle to find their own voice in the community.
Inequality in Vietnamese society - Wealth versus Poverty: demonstrating inequality in Vietnamese society
between the poor and the wealth through some examples of social problems and statistical reports in order to
outlining the issue’s impact to social and economy development.
Power of sports: featuring the importance of sports in optimal children development contributing to not only
the physical but also more about the cognitive, social and emotional well-being.
Dare to dream: depicting inspirational stories about Vietnamese athletes who were initially vulnerable children
but sports have changed their destiny for better social integration and their brighter future.
2.5 Weekly newsletters: Print newsletters will be the booklets delivered to head offices of our official sponsors.
Additionally, e-newsletter will be sent directly to members of official sponsorship. The weekly newsletters include
six main parts:
Introduction/ A brief summary of the newsletters
Report and evaluate previous events/ activities
Introduction of the coming up events/ activities
Diagrams, graphs and statistics
Contact details
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Disadvantaged children
2.6 Field trip: will be carried out once a month, the locations would respectively be:
Saigon Pony Club: watching horse races, taking part in riding lessons, learning to take care of horses,
interacting with foreign children)
Saigon Sports Academy: observing infrastructure, equipment, class, etc.
Labour Culture Palace HCMC: observing infrastructure, equipment, class, etc.
2.7 Expanded tactics and tools
Door-to-door dissemination: volunteers go directly to each household to introduce and provide information
about PointSport
Workshop: conducted at children resource centers and big markets, PointSport’s teachers explain the purpose
of PointSport and give out information
Register session: conducted at children resource centers/ big markets/ households, volunteers bring register
forms and help the children register for PointSport
Materials used:
Fact sheet: about the advantages of playing sport to children.
Poster, flyer: with information about PdV, PointSport, and the infrastructure and facilities of partners. Color
versions drawn by volunteers, black-and-white photocopies.
General public
2.8 Facebook: Facebook is considered as the perfect tool to attain the awareness and attention of general public.
This is attributed to the great amount of Facebook users in Vietnam. Concisely, Vietnam currently ranks 27 th in
terms of the number of Facebook users by country. In addition, the number of Vietnamese Facebook users has
been accelerated rapidly over the past few years. Specifically, this figure leaped from 100.000 in June 2009 to 1.1
million in November that year when Facebook first entered to Vietnam.
Daily upload: During the campaign:
Real-life stories about disadvantaged children in HCMC will be released every week.
Photos, videos, and information about PointSport, about the main event and the competition will be uploaded
Online competition:
The competition will lasting during 3 month length of the campaign. Participants can post their photos or writings
sharing their moments and feelings about street children. The picture and writing receive the greatest numbers of
Like, Comment and Share will be the winners. They will have a chance to experience one day hanging out with the
famous sport players (Tien Minh and Kim Hue).
2.9 Youtube: Every week we will upload a video on Youtube. These videos include:
A teaser video introducing the event in Mid-autumn Festival.
A video recording the activities of that event.
A video introducing our educational corner at Kermesses
Five documentary clips about street children in HCMC
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2.10 Profile
General content: This profile includes the background information about Kim Hue from her difficult childhood to
her current successful position in sport. At the age of 6, she earned her own money to help her family. Moreover,
this profile also shares her viewpoint about life and the key to success – belief. Accordingly, her success attributes
to great efforts rather than lucky. However, she still appreciates the hard time in the past, which gave her
motivation to attain her achievements.
Purpose: This story could inspire many people about overcoming difficulties in life to achieve success, especially
in sport. In addition, this profile could gain the belief of general public in order to help them trust PdV. Clearly, what
we are doing can make a miracle. Thus, it could lead to a belief that their donations will contribute to the process of
making the miracle – providing several successful players for Vietnamese sport.
This profile will be posted in the official website of PdV a week prior to the main event – Mid Autumn Festival.
2.11 Website: PdV official website contains information about PdV and PointSport, including backgrounds,
purpose, history, achievements, etc. This website also updates photos, videos, profiles and latest news about this
campaign and PointSport so that the audience can follow.
