Capstone Project/Thesis Policies and Guidelines

Capstone Project/Thesis Guidelines
Practicum Guidelines
coined term for “cope” (Latin, capa) and
one of the finishing or protective stones
that form the top of an exterior masonry
wall or building
the crowning achievement, point, element, or
the final stroke
In-depth exploration of an area of the
curriculum. Usually occurs in the final term
of study and builds on previous learning.
Bringing together and integrating knowledge and skills in the course as a
Reinforcing and developing competencies that have not been
sufficiently emphasized in the fundamental subjects;
Defining a substantial engineering study or design task and carrying it to
completion within a specified time and to a professional standard;
Completing a comprehensive written and bound report that places the
Research / Capstone Project in context, defines its objectives, and
describes the work done with the resulting conclusions or
Bridging the gap between the undergraduate studies and the
professional future, and demonstrating professional competencies and
Demonstrating initiative and creativity, taking pride in the
achievement of a difficult task.
Systematic investigation of a computing
Address an existing problem or need
May include:
A solution
An approximate or partial solution
Scientific investigation
Development of results leading to the
solution of the problem
Focuses on:
- Infrastructure
- Application
- Process involved in introducing a computing
solution to a problem
- Comprehensive report on infrastructure
requirements and project’s implications on
other existing systems
Heavily systems development should
clearly demonstrate a software
development that is algorithm-based
and founded on Computer Science
Focuses on business processes and the
implications of introducing a computing
solution to a problem
is considered as a culminating course that form the
most important appraisal of whether the previous
knowledge and skills gained by the students from 1st
year to 4th year are applied and synthesized well.
It must not exist or have been proposed by previous
It must be in the form of a Startup Idea(s) related to
one or a composition among the following trendy
topics, but not limited to:
Social Media
Web-Scale IT
Personal Cloud
Smart Machines
Web Applications
Software-Defined Anything
Internet of Things / Everything
Cloud Computing (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS)
Hybrid Cloud and IT as Service Broker
Mobile Device Diversity and Management
Mobile Apps and Applications (iOS, Android)
Software Development
• Software Customization
o Extensions
o Plug-ins
• Expert Systems and Decision
Support Systems / Intelligent
• Systems Software (e.g. Utilities,
Interpreters, Simulators,
Compilers, Security-related
• IS Development (with at least
Alpha Testing with Live Servers
• Web Applications Development
• Mobile Computing Systems
• Computer Vision
Multimedia Systems
• Game Development
• E-learning Systems
• Interactive Systems
• Information Kiosks
Network Design and Implementation
• IT Management
• IT Strategic Plan
• IT Security Analysis, Planning and
Software Development and Theory
• Mobile Computing Systems
• Software Extensions or Plug-ins
• Expert Systems and Decision Support
• Systems Software (software tools or
utilities, interpreters, simulators,
compilers, security related software)
• Intelligent Systems
• Computer Vision
• Signal Processing such as Image
• Natural Language Processing
• Pattern Recognition and Data Mining
• Bioinformatics
• Graphics Applications
• Cloud Computing
• Parallel Computing
• Embedded Systems
• Emerging Technologies
Foundations of Computer Science
• Automata and Formal Languages
• Data Structures, Algorithm Design and
• Web Semantics
• Coding Theory
• Programming Languages
• Visualization Systems
• Computer and Architecture
• Modelling and Simulation
Human Computer Interaction
• Usability
• Affective Computing
• Emphatic Computing
Software Development
• Software Customization
• Information Systems development for actual
• Web Applications Development
• Mobile Computing Systems
IS Planning
• Enterprise Resource Plan
• Information Systems Strategic Plan
The student must finish the following courses that prepare him/her
to undergo a formal capstone project/research study:
• Res 1 (Methods of Research) - for research methodologies
(e.g. Descriptive research method)
• TechWrite22 (Technical Writing) - for formal articles/writing and
presentation skills
• SAD22 (Systems Analysis and Design) - for Software
Development steps or life cycle
• Math 11/Math 21A (Advanced Statistics / Probability and
Statistics) - for statistical process/treatment
• IT 410/SoftEng32 (Software Engineering) co-requisite of IT 415 /
CAPSTONE41 - for
Software development paradigms
• IT 320/AIS32 (Accounting Information Systems) – for business
• AutoLang32 (Automata and Language Theory) - for CS
• ProgLan32 (Structures of Programming Languages) – for CS
1. demonstrate initiative, creativity, leadership,
communication, project management and professional
skills and competencies according to IT industry tandards;
2. evaluate academic literature within real-world systems
and software engineering product;
3. produce a comprehensive Capstone Project manuscript;
4. integrate relevant technical and non-technical knowledge
and skills acquired from the entire BSIT program;
5. propose a substantial Capstone Project study within a
specified time and according to a professional standard.
