Visualizing Vocabulary SAT 6 Pandemonium (noun) • • • • pan-duh-moh-nee-uhm 1. wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos. 2. a place or scene of riotous uproar or utter chaos. 3. ( often initial capital letter ) the abode of all the demons. 4. hell. ( (Bill Davis, 12/10/11) Assembly Hall erupted in pandemonium when the lastsecond 3-point shot swished through the bucket for Indiana’s win over #1-ranked Kentucky. Karen Davis Infamous Infamous: (adj) 1. having an extremely bad reputation 2. deserving of or causing an evil reputation; shamefully malign; detestable ( ( Brought to you by: Darth Sanders Darth Vader developed an exceedingly infamous reputation as Lord Sidious’s oppressive crony. INDUCE 1. 2. (VERB) [IN-DOOS] Definition: to lead or move by persuasion or influence, as to some action or state of mind to bring about, produce, or cause to arise ( The earthquake that took place near Japan induced a catastrophic tsunami. ( BY: ERICA MCGRAW adjective [in-kong-groo-uhs] 1. out of keeping or place; inappropriate; unbecoming: an incongruous effect; incongruous behavior. 2. not harmonious in character; inconsonant; lacking harmony of parts: an incongruous mixture of architectural styles. 3. inconsistent: actions that were incongruous with their professed principles. ( Brett Favre age 40 An older man would appear incongruous mixing it up with the younger and stronger players. Keegan McFatridge 1. to challenge as false (another's statements, motives, etc.); cast doubt upon. 2. Archaic . to assail (a person) by words or arguments; vilify. 3. Obsolete . to attack (a person) physically. ( Many comedians gain fame through impugning famous people such as politicians, artists, and wealthy upperclass society members. ( /16/drive_bys_and_democrats_attack_and_impu gn_tea_party_protestors) noun HUBRIS (hyoo-bris) excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance. ( I would not date the football captain because of his disgusting hubris. ( Celia Cristofoli ( The man was almost to the point of exhaustion because his boss would not stop tormenting him to finish his paperwork. Jacob Bagley • Disdainfully Proud; Snobbish ( The haughty women refused to wear anything but the most expensive clothing. Lauren Beaumont ( 1. to consider or represent (something) as ideal 2. to portray as ideal; glorify 3. to form an ideal or ideals ( The ornate room was highly idealized by the travelers, who thought it was perfect. ( Joe Gelozin Definition: 1. of, pertaining to, or characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, etc.; impulsive: an impetuous decision; an impetuous person. 2. having great impetus; moving with great force; violent: the impetuous winds. ( ( His impetuous driving habits forced him to run a red light. By: Aaron Johnson Imperceptible (adj.) [im-per-cep-tuh-buh-l] By: Colleen Gudeman 1. Very slight, subtle, or gradual 2. Not perceptible, not perceived by or affecting the senses • Shelby unknowingly squished the tiny, imperceptible bug while swiftly walking downtown. ( (Microsoft Clip Art) Importune (verb) im-pawr-toon By: Morgan Johnson 1. demand with urgency or persistence 2. to make improper advances toward (a person) 3. to beg for (something) urgently or persistently. She knelt down before the beautiful angel to importune for mercy on her loving family. Google Search Images Imperious Adjective im-peer-ee-uhs ( 1. domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; overbearing 2. urgent; imperative The imperious teacher handled late homework as if it were a crime against him. ( Samantha Gutierrez Ineffable adjective [in-ef-uh-buhl] By: Shelby Nelson 1. Incapable of being expressed or described in words; inexpressible: ineffable joy. 2. Not to be spoken because of its sacredness; unutterable: the ineffable name of the deity. ( His joy was ineffable at the birth of his first child. Microsoft Clip Art Impartial (adjective) im-pahr-shuhl not biased; fair; just ( Some families need an impartial judge so no one child is favored. Steve Moore Made By Rachel Gravens in-jen-yoo-uhs 1. free from reserve, restraint, or dissimulation; candid; sincere. 