gravityphenomena - The Gravity Search

Gravitational force.
Magnetic force.
Active, Passive, and Inertial Mass.
Atomic Structure.
Big Bang
Dark Matter
Dark Energy
Time Dilation. ( apparent )
It is intended to resolve many of the above issues using a radicle
logical concept for gravitation as yet without mathematical proof.
Man cannot directly measure or observe Gravitation, he also
cannot directly identify the source of Magnetic force.
It would therefore not be practical to develop mathematical
proofs and theories based on something he cannot clearly
measure nor definitively identify at its source.
Overview of concept
This concept for gravitation describes the only action that can generate what
appears to be a monopole force of gravitational attraction from within all bodies
of matter. Within all protons, with or without electrons in orbital trajectories,
the protons two up quarks and one down quark oscillate by repulsion between
the two up quarks and their attraction to the one down quark empowered by the
strong force mediated by gluons. This produces two gravity waves at identical
frequencies, generated from the up quarks at the extremities of their movement.
These two gravity waves, at identical frequencies with opposing directional
phase potentials, interfere with all other gravity waves to produce disrupted
pulses of gravitation with a positive potential bias emanating outwards from all
bodies of matter.
Each proton generates two orbital trajectories, spin up, spin down, only one of
which can be occupied by an electron. This is because the negative charge
displacement of one electron debars a second electron by repulsion.
The resulting disrupted gravitational waves appear as a monopole source of
positive pulses emanating from the centre of all bodies of matter attracting all
negative charge particles in all bodies of matter, and photons in the more
negative half cycle of all electromagnetic waves at any frequency. These pulses
of disrupted gravity waves attract all negative charge and charge particles,
electrons, down Quarks, neutrons, photons etc. They also repel all positive
charge and charge particles, protons, up quarks, and gravitational pulses. These
forces develop into an equilibrium of force when acting between bodies of
matter in space. A force of repulsion between positive pulses is holding them
apart, and the attraction between the same Positive pulses and negative charge
and charge particles pulling them together.
The disruption of gravity waves is caused by interference resulting in a
reduction in the charge potential of gravitational pulses; these individual pulses
of gravitation have such low positive potentials they may never be monitored
The gravity wave cycle within the Proton
At the up quarks closest position the two gravity waves generate their lowest
charge potential. As the up quarks repel outwards, the two wave potentials
increase. This is the positive phase of the two gravitational waves attracting the
electron out of its trajectory. This follows with a rapid decline in potential as the
negative potential from the stressed coherence of the two waves force the two
up quarks back toward the down quark, together with the attraction from the
down quark, and the restraining effect of the strong force.
This is the negative phase of the two gravity waves repelling the electron out
into its trajectory. Wave coherence occurs momentarily between the two gravity
waves generated within the Protons; these become stressed, with greater
attractive force, when the two up quarks are at their maximum distance.
This reaction produces a similar effect to that envisaged from the strong force.
The formation and structure of quarks within the nucleus of Protons and
Neutrons is critical for the development of the Atomic Elements and the
generation of Gravitational Force. The structure of quarks in the nucleus of
atoms is an assembly within protons and neutrons comprising up and down
quarks, arranged in parallel similar to batteries connected in parallel but with
three terminal connections.These sub-atomic particles are arranged with the
protons two positive up quarks and the one down quark, connected by attraction
to the neutrons 2 down quarks and 1 up quark, etc., etc., along the length of
parallel type connections.The charge potentials from the quarks within the
protons and neutrons accumulate in two directions from the centre point
outwards. The neutron produces waves of charge but at extremely ineffective
potentials, confined within the protons positive potentials.
The neutrons quark group provides attractive charge stability along the length of
the proton connections which would become unstable without this attractive
The above is based on the following suggestion for the atomic element
Atoms appear to be structured with two similar ends, and 7 types of electron
s shell carries 2 electrons
p shell carries 8 electrons
d shell carries 18 electrons
f shell carries 32 electrons
g shell carries 32 electrons
h shell carries 18 electrons
i shell carries 8 electrons.
To achieve the appearance of an atom evolving from a centre-point outwards it
is suggested that the configuration from a centre-point would be.........
4i – 9h – 16g – 16f – 9d – 4p – 2s – 4p – 9d – 16f – 16g – 9h – 4i
The above structures build 1s/2s/1p/2p/3p/4p/5p/6p/7p/8p/1d/2d/3d/4d/ etc.,
etc., etc.
Sequentially and only in that specific and structured order.
Each addition requires a Proton, and a Proton cannot be added until a Neutron is
in place as repulsion will otherwise hold them apart.
Structurally all atoms are bound together like a battery set with three terminal
connections. See table of atomic sequences, and sketch of atomic structures.
These structures and structure sequences clearly show why every Proton
generates two gravity waves with a positive bias at the extents of the Up Quark
They also clearly show why a Neutron is required to join with a Proton before
another Proton can join the atom sequence. As the sequence grows so the
energy builds from the centre-point of the structure outwards, and the mass of
the structures increase.
At increased energy levels additional Neutrons can be attracted in parallel to
existing Neutrons within the structure creating the isotopes of Atoms.
This concept describes the only means that what appears to be an apparent
Monopole force of Gravitation can be generated. Atomic elementary structures
are most complex, their evolutionary development from within both extremes of
temperatures and of gravitational confinement result in clearly defined
structures of Protons and Neutrons whose ultimate complexity has yet to be
realized by Man. The order by which atoms are constructed is quite precise,
beginning with the simple Protium atom with just one Proton and one Electron
in one of the two trajectories.
The way the quarks configure is that they collect rather like an attractive battery
set attracted together through three terminal connections rather than two.
e.g. Proton U – D – U to Neutron D – U – D to Proton U – D – U etc,.
It is notable that the Proton always forms the atom base as it is the only atomic
component with the capacity to generate positive waves that will capture and
maintain an Electron in one of the two trajectories. In a matrix of atom
structures the second unaccompanied trajectory could be considered the positive
“ hole “ within all atomic structures, with too little energy to capture or retain
an Electron in a trajectory, but sufficient energy to retain an Electron in an outer
Once formed atom structures are free to disassociate, to de-structure from their
original form through changing energy density, or external force or pressure.
This results in energy emission, ionization, or breakup into other elemental
structures or formation of new structures, but with the same basic substructures.
The equilibrium of force between two bodies of matter is reached when the
attractive disrupted pulses of positive potential force from gravitation from each
body of matter for the others negative charge and charge particles balances in
equilibrium with the repulsive force between the disrupted pulses of positive
potential between both bodies of matter.
The repulsion between the positive potentials is always greater than the
attractive force for the negative potentials, but this decays over time ( many
billions of years )
The structure of matter and the properties of its internal charge stresses need to
be considered before defining the properties of Mass. Bodies of matter
consisting of Protons attracting Electrons into trajectories produce stress
relationships between the Quark charged particles within the Protons and the
Neutrons, the Protons and Neutrons themselves, and the Electrons in their
trajectories and the free electrons within the structure. These charge stresses are
also strained through bonding with any molecular partners. Mass in any body of
matter should be considered therefore to be composed of unequal charges
inextricably interlocked together moving or oscillating under stress.
Protons in any body of matter generate two gravity waves, which after
interference with other gravity waves result in pulses of gravitational potential
with a positive elementary charge bias. These pulses of gravitation attract all
external negative elementary potentials, electrons, down quarks, and photons in
the more negative phase of electromagnetic waves. This attraction towards
external negative elementary potentials stresses the relationship within the
Protons and their respective electrons and sub-atomic particles in that active
body of matter. This attraction by disrupted gravity waves with a positive
potential bias from a body of matter would be termed active gravitational mass.
Active gravitational mass is gravity having an attraction for, it is proportional to
the up quarks in the protons within that body of matter. It is determined by
measuring the acceleration of a body of known mass in free fall within that
gravitational field of attraction.
The transfer of this active attractive force would be immediate
Electrons in any body of matter are constantly attracted to their respective
Protons. All negatively charged electrons, and down quarks in any body of
matter are also passively attracted to external forces of gravitation that have a
positive elementary charge bias. This external attraction stresses the relationship
between the electrons and the down quarks, and the charge generated within
their respective Protons in that body of matter. It also stresses the charge
relationships within their respective neutrons in that body of matter. This
attraction is termed passive gravitational mass. Passive gravitational mass is
having an attraction to gravity; it is approximately proportional to the total
number of electrons and down quarks, in that body of matter. Passive
gravitational mass is determined by dividing an object’s known weight by its
free fall acceleration.
The transfer of this passive attracted force is immediate
In this section it is suggested that inertial mass is not quite identical to either
active or passive Mass. If an external force (not gravity ) were to be applied, its
effects would be transferred to the negative charged Electrons at point of
application. (Like pushing a sponge) This force would be transferred throughout
the body of matter from one elementary sub-atomic particle to the next,
Electrons to Protons, Neutrons, Quarks, and Electrons etc. The effect would be
to increase the stress relationship between the charges generated within all of
the Protons and their respective Electrons. The force of stresses when an
external force is applied is termed inertial mass.
Inertial mass is being repelled from. ( approaching electrons in another body of
mass ) Inertial Mass is determined by applying a force to an object and
measuring the acceleration that results from that force.
The transfer of this force would not be immediate
It should be noted that there is no equivalence between Inertial and
Gravitational Mass.
Gravitational Mass directly and immediately affects all particles within the
Atom both by repulsion against positive particles and attraction towards the
negative particles, to create the property of Gravitational Mass.
Inertial Mass transfers its energy through the body of matter from negative
Electron particles at the periphery through the body of matter from particle to
particle either negative or positive, over a finite period of time.
The forces on a body of known mass are generally used to determine
Gravitational force, or Gravitational constant. However this presumes that the
particles generating the attractive force in body of matter A are attracting the
same particles in body of matter B and visa versa. It is however the following
that would be more accurate.
In conventional Proton generated gravitational forces
Positive pulses from body of matter A attract negative particles and repulse
positive pulses of gravitation in body of matter B
Positive pulses from body of matter B attract negative particles and repulse
positive pulses of gravitation in body of matter A
In Neutron Star generated gravitational forces
Negative pulses from body of matter A ( this would be the Neutron Star ),
attract all positive particles, and positive pulses of gravitation from body of
matter B
Positive pulses from body of matter B attract all negative particles, and negative
pulses of gravitation from body of matter A
The above is one of the reasons for the intense gravitational force emanating
from Neutron Stars apart from the extremely high density of Neutron Stars.
Much of our current understanding of atom structures developed historically
from alchemistry developing into chemistry and through into nuclear fission,
and fusion whilst trying to understand the inner workings of the atom.
From Mendeleyev and our periodic table of elements, came an understanding of
atomic and molecular structures, followed by the basic understanding of
components and sub-atomic particles within the atoms.
Graphic models of atoms began to be developed showing the possible electron
paths, and concepts for the inner structure of the atoms themselves.
Atoms appear to be structured with two similar ends, and 7 types of electron
s shell carries 2 electrons
p shell carries 8 electrons
d shell carries 18 electrons
f shell carries 32 electrons
g shell carries 32 electrons
h shell carries 18 electrons
i shell carries 8 electrons.
To achieve the appearance of an atom evolving from a centre-point outwards it
is suggested that the configuration ( as above ) from the centre-point outwards
would be....
4i – 9h – 16g – 16f – 9d – 4p – 2s – 4p – 9d – 16f – 16g – 9h – 4i
Consider that the structure builds 1s/2s/1p/2p/3p/4p/5p/6p/7p/8p/1d/2d/3d/4d/
etc, etc, In that specific and structured order.
Each addition requires a Proton, and a Proton cannot be added until a Neutron is
in place as repulsion will otherwise hold them apart.
Atoms are bound together like a battery set with three connections, in this case
with Proton Quarks ( Up – Down – Up ) bound to Neutron Quarks ( Down –
Up – Down )
The Proton has 2 Positive Up Quarks oscillating about 1 Negative Down Quark
this attracts
A Neutron with 2 Negative Down Quarks oscillating about 1 Positive Up Quark
this attracts
A Proton with 2 Positive Up Quarks oscillating about 1 Negative Down Quark
this attracts
A Neutron with 2 Negative Down Quarks oscillating about 1 Positive Up Quark
this attracts
A Proton with 2 Positive Up Quarks oscillating about 1 Negative Down Quark
this attracts…Etc, Etc,.
Thus Atom structures build as follows 2 Up Quarks attract 1 Down Quark to evolve a Proton.
A Neutron can be attracted to this Proton by attraction
A Proton can be attracted to a Neutron by attraction.
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction.
A Proton can be attracted to a Neutron by attraction.
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton can be attracted to a Neutron by attraction.
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction.
A Proton can be attracted to a Neutron by attraction.
Atom becomes 1s
Atom becomes 2s
Atom becomes 2s / 1p
Atom becomes 2s / 2p
Atom becomes 2s / 3p
A more detailed description is shown on Evolution of Atomic Structures.xls
The above is a very crude description of how atomic structures build their
energy from a centre-point outwards. It certainly is not quite that simple, for
imbalance can occur with more Neutrons added between some of the elements
(isotopes) after the initial atom structure has developed, however the Proton
structures still can only follow in the sequence as described in Atomic
Stuctures.xls. Atom structures are built in the structured order as described, with
Protons adjacent to at least 1 Neutron, at raised energy levels more than 1
Neutron can be maintained between the Protons creating the isotopes of atoms,
this can only take place after the initial atom structure has developed,
A better visual understanding is shown in the sketches.
More Neutrons can exist between each Proton after they evolve
4i 9h 16g 16f 9d 4p
4p 9d 16f 16g 9h 4i
A Proton evolves creating a structure the Proton can attract an Electron
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron the Proton can attract an Electron
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron the Proton can attract an Electron
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron the Proton can attract an Electron
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron the Proton can attract an Electron
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron the Proton can attract an Electron
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron the Proton can attract an Electron
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron the Proton can attract an Electron
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron the Proton can attract an Electron
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron the Proton can attract an Electron
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron the Proton can attract an Electron
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron the Proton can attract an Electron
2 Up Quarks oscillate around 1 Down Quark within each Proton generating
2 Gravity waves with a positive potential. These can attract 1 Electron into
1 of the two trajectories. 1 Electron present debars a second by repulsion.
This evolution of atomic elements can only develop in this strict order
Once evolved atom structures can attract more or less Neutrons dependant
upon energy levels, to create the isotopes of atoms.
The Neutrons 2 Down Quarks oscillate around 1 Up Quark also generating
waves but with insignificant negative potentials within the confines of the
influence from the higher positive potential from the Protons Gravity Waves.
Conductivity is the ability to allow negatively charged Electrons to move
through a material, the easier Electrons move free of resistance, the more
conductive the material. Electrons move through material using what has
been termed “ holes “, positive placements attracting negative Electrons.
All Protons generate two waves with a positive potential bias, GRAVITY.
One of these waves can support and maintain an Electron, the presence of
one Electron debars a second in the second trajectory by repulsion.
This second empty trajectory becomes what we term the positive hole,
capable of attracting an Electron but not capable of capturing the Electron
around the nucleus of the Proton, because of repulsion from the first
Electron in the first trajectory.
Within the structure of all atoms from the simplest to the most complex it
can be seen that these vacant trajectories provide the means for Electrons
to migrate throughout the structure dependent upon potential differences
throughout the structure.
