October 16, 2015

Senate Minutes | October 16, 2015
Academic Org: $82,684.96
Call to Order
a. Roll Call
Conference Scholarship: $34,584.72
i. Absent: Veda Bhambhani, Adam
Senate: $11,000
Breunig, and Tristan Tran (ALL
Student Org: $60,493.29
b. Approval of Minutes
i. Motion- Christopher Nelson
ii. Second- Emmi Schlaefer
iii. Unanimous
c. Approval of Agenda
i. Motion- Mia Baybayan
ii. Second- Skylar Goss
iii. Unanimous
Old Business
a. IS&T
i. Password change policy because of the new software we are using.
ii. Once we do this, if we were to forget our*password
Numbers before
in the3/11
we can committee
fix it ourselves rather than contacting IS&T.
iii. About 4,000 students still have not changed their password
iv. The reminder will be posted on the jumbotron and in the library.
v. If students don’t change their password by the deadline they will be locked
out of all Chapman accounts.
vi. Need different ideas to reach out to students about the issue
1. Senators suggests to be more firm and let the students know
upfront about the consequences
2. Possibly use Panther Alert
3. Post the message on all social media platforms
4. Continue tabling
b. Budget Presentation – Director of Finance
i. We have $22,610.45 of unallocated funds
ii. Our payroll account will be really low and suggests moving $1000 into it
so we will be safe at the end of the year.
iii. Mia Baybayan thinks we should use some of the money to increase the
student org fund.
iv. Henry Callander thinks we should just wait to use the unallocated funds
until we need it.
1. John Demshki doesn’t think that is a good idea because it will look
like we don’t know what to do with our funding and that can result
in a lower budget next year.
v. Austin Kernan suggests moving $1000 to payroll and approving the
budget as is, then table this discussion until next meeting.
vi. Henry Callander motions to move $1000 to the payroll fund and approve
the rest of the budget
1. Second- Jordan Beeks
2. Approve-23, Opposed-0, Abstained-1
c. Student Engagement
i. CCI Education and Resource team
1. Cross-Cultural Initiatives are inter-departmental initiatives and
projects housed in student affairs.
2. Our focus is on the students and students’ experience. We offer
holistic follow up and processing opportunities after an incident.
We do not handle conduct cases.
3. To promote respect by educating our community and empowering
those affected by alleged incidents related to bias, hate, and/or
4. Business cards will be sent out around campus soon and the
website should be updated relatively soon.
5. Be a part of our next campaign, share your “Then I…” story
d. Senate Presentation – Speaker of Senate
i. What SGA does?
1. Discuss Student Concerns (Open Forum)
2. Create Action Plans
3. Update everyone on current advocacies
4. Introduce new advocacies
5. Offer support to committee projects
6. Maintain Parliamentary Procedure
Committee Reports
a. Student Life Committee
i. Mia Baybayan visited presidents meetings to introduce the Student org
senators and talk about funding
ii. Jordan Beeks is meeting with faculty to talk about a program to integrate
majors in Wilkinson, Argyros, and Dodge
iii. Veda Bhambhani is meeting with the CDC to create an incentive program
for students who commute far to their internships
iv. Crystle-Joie Agbayani talked to IS&T about print credits and color
printing but they said now is not the time.
v. Helen Garcia is working with Sodexo to see what they can do with
leftover meal swipes.
vi. Madisen Dewey is meeting with Public Safety to talk about getting more
blue lights on campus and other safety issues
vii. Henry Callander is reaching out to OC Health to get their support for his
smoke free advocacy
b. Campus Inclusion Committee
i. Gracie Truex is working on getting more AED’s on campus.
ii. Emmi Schlaefer’s survey was distributed for Crean and a meeting is set
for Dean of Crean next week.
iii. Tristan Tran is working with library and IS&T to get new program
iv. Adam Cash talked to Emily Griffith about gender inclusive bathrooms and
vetoed the attendance policy advocacy.
v. Tyler Porterfield is working on diversity program for orientation.
