Legal framework for the approval of geothermal systems Leonhard Thien, EnergyAgency.NRW / North Rhine-Westphalia Manager Geothermal Energy Network AHK Geschäftsreise, den Haag, 25.04.2013 AGENDA EnergyAgency.NRW Legal Framework Mining Law licensing (near-surface geothermal energy) Mining Law licensing (deep geothermal energy) What is the State‘s Energy Agency Offer ? Information and Communication • • Working groups, business contact forum, conferences, organisation of future energies symposia International Markets • • Participation in national and international conferences and trade fairs, NRW Energy Conferences E-World Energy & Water (Essen), Hannover Industry Fair, Public Relations Work • • Internet, magazine, brochures, news service, press releases industry atlas for future energies Projects • • Initiation of projects, looking for project partners, support in the realisation stage Our Partners 3.300 Companies and Institutions are Partners of the EnergyAcency.NRW in the EnergyRegion.NRW 76 % of the companies are Small and Median Sized Enterprises 64 Universities, 107 Instituts and 94 Associations take part 13.500 Persons are regularily informed about the activities in the EnergyRegion.NRW 5200 Persons are joining the Working Groups and CompetenceNetzworks The Geothermal Energy Network NRW The Networks objectives are as follows: development and publications an expansion strategy for Geothermal exchange of information in order to continue the Development of joint ideas Initiation of projects Development of components in the geothermal energy sector Opening up of new markets The safeguarding and sustainable creation of jobs Settlement of companies Intensification of national and international co-operation Heat Pump Market Plaece AGENDA EnergyAgency.NRW Legal Framework Mining Law licensing (near-surface geothermal energy) Mining Law licensing (deep geothermal energy) Overview geothermal an law Mining Law Regulations of the Federal Mining Act Water law Regulations of the Federal Water Resources Act State Law Regulations Guides, Quality Requirements, Regulations Law on Planning building Building regulation Low Legal Framework of the Federal Mining Act Geothermal energy is considered mountain free mining resource (on these natural resource extends the property not in land) § 3 Abs. 3 Nr. 2b BBergG Who wants to mine mountain free mining resources, requires a permission; Whoever wants to win mountain free mining resources approval area and permit field - Section from the earth system - planes perpendicular to the depth - cut straight lines on the surface requires a approval § 6 BBergG except: extraction of geothermal energy in a plot on the occasion of building use § 4 Abs. 2 Nr. 1 BBergG Quelle Bezirksregierung Arnsberg AGENDA EnergyAgency.NRW Legal Framework Mining Law licensing (near-surface geothermal energy) Mining Law licensing (deep geothermal energy) Mining Law Procedures Geothermalproject Hole longer than 100 m? no no mountain legal process no Response – letter in a plot occasion of the constructional use no Mining Low permission (searching) yes Notification according § 127 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 BBergG „Betriebsplanzulassung“ for searching Betriebsplanpflicht“ Mining Law approval (extraction) yes „Betriebsplan zulassung“ § 127 BBergG „Betriebsplanzulassung“ for extraction Quelle Bezirksregierung Arnsberg yes Water legal permit/approval For the water law requirements, a distinction between the geothermal systems with and those without ground water use. The geothermal systems without use of ground water work with probes or ground collectors. It needs a notification or a approval. State regulations must be observed. Water authorities are responsible in many places. Different regulation in Germany State-specific differences for approval partially notification, partially approval Different regulation for water protection areas Different rules regarding the borehole diameter Different regulation for the distance to the property line Different regulation for quality control and monitoring Different regulation for the probe liquids Different rules on insurance Mining Law Procedures Geothermalproject Hole longer than 100 m? no no mountain legal process no Response – letter in a plot occasion of the constructional use no Mining Low permission (searching) yes Notification according § 127 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 BBergG „Betriebsplanzulassung“ for searching Betriebsplanpflicht“ Mining Law approval (extraction) yes „Betriebsplan zulassung“ § 127 BBergG „Betriebsplanzulassung“ for extraction Quelle Bezirksregierung Arnsberg yes What are the protection goal of the „Betriebsplanzulassung“ Geothermalproject Hole longer than 100 m? no no mountain legal process no Response – letter in a plot occasion of the constructional use no Mining Low permission (searching) yes Notification according § 127 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 BBergG „Betriebsplanzulassung“ for searching Betriebsplanpflicht“ Mining Law approval (extraction) yes „Betriebsplan zulassung“ § 127 BBergG „Betriebsplanzulassung“ for extraction Quelle Bezirksregierung Arnsberg yes AGENDA EnergyAgency.NRW Legal Framework Mining Law licensing (near-surface geothermal energy) Mining Law licensing (deep geothermal energy) Deep Geothermal Energy Geothermalproject No in a plot occasion of the constructional use Response – letter Notification according § 127 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 BBergG „Betriebsplanzulassung“ for searching Betriebsplanpflicht“ Mining Law approval (extraction) „Betriebsplan zulassung“ § 127 BBergG „Betriebsplanzulassung“ for extraction Quelle Bezirksregierung Arnsberg Mining Low permission (searching) Hole longer than 100 m? no mountain legal process Yes Deep Geothermal Energy Hydrothermal and petrothermal geothermal systems require a permit for mining law Mining Law permission (searching) Mining law approval (extraction) Mining Law “Betriebsplanzulassung” water law permit Building permit Mining Law Authorizations Mining Law permisson (Large-scale exploration) §7 BBergG First step: Mining law authorization: regulates exploration, seismic and test-drilling Second step: Betriebsplanzulassung: for the searching Mining law approval §8 BBergG First step: Mining law authorization: sets out requirements for the operation (drilling and heat extraction) Second step: Betriebsplanzulassung: for the Mining written application Is there not a reason for refusal, the mountain authority must approve. Mining Law Authorizations Exploration permission (content) Designation of mining resources Size of the authorization field work program Financing "Reliability" of the applicant Extraction approval (content) Designation of mineral resources Proof of mineral resources work program Financing "Reliability" of the applicant Mining Law Authorizations „Betriebsplan“ The „Betriebsplanzulassung“ allows the implementation of the mining measure and the duration of the implementation.. Content Description of the technical implementation of the measure Description of the duration of the measure Reliability of the applicant Protection of life and health of others (environmental protection) Proper waste disposal No harmful effects on the environment Water Law Water law also applies to drilling more than 100 m Applies to systems with and without use of ground water A water law permit is required: For the extraction of groundwater and groundwater discharge, For drillings (dishwater, hydraulic opening) For closed systems (deep borehole heat exchanger) Upper-day buildings Mining Authority decides in consultation with the water authorities Building Law For the above-ground part applies (building) For heating plants and heating power plants for buildings Law on Planning building Building regulation Law Includes additional permits: Pollution protectíon conservation Safety engineering regulations Summary There are big differences between near-surface geothermal and deep geothermal Energy near-surface geothermal energy <100m is regulated by the Water Act near-surface geothermal energy > 100m is regulated by the Mining Law There are large differences within Germany (states) In the deep geothermal energy we have also many regulations to be considered The mining law has procedures as "exploration", “extraction" and “Betriebsplanzulassung” Water law and construction law must be considered Überschrift Thanks for your attention! Leonhard Thien EnergyAgency.NRW Lennershofstraße 140 44801 Bochum Telefon: 0234 / 32 10715 E-Mail: Internet: