North Carolina Lighthouse and Display Card 1 Name of North Carolina Lighthouse 2 3 4 Name of lighthouse is properly spelled and capitalized Information card(s) has 5 facts written in complete sentences Information card(s) has more than 5 facts written in paragraph form with varying sentence structure Name of lighthouse is not legible or included Information card(s) has only 1-2 bulleted fact and/or facts are not legible Name of lighthouse is not properly spelled or capitalized Working Circuit Project uses no light source Project uses flashlight or bought light source Project has complete series circuit to light Lighthouse Represented Accurately Lighthouse does not depict lighthouse named on display card Style and/or colors have minor discrepancies of lighthouse features i.e., blue markings instead of black, railing missing where it should be Lighthouse accurately represents the lighthouse named on display card Spelling/Grammar Writer makes 4 or more errors in grammar or spelling on display cards Writer makes 1-3 errors in grammar or spelling on display cards Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling on display cards 5 Facts Information card(s) has 3-4 bulleted facts and/or facts are not legible Project has a working parallel circuit that lights the light house AND another feature Lighthouse accurately represents the lighthouse named on display card and includes a map colored neatly with the lighthouse’s location clearly marked Score Grade Level Level Level Level 4= 16-18 points 3= 13-15 points 2=9-12 points 1= less than 9 Points Earned