Theme in Literature - mcpworldliterature

Do Now
◦ Free-write for 5 minutes about your Thanksgiving
Break. Be prepared to share 
Grammar Review
◦ With in groups of 3-4, place the strips in logical order.
◦ CCRS: Determine the most logical place for a sentence in a
straightforward essay.
◦ SWBAT: Identify themes within short fables.
◦ SWBAT: Use evidence to support themes in The Kite Runner.
The main idea or
underlying meaning
of a literary work
Basic Characteristics
◦ A theme may be stated or implied
◦ Theme differs from the subject or topic of a literary work in that it
involves a statement or opinion about the topic
◦ Themes may be major or minor
Major vs. Minor
◦ A major theme is an idea the author returns to time and again; it
becomes one of the most important ideas in the story
◦ A minor theme is an idea that may appear only periodically
Theme and Subject
◦ It is important to recognize the difference between the theme of
a literary work and the subject of a literary work.
◦ The subject is the topic on which an author has chosen to write
◦ The theme, however, makes some statement about or expresses
some opinion on that topic
The subject of
a story might
be war while
the theme of
that same
story might
be the idea
that war is
How Do Authors Express
In 4 primary ways:
1) Themes are
expressed and
emphasized by the
way the author
makes us feel. By
sharing feelings of
the main character,
we also share the
ideas that go
through his mind
How Do Authors Express Themes?
2) Themes are presented
in thoughts and
conversations. Authors
put words in their
character’s mouths only
for good reasons. One
of these is to develop a
story’s themes. The
things a person says are
frequently on their mind.
Look for thoughts that
are repeated
throughout the story.
How Do Authors Express Themes?
3) Themes are suggested
through the characters.
The main character
usually illustrates the
most important theme
of the story. A good way
to get at this theme is to
ask yourself the
question, what does the
main character learn in
the course of the story?
How Do Authors Express Themes?
4) The actions or events
in the story are used to
suggest theme. People
naturally express ideas
and feelings through
their actions. One thing
authors think about is
what an action will "say".
In other words, how will
the action express an
idea or theme?
Theme Worksheet
◦ With a partner, complete the theme
Exit Ticket
◦ Write one theme that is presented in The Kite Runner. Remember
to use a piece of evidence from the text to support why you think
the theme is appropriate. Evidence can be paraphrased.
◦ CW Grade: 5 points
◦ Complete the study guide for The Kite Runner novel test. Due
Thursday! The test is also worth 100 points!
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
◦SSR (20
Portfolio #2
◦Silently read and annotate
the portfolio assignment. Jot
down questions you have in
the margins.
◦ SWBAT brainstorm ideas for The Kite Runner portfolio.
◦ SWBAT create an outline for The Kite Runner portfolio.
Why Brainstorming?
Brainstorming is an informal way of generating topics to write
about, or points to make about your topic. It can be done at any
time during the writing process. You can brainstorm the topics for a
whole paper or just a conclusion or an example. The important
point about brainstorming is that there should be no pressure to be
"brilliant.“ Techniques include listing, web maps, free-writing, or
(Teacher)Model Brainstorming
◦ Pick a theme
◦ Develop thesis statement (Remember
what a good thesis statement looks like?)
◦ Write topic sentences and find supporting
evidence (3 each)
Let’s Get Started…
◦ Use the template to brainstorm ideas for
your Portfolio. You MUST fill out the
◦ Continue to study for TKR novel test. Get rest for the OER
Thursday, December 3, 2015
◦Use the first 10 minutes to
study for the novel test with a
The Kite Runner Novel Test
◦ Clear your desk. All you need is a pencil. Good Luck 
◦ Assessment Grade: 100 points!
Friday, December 4, 2015
◦ Complete the Grammar Handout.
◦ SWBAT free-write the introductory paragraph to The Kite Runner
Introduction Paragraphs
◦ What should it include?
◦ Hook
◦ Background Information
◦ Thesis
Let’s Begin
◦ Using your brainstorming ideas from Tuesday, free-write, meaning
loosely include the parts of the introduction paragraph in this
draft. Don’t worry about everything sounding perfect. The most
important thing is that you get your ideas on paper. The hard
work happens during the revision process 
◦ Complete Intro paragraph and 1st body paragraph for The Kite
Runner portfolio. Use the writing resources that were given to you
for help.