Research Proposal

Research Proposal
Project Team # 4
Professor Scott Adams
Executive Summary
One role of Human Resources is to ensure that employees are satisfied with their jobs.
When employees are satisfied with their job, they are also much more productive and efficient.
When employees are dissatisfied with their job, they are often not as productive in performing
their jobs.
The survey, which is administered to the entire workforce population, quantifies job
satisfaction and employee behavior (defined as perceived level of the company’s operation and
manager confidence, the amount of pay, length of tenure and, position they hold).
The general job satisfaction feedback will help in identifying the percentage of satisfied
employees and the percentage satisfied in these areas. Significant correlations will provide the
insight in strategic planning and direction in determining job satisfaction initiatives to further
employee satisfaction. These are potential means to achieve the ultimate goal of maximum
productivity and lower costs for the company.
Problem Statement
The purpose of our research proposal is to conduct an investigation as to whether or not
employees are satisfied with their job. It is going to include job satisfaction and how it relates to
the employees pay, tenure, position, and managerial support that they receive. Below are the
aims described in further detail:
1. One of our aims is to find out how the employees’ job satisfaction is affected by the
amount of pay that they received. The pay aspect that we are looking at is solely based on
the employees’ salary and does not take into consideration the affects that benefits have
on job satisfaction. We will also want to know if they think the pay is adequate for the
amount of work they do and also need to take into consideration that the amount they
make in relation to either part-time or full-time status.
2. We want to discover if an employee’s job satisfaction has correlation with how long they
have worked for the organization. If they have been with the organization for a long
period of time, we want to know what has been their motivation for staying. If they only
stayed with the organization for a short period of time, it will be beneficial to know why
they have decided to leave.
3. Another one of our aims is to see how employees’ job satisfaction relates to the position
they currently hold. We want to know how different functions and responsibilities within
the company may affect job satisfaction. We also want to know the correlation of job
satisfaction in relation to full-time and part-time employees. See if people in the same
position, but differ in the amount of time per week, have different levels of job
satisfaction (full-time as opposed to part-time).
4. Lastly, we want to know if there is an association between employee job satisfaction and
the support they receive from their manager or supervisor. Did the employee receive
enough instruction and guidance from their boss and has that influenced their overall job
satisfaction with the organization?
The benefits of conducting this survey for the organization will be substantial. It is
critical to understand how your employees view their job and whether or not they are happy. By
understanding your employees, it will help the organization be successful by having efficient
productivity. Organizational efficiency helps save money and time. Based on the findings that
will be computed from the research it can allow the organization to make the necessary steps for
changes that may be needed.
Research Design
The employee survey as presented in the subsequent pages of this report was judiciously
distributed to each and every employee at all levels and tracks within the firm. The surveys will
be distributed by a member of Human Resources in person to the various department heads who
in turn, under the supervision of a given HR representative will thoughtfully disseminate the
surveys in a nonthreatening manner and at a pre-negotiated time of their choosing. Department
heads will be allowed one week to contact HR with an allotted time space per their choosing.
Surveys are to be distributed and completed on company time. This methodology of distribution
is meant to promote efficiency in both daily projects and tasks as well as speedy turnaround in
the survey process.
The presence of the HR representative during the time of survey distribution through that
of survey collection is meant to both expedite the process as well as provide a safeguard against
instances of questionable conduct of any kind of for any reason. Special attention has been given
to the comprehensive elimination of provocative or leading questions. In an effort to ensure
complete and accurate results, total anonymity in the reporting of information gathered by the
survey shall be maintained.