At the end of the course, the student can:
1. demonstrate initiative, creativity, leadership, communication,
project management and professional skills and competencies
according to IT industry standards;
2. produce a comprehensive Capstone Project manuscript;
3. integrate relevant technical and non-technical knowledge and skills
acquired from the entire BSIT/BSIS/BSCS program
4. develop a functional software project application within a specified
time and according to a professional standard;
5. defend a relevant, feasible, practical and functional software
application project.
Startup ideas
Ideas that work.
Ideas that matter.
Ideas that are technically viable, and has market
• Transportation and
Telcom and IT
Mobile Solutions
Agriculture and Food
Water Technology
 Digital Media
 Education
 MSM Enterprises
 Large Enterprises
 Entertainment
 Lifestyle
 Environment
Preservation and
Title Hearing
Proposal Hearing
Software Development
Final Oral Defense
Idea Generation
Stage 1 (Exploration) Validation
Fire Pitch with their Project Advisers
Create Explainer Video
Stage 2 (Landing Page) Validation
Drafting of Value Proposition Canvas
Drafting of Initial Business Model Canvas
Lightning Pitch
Pivot/Iterate Business Model Canvas
Build Customer Empathy Map
Prepare Proposal Hearing Manuscript
Build a Storyboard
Build a Technology Stack Diagram
Building a prototype (minimum viable product)
Test prototype in 3 loops with the customers
Document prototype validation in Validation
Board (Stage 3)
4. Pivot/iterate prototype
Finalize Capstone Project manuscript
Prepare revised Business Model Canvas
Create Roadmap for the startup company
3 to 4 members in a team, must be senior students
Job Roles:
Project Manager
System Analyst
Software Engineer
QA Specialist/Tester
Technical Writer
1 Subject Adviser/Teacher
1 Project Adviser
1 Research Coordinator/Facilitator
1 Content Expert (should also be a panel member)
1 Panel Member
1 Statistician (optional)
1 Chairman
•Project Adviser
•Subject Adviser/Teacher
•Panel Member
•Content Expert
•Research Facilitator
Ensures that the study proposed by the students
conforms to the standard of the College and has
immediate or potential impact on the research thrust
of the university.
Guides the research/project students in the following
tasks while in the proposal stage:
Defining the research problems/objectives in clear and specific
Building a working bibliography for the research
Identifying variables and formulating hypothesis, if necessary
Determining research design, population to be studied, research
environment, instruments to be used and the data collection
Meets the team regularly (at least once a month) to
answer questions and help resolve impasses and
Points out errors in the development work, in the
analysis, or in the documentation. The adviser must
remind the proponents to do their work properly.
Reviews thoroughly all deliverables at every stage of
the project, to ensure that they meet the College’s
standards. The adviser may also require his/her
project proponents to submit progress reports
Recommends the proponents for proposal hearing
and oral defense. The project adviser should not sign
the Hearing Notice (for Proposal Hearing and Oral
Defense) if he/she believes that the proponents are
not yet ready for proposal hearing and/or oral
defense. Thus, if the proponents fail in the defense, it
is partially the adviser’s fault.
Clarifies points during the proposal hearing and oral
Ensures that all required revisions are incorporated in the
appropriate documents and/or software.
Keeps informed of the schedule of project activities,
required deliverables and deadlines.
Recommends to the project defense panel the
nomination of his/her project for an award.
He must be:
A provider
An encourager
A dictator
A pushy boss
A connector
An employment agency
Keep informed of the Capstone Project Guidelines
and Policies.