Generally the more complex structures have the capacity to be more
conductive because of the higher density of Protons in the atom structure,
however the more complex structures generally have higher energy levels
which can suppress through repulsion the free movement of Electrons.
High temperatures, Low gravitational force, can increase energy levels
within atoms and reduce Electron mobility.
Extreme low temperature, High gravitational force, can reduce energy
levels within atoms and increase Electron mobility.
Super Conductivity
Super conductivity can be induced into atom structures, by using more
Complex Atom structures, increasing the density of ( vacant trajectories )
and by achieving Extreme lower temperatures, and if possible Higher
gravitational force, to reduce energy levels thus increasing Electron
The particles involved in atomic evolution would be Up Quarks, Photons, Down
Quarks, Electrons, Protons with ( 2 Up Quarks + 1 Down Quark ) and Neutrons with ( 2
Down Quarks + 1 Up Quark ).
Of these above particles the only ones needed for atomic evolution that are not
permanent are the Down Quark and the Electron. The Proton and Neutron are
composites of other particles.
This radicle concept suggests that a Down Quark could be composed of a Up Quark
surrounded by Photons ( as a cloud of negative charge ), and that the Electron could
also be composed of an Up Quark surrounded by Photons ( as a cloud of negative
charge ) all composed of permanent particles but formed at different temperatures and
levels of gravitational confinement..
This concept suggests that a cessation of gravitation in an area of Dark Matter caused
the Big Bang and that the phenomenal release of energy permitted the development of
many particles evolving from the fundamental and permanent particles, the Up Quarks
and the Photons.
Down Quark )
+2/3 e…( can absorb Electron becoming
10 -52 e
Down Quark 15 MINS
Quark )
-1/3e…( can emit an Electron becoming Up
Electron 4.6 * 10 -26 YEARS -1e
NOTE the UP QUARK is the only truly positive particle as an Up Quark.
Nucleo-synthesis – high temperatures – cessation of gravitational confinementUp
Quarks permanent positive particles attract the smallest negative permanent particles
with spin the Photons, to form the first of the Down Quarks at specific energy levels at
specific temperatures and gravitational confinement pressures. The Photons would be
energised and attracted as a cloud of negative charge around the Up Quark exhibiting
spin relative to their energy levels.
Two Up Quarks can attract 1 Down Quark and oscillate about this Down Quark with
stability at specific energy levels at specific temperatures and increasing gravitational
confinement pressures to form the first free Protons.
Free Up Quarks permanent positive particles can now attract more of the smallest
negative permanent particles with spin, Photons, to form Electrons at higher energy
levels at specific temperatures and increasing gravitational confinement pressures. The
Photons would be energised and attracted as a cloud of negative charge around the Up
Quark exhibiting spin relative to their energy levels. This would be a similar attraction
to that forming the Down Quarks but with much greater numbers of Photons at even
higher energy levels. Free Protons can now attract one of these Electrons into one of
their two positive biased trajectories generated by the positive pulses of gravitation
generated by the two oscillating Up quarks within their Nuclei to form the first atomic
elementary structures at higher energy levels at specific temperatures and gravitational
confinement pressures.
Up Quarks – Photons - Down Quarks – Electrons – Basic Atoms
With increasing gravitational force and higher temperatures two Down Quarks can
now attract and oscillate around one Up Quark to form Neutrons at specific energy
levels at specific temperatures and higher gravitational confinement pressures.
As the above processes take place increasing numbers of Protons are being formed
increasing gravitational confinement, consequently the attraction between the Up
Quarks generating positive gravity waves within the Protons and their bound Electrons
are increasing all the time making the bonds between them increasingly inseparable.
Up Quarks – Photons - Down Quarks – Protons - Electrons – Basic Atoms – Neutrons
10-43 sec Big Bang Event ( CESSATION OF GRAVITY )
Big Bang as gravity momentarily ceases in an area of Dark Matter caused either by Down
Quarks being forced by intense gravity from their bonding within Protons, or by a collision with
another body of matter, releasing an inferno of energy in the form of Up Quarks, Down
Quarks, Electrons, and Photons.
10-32 sec
10 27 deg
An inferno, a hot soup of, Up Quarks, Down Quarks, Electrons, and Photons and other particles
ejected outwards into space.
10 -6sec
10 13 deg
Up Quarks and Down Quarks begin to form again into Protons generating gravity waves, but
without Electrons captured into trajectories.
3 mins
10 8 deg
Quarks within Protons continue generating gravity waves, but without Electrons captured into
300,000 yrs
10 3 deg
Electrons begin to be captured into trajectories by Protons continuing to generate gravity
waves and beginning to form hydrogen atoms and grouping with Neutrons.
1 billion yrs -200 deg
The increasing force of gravity begins to attract gas clouds of hydrogen and helium gas together
into dense gas clouds that ultimately become galaxies as they collapse to form the first star
15 billion yrs -270 deg
As galaxies begin to cluster together to form the first stars, these stars themselves begin to
collapse as their heavy elements are spewed out into space, these again will ultimately be drawn
back together as stars and planetary systems.
ABOVE 50 billion yrs
Elements above beryllium are formed in nucleo-synthesis and stellar nucleosynthesis
fusion reactions from dense clouds of gasses with hydrogen / helium / carbon burning
processes, possibly as remnants of a Big Bang nucleo-synthesis.
Man has devised the dimension of Time to help him understand the nature of change.
That could be in respect of his lifespan, defining the yearly cycles, the rising and setting
of the Sun, or the decay of fissionable material, or the speed of electromagnetic waves.
Anywhere man could observe change he needed time as a dimension to assist in his
understanding of the rate of that change.
In nature however time is not in the nature of a dimension, changing energy levels,
mass, charge potentials, temperatures, or pressures are dimensional, and man takes
measure of these changes within his concept of Time as a dimension.
The changes themselves however do not refer to a time dimension, they are purely
concerned about changes in related temperatures, pressures, mass, charge potentials,
energy levels etc,.
If change can take place without reference to a time dimension, we must ask does Time
exist as a dimension or is it purely devised for man’s use when comprehending change.
Man has devised many types of clock designed to record change and display a time
factor linearly with great accuracy.
The clocks however do not record time, they record, mechanical movement, or electrical
charge, or electronic decay, or the decay of atomic structures. Quite amazing but they
are recording change not time, it is man that gave credence to the divisions on a clock
face to describe time, but in fact the clock records change, mechanical, electronic,
atomic, or gravitational change that affect its movement.
It is true to say that though Time may not be a dimension in terms of the Universe, it is
of necessity for man to comprehend the changing circumstances in his environment,
changes that have no reference to time but relate in fact to changes in their related
temperatures, pressures, mass, charge potentials, energy levels etc,.
Even our atomic clocks are affected by outside influence. Gravitation causes them to
change their rate in response as they move through changing charge levels of
gravitational pulses, thus affecting the energy levels within the caesium structures.
It would appear therefore that man will always need time to assist in his comprehension
of the nature of change but we must question its validity as a fundamental dimension.
Relativity both general and special relativity seem to be founded on the same premise, that
the speed of light is constant. Gravitation across the Universe remains undefined, yet we use
Light and not Gravity to define where changes in Mass may occur, e.g. at relativistic speeds.
This document re-define the tests used for relativity based on a new concept for Gravitation.
In so doing it suggests that lightspeed cannot be constant if Photons have either charge or
Mass. They cannot be massless or without charge for they move at speed through space.
The force of gravity is immense for it permeates all of matter and space throughout the
Universe, yet it is so infinitely small we cannot measure it.