2.12 Editorials (see appendix 3.2, page 16 for details):
Suggested contents:
Poor living conditions of underprivileged children in HCMC and Kon Tum
Corporations’ CSR activities in Vietnam.
NGOs in Vietnam, opportunities and challenges.
The importance of sport in children development.
Specific stories of successful athletics growing up from vulnerable childhood.
Lion dance: a fading traditional custom.
2.13 Editorials (see appendix 3.3, page 17 for details):
Suggested contents:
Trends of the Vietnamese youth (doing extra-curricular activities, apply for volunteer opportunities to help the
society, to gain life experience and to make more relationships).
Growing strength of community clubs of universities in Vietnam
NGOs info in Vietnam focusing on children issues.
New activities and destinations in Mid-autumn festival this year
What’s new in this Mid-Autumn festival in HCMC?
“Han Thuyen coffee” – new trend of the youth in HCMC.
Vietnamese sport stars start at young ages
2.14 Social media:
Avatars and covers of the campaign’s Facebook and Zing Me fan pages will be pictures of PdV’s children
having fun with sports.
Picture albums: pictures of children playing sports and having fun with people and volunteers. Besides, we can
have a “picture interview” in which we will take portrait pictures of some children and in the caption of each
picture is the interview content. The interview will be focus on what they think about sports, about PointSport
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event and activities, their future profession, how PointSport staff and volunteers have helped them, etc. We
can also interview some organizers, volunteers and the general public.
Videos (embedded to FB via PointSport’s official Youtube channel): Videos of children playing sports and
having fun with people and volunteers, videos of the process of volunteers preparing for the PR campaign’s
activities and Kermesse festival, videos of PointSport’s partners’ places where the children have done their
field trips, exchange and other activities, etc.
Statuses and notes will be posted onto these two pages to inform the readers about PdV, PointSport and its
PR campaign. Also, through statues and notes people will be able to know about PointSport’s PR campaign
activities and catch up with the latest news.
Stay on these two pages’ information sections will be the brief information about PdV and PointSport as well
as contact information (including address, office number, mobile phone number, email, LinkedIn) and
PointSport’s bank account.
*Avatars, covers, pictures, videos, statuses and notes will be updated regularly throughout the campaign.
2.15 Website: Information for volunteers: volunteer recruitment announcement and information, specific
requirements, timeline of the campaign and main event, general and main tasks of the campaign’s activities,
benefits of volunteers, contact details, and so on. The website will be updated regularly with posts, photos and
videos so people could catch up with how PointSport is going and what is actually happening. All posts on the
website will have share buttons so information will be spread out onto social networks such as Facebook and Zing
Me, which helps raise awareness about the campaign and attract potential volunteers.
3. Targeted medium
3.1 Potential sponsors
*List of publications (arranged in descending order of importance):
Nhip Cau Dau Tu
Saigon Times
Thoi bao kinh te Saigon
AsiaLIFE Magazine
65,000 copies/ week
Nhip Cau Dau Tu aims for
business professional in Vietnam
with 65% of circulation distributed
in Ho Chi Minh City. Nhip Cau
Dau Tu always strives to hold its
number one position as
“Vietnam’s best business read”.
40,000 copies/ week
Saigon Times is an English
business magazine distributed
both nationwide and overseas in
which 50% in Ho Chi Minh City
and 5% in foreign countries.
70,000 copies/ week
Thoi bao kinh te Saigon is a
Vietnamese business magazine
with a readership of 329,000 of
southern readers.
Page 14 of 23
6,000 copies/ month
AsiaLIFE magazine is an English
magazine featuring
contemporary Vietnam,
especially in Ho Chi Minh City.
AsiaLIFE reaches over 18,000 of
readers, in which mainly are
foreigners living in Ho Chi Minh
3.2 General public
Print publications:
Thanh Nien
Circulation: 462,000 copies/day
This is one of the major daily newspapers in Vietnam, with fast update rate and wide
extent of spreading information.