Keep informed of the schedule of project
deliverables, requirements and deadlines posted by
Subject Adviser and Dean.
Submit on time all deliverables specified in this
document as well as those to be specified by the
Subject Adviser and Dean.
Submit on time all requirements identified by the thesis
defense panel during the defense.
Submit on time the requirements identified by the project
adviser throughout the duration of the thesis.
Schedule regular meetings (at least once a month) with the
subject adviser and project adviser throughout the duration of
the thesis/project. The meetings serve as a venue for the
proponent to report the progress of their work, as well as raise
any issues or concerns.
Schedule regular meetings (at least once a semester) with the
Dean throughout the duration of the thesis project.
Attend all meetings scheduled by the Subject Adviser.
Each proponent must keep a Project Journal that serves
as a diary of his/her contributions to the project and to
the team in general. Each journal entry must reflect the
proponent’s job description and must have the following
Date and Time
Body of the Entry
Witness (with complete name and signature)
Ensure that the Project Adviser and the Subject Adviser
has signed the Project Journal in every consultation
The person with authority to manage a project. This
includes leading the planning and the development of all
project deliverables. The project manager is responsible
for managing the budget and work plan and all Project
Management Procedures (scope management, issues
management, risk management, etc.)
 Progress Report (once in every week)
 Implementation Plan
A systems analyst does research on any reported
problem, plans and proposes a solutions, advocates
software and systems and coordinates the problem
solving process and ensures that the business standards
and requirements are met.
Requirements Specification
A software engineer is responsible for the design and
implementation of a variety of software solutions. They might
be involved in the design and testing of anything from
computers games and business applications, to operating
systems and advanced software for the control of highly
technical hardware and equipment.
 Design Document
 Software Output
 Executable Code Module
A software tester participates in an initial consultation with his internal or
external client, for the purpose of understanding the scope of a project. Either
independently or in a group setting, he creates a testing plan based on the
parameters outlined during the client consultation. The tester actively uses the
software that he is testing, using every function and tool, searching for results
regarding performance, reliability, bugs and any other failures. Detailed metrics
are recorded and monitored to track the progress and outcomes of the testing
process. Testing status is communicated either verbally or in writing to his
manager or directly to the client.
 Test Plan
Test Case
Defect Documentation
Status Report (on a daily basis during Testing stage of the SDLC)
A Technical Writer is responsible for writing and editing technical
documentation for the organization’s products and offerings. This
person must have excellent research skills, must be able to
organize his/her ideas, and be able to translate technical terms into
text that any reader can understand. An IT technical writer
composes written texts about computer systems and related items,
including hardware, software and networks. They work closely with
computer engineers to understand projects and collaborate with
graphic designers and photographers to add visual representations
to text.
 Technical Manual (installation, configuration, etc.)
 User Manual
Announce project areas (at the start of the each
semester) to the students.
Conduct general meetings with the students to
discuss the Capstone Project Guidelines, Policies and
Deliverables, and to allow the students to raise and
clarify issues.
Select a project panel for each project team.
Schedule project activities, such as the deadlines of
deliverables and defense sessions.
Post schedules, defense guidelines, requirements
guidelines, and other announcements.
6. Furnish every member of the defense panel with all
the necessary thesis documents before the defense.
7. File at least one copy of the defense panel’s
evaluation (including revisions) and the Revised and
Approved Deliverables at every stage of the project.
Formulate Capstone Project Manual, and make necessary
Design/create unified checklist, forms, and templates.
Act as a research facilitator during the Proposal Hearing
and Final Oral Defense. He/she is responsible to record all
the suggestions and recommendations of the panel during
the oral defense.
Organize public presentation.
Coordinate with SWU CREV for final requirements.
Process honoraria.
Validate the endorsement of the project adviser. The
panel serves as “Internal Auditors”, putting some
form of check and control on the kinds of projects
being approved by the College.
Evaluate the deliverables.
Recommend a verdict.
Listen and consider the request of the project adviser
and/or the proponents.
Brief the project proponents about the defense
program during the actual defense.
Issue the verdict. The verdict is a unanimous decision
among the three members of the project defense
panel. Once issued, it is final and irrevocable.
