EU project LIFE13 ENV IT 000461 / “EVERGREEN” “Environmentally friendly biomolecules from agricultural wastes as substitutes of pesticides for plant diseases control” BENEFICCIARY; CSIC (CEBAS-CSIC) Carlos García Izquierdo. CEBAS-CSIC EVERGREEN (LIFE) CEBAS-CSIC (EVERGREEN) Dr. Carlos Garcia Dra. Teresa Hernández Dr. J. Moreno Lda. Mª Dolores Coll Lda. Blanca D. Manuel Campoy Dña. C. Montesinos Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 CEBAS-CSIC GROUP: EVERGREEN Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 WHAT CEBAS-CSIC GROUP WILL DO IN THE EVERGREEN PROJECT?? EVERGREEN: This project will demostrate the successful use of biomolecules recovered from agricultural vegetable wastes as substitutes of pesticides for the environmentaly friendly and sustainable control of plant diseases ACTIONS B1, B3, B4, (B6) B1) Demostration of the performances of traditional pesticides for the control of bacterial and nematodes diseases of plats important for the EU. B4) Demostration of the biological activity of the high quality polyphenols extracts recovered from not edible biomass and wastes, against plant pathogenic bacteria and nematode, in plant. B3) Polyphenols activity?? ACTIONS C1, C2 and C4: C1: Monitoring on the environmental impact of cooper and nematicides for the crop defence against phytopathogenic bacteria and nematodes C2 (B6?). Monitoring of the absences of side effects for the high quality polyfhenolic preparations on common targets of the living organisms at laboratory level. C4. Monitoring of the short-term environmental beneficts from the use of the high quality polyphenols preparations in plant disease control at pilot scale level in field screening ACTION D…: Communication and dissemination actions EVERGREEN (LIFE) Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 B1) and C1 Demostration and monitoring of the performances of traditional pesticides for the control of bacterial and nematodes diseases of plats important for the EU. (From October 2014 to March 2015: DONE) AGRICULTURE: WE NEED TO PRODUCE FOOD (9000 MILL IN 2050) 1) Use of agrochemical to combat plant diseases; is it useful? YES 2) Are good the agrochemicals for the environment?? What about soil quality?? (Cu and nematicides) (OUR ACTYVITY B1 and C1) SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION: WE MUST PRODUCE WITH NO RISK FOR THE ENVIRONMENT EVERGREEN Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 C2-(B6) ACTIVITY (FROM APRIL 2015) Monitoring of the absences of side effects for the high quality polyphenolic preparations on common targets of the living organisms at laboratory level (EFFECT ON SOIL MICROORGANISMS). CEBAS EXPERIMENT (FINISHED)) CONTROL SOIL SOIL + POLYPHENOLS SOIL + Pathogen (bacteria and nematicide) SOIL + POLYPHENOLS + Pathogen EVERGREEN (LIFE) Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 EFFECT OF POLYPHENOLS ON SOIL MICROORGANISMS Photo 1. Microcosm containers with different treatments al the beginning of the assay, Nº Description 1 Control (soil) TC (chesnut A) TCO (chesnut+olive) TCC (chesnut+artichoke) TAN (chesnut B) PFV (red vine leaves) EPV (grapefruit seeds) PV (orujo grape poder) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Paramete rs MICROCOSM TIMES: 0,1 AND 2 MONTHS pH CE Macro and microelements Ct, Nt, COT Water Soluble carbon and nitrogen Β- Glucosidase Fosfatase Des-hidrogenase Urease Microbial respiration PLFAs EVERGREEN (LIFE) Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 N water soluble TOC water soluble 100 70 60 80 ppm Cs ppm Nt 50 40 30 20 60 40 20 10 0 0 Control TC TCO TCC T0 T30 TAN PFV EPV PV Control TC T60 T0 Urease TCC T30 TAN PFV EPV PV PFV EPV PV T60 β-Glucosidase 5 2,0 µ mol PNF/ g dry soil h µmol N-NH4/ g dry soil h TCO 4 3 2 1 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 Control TC TCO TCC T0 T30 TAN T60 PV EPV PFV Control TC TCO T0 TCC T30 TAN T60 More labile structures of N and C are affected by polyphenols addition. However, soil enzymes are not affected with this addition (no effect on specific microbial population) Table 18. Bacterial, fungal, Gram+, Gram-, satured and monosatured PLFAs concentration in soils T0. PLFA (nmol g-1) Control TC TCO TCC TAN PFV Bacteria 0,42 a 4,61 c 3,71 bc 2,27 ab 3,63 bc 3,93 bc