Online publications:
Tuoi Tre
Dan Tri
Yahoo! Viet
Website: http://www.tuoitre.vn/
Number of visitors: 3,500 people
Page view: 140 million/month
Rate of coverage: 9% (Vietnam population) and 5% (young people aged
Website: http://dantri.com.vn/
Number of visitors: 680 million people
Page view: 410 million/month
Rate of coverage: 23%
Website: www.vnexpress.net
Number of visitors: 13 million people
Page view: 90 million/month
Rate of coverage: 38% Vietnamese youth (aged 15-24)
Website: http://vn.yahoo.com/
Rate of coverage: 20%
Page 15 of 23
Print publications:
Thanh Nien
2! Magazine
Circulation: 462,000 copies/day
This is one of the major daily newspapers in Vietnam, with fast update
rate and wide extent of spreading information. Furthermore, it has
section specialized for young people (“World of the youth”).
Publishing day: Every Tuesday
Circulation: 169,000 copies/period (2! Magazine 2011)
Readers: Vietnamese students
This is a magazine with entertainment information for students. It attracts
lots of young readers regard to its witty writing style, rich content and
suitable with the Vietnamese youth.
Online publications:
Tuoi Tre Online
Website: http://www.tuoitre.vn/
Number of visitors: 3,500 people
Page view: 140 million/month
Rate of coverage: 9% (Vietnam population) and 5% (young people aged
Dan Tri
Website: http://dantri.com.vn/
Number of visitors: 680 million people
Page view: 410 million/month
Rate of coverage: 23%
Page 16 of 23
Website: www.vnexpress.net
Number of visitors: 13 million people
Page view: 90 million/month
Rate of coverage: 38% Vietnamese youth (aged 15-24)
Website: http://kenh14.vn/
Channel 14
Zing News
Viet Nam
Rate of coverage: 8% (Vietnam population) and 16% (young people
aged 15-24)
Website: http://news.zing.vn/
Number of visitors: 16 million people
Page view: 1.9 million/month
Rate of coverage: 33% (Vietnam population) and 55% (young people
aged 15-24)
Website: http://vn.yahoo.com/
Rate of coverage: 20%
Social media:
Website: www.facebook.com
Coverage: 24% Vietnamese youth (15-24)
Zing Me
Website: www.me.zing.vn
Coverage: 55% Vietnamese youth (other Zing apps included).
Page 17 of 23
4. Budget
4.1 Tactics & Tools
Cost per item
Printing (newsletters,
sponsor letters)
Total Cost
4.2 Media cost
Page 18 of 23
5. Evaluation
5.1 Potential sponsors
Evaluation methods
- Surveys (Yes/No
70% of 15 sponsors
and partners aware
about PointSport
- Counting via LinkedIn
- Visiting PdV’s
website, especially on
sponsorship section
60% of 15 sponsors
and partners know
about PointSport
- Personal phone calls
- Twitter beep
30% of 15 sponsors
understand and feel
the importance of
PointSport program
that they can obtain
benefits from
- Online surveys
(Values ranking – 3 or
4 questions) and
discussion panels
- Survey will be on LinkedIn and PdV
website (sponsor section).
 Yes-No question: Have you ever
heard about Point Sport program
which support vulnerable
children in developing physical,
mental and social well-being
through sports?
At the end of the 2nd week
of the campaign
- Numbers of acceptation for connection
on LinkedIn
- We will use two web trackers:
statcounter.com and Google Analytics,
to measure the number of daily visits to
PdV websites and how they use our
- We can make phone calls to
companies to confirm whether they
have known about the campaign and
PointSport program.
- We will use Twitter beep to help us
track on how many times Twitter users
mention our campaign and PointSport
- The online surveys will be available on
LinkedIn and PdV website (sponsor
 Questions will focus on how they
feel the campaign is attractive, how
important PointSport program is, or
how crucial an individual’s or an
organization’s role is in supporting
underprivileged children through
participating the program.
Participants will rank their answers
from 5 to 1.
