Custodial Safety & Hazard Awareness

Taking the Safest Approach
The best way to prevent injuries is to (#1)
remove the hazard altogether, or keep it
isolated, away from workers, so it cannot hurt
anyone. This way the workplace itself is safer!
Removing the hazard can sometimes be the
most difficult solution or take the longest time to
implement. You may need other solutions to
protect you in the meantime, like changing the
way the work is done (#2) or using protective
clothing and equipment (#3).
Chemicals like toilet bowl cleaners can splash into
janitors’ eyes. What controls can be put in place
to keep workers from getting hurt?
1. Is there a way to remove the hazard?
Use a less toxic product that causes fewer health
problems. This is the safest approach.
2. What improvement in work practices would
Train workers on the importance of pouring chemicals
from a low height to avoid splashing.
3. What protective clothing or equipment would
Use goggles to prevent any splashes from getting into
the eyes.
All other
fumes 12%
irritation or
irritation or
burns 40%
Read the Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) for the cleaner.
This sheet explains what is in the product,
how these ingredients may harm you, and
how to protect yourself while using it. Many
companies also have MSDSs on their website.
You can also find them at MSDS Search
Physical Hazards
They’re responsible for a large
variety of tasks:
Sweeping and Mopping
Waxing floors
Cleaning bathrooms
Dusting furniture
Moving furniture
Emptying trash
Mowing lawns
Restocking supplies
Wiping counters
Unstopping drains/ repairing
Removing stains
Heating/Air conditioning
Insect control
Maintaining and cleaning doors
and windows
Delivery/Pick up of items
Extra security
Weather emergencies
Lab spills
Helping with disabled cars
Minor repairs
Painting and carpentry
Physical Hazards
Falls from ladders and elevated platforms
Wet, slippery floors
Falling objects
Moving or rotating machinery parts
Electrical equipment and wires
Hot equipment
Sharp objects, scrap metal, broken glass
Noise from machinery or cleaning equipment
High temperatures
Preventing falls from elevations
Don’t work on an elevated floor or work location without guardrails
in place.
Don’t stand on guardrails to gain extra height.
Don’t lean over railings.
Preventing slips, trips, and falls:
Wet, slippery floors are a
major cause of slips,
trips, and falls. To help
prevent accidents:
Wear safety shoes with
non-skid soles
Keep floors free from water
or grease
Clean floors regularly
Use slip-resistant waxes on
Clean up spills immediately
Put up warning signs
around spills or wet floors
Preventing injuries from machinery
Machinery with moving
or rotating parts
must be equipped
with guards.
Become familiar with the hazards
associated with particular machines.
Do not work with or around machinery in
which safeguards have been removed.
Report to you supervisor about a damaged
or missing safeguard.
Preventing burns from hot
Do not handle or touch hot (or
those that may be hot) articles
or surfaces with bare hands
If needed, wear heatprotective gloves
Organize your work area to
prevent contact with hot
objects and flames
Open hot water faucets slowly
to avoid splashes
Report any faulty equipment to
your supervisor
Biological hazards you may
Blood and body fluids
Rodents and rodent
Musculoskeletal Hazards
Musculoskeletal and repetitive motion
injuries can occur from:
Overexertion (Heavy or awkward lifting)
Awkward postures (bent back, kneeling)
Repetitive movements (ex. Scrubbing)
Preventing musculoskeletal injuries
Moving and storing items
Filling and emptying liquids from containers
Using hand tools
Handling laundry, trash, and other bags
Cleaning small items in large sinks
Loading or unloading laundry
Wet cleaning and mopping
Vacuuming or buffing
General cleaning
Use carts to store and transfer
Carts should have wheel locks.
Handles that can swing out of the way
may be useful for saving space or
reducing reach.
Heavy carts should have brakes.
Balance loads and keep loads under
cart weight restrictions.
Ensure stack height does not block
Most products used to remove graffiti
contain harmful chemicals.
These products may be liquids or solids.
Liquids include cleaning solutions in:
sprays, or
special towels that come pre-soaked
with chemicals.
Solids used to remove graffiti are usually in
the form of a paste.