2. artless; innocent; naive. 3. Obsolete . honorable or noble. ( It was ingenuously brought to the Grim Reapers notice that his sickle could take out someone's eye. Made By Kimberley Spindler Adrian Teal 1. 2. 3. (noun) kuhn-trahy-vahns something contrived; a device, especially a mechanical one. the act or manner of contriving; the faculty or power of contriving. a plan or scheme; expedient. ( Davlin, Anna.19 August 2011. /blog/inspiration/black -white-photography-woman/ The woman’s contrivance to capture her lover’s attention caused her to manipulate his mind and take over his heart. • 1. made commonplace or trite; stale; banal ( Indianapolis will quickly become hackneyed once the Super Bowl's festivities have ended, and the city must return to normal. Picture 1 – Picture 2 – BECOMES INCOGNITO (ADJECTIVE) IN-KOG-NEE-TOH • Having one’s identity concealed ( He tried to remain incognito by matching his outfit to his couch. Made By Iris Li Kate Taylor Priya Dave P. 7 impertinent (adjective) (m-pûrtn-nt) 1. exceeding the limits of propriety or good manners 2. improperly forward or bold 3. not pertinent; irrelevant Example Sentence: Her rude and impertinent attitude should not pertain to my life. Kelly Hines 2/1/2012 INDUSTRY (NOUN) in·dus·try 1. The aggregate of manufacturing or technically productive enterprises in a particular field, often named after its principal product: the automobile industry; the steel industry. 2. Any general business activity; commercial enterprise: the Italian tourist industry. 3. Trade or manufacture in general: the rise of industry in Africa. 4. Systematic work or labor ( The oil industry will forever be blamed for the damage done to the marine life of the Gulf of Mexico because of their oil spill. The Oilman Group ( Inference (noun) in-fer-uhns The act or process of inferring. Something that is inferred: to make rash inferences. Logic . a. the process of deriving the strict logical consequences of assumed premises. b. the process of arriving at some conclusion that, though it is not logically derivable from the assumed premises, possesses some degree of probability relative to the premises. c. a proposition reached by a process of inference. ( Though we do not know for certain, we can make an inference into her current economic situation by her sudden and conspicuous frugality. -Allan Shi Clipart from Microsoft ( Inexorable (adj.) in-ek-ser-uh-buhl 1. Unyielding; unalterable 2. Not to be persuaded, moved, or affected by prayers or entreaties ( After receiving yet another F, I realize my grade is this class is inexorable. Paul Pelech 1. a woman who violates the law or does evil. ( The woman who is in the jail is undoubtedly a malefactress. ( Megan Stafford noun \ˈhē-də-ˌni-zəm\ HEDONISM 1 : T H E D O C T R I N E T H AT P L E A S U R E OR HAPPINESS IS THE SOLE OR CHIEF GOOD IN LIFE 2: A WAY OF LIFE BASED ON OR SUGGESTING THE PRINCIPLES OF HEDONISM mgrefurl=,204,203,200_PIsitbsticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg&w=300&h=300&ei=fU4pT4DpK4j9sQLcsIzKAg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=125&sig=100583254746533526119&page= 2&tbnh=121&tbnw=121&start=18&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:18&tx=356&ty=154&surl=1 When I look back on my various summer vacation trips to California I ponder about how the exhilarating experiences I had and the breathtaking landscapes I were my personal moments in life of Hedonism. %259368-the-happiness-puzzle/&docid=AehDe9k5CTKTmM&imgurl= 3526119&page=1&tbnh=108&tbnw=144&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0&surl=1 By Maddie Cole Indubitable (adjective) [in-doo-bit-tuh-buh] that cannot be doubted; patently evident or certain; unquestionable ( It is an indubitable fact that the Lego pirates will succeed in storming the Lego Château. Anna Stanley Brett Austin P. 7 noun (həˈraNG) ( The students fully deserved the harangue they received from their principal after misbehaving on the field trip, and embarrassing the school., Aug. 9th, 2009