NORDUnet 25 years The Future of NORDUnet Hans Wallberg SUNET University of Umeå Predicting the Future? Study the history and extrapolate! 24 May 2005 - #2 The Mission of NORDUnet Provide international network connectivity to Research networks and the General Internet Network development activities International representation of the Nordic networks 24 May 2005 - #3 Network Capacity 56 kbit/s in 1988 10 Gbit/s today 10 Tbit/s in 2015 ~10 Mbit/s per user 10 000 9 000 8 000 7 000 6 000 5 000 4 000 3 000 2 000 1 000 0 1988 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 24 May 2005 - #4 The NORDUnet Plug of 1989 X.25 DECnet TCP/IP 24 May 2005 - #5 The NORDUnet Plug of Today IP – 10 Gbit/s NorternLight n x GE Provisioned as completely separate connections 24 May 2005 - #6 The NORDUnet Plug of Tomorrow IP ≥ 10 Gbit/s NorthernLight n x GE n x 10 GE 40 Gbit/s or 100 GE? Distributed over one hybrid network based on dark fibre Will the national networks and campus networks be prepared to deliver lambdas to the individual researcher? 24 May 2005 - #7 Technical Issues Connection oriented or connectionless Issues the first NORDUnet conference X.25 and the Q-bit Cambridge Rings vs Ethernet In the beginning we were connections oriented and used X.25 From 1988 we became connectionless with packet switching and IP ATM was an exception and a mistake 24 May 2005 - #8 Connectionless or Connection Oriented Today Connectionless (packet switched) for general communications. Millions of flows per second. Connection oriented (lambdas) for special needs. Point-to-point between researchers. Few flows with long duration. 24 May 2005 - #9 Connectionless or Connection Oriented Tomorrow Still connectionless for the general use Many more lambdas (connection oriented) for special needs Much higher bandwidth per lambda Will the connection oriented paradigm scale? The number of point-to-point links increases The lifetime of the links decreases 24 May 2005 - #10 Technical Developments DWDM systems Transparent Passive core Automatic attenuation and dispersion compensation ROADMs Passive splitting instead of OADMs All active optical equipment at customer premises Increased number of channels (lambdas) 50 GHz per channel (25 GHz per ch will come?) Both C-band and L-band in the same system Higher bandwidth per channel Lightwave modulation: Duo Binary, ODB, DPSK, etc. Optical Switches – Photonic Switching Bit-rate and protocol transparent 24 May 2005 - #11 The Reasons for Hybrid Networks Routers are too expensive Switches are cheap Optical Switches are even cheaper Eliminates the bandwidth limitations of the campus networks Eliminates limitations of campus firewalls The only way to achieve e2e performance We shouldn’t use expensive routers for bandwidth intensive long-lived flows Routers cause latency 24 May 2005 - #12 Killer Applications? Unlimited bandwidth needs in 5 years: Astronomy - VLBI Physics Space Physics - Sensors Life Sciences - Imaging Remote Visualization Grid Computing Will they really show up? Will they be financed and able to pay their marginal part of the communication cost? When will we see Grid Clusters with 10GE Interfaces? If these killer apps don’t show up the networking community will loose credibility 24 May 2005 - #13 Conclusions The future network of NORDUnet should: Use dark fibre Use the latest generation of DWDM equipment Future proof Flexible and adaptable to any needs Compatible with the national networks Router consolidation 24 May 2005 - #14 Network development activities Participate in international network development activities (GLIF, GN2, etc.) Coordinate common Nordic network development activities (Nordunet3, etc.) Participate in network testing and experiments for specific researchers (VLBI, etc.) Most of the network development activities will be based on a common Nordic hybrid network Challenges: Participation from the Nordic national network Avoid interfering with the national networks 24 May 2005 - #15 International representation of the Nordic networks One person instead of five attending international meetings Saves money and resources One Nordic voice One common Nordic view Makes an impact 24 May 2005 - #16 Final Conclusion In the future NORDUnet should: Provide international network connectivity for the Nordic NRENs Perform network development activities Represent the Nordic networks Internationally 24 May 2005 - #17 NORDUnet 2006 Networking Conference September Göteborg Sweden Göteborg University 24 May 2005 - #18 Chalmers University of Technology