Chemicals can get into your
body in four main ways:
Breathing (Inhalation)
You may be breathing
chemical vapors or fumes
from the products you use, even if
you can’t see or smell them.
From your lungs, chemicals can
get into your blood. They then
travel to many organs in your
body, where they can cause
It is easier for chemicals to
increase to a harmful level in the
air inside an enclosed area such as
a bus.
You may accidentally get chemicals on
your skin. Even if you wear gloves or
protective clothing, chemicals can
sometimes soak through to your skin.
Chemicals can also get onto your skin
when you are removing wet gloves or
Chemicals can be absorbed into your
body through your skin. Some
chemicals go through the skin very
fast, and others slowly. Your blood
then carries the chemicals throughout
your body.
Some chemicals can hurt your skin
itself and cause irritation or serious
Your eyes can be seriously injured by
Chemicals may splash into your eyes, or
you may accidentally touch your eyes
when you have chemicals on your hands.
Chemical vapors in the air can also harm
your eyes. If you remove graffiti outside
and it’s windy, the wind can blow
chemicals into your eyes.
If you remove graffiti overhead, chemicals
can drip into your eyes.
Swallowing (Ingestion)
Sometimes people swallow
chemicals that have
gotten into their food or
drink, or onto their
You can swallow
chemicals if you eat
drink, or smoke if you
don’t before washing your
Can You Tell By the Smell?
Don’t depend on smell to tell you if a product is safe or unsafe.
Many chemicals are very toxic even though they have no odor or
smell good. Other chemicals have a strong smell but are fairly
Some people have a better sense of smell than others. Also, you
may get used to the odor and lose your ability to smell certain
chemicals if you are around them for a while.
Health Effects of Chemicals
Many chemicals can hurt your body. With
some chemicals, a small amount can harm
you. With other chemicals, it takes a much
larger amount to harm you.
Effects of chemicals can be either:
short term - cause symptoms right
away (like a burn or a cough).
long term - damage your health
slowly. You can use them for months,
or even years, before symptoms show
Health Effects of Chemicals
Brain and Nervous System
Vapors of some chemicals can cause
headache, dizziness, drowsiness, lack of
coordination, or nausea.
Some chemicals can burn your eyes or
cause redness, watering, or itching.
Nose, Throat, and Lungs
Some chemical vapors can cause a runny
nose, scratchy throat, coughing, or
shortness of breath. A few can cause
asthma and other allergies. If you become
allergic to a particular chemical, you may
have an allergic reaction every time you use
If you get certain chemicals on your skin,
they can cause redness, itching, dryness,
cracking, flaking, or burns.
Blood-Forming System
One class of chemicals, ethylene glycol
ethers, can damage the bone marrow,
where blood cells are formed. They
can also damage the red blood cells
themselves. This can cause anemia.
Liver and Kidneys
A few chemicals can cause
permanent liver and
kidney damage.
Reproductive System
Some chemicals can damage eggs
and sperm, or
cause birth defects. This is not
Certain chemicals, such as methylene
chloride, can cause cancer.
Other Hazards of Removing
Hazards from extensive:
repeating the same motions many
You can often prevent injuries by:
using better equipment, such as longer
handles or padded grips
working in a better position
taking frequent breaks to stretch
Resources used for this
Removing Graffiti Safely
Developed by the staff at:
Occupational Health Surveillance and
Evaluation Program (OHSEP),
Occupational Health Branch,
California Department of Health
Labor Occupational Health Program
(LOHP), Center for Occupational
and Environmental Health,
School of Public Health, University of
California, Berkeley.
WISHA Core Safety Rules (WAC 296-800)
(Basic safety and health rules needed by most
employers in Washington State)
Additional Safety Rules
(Fall protection, ladders, machine safety,
lockout/tagout, electrical, hearing
conservation, etc.)
Look for more in-depth modules on many of
the topics covered in this module at :
Workplace Safety and Health
Additional Resources
MSDS Search
Cleaning Fact Sheets
WISHA has many workplace health and safety
regulations, which are called standards. For example,
there are standards that require employers to:
Provide necessary PPE, safety equipment, and training at no
Limit workers’ exposure to chemicals, noise, and other hazards.
Thank you for taking the time to
learn about safety and health and
how to prevent injuries and illnesses.