There follows examples of the tests verifying General Relativity, and Special Relativity
The speed of light, usually denoted by c, is a physical constant. Its value is exactly
299,792,458 metres per second. It is the maximum speed at which all energy, matter, and
information in the universe can travel. It is the speed of all massless particles and associated
fields – including electromagnetic radiation such as light – in vacuum, and it is predicted by
the current theory to be the speed of gravity (that is, gravitational waves). Such particles and
waves travel at c regardless of the motion of the source or the inertial frame of reference of
the observer. In the theory of relativity, c interrelates space and time, and appears in the
famous equation of mass energy equivalence E = mc2.
All electromagnetic waves comprise photons cyclically oscillating around frequencies in the
electromagnetic spectrum. Photons have a negative charge less than 10 -52 e.
When electromagnetic waves move into increasing gravitational force the frequency moves
towards the Red spectrum decreasing frequency with decreasing photon energy.
When they move into a reducing gravitational force they move towards the Blue spectrum
increasing frequency with increased Photon energy,. Electromagnetic waves influenced by
changing gravitational force behave elastically and as they change frequencies, their speed
must momentarily change to accommodate the change in frequency.
Observers at transmission and reception end of the waves will not see any change in
lightspeed for once the mass/charge of photons is stable, speed will return to original speed c.
The speed of light in stable mass conditions is attributable to the attenuation of photon
charge / mass by gravitational pulses with a positive potential, that are identical in charge and
mass throughout the universe hence the speed of light “c” appears constant to all observers.
Generally, it is believed, processes where mass is moving close to a massive body, run more
slowly when compared with processes taking place farther away. This effect is known as
gravitational time dilation, this is apparent within all atomic structures even caesium who’s
mass changes correspondingly with a change in gravitational force.
Processes within Mass run more slowly because Mass increases as gravitational force
increases and reduces as gravitational force reduces. Electromagnetic wave speeds also
change as photon mass changes. Their Mass changes because the disrupted pulses of
gravitation attenuate the negative charge Mass on the particles either within electromagnetic
waves, or within any body of Mass. This is because increasing gravitation decreases the
energy / mass of the body of matter, even if the body of matter is caesium within an atomic
clock. It should be noted that the mass /energy of pulses of disrupted gravitational waves are
identical throughout the Universe, they do not travel at a specific speed throughout space but
are rather dispersed throughout space as they emanate outwards from all bodies of matter,
almost like a static charge. ( The Ether to which Michelson and Morley referred ? )
General relativity predicts that the path of light is bent in a gravitational field; light passing a
massive body is attracted and deflected towards that body. This effect has been confirmed by
observing the light of stars or distant quasars being deflected as it passes the Sun.
Photons within electromagnetic waves have a negative charge less than 10 -52 e.
These photons within electromagnetic waves are both directly attracted by gravitational force
and their energy is decreased by increasing gravitational force. This both attracts and changes
frequency of the wave as it moves through gravitational force.
The speed of light, usually denoted by c, is a physical constant representing the speed at
which light and all other electromagnetic radiation travels in vacuum. Its value is exactly
299,792,458 metres per second (approximately 186,282 miles per second).
In the theory of relativity, c connects space and time, and appears in the famous equation of
mass-energy equivalence E = mc2.
The speed of light is the speed of all massless particles and associated fields in vacuum, and it
is believed to be the speed of gravity and of gravitational waves and an upper bound on the
speed at which energy, matter, and information can travel.
The speed of light in stable mass conditions is attributable to the attenuation of photon
charge / mass by gravitational pulses with a positive potential. This attenuation of lightspeed
takes place, at transmission point, through variable fields of gravitation in space, and at
reception point within a body of matter. These disrupted pulses of gravitation are identical in
charge and mass throughout the universe hence the speed of light “c” as attenuated by
gravity would appear to be constant to all observers.
Disrupted gravitational pulses with a positive potential bias emanate outwards from the Sun.
They attract negative charged particles of matter on the Sun facing side of Planets, and
radially in rotation with the Sun. This force attracts Planets towards and with the Suns
motion, and imposes an attractive force for anti-clockwise spin, and anticlockwise orbit with
“aphelion” advance. Disrupted gravitational pulses with a positive potential bias emanating
outwards from the Sun also repel disrupted gravitational pulses from all around Planets, away
from the Sun and radially in rotation with the Sun. This force tends to push Planets away
from the Sun and similar to Frame Dragging pushes Planets towards an anticlockwise spin,
and advance their perihelion. As the energy of positive gravitational pulses falls ( decay over
millions of years ) the potential for repulsion becomes less and Planets move closer to the
Sun until it equates to the attractive force of gravitation. Photons in the more negative phase
of all electromagnetic waves from the Sun attract Gravitational pulses from all around Planets
outwards longitudinally in the direction of travel and radially with the Spin of the Sun.
Though these forces are infinitely small they also cause frame dragging that pulls Planets into
its orbital trajectory with a force towards orbital precession, and a force towards an
anticlockwise spin, and perihelion advance.
Disrupted pulses of gravitation from Planets with a positive potential emanate outwards
towards the Sun. They are repulsed by the emanating pulses of gravitation from the Sun with
lesser force on the Sun’s facing side of the planets and greater force on the more distant side
of the Planets.
All the above forces cumulatively produce a force for a radial precession of aphelion and
perihelion in the direction of the Suns rotation. The same forces produce an attractive force
for orbit, trajectory and spin, together with a small precessional force upon orbital trajectory.
The forces of disrupted pulses of gravitation between bodies of matter around a solar system
centred around a Star are far from simple. The generation of gravitation is !!!
The interaction of disrupted pulses of gravitation with negative particles within bodies of
matter, and within electromagnetic waves is complex.
The interaction of disrupted pulses of gravitation from a spinning star, with disrupted pulses
of gravitation from orbiting bodies of matter is even more complex.
Add to the above the frame dragging effects of electromagnetic radiation from a star through
positive pulses of gravitation from bodies of matter and the problems become almost
Disrupted pulses of gravitation with a positive charge bias attract and affect the energy of all
Photons in the more negative phase of all electromagnetic waves at any frequency.
Photons individually have an extremely small negative charge, this charge varies as energy
levels change, as for instance when it passes through a gravitational field. This attraction of
gravitation for photons in their more negative phase of all electromagnetic waves at any
frequency causes the wave direction to deflect by attraction towards that gravitational field.
Disrupted pulses of gravitation with a positive charge bias attract and energise all Photons in
the more negative phase of all electromagnetic waves at any frequency. Photons individually
have an extremely small negative charge, this charge varies as energy levels change, as for
instance when it passes through a gravitational field. This attraction of gravitation for
photons in their more negative phase of all
electromagnetic waves at any frequency cause the wave frequency of the wave to change as
the photons energy rises and falls. A rise in energy level with decreasing gravitation results in
a change towards blue with increased Photon energy, a fall in energy level with increasing
gravitation results in a change towards red with decreased Photon energy. During these
changes in frequency there are momentary changes in the electromagnetic wave speed
Disrupted pulses of gravitation with a positive charge bias attract and energise all Photons in
the more negative phase of all electromagnetic waves at any frequency. Photons individually
have an extremely small negative charge, this charge varies as energy levels change, as for
instance when it passes through a gravitational field. This attraction of gravitation for photons
in their more negative phase of all electromagnetic waves at any frequency causes the wave
direction to deflect towards the gravitational field. When electromagnetic waves are passing
around a body of matter in space they are attracted as they pass resulting in a lensing effect as
they leave. This is not lensing in the photographic sense, i.e. not photographically focused.
The speed of electromagnetic waves “ C “ is determined by their escape velocity from
disrupted pulses of gravity waves. The Photon has an extremely small negative potential, this
determines the escape velocity of all electromagnetic waves from the force of gravitational
attraction. During transit throughout space electromagnetic waves will encounter
gravitational force going into or coming out of areas of differing gravitational intensity also
affecting Photon energy / mass, wave frequency and speed. Though gravity attenuates
photons in their more negative phase of electromagnetic waves towards light speed 'c', it also
energises or de-energises photons during transit, causing changes in frequency which has the
effect of temporarily changing the speed of the waves passing through.