Level of ranking:
5: extremely positive feelings
1: extremely negative feelings
At the end of the 2nd week
of the campaign
At the end of the 3rd week
of the campaign
- Discussion panels are the sponsor
Page 19 of 23
network facilitating their discussions on
particular ideas to the questions. The
questions help to measure the precise
20% of 15 sponsors
officially agree to
support money and
facilities for the
Responding sponsor
The number of sponsor letters
responding to us will be counted and
At the end of the 5th week
of the campaign
5.2 Disadvantaged children
100% of 600 children
aware the
advantages of playing
100% of 600 children
know about
10% of 600 children
want to take part in
7% of 600 children
register for PointSport
Evaluation Methods
Surveys (Yes-No
Printed surveys will be handed out to the
children at PdV’s Tu Xuong DotCom,
Christian Noble Children’s Foundation and
Go Vap Centre of Nurture and Protect
The numbers of PdV’s children participate
activities of the campaign (Field Trip;
Fitness Challenge; Sample Class and
Exchange Session)
At the end of the
2nd week of the
At the end of the
2nd week of the
One-on-one consultation
We will ask the children individually after
their participation of the activities throughout
the campaign. The consultation will discuss
1. Which activities do you like most
throughout the campaign? Why?
2. How do you feel after trying sport
3. How do you like the place you’ve visited?
4. Do you feel to play team sports?
At the end of the
2nd month of the
The number of children register for
PoinSport program will be counted
At the end of the
5.3 General public
8% of this group aware
about the campaign and
PointSport program
5% of this group have
positive attitude about
the campaign and
PointSport program
Evaluation methods
Surveys (Yes-No
Focus group
At the end of the 2nd
week of the
After the main event is held, we will choose
ten people who attended the event for the
interviews. The interview will measure how
At the end of the 2nd
week of the
Page 20 of 23
2% of this group keep
on track with the
0.01% of this group
donate 20 million VND
for PointSport program
Observation and
counting via
Facebook, YouTube,
Twitter and website.
people respond about the event to help us
evaluate the effectiveness of delivered key
message. The interview will discuss about
what people like about the event and what
activities do they think most impressively or
most meaningfully.
We will use social mention to measure how
much our campaign and PointSport
program are mentioned on Facebook,
YouTube and Twitter. Additionally, we will
use two web trackers stacounter.com and
Google Analytic to analyze how people use
PdV website qualitatively and quantitatively.
The amount of money has been collected
throughout the campaign, especially in the
main event and Kermesse festival
Throughout the
At the end of the
10% of the potential
followers aware about
the campaign and
PointSport program
Evaluation Methods
Online survey (Value
1% of this group ignite
positive attitude about
the campaign and
PointSport program
Observation on social
web pages and targeted
online newspapers
0.025% of this group
participate in our
activities conducting
throughout the
The number of friends and followers on
PdV Facebook page, Flickr, LinkedIn
and Zing Me will be counted
At the end of the 2nd
week of the campaign
Online surveys will be available on
Facebook, Flickr and PdV website.
Questions will discuss about the
usefulness of supporting the campaign
and their interest in it together with
various reasons regarding experience,
good CV and networking, just to name a
At the end of the 2nd
month of the
We will observe the discussions on our
Facebook page, Flickr, YouTube and
some comments on our targeted online
newspaper distributing our editorials to
evaluate how this group responds
throughout the campaign.
The number of participants in our social
activities throughout the campaign will
be counted.
Throughout the
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VII. References
Google Analytics n.d, 'Features', viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 5, table 1, row 2, page 20)
Social Mention n.d, 'About', viewed 17 September 2012, <http://www.socialmention.com/about/>.