In the event that Adviser needs to leave the
team, for valid reasons assessed by the Dean,
such as long-term Leave of Absence and
unavoidable circumstances among others,
the group/team may be reassigned to
another adviser. This may happen from
Capstone41 to Capstone42 or even in the
middle of the semester.
1. Orientation
2. Business Model Preparation, Validation and
3. Title Hearing/Critiquing/Lightning Pitch
4. Role-based Examination
5. Proposal Manuscript Writing
6. System Planning
7. System Analysis
8. System Designing
9. Proposal Hearing
10. Research/Capstone Projects Pitching
1. Orientation
2. Capstone Project Advisers’ Forum
3. Skills Test
4. Oral Defense Manuscript Writing
5. System Planning and Analysis
6. System Designing
7. System Development
8. System Testing
9. Oral Defense
10. Research/Capstone Projects Colloquium
There will be different sets of grading
sheets/rubrics to be employed for
Capstone41 and Capstone42.
It will consist of grading variables like group
grade, individual grade, oral and skills exams,
panel’s grades, adviser’s grades, and even
project management evaluation.
Role Based Examination
Adviser’s Grade
Role Commitment / Significance / Contribution
Panel’s Grade
Team (Manuscript/System Design)
Individual(Oral Presentation)
This specialized examination will be conducted by the
department specific to each of the team roles.
This will be done to ensure that every project manager,
systems analyst, interface designer, software engineer,
software tester/technical writer will understand the crucial
roles that she/he plays being an integral part of a team
that will complete a project.
This exam is graded but will not measure a role’s level of
competency. It will even, in effect, promote awareness to
the person assigned of a specific role.
Although not encouraged, it may be optional bases for the
team to decide on reorganization/revamp.
The adviser, being the person who guides the
team will grade each member of the team
based on behavior, professionalism,
significance, contribution, and
commitment/competence to the role
The panel’s quantitative rating is composed of (a)
group grade that covers both the manuscript
and the system design; and
(b) individual grade that covers the oral
presentation and the relevance of her/his
answer(s) to question(s).
Each member of the panel’s quantitative ratings
comes with a directly-proportional qualitative
verdict. Both quantitative ratings and qualitative
verdicts will be collated by the chairman of the
Enrolment. Prior to enrolment of the subject,
pre-requisites should be complied. Only
officially-enrolled Capstone41 and Capstone42
students are allowed to join a group and
proceed with pertinent activities thereafter.
2. Orientation. On the first week of classes, a
general orientation will be conducted where
this Capstone Project Manual will be discussed.
- All students will then be required to secure the Oath of
Confirmation pertaining to receipt of copy and discourse
about of said manual
3. Grouping. Part of the general orientation will be the
grouping activity where all students across and regardless
of section/offer code are given the privilege to form a
team of 5 members.
- Upon the team organization, each group will have to
secure the Team Composition Form containing important
profile of the each member and the corresponding role
4. BMC Preparation. Immediately after the team is
organized, they will be required to prepare a Business
Model Canvass of each of the 3 or more initial titles or
topics of interest. Business models must be subjected to
customer validation.
5. Initial Review of Related Literature/Studies.
- Along with the BMC, the team will have to start
reviewing relevant and related literatures and studies for
each of the topic.
- Each topic will then have a corresponding related studies
comparative matrix.
6. Title Hearing/Critiquing/Lightning Pitching.
- The Dean and the Subject Teachers will then
schedule the title hearing/critiquing for each team. It is
aimed at selecting a final topic of interest for the team.
- Once a topic of interest is selected and agreed by all,
the team will then secure the working title form.
7. Advisers’ Assignment.
- The Dean, Subject Teachers, and Board of Advisers will then
meet and decide/appoint/assign each team’s adviser based on
expertise and other objective considerations.
- The advisers’ assignment document will then be posted in the
- The Working Title Forms will then be signed by the identified
adviser of each team.
- Copies will be given to the Dean, the Adviser, and the Project
8. Project Scheduling and Staffing. The Project Manager and her/his
team will then finalize the Project Plan and schedule each
pertinent activity in a form of a Gantt Chart or even PERT Chart
 On the first week of classes, a general orientation
will be conducted where this Capstone Project
Manual will be discussed again and reiterated.