General relativity predicts that rotating bodies drag spacetime around themselves in a
phenomenon referred to as frame-dragging. Lense and Thirring predicted that the rotation of
an object would alter space and time, dragging a nearby object out of position compared with
the predictions of Newtonian physics. The predicted effect is about one part in a few trillion.
Gravitation from the Sun, as disrupted pulses of gravity waves with a positive potential bias,
have an attractive effect on all bodies of atomic elementary matter affecting direction of
movement spin and orbit. Gravitation as disrupted pulses of gravity waves has a repulsive
effect on the gravity fields themselves emanating outwards from all bodies of matter affecting
spin and orbit. Gravitation from the Sun moves faster on the outer radial and slower on the
inner radial of planetary objects, creating a repelling frame dragging force from the pulses of
gravitation on emanating pulses of gravity creating a frame dragging effect greater on the
outer radial, and a lesser effect on the inner radial.
This affects both anticlockwise spin and anticlockwise orbital trajectory around the Sun.
Gravitation from a moving body of matter affecting another body of matter will impose a
force of attraction toward that body of matter, causing it to move in the direction of its travel.
This is another more direct form of frame dragging acting directly upon all negative particles
within that body of matter.
The actions of gravitational frame dragging between bodies of matter becomes extremely
complex affecting motion, direction, spin, orbit, orbital advance, etc,.
Electromagnetic waves have a small attractive effect on the disrupted positive pulses of
gravity emanating outwards from all bodies of matter affecting spin and orbit.
Electromagnetic waves from the Sun move radially faster in the outer radial and slower on
the inner radial of planetary bodies of matter creating an extremely small frame dragging
force from the photons in their more negative phase of the wave, on positive pulses of
gravitation for anticlockwise spin and anticlockwise orbital trajectory.
Electromagnetic waves from a moving Star move in a similar direction to the motion of the
Star, as well as traveling out from the Star at the Photon escape velocity “ C “
They attract and are attracted by pulses of gravitation, consequently they can also drag pulses
of gravitation in the same direction, albeit with a very weak force.
It has been calculated that Dark matter accounts for 23% of the mass-energy density in the
Universe, Dark energy accounts for 73%, and Matter accounts for just 4%.
Dark Matter refers to a body of matter with such gravitational force that all atomic
elementary material, sources of energy, electromagnetic waves etc remain inescapably
entrapped within its intense force of Gravitation. Dark matters intense gravitational attraction,
pulls all matter, elementary material, electromagnetic waves into its intense gravitational
field. Ultimately its gravitational force will reach such intensity it will attract all negative
charge particles in towards its core, electrons will be attracted out of their trajectories,
releasing the elementary attraction between atomic structures, and their orbital electrons,
collapsing their elemental structures. Finally attracting the down quarks from within the
proton and neutrons nucleus structures causing a cessation of gravity in that region of intense
gravitational force. Dark matter the graveyard of all atomic elementary material, produces the
beginning of a new Big Bang Event.
Dark matter has a gravitational force that attracts all atomic elementary structures, all bodies
of matter into its being. Dark matter attracts all forms of electromagnetic energy inescapably
into its body of Mass. It has a gravitational force greater than any known to man.
Its composition must therefore be from the fundamental structures of atomic elementary
material, the Protons, the Electrons and the Quarks, inescapably entrapped within.
Dark Matter is the ultimate end for all bodies of matter in the Universe.
Dark Matter is the beginning and the end for all matter in the Universe.
Dark Energy is a hypothetical form of energy that permeates all of space and tends to
increase the rate of expansion of the Universe. Dark energy is the most popular way to
explain recent observations and experiments that the universe appears to be expanding at an
accelerating rate. In the standard model of cosmology, dark energy currently accounts for
74% of the total mass energy of the universe. Two proposed forms for dark energy are the
cosmological constant, a constant energy density filling space homogeneously, and scalar
fields such as quintessence or moduli, dynamic quantities whose energy density can vary in
time and space.
It has been calculated that Dark Energy is a form of energy that permeates all of space and
tends to increase the rate of expansion of the Universe Dark energy is the most logical way to
explain observations and experiments that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate.
In the standard model of cosmology, dark energy currently accounts for 74% of the total mass
energy of the universe. During the big Bang event the first of all the atomic elementary
structures to be formed were Protons, 2 up quarks with 1 down quark attracted together and
oscillating to produce positive biased waveforms. Without electrons bound into trajectories,
their positive charge bias provided a repulsive force between protons, having no negative
electrons to produce the attractive force between them. These early protons would be ejected
out into space generating gravity waves but without electrons to provide their binding charge.
These free protons devoid of electrons in trajectories, continue to move away from bodies of
matter by the repulsion of their gravity waves from other gravitational radiation. However
their gravitational radiation continues to be generated as disrupted pulses of gravity waves
with a positive potential bias. The extremely low density gravitation will continue to attract
all bodies of atomic elementary matter outwards and away from the conglomeration of other
bodies of matter in our Galaxy. This in essence is the source of dark energy, protons without
electrons, unable to form into elementary particles continuing to generate gravity waves out
into space. The final resting place for such electron free protons would be within the
attractive force of Neutron Stars whose intense inverse negative gravitation could attract the
Protons forcing the Up Quarks from their bond within the Protons nucleus.
Dark Energy is the Luminiferous Ether to which Michelson and Moreley referred.
The Universe may seem to be expanding however infinity cannot expand or contract. What is
happening is that bodies of matter would seem to be drifting towards the edge of our known
Universe suggesting the possibility that it may be expanding. This concept suggests that one
of the first of the elementary particles to be evolved during a Big Bang event would be the
Proton. Its two Up Quarks and one Down Quark generate Gravity waves with or without an
electron in a trajectory, which become disrupted by interference into pulses of gravitation
with a positive potential bias. These single Protons devoid of Electrons, would be repelled
far out into the Universe during a Big Bang Event, their disrupted pulses of gravitation
holding them apart by repulsion and aiding their movement outwards. The Gravitation from
all such free Protons will pervade the Universe evenly distributed, interlocking with
gravitation from all bodies of matter to produce the effect suggested by Einstein of a vast
network of gravitation concentrating around all bodies of matter in space. This background of
gravitation, together with its attractive interconnection with gravitation from all bodies of
matter steadily attracts bodies of matter outwards further into space, the Universe.
The time lapse between two events is not invariant from one observer to another, but is
dependent on the relative speeds of the observers' reference frames (e.g., the twin paradox
which concerns a twin who flies off in a spaceship traveling near the speed of light and
returns to discover that his or her twin sibling has aged much more).
Electromagnetic waves under changing gravitational force behave elastically and as they
change frequencies, their speed momentarily changes to accommodate the frequency change.
Observers at transmission and reception end of the waves will not see any change in
lightspeed for once mass/charge of photons is stable speed will return to original speed “c”.
The speed of light in stable mass conditions is attributable to the attenuation of photon
charge / mass by gravitational pulses with a positive potential, that are identical in charge and
mass throughout the universe hence the speed of light “c” appears constant to all observers.
Time is a concept devised by man by which all events throughout the Universe may be
comprehended in the same frame of reference. Light-Speed is not constant it is at variance
within its length as its photon mass changes passing through varying gravitational fields.
What is changing is the mass / energy of Photons within the electromagnetic wave as they
move through varying fields of gravitation, their energy / mass changes accordingly with a
change in speed within the wave at those points.
The dimensions (e.g., length) of an object as measured by one observer may be smaller than
the results of measurements of the same object made by another observer (e.g., the Ladder
Paradox involves a long ladder traveling near the speed of light and being contained within a
smaller garage).