(Appendix 5, table 3, row 4, page 22)
Marais, M 2011, 'CSR in Vietnam: a new frontier', CSR Connected, posted 18 April, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Statement of need, paragraph 2, line 3, page 4)
Duong, KH & Ohno, K 2005, 'Street children in Vietnam: Interactions of Old and New Causes in a Growing Economy',
Grips, chapter 2, pp. 11 - 47, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Executive summary, paragraph 2, line 3 & Statement of need, paragraph 1, line 3)
GSO 2010, 'Population and population density in 2010 by province', table, General Statistics Office of Vietnam, viewed
17 September 2012, <http://www.gso.gov.vn/default_en.aspx?tabid=467&idmid=3&ItemID=11728>.
(Appendix 1.3, paragraph 1, line 1, page 10)
Social Bankers 2012, 'Vietnam Facebook Statistics', table, Social Bankers, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 2.8, paragraph 1, line 2, page 13)
Dong Ngo 2009, 'Facebook in Vietnam: Social-networking blues', CNET, 09 December, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 2.8, paragraph 1, line 4, page 13)
Vietbao 2005, 'Miss volleyball Kim Hue: Thanks to first love', Viet Bao, 11 December, viewed 17 December 2012,
(Appendix 2.10, paragraph 1, line 1, page 14)
Cimigo Vietnam 2011a, 'Vietnam NetCitizens Report 2011', Cimigo, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 3.3, table 3, page 18)
Cimigo Vietnam 2011b, 'Cimigo Youth Report: Vietnam's Generation Z', Cimigo, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 3.3, table 2, page 17)
Doubleclick Ad Planner 2011a, 'Ad planner top 1000 sites - Jun 2011', Bao Gia, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 3.3, table 2, page 17)
Doubleclick Ad Planner 2011b, 'Report of internet Vietnam in Nov 2011', 24h, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 3.3, table 2, page 17)
Neilsen 2011, 'Study the website entering density: 24h, vnexpress.net, dantri.com.vn in two cities Ho Chi Minh and
Hanoi', Bao Gia, viewed 17 September 2012, <http://baogia.24h.com.vn/upload/files/2012-0630/1341029604_05_12_vn-24h.pdf>.
(Appendix 3.3, table 2, page 17)
Page 22 of 23
Vnexpress 2011, 'Vnexpress celebrates 10th years old', Vnexpress, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 3.2, table 2, page 16)
Vovinam n.d, ‘Foundation History’, Vovinam, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 1.1, paragraph 1, page 9)
CCIFV n.d, ‘Role and mission’, French Chamber of Commerce Vietnam, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 1.1, paragraph 6, page 10)
Thuong Dinh Footwear n.d, ‘Introduction’, Thuong Dinh, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 1.1, paragraph 2, page 9)
Kinh Do n.d, ‘Overview’, Kinh Do, viewed 17 September 2012, <http://kinhdo.vn/Overview.html>.
(Appendix 1.1, paragraph 3, page 9)
HAGL n.d, ‘History of foundation and development’, Hoang Anh Gia Lai, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 1.1, paragraph 4, page 9)
ACB n.d, ‘Introduction’, Asia Commercial Bank, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 1.1, paragraph 5, page 10)
Natixis n.d, ‘Organization’, Natixis, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 1.1, paragraph 7, page 10)
Euro Week Asia 2011, ‘EuroWeekAsia announces loans awards winners’, 25 February, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 1.1, paragraph 7, line 4, page 10)
Galaxy Studio n.d, ‘Nhip Cau Dau Tu’, Galaxy Studio, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 3.1, table 1, row 1, page 15)
Asia Life HCMC n.d, ‘Home’, homepage, Asia Life HCMC, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 3.1, table 1, row 4, page 15)
Vet Media n.d, ‘Vietnam Economic Times’, Thoi bao Kinh te Viet Nam Media Kit, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 3.1, table 1, row 3, page 15)
Phong Marketing n.d, ‘Saigon Times Group’s Media Kit 2006’, PhongMarketing, viewed 17 September 2012,
(Appendix 3.1, table 1, row 2, page 15)
GSO 2010, ‘Number of university students in Vietnam’, table, General Statistics Office of Vietnam, viewed 17
September 2012, <http://www.gso.gov.vn/default_en.aspx?tabid=474&idmid=3&ItemID=11432>.
(Appendix 1.4, paragraph 1, line 6, page 11)
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