 All students will then be required to secure the
Oath of Confirmation pertaining to receipt of copy
and discourse about of said manual
2. Capstone Project Advisers’ Forum.
 Each team adviser must meet her/his teams in
one setting.
 General and specific issues and concerns must
be reported and settled.
 Furthermore, if there are changes or the Dean
and Subject Teacher approved team regrouping,
a new duly- signed copy of the Team
Composition Form
3. Skills Test.
 Each Capstone42 student must take the Skills Test
which is an important component of the grading
This is an individual machine-based programming
exam and does not in any way involve team
This is usually held on Sundays and examinees are
spread in different laboratories depending on the
platform chosen.
4. Finalization of the List of Modules.
The Project Manager and her/his team must
finalize the List of Modules.
The adviser must check that the same list is
anchored from the title, objectives and scope.
5. Adviser-Team Consultation.
 The team will continue doing formal consultations
with their adviser.
 This time, each team is required of at least 3
consultation cycles imposing extent of completion
of modules. Refer to: Appendix W: Capstone 42
Consultation Logs Form.
 The adviser and the project manager will affix
their signatures in each formal consultation.
 Said form will be required in the processing of the
Oral Defense Hearing Notice.
 Hence, the adviser will be made to endorse the
team whether or not they are allowed to defend
their project or not.
6. Panel-Team Consultation.
 The team can, from time to time, consult any
member of the Panel to whom they
proposed/defended for clarifications of their
 The panel member must ensure that
academic integrity is observed and therefore
must not be biased in any form/aspect.
7. Censor-Team Consultation.
 The team will once again consult to the
Censor/Technical Editor, this time, the Oral
Defense Manuscript incorporating additional
chapters/section and the ACM-formatted
 The Censor/Technical Editor will once again
certify and endorse the team’s manuscripts for
oral defense. (Please see: Appendix H:
Censor/Technical Editor’s Certificate Template)
8. Oral Defense Manuscript Finalization.
 The manuscript for Capstone42 must be
completed and finalized by the team and
their adviser and duly-checked by the censor.
 There is an official outline to follow (see:
Appendix X: Capstone42 Manuscript Outline).
Oral Defense Manuscript Mechanics must be
strictly followed (see: Appendix J: Capstone
Project Manuscript Mechanics).
9. Oral Defense Presentation Preparation.
 The oral defense presentation must be
prepared well by the team.
 It must strictly follow the set outline and
rules. Refer to: Appendix Y: Capstone42 Oral
Defense Presentation Outline and Guidelines.
It must be precisely-timed and must be dulychecked by both adviser and censor.
11. Processing of Oral Defense Hearing Notice
and Form 10.
 After all the necessary steps will have been
complied, the team will secure the ff:
 Oral Defense Hearing Notice Form
 Panel Honoraria (Form 10).
Together with the 2 forms will be the following
requirements to be submitted to the College
a. 1 copy of the complete Oral Defense Manuscript
b. 5 copies of the complete ACM-formatted
c. Consultation Logs Form with Adviser’s
d. Technical Editor/Censor’s Certificate
12. Oral Defense.
 If the 2 forms are successfully processed, the
team will then undergo the oral defense as
 Oral Defense Rules and Mechanics will have
to be followed and strictly adhered.
 During the proceedings, the Technical
Editor/Censor and Adviser will take note of all
the recommendations of the Oral Defense
13. Oral Defense Manuscript Revisions.
 The team and adviser will ensure that all the
recommendations will have been
incorporated in the Revised Oral Defense
Manuscript with the corresponding title page.
14. System output Revisions.
 The team then implements all the
recommendations not only of the manuscript
but also the equally-important system or
 Said revisions will be bases of the panel
member(s) in the signing of the Approval
15. Oral Defense Approval Sheet Routing.
 The team then routes the Oral Defense
Approval Sheet together with the revised
system output to all required signatories.
PHP 800.00
PHP 500.00
Panel Member 1
PHP 400.00
Panel Member 2
PHP 400.00
Technical Editor/ Censor
PHP 400.00
Administrative Fee
PHP 500.00
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