If using light as the conveyor of information then what changes between observers is the
mass / energy of Photons within the electromagnetic wave. As they move through varying
fields of gravitation their energy / mass changes accordingly with a change in speed within
the wave at those points. The two observers will observe different readings in their
instruments for measuring Length.
That is not to say that the size of an object travelling through gravitational field does not
change, it does change. As gravitational force increases the energy level in the body of matter
increases and the atomic structures will shrink to an extremely slight degree caused by
increased energy levels within the atoms.
Velocities (and speeds) do not simply 'add', for example if a rocket is moving at 2⁄3 the speed
of light relative to an observer, and the rocket fires a missile at 2⁄3 of the speed of light relative
to the rocket, the missile does not exceed the speed of light relative to the observer. (In this
example, the observer would see the missile travel with a speed of 12⁄13 the speed of light.)
What actually happens when the rocket fires a missile is that the missile is already traveling
though gravitation at a specific speed and its mass is now relevant to that speed.
The action of firing the missile takes effect from that specific speed / mass with the result that
the mass of the missile is now greater because of its speed through gravitation.
The resultant force is absorbed by the increased mass with a reduction in its efficiency.
As an object's speed approaches the speed of light from an observer's point of view, its mass
appears to increase thereby making it more and more difficult to accelerate it from within the
observer's frame of reference.
As any abject increases its speed through gravitation its mass increases making it more
difficult to increases speed. A situation could be reached where it becomes impossible to
increase speed because of the criticality of the increased mass.
Equivalence of MASS and ENERGY, E = mc2
The energy content of an object at rest with mass m equals mc2. Conservation of energy
implies that in any reaction a decrease of the sum of the masses of particles must be
accompanied by an increase in kinetic energies of the particles after the reaction. Similarly,
the mass of an object can be increased by taking in kinetic energy. C2 is a very big number.
Before accepting that Energy = Mass * ( C2 ) we must clearly define the following,
Mass --- There are three types of mass described below.
Speed of Light --- The speed of Light is not a constant, it does vary.
There is no doubt E = mc2
as far as man can clearly measure but it may be founded on a
false understanding of mass, the speed of Light, and Disrupted Gravity waves.
It may be that E = mc2
where c= speed of light at that moment.
( light speed can vary according to its photon mass )
Pulses of gravitation attract all negative elementary potentials, Electrons, Down Quarks,
Neutrons, and Photons in the more negative phase of electromagnetic waves.
This attraction to external negative elementary potentials stresses the relationship between all
negative and positive charge particles within the active body of matter.
This attraction from a body of matter would be termed active gravitational mass.
It is determined by measuring the acceleration of a body of known mass in free fall.
The transfer of this force would be immediate throughout the body of matter.
All negatively charged Electrons, Down Quarks and Neutrons in any body of matter are
attracted to external disrupted pulses of gravitation with a positive charge bias.
This external attraction stresses the relationship between all negative and positive charge
particles within the passive body of matter. This attraction generates what is termed passive
gravitational mass. Passive gravitational mass is determined by dividing an object’s known
weight by its free fall acceleration
The transfer of this force would be immediate throughout the body of matter.
If an external force ( not gravity ) were to be applied to a body of matter its effects would be
transferred by repulsion to the negative charged Electrons at point of application. ( like
pushing a sponge ) This force would be transferred throughout the inertial body of matter
from one elementary sub-atomic particle to the next, Electrons to Protons, Neutrons, Quarks,
Electrons etc. The effect would be to increase the stress relationship between these charges
generated between the Quarks within all of the Protons and their respective Electrons, and
also between the Protons and the Neutrons. The force of charge stresses experienced when an
external force is applied is termed inertial mass..
The transfer of force would not be immediate throughout the body of matter.
All electromagnetic waves comprise photons cyclically oscillating around frequencies in the
electromagnetic spectrum. Photons have a negative charge less than 10 -52 e.
When electromagnetic waves move into increasing gravitational force the frequency moves
towards the Blue spectrum increasing frequency with increased Photon energy, when they
move into a reducing gravitational force they move towards the Red spectrum decreasing
frequency with decreasing photon energy.
Electromagnetic waves under changing gravitational force behave elastically and as they
change frequencies, their speed momentarily changes to accommodate the frequency change.
Observers at transmission and reception end of the waves will not see any change in
lightspeed for once mass/charge of photons is stable speed will return to original speed c.
The speed of light in stable mass conditions is attributable to the attenuation of photon
charge / mass by gravitational pulses with a positive potential, that are identical in charge and
mass throughout the universe hence the speed of light “c” appears constant to all observers.
The equivalence of mass and energy no doubt exists, but once mass and lightspeed are clearly
defined, one realises that gravitation and speed is what solely affects mass.
Lightspeed is the result of Photons with negative charge passing through gravitation at
varying intensities, which causes varying frequency as a result of varying Mass.
Consequently lightspeed does vary albeit within the wave and between frequencies.
Even though energy particles within all bodies of mass can travel at the speed of light, as
photons within electromagnetic waves. Is it possible that particles within the atom structures
are composed of photons at the base level of energy within the Atom.
The Up Quark does appear to be the only positive particle and it is regarded as permanent.
Generally, where mass is close to a massive body, processes run more slowly when compared
with processes taking place farther away; this effect is known as gravitational time dilation.
Processes within Mass run more slowly because Mass increases as gravitational force
increases and reduces as gravitational force reduces. Electromagnetic wave speed also
changes as photon mass changes . Their Mass changes because the disrupted pulses of
gravitation attenuate the negative charge/Mass on the particles either within electromagnetic
waves, or within any body of Mass. This is because increasing gravitation increases the
energy / mass of the body of matter, even if the body of matter is caesium within an atomic
Electromagnetic waves under such gravitational force behave elastically and as they change
frequencies, their speed momentarily changes to accommodate the frequency change.
Observers at transmission and reception end of the waves will not see any change in
lightspeed for once mass/charge of photons is stable speed will return to original speed c.
The speed of light in stable mass conditions is attributable to the attenuation of photon
charge / mass by gravitational pulses with a potive potential, that are identical in charge and
mass throughout the universe hence the speed of light “c” appears constant to all observers.
History of special relativity
The need for special relativity arose from Maxwell’s equations suggesting that
electromagnetic waves must move with a constant speed "c" the speed of light.
Maxwell proposed that light travels through a luminferous ether which permeates the
universe. In 1887, the famous Michelson Morley experiment tried to detect the "ether wind"
generated by the movement of the Earth. The persistent null results of this experiment
puzzled physicists, and called the ether theory into question. Lorentz and Fitzgerald noted
that the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment could be explained by the ether wind
contracting the experiment in the direction of motion of the ether. This effect is called the
Lorentz contraction, and (without ether) is a consequence of special relativity. 1905, Einstein
published another article presenting E = mc2.
The ether to which Maxwell referred is generated by single free Protons devoid of Electrons
generating gravity waves which become disrupted by interference into pulses of gravitation
with a positive potential bias these pulse of gravitation emanate throughout space.
They provide a network of gravitation throughout space into which bodies of matter exert
their own gravitational influence.
Any particles or photons traveling though the Universe will experience changes in their
charge / mass as they experience changes in gravitational force. This will affect their speed
and direction dependant upon the direction of applied gravitational force.
Particles do seem to travel through an Ether of Gravitational pulses throughout the Universe.
The concept of a Cyclical Universe begins with understanding Dark Matter.
Our concept of the Universe is one of Infinity and the Matter it contains.
Dark Matter constitutes 80% and Ordinary Matter 20% of all matter in the Universe.
In this concept, Matter begins and ends its life within the intense gravitation generated by
Dark Matter, this gravitation is the same type of gravitation generated by all bodies of
ordinary atomic elementary matter.
Proton Generated Gravitation
Conventional Proton generated gravity waves produce gravity waves with a positive
potential. These become disrupted by interference into positive pulses of gravitation
emanating outwards from all bodies of matter.
Its generation as positive biased waves of charge from atomic structures can be derived from
the Quarks structure formation within Protons, and the Protons within all atomic elemental
Neutron Generated Gravitation
Neutron generated gravity waves produce gravity waves with a negative potential emanating
from the Quark structure formation within Neutron based matter, as in the case of Neutron
Stars. These become disrupted by interference into negative pulses of gravitation emanating
outwards from all Neutron Stars..
Because of the criticality and instability of Neutron based gravitation, this option is
disregarded as the source of gravity from Dark Matter, it would be unstable, and untenable as
is the case in Neutron Stars.
Neutron stars either collapse into Black holes, or burst into White Dwarf mini-stars
All conventional gravitation is generated from within all Protons by 2 Up Quarks oscillating
both by repulsion and attraction around 1 Down Quark.
These two waves of charge with a positive potential can attract an electron into one of the
two trajectories, an electron in any of the trajectories debars a second by repulsion.
These gravity waves become disrupted by interference into pulses of gravitation emanating
outwards from all bodies of matter, including Dark Matter, these disrupted pulses of
gravitation have a positive potential bias.
Gravitational intensity increases as the Dark Matter accumulates more and more matter and
charge, so the increasing attractive force on the Atomic Structures cause the Neutrons to be
attracted out of their atomic bonds de-structuring elemental bodies of matter to single Protons
structures with or without an electron in a trajectory.
The question arising with Dark Matter is how it continues to attract and hold these individual
Protons to the body of Dark Matter. What provides the attraction ?
The answer to this lies in what gravity is attracting in Dark Matter.
It attracts all negative charge and charge particles, including photons in the more negative
phase of all electromagnetic waves at any frequency.
The core of Dark Matter therefore must be at an ever increasing negative potential.
This will consist of the basic constructs forming Down Quarks, Electrons, Photons, whether
this takes the form of base negative charge, or whether the charge potentials are much
reduced by the intensity of gravitational force, or even whether the particles of charge are all
reduced to the same as or less than the Photon charge particles.
However these negative charges are compressed in the core they actively and directly attract
all positive charge and charge particles at the surface of Dark Matter.
Consequently any remnants of atomic elementary material will remain attracted at the surface
of Dark Matter as single Proton structures still generating Gravitational waves.
The only means by which these Proton structures could be broken down, is if the
gravitational force became strong enough to attract the Down Quarks out from its bond
between the 2 Up Quarks, at which point the generation of gravity from these particles would
cease releasing an explosion of negative charge potential from within the core of Dark Matter
in whatever form that may take.
If gravitation were to cease in a region of Dark Matter, if an area of Proton structures at the
surface were to be torn apart, the resultant outward explosion of force would be cataclysmic,
the repulsive force from negative particles exploding through an outer core of positive
singular Protons.
This would be the beginning of another Big Bang Event ! causing another new evolution of
atomic elemental structures as Energy levels change dramatically through the many
processes involving nucleosynthesis.
BIG BANG caused by cessation of gravity in an area of Dark Matter
Release of negative energy from within the core of Dark Matter passing through the outer
layers of singular Protons and Up Quark particles.
Generation of Atomic Elementary Structures begins within nucleosynthesis..
The atomic elementary particles become Bodies of Matter in Space
Bodies of Matter are attracted to all Matter
Bodies of Matter and Energy ultimately attracted into Dark Matter
Negative particles attracted out of Dark Matter structures by intense gravitation.
This is a slow process de-structuring Atomic elemental structures
Atomic Elemental Structures degraded to single Protons still generating gravitation.
Gravitational intensity attracts Down Quarks out of the Proton structures
A collision occurs with other Dark Matter
A collision occurs with another body of Matter
BIG BANG caused by cessation of gravity in that area of Dark Matter as 1,2,3 above.
Gravity is the Ultimate controller of the density of bodies of matter in the
Universe. Ultimate because it is not precise, its agglomeration into Dark Matter
cannot be quantified but it certainly will happen. The cessation of gravity in an
area of Dark Matter again cannot be pre-determined, but it surely will happen.
That cessation of gravity will be only momentary, but in that period the energy
released will be astronomical beyond imagination. Perhaps the Luminiferous
Ether to which Michelson and Morley referred may indeed exist throughout the
Universe as Dark Energy, considered in this concept to be Protons devoid of
Electrons generating pulses of gravitation with a positive potential, that Man
cannot currently measure.
Man must accept that gravity begins within the smallest and simplest of atoms.
It defines the very reason why a Proton can only maintain one electron in just
one of its two trajectories. It also explains the only way in that what appears to
be a monopole force of attraction can be generated, by wave interference. We
should also consider that gravity begins within the simplest and the smallest of
atoms, and that there must be two waves generated from the two Up Quarks to
retain an electron in either one of two trajectories. The appearance of gravitation
as a monopole force of attraction can only be produced by the disruption of
these waves by interference into a proliferation of pulses of gravitation with a
positive potential bias. This would produce an attraction for and repulsion
against all charge potentials resulting in a point of equilibrium between bodies
of Matter. Bodies of Matter will always be attracted together to form larger
bodies of Matter. All such bodies of Matter will ultimately be attracted into
Dark matter where the attractive force of gravitation is at extremely high
densities. This force of gravitation will ultimately lead to the destruction of
atomic structures leading to another Big Bang Event.
The equilibrium of force between two bodies of matter is reached when the
attractive disrupted pulses of positive potential force from gravitation from each
body of matter for the others negative charge and charge particles balances in
equilibrium with the repulsive force between the disrupted pulses of positive
potential from bodies of matter.
The repulsive force of these pulses of gravitation extends beyond their hill
sphere radius. Consequently the repulsive force is nearly always greater than the
attractive force, however the repulsive force does diminish as the positive
component of gravitational force decays over time as the Atomic electron
trajectories decay becoming smaller.
The positive component of gravitation decays over time ( billions of years ) The
repulsive component exists over a considerably larger area of space diminishing
greater over time than the more direct attractive component. This is more
noticeable with orbiting bodies of matter such as in our solar system, where
centrifugal force is also in effect.
These articles have been written using the logic of words and reasoning without
using mathematical proofs or logic.
If the concept or the assumptions made are incorrect then so would be the
development of any mathematical justification.
Current logic justifying the existence and properties of Gravitational Force are
not incorrect in most respects, however some of the inferences regarding
General and Special relativity need to be reformed suggesting that it is Mass
that changes with respect to speed and not Time.
Gravity needs to be fully understood, for gravity waves themselves could never
generate what appears to be a monopole force.
Disrupted gravity waves resulting in pulses of potential can generate what
appears to be a monopole force even though they may be interspaced with
opposite potentials.
Conventional Gravity waves ( not from neutron generated gravity waves )
therefore must have a greater positive range of potential than negative potential
in order to attract the predominantly negative potentials emitted from Electrons
and other negative particles in conventional bodies of matter which when
disrupted by interference result in predominantly positive pulses of gravitational
Structure of all Atoms
Gravity must be generated from within all, even the most simple of Atoms.
Atomic structures themselves must evolve in a specific and structured
development dependent upon Temperature and Gravitational intensity resulting
in containment.
Each Proton must be capable of attracting and maintaining one Electron in a
trajectory yet have the capacity to support the Electron in either of two opposite
Each Proton must attract one neutron before another Proton can be attracted to
the structure.
As Atom structures evolve their charge potential increases across the Proton and
Neutron Structures.
The Atom structures must evolve in two directions from a centrepoint outwards
to produce what appears to be a mirror image of electron trajectories, at either
side of the developing Atomic Elements.
