My Plate

Healthier Eating
and Lifestyle
By: Ashley Sinkler
and Dania Guerrero
1) The members will be able to
name all five food groups by the
end of the teaching
1) The members will state at least
one physical activity that they will
participate in three times a week
for thirty minutes per day by the
end of the presentation.
1) The learners will demonstrate
proper portions of food groups
using visuals provided on behalf
of educators by end of the
1) Learners will be able to express
their feelings regarding healthier
lifestyle changes.
State Your Idea of a Healthy
The 5 Food Groups
1) Dairy
1) Grains
1) Vegetables
1) Fruits
1) Protein
 Most Dairy Group choices should be fat-free
or low-fat
Dairy options:
- soy milk and almond milk
- pudding
- cottage cheese
- cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, swizz,
gouda, feta)
 Daily Recommendations for men and women
- Ages 31-50 ( 3 cups)
- 50 and older ( 3 cups)
 Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or
another cereal grain is a grain product.
 Examples:
- pasta
- oatmeal, breakfast cereals, and grits
- tortillas
 Daily Recommendations
- Ages 31-50 ( 6 ounces)
- 50 and older ( 5 ounces)
- Both age groups minimum of 3 ounces per day
-Ages 31-50 ( 7 ounces)
-50 and older ( 6 ounces)
- Both age groups minimum of 3 ounces per day
 Any vegetable or 100% vegetable juice counts as a
member of the Vegetable Group. Vegetables may be
raw or cooked; fresh, frozen, canned, or
dried/dehydrated; and may be whole, cut-up, or
 Daily Recommendations
 Women
- Ages 31-50 ( 2.5 cups)
- 50 and older ( 2 cups)
 Men
- Ages 31-50 ( 3 cups)
- 50 and older ( 2.5 cups)
 Any fruit or 100% fruit juice
counts as part of the Fruit
Group. Fruits may be fresh,
canned, frozen, or dried, and
may be whole, cut-up, or
 Daily Recommendations
 Women
- Ages 31-50 ( 1.5 cups)
- 50 and older ( 1.5 cups)
 Men
- Ages 31-50 ( 2 cups)
- 50 and older ( 2 cups)
Meats and Proteins
 All foods made
from meat,
seafood, beans
and peas, eggs,
processed soy
products, nuts,
and seeds are
considered part
of the Protein
Foods Group.
Beans and peas
are also part of
the Vegetable
 Daily Recommendations
- Ages 31-50 (5 oz)
-50 and older (5 oz)
-Ages 31-50 ( 6 oz)
-50 and older ( 5.5 oz)
Choose My Plate vs. My
Visual Tips for Portion Sizes
1 cup = baseball
½ cup = light bulb
1/3 cup = 1 uncooked egg
2 tablespoons = golf ball
1 tablespoon = thumb
1 teaspoon = 1 penny
1 ounce = 4 dice
3 ounces = 1 deck of cards
Alternative Food Choices
 For meat: sirloin, poultry without skin, egg whites, fish and
shellfish, all trimmed cuts of veal
 Bacon, sausage, Frankfurters, luncheon
meat, goose, or any organ meats,
spare ribs, or corned beef, caviar, and
beef brisket
 For dairy: skim or 1% low-fat milk, non fat or 1% cottage
cheese and yogurt, evaporated and non fat
 Whole or regular evaporated milk,
regular yogurt, cream half and half,
whipped cream, and regular cheese
Alternative Food Choices
 For fruits and vegetables: fresh, frozen, dried, and
canned but packed in own juice
 Vegetables prepared in butter, cream, or
sauce. Canned fruits packed in heavy syrup
 For grains: whole wheat, Pumpernickle, rye,
pita, rice cakes, soda crackers, kidney
beans, soy beans, peas
 Croissants, Danish pastries, donuts, butter
rolls, and snack crackers ( peanut butter
and cheese crackers)
Exercise Your Way
Moderate physical activities include: Walking briskly (about 3 ½
miles per hour)
• Bicycling (less than 10 miles per hour)
• Gardening (raking, trimming shrubs)
• Dancing
• Golf (walking and carrying clubs)
• Water aerobics
Vigorous physical activities include: Running/jogging (5 miles
per hour)
• Walking very fast (4 ½ miles per hour)
• Bicycling (more than 10 miles per hour)
• Heavy yard work, such as chopping wood
• Swimming (freestyle laps)
• Aerobics
• Basketball (competitive)
• Tennis (singles)
Begin the Journey to a
Healthier You
There are many resources available:
 Sample menu that includes 15 recipes and the nutritional
content of each of the 5 food groups
 Tips for eating out
 Interactive daily food plan (personalizes a plan fit for you)
 Food tracker (gives feedback on your nutritional content
and physical activity)
 State the five food groups and give an example of
 Name one measureable objective that is reasonable for
your lifestyle.
 Identify proper portion sizes using various materials
 Has your perception and willingness to adhere to a
healthier lifestyle changed?
" I can do all things through Christ which
strengthen me" (Philippians 4:13)
 USDA. (2011). ChooseMyPlate. Retrieved August 4, 2011,
 John C Lincoln Cardiac Rehab Center Staff.(2009). My
Plate Planner [Brochure]. Deer Valley, Az: Author
 John C Lincoln Clinical Nutrition Staff. (2011). Nutrition
guidelines for a healthy heart. [Brochure]. Deer
Valley, Az: Author