c. Academic Affairs Committee
i. Skylar Goss wants to replace the phone booths in BK with charging
ii. Priya Patel was able to talk to her advisor who updated her about the
change in block scheduling which is implemented starting 2015
iii. Emily Miller wants to start wants to look into making a campus wide
attendance policy
iv. Ryan Schindler wants to reintroduce a Speech & Debate team on campus.
v. Setareh Motamedi wants to create “Quiet Signs” to put in the first floor
library that promote silence in the library during passing periods.
d. Allocations Committee
i. 9 requests funded in full during committee meeting and one new request
will be presented in new business.
ii. Pammie Wong wants to expand Pharmacy school awareness and is
looking for social events to create unity.
iii. Annabell Liao says there will be a gender inclusive restrooms in Dodge
iv. Christopher Nelson is working with Residence Life in putting new water
filling stations in Pralle and Henley.
v. Mitchell Rosenberg: there are 27 proposed locations for new bike racks.
vi. Rob Nelson will be meeting with Student Organization presidents next
vii. Austin Kernan is working with Student Engagement on creating an action
plan to address the resource issues with the SPCS/Health Center
viii. James Hart is meeting with Dean Price next Monday to speak about his
letter for Student Engagement with the off campus situation.
e. Outside Committee Reports
i. Gracie Truex went to Accessibility & Disability committee and they
addressed campus shootings safety and the multicultural center.
ii. Jordan Beeks updates us on Active Shooter Safety; there is a training after
meeting in BK204 and Chapman might get an active shooter drill.
New Business
a. Funding Request – Gamma Beta Phi T-Shirts
i. They are only giving 150 shirts to the active members who will use them.
ii. Rob Nelson thinks we should fund them in full.
iii. Motion to fund in full- Jordan Beeks
1. Second- Henry Callander
2. Approved-22, Opposed-1, Abstained-1
Open Forum
a. Library
i. Setareh Motamedi brings up the fact that the library is very noisy when it
shouldn’t be, especially if students are trying to study. She would like to
put up signs to remind people to be quiet and courteous.
ii. Madisen Dewey mentions that people on the 1st floor are allowed to talk
because that is the way the building is designed. It is supposed to get
quieter as you go up to the different floors.
b. We are a culture, not a costume.
i. Annabell Liao would like to somehow get that message across before
Halloween comes around.
ii. Madison Dewey has contact information for Annabell Liao to direct her in
the right direction.
iii. Jayethanjani Panakkadan says it would be fun to promote the message by
having a photo booth the week before Halloween.
c. Tutor Pay
i. Emmi Schlaefer says that tutors are upset about their pay. The TLT cut the
number of tutors and SI’s to try and raise the pay of other tutors but was
not successful.
ii. Mia Baybayan says to speak to Diane in the TLT to see why the project
for this issue was halted from last year.
iii. Jordan Beeks has the contact information of the last senator who worked
on this issue.
d. Charging Stations
i. Skylar Goss says that on the first floor of Beckman there are a couple of
pay phones that do not work and feels the space would be better used as a
charging station for phones and devices.
ii. Adam Cash thinks it is a great idea.
iii. James Hart asks: how would we avoid theft?
1. Setareh Motamedi says the charging station would be placed into
the wall and it cannot be disconnected physically.
2. James Hart was referring to the theft of student property because
there is no place to sit with your phone or computer. The closest
place is Starbucks and that is pretty far.
3. Skylar Goss says a booth can be added next to the charging station
so student can sit and charge their devices.
iv. Tyler Porterfield also mentions that there are no outlets in Starbucks but
many students like to study there.
e. Health Center
i. Skylar Goss would also like to look into using Panther Bucks in the health
center because they do not accept all types of credit/debit cards.
ii. Madison Dewey says to look into students declining balance to see if we
can use that.
iii. Jordan Beeks suggests checking with Sodexo because Panther Bucks are
used by them.
a. Active Shooter Training BK204
b. Canned foods drive OCT-NOV.
c. Blood donation OCT 21
a. Motion- Christopher Nelson
b. Second- Skylar Goss
c. Unanimous