As the structures become more complex with greater charge capacity more
neutrons can be incorporated between the Protons enabling the generation of the
isotopes of the elements.
Each of the atom structures must generate two waves beginning with the first
Proton. The waves will be generated by two Up Quarks oscillating with one
Down Quark within every Proton to generate the Gravity waves.
These waves will interfere with all other waves to produce multiple pulses of
potential with a positive potential bias emanating outwards from all atomic
elementary material -------- GRAVITY !
Mercury perihelion advance
2 Aircraft opposite ways around the equator time dilation Hafael Ketaing
Aircraft with Gyroscopes over the poles finds varying attitudes of gyros
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun distance 58,000,000 km, its trajectory
has a perihelion distance of 46,000,000, km and aphelion of 69,000,000 km.
The Suns disrupted pulses of gravitational waves with a positive potential move
radially through Mercury’s orbit at approximately 48 km/sec, approximately
46 km.sec at it perihelion, 48 km.sec at its mid point, and 59.4 km/sec at its
aphelion. Mercury’s orbital speed is approximately 50 km/sec.
The above figures are not absolutely accurate but sufficient to suggest that any
precessional force is produced by the radial speed of disrupted positive pulses of
gravitation from the Sun passing through the “aphelion” of Mercury’s orbit,
and not particularly its effect directly upon the perihelion..
The speed of the Planets in their solar trajectories is linked in proportionality to
their linear distance from the Sun with due note made to the extreme radial
speed of gravitation through the trajectory of Mercury and its orbital precession.
Orbits precess in a way unexpected in Newton's theory of gravity Observed in
the orbit of Mercury and binary pulsars.
Planets closest in to the Sun are affected by much greater force, such that
Mercury at its furthest, at its aphelion, is driven to move in a counter clockwise
direction with increased force and speed from the Suns radial gravitational
pulses, shifting its trajectory anticlockwise around its orbit.
This same action affects all other planets, but at their increased distance the
effect is not sufficient to produce the same force upon their trajectories.
Hafele Keating Experiment
The Earth has a linear equatorial rotation of 1600 Km/Hr – 0.5 Km / sec moving
counter-clockwise around the Sun in its trajectory at 29.8 Km/sec
This concept suggests that the Suns radial disrupted pulses of gravitation pass
through the Earths trajectory at the same 107,280 Km/Hr – 29.8 Km / sec, but at
a much lower density than that of Earths gravitational force upon the Aircraft.
An Aircraft traveling at say 500 Km/Hr at the equator would be experiencing
the same Earths gravitation from East to West or from West to East.
Earth’s gravitational influence would the same irrespective of the direction of
flight East to West or West to East.
Because the spin of the earth is induced by the passing radial gravitation from
the Sun, and ignoring the equal gravitational force on both aircraft from Earth’s
Gravitational force.
The aircraft travelling from East to West would be moving in a trajectory with
less radial gravitational influence from the Sun than the aircraft traveling from
West to East, with the Sun’s radial gravitation on the Sun facing side of Earth
The clocks an board this aircraft would be seen to speed up by 275 ns, go faster,
through increasing energy caused by reduced Sun’s gravitational influence.
The aircraft moving from west to east would be moving in a trajectory with
more radial gravitational influence from the Sun, than the aircraft traveling from
East to West, against the Sun’s radial gravitation on the Sun facing side of Earth
The clocks an board this aircraft would slow down by 40 ns, going slower,
through decreasing energy caused by increased Sun’s gravitational influence.
The difficulty in assessing this Hafele Keating experiment is that the
gravitational influence from the Earth can be ignored as equal to both aircraft.
For most of the circumference around the Earth forces balance out, e.g. on the
dark side of the Earth the forces would be the same, on the sides of the Earth the
force in both directions would balance out, leaving only the Sun’s facing side
with the two different gravitational forces.
Any clock or timepiece mechanical, electrical, or atomic Caesium, is affected
by gravitation, increasing gravitation increasing Mass, and decreasing
gravitation reducing Mass.
Gravity Probe B Experiment
The Earth has an equatorial rotation of 1600 Km/Hr moving counter-clockwise
in its trajectory at 107,280 Km/Hr.
This concept suggests that the Suns radial disrupted pulses of gravitation pass
through and radially over the polar areas of the Earths trajectory at the same
1600 Km/Hr.
Gyroscopic rotors were housed in a chamber and moved through these polar
regions in a spacecraft, it was invisaged that they would align with the Earths
polar fields, axially towards the centre of the earths gravitational force, and in
alignment with its spin.
Although this did occur, there were anomalies in that some of the alignments
disagreed with predicted effects, such that the results were listed as unreliable
and un-predictable.
The flow of radial gravitation from the Sun over and around the polar regions
would be to a great degree unpredictable, particularly if the spin of the Earth is
taken into account. Incoming gravitational radiation, both linear and radial,
from the Sun would disrupt with the outgoing radial gravitational force
outwards from the Earth.
Alignment of the gyroscopes would therefore take place but inconclusively and
un-repeatable, such that the experiment remains unproven.
The solar system contains our Sun with eight major planets in trajectories
around what appears to be the equatorial orbital plane around the Sun.
The orbital rate of the respective planets reduce as their distances from the
Sun increase. All the planets lie in a flat equatorial plane around the Sun.
The Planetary orbital rates reflect the actual radial speed at these points of
disrupted pulses of gravitation from the Sun.
Disrupted pulses of gravitation are the result of gravity waves generated
from within all Protons disrupted by interference with other gravity waves
into pulses of gravitation having a positive potential bias.
These pulses of gravitation with a positive potential emanate outwards
from all bodies of matter attracting all negative charge and negative charge
particles. They also repel all positive charge and positive charge particles,
including the disrupted pulses of gravitation themselves.
The anomaly with the Planet Mercury is that its eliptical orbit precesses
around the Sun anticlockwise, in the same direction as the Suns disrupted
pulses of gravitation, with the rotation of the Sun.
The speed of the Suns gravitation through Mercury’s eliptical orbit moves
(advances) Mercury at its aphelion position in its orbit.
This creates the advancing perihelion which we have accredited to the
Relativistic theories of gravitation, rather than to the true speed of
gravitation through the perihelion of Mercury’s orbit.
The noteable feature of the Planetary trajectories is that they lie in a flat
plane rather likened to an accretion disc from a Star system. This implies
that gravitation from the Sun is not a set of waveforms but the result of
waves disrupted by interference into pulses of gravitation.
Their positive potential is what attracts all atomic elementary matter and
their repulsion towards positive charge potential produces the equilibrium
of attractive gravitational force that we observe in the planetary orbitals.
These articles do not detail with accuracy any of the fundamental issues covered
in this new and radicle concept for gravitation.
What is intended, is to show a logical explanation of how gravitation works
such that man might have not comprehended its simplicity.
e.g. if gravity were positive and infinitely small in potential how would he
measure it against a background of electrical noise and negative potentials.
If its force of potential were ( positive ) and it had both an attractive effect
towards negative particles and charge, and a repulsive effect towards positive
Particles and charge, how could he envisage both the attractive force of
gravitation and yet an equilibrium of gravitational force between bodies of
atomic elementary matter.
In examining gravitation the displacements of charge potentials and their
structure within both the simplest of atoms to the most complex of atoms need
to be considered for it is from these structures that all gravitation is generated.
Gravitation is generated as waves of positive potential, such that they become
disrupted by interference into pulses of gravitation with a positive potential.
Gravitation must be a mutual attraction between all atomic elementary matter
with a repulsion between the same bodies of matter producing an equilibrium of
force balanced between attraction and repulsion, with attraction always being
the predominant force, held back by repulsion.
This radicle concept for Gravitation satisfies these criteria. !