EPV 1,81 ab 2,45 abc Gram+ Bacteria 0,38 a 3,08 c 1,72 abc 1,12 ab 2,13 abc 2,31 bc 1,44 abc 1,67 abc Gram- Bacteria 0,04 a 1,53 bc 1,99 c 1,15 abc 1,50 bc 1,61 bc 0,36 ab 0,78 abc Fungi Total saturated PLFAs Total monoin, PLFAs Actinobacteria 0,00 a 0,04 a 0,03 a 0,01 a 0,01 a 0,07 a 0,00 a 0,06 a 0,79 a 5,84 bc 7,42 c 4,62 abc 6,30 bc 0,03 a 1,01 b 1,15 b 0,64 ab 0,68 ab 0,013 a 0,050 a 0,008 a 0,004 a 0,007 a 4,46 abc 1,22 b 0,018 a 2,65 ab 0,09 a 0,001 a PV 3,35 ab 0,24 a 0,002 a Table 20. Bacterial, fungal, Gram+, Gram-, satured and monosatured PLFAs concentration in soils T30. PLFA (nmol g-1) Bacteria Control 4,79 c TC 1,70 a TCO 4,57 c TCC 1,79 a TAN 3,32 bc Gram+ Bacteria 2,38 bc 1,27 ab 3,09 c 1,09ab 2,22 bc Gram- Bacteria Fungi Total saturated PLFAs Total monoin, PLFAs Actinobacteria 2,11 cd 0,17 e 0,43 a 0,07 d 1,47 bc 0,18 e 0,69 ab 0,00 a 1,10 ab 0,07 d 7,30 c 2,90 ab 5,41 bc 3,87 ab 4,21 ab 0,95 ab 0,37 a 0,96 ab 0,68 ab 0,54 ab 0,40 d 0,08 abc 0,14 c 0,11 bc 0,10 abc PFV 4,80 c 2,47 bc 2,33 d 0,02 b 5,31 bc 1,16 b 0,14 c EPV 2,80 ab 1,60 ab 1,18 ab 0,05 c 4,99 abc 0,59 ab 0,03 a PV 1,44 a 0,72 a 0,71 ab 0,07 d 2,66 a 0,30 a 0,06 ab Table 22. Bacterial, fungal, Gram+, Gram-, satured and monosatured PLFAs concentration in soils T60. PLFA (nmol g-1) Bacteria Control 7,73 ab TC 7,86ab TCO 9,07ab TCC 10,13 b TAN 9,67 ab Gram+ Bacteria 4,93 ab 5,30 ab 6,12 ab 7,14 b 6,24 ab Gram- Bacteria 2,80 a 2,55 a 2,95 a 2,98 a 3,43 a Fungi 0709 b 0,22 ab 0,17 ab 0,36 b 0,20 ab 7,03 a 7,62 a 8,36 a 10,92 a 10,59 a 2,86 a 2,54 a 2,99 a 3,69 a 3,45 a Total saturated PLFAs Total monoin, PLFAs PFV EPV 9,52ab 6,39 ab 6,98 b 4,12 a 2,54 a 0,34 ab 10,33 a 2,55 a 2,26 a 0,21 ab 6,37 a 2,03 a At the beginning of this experiment, soil biodiversity microorganisms (bacterial and fungi) were affected by polyphenols addition. But two months latter, soils with polyphenols showed a similar soil biodiversity that control soil. Only fungi could be affected PV 5,59 a 4,00 a 1,58 a 0,23 ab 6,64 a 1,66 a Polyphenols added to the soil have not influence on soil biobiodiversity and soil population microorganisms EVERGREEN (LIFE) Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 Polyphenol Total PLFAs T60 Polyphenol Fungi/Bac ratio T60 0.15 16 0.1 nmol/g nmol/g 12 8 0.05 4 0 0 Control TC TCO TCC TAN PFV EPV Control PV TC TCO TCC TAN PFV EPV PV Polyphenol Sat PLFA/ Mono Sat PLFA ratio T60 Polyphenol G+/G- ratio T60 4 5 4 2 nmol/g nmol/g 3 3 2 1 1 0 Control TC TCO TCC TAN PFV EPV PV 0 Control TC TCO TCC TAN PFV EPV PV A possible effect was observed on fungi/bacteria ratio: when polyphenols are added to the soil, this ratio decreased. It could be due to biopesticide effect from polyphenols against fungi. EVERGREEN Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 POLYPHENOLS “ACTIVITY” B3 ACTIVITY??? (from April 2015) CEBAS EXPERIMENT a) POLYPHENOLS ANALYSIS b) PHYTOTOXICITY EFFECT c) ECOTOXICOLOGICAL ASPECTS d) CHEMICAL STABILITY a) EVERGREEN-ANALYSIS 30 35 GALLOTANINOS 25 Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 mg/g dry 30 matter ELLAGITANINOS 25 20 mg/g dry matter 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 TAN TC TCC GL1 GL2 TAN TCO TC TCC EG1 GL3 EG2 TCO EG3 Total EG mg/g dry matter TOTAL GALLOTANINOS 60 50 80 70 mg/g dry 60 mg/g dry 40 matter matter 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 TAN 0 TAN TC TCC TC TCC TCO POLYPHENOLS from chestnuts showed a good quantity of gallotannins and ellagitannins. TCC showed the highest value. TCO a) EVERGREEN-ANALYSIS Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 Ellagic acid 8 7 6 mg/g dry matter 5 4 3 2 1 0 TAN TC TCC TCO The ellagic acid was found in polyphenols from chestnuts used in EVERGREEN. a) EVERGREEN-ANALYSIS Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 mg/g dry matter mg/g dry matter Polyphenols extracted by grapefruits showed some compounds such as catequin, nDP; some polyphenols showed also epicatequin and epigallocatequin. POLYPHENOLS EXTRACTED BY CHESTNUT AND GRAPEFRUIT ARE NOT SIMILAR. b) EVERGREEN-PHYTOTOXICITY Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 TC (chesnut) TCO (chesnut+oil) TCC (chestnut) TAN (chestnut+ artichoke) PFV (Polvere Foglie vite rossa). EPV (Estrato in polvere vinacce) PV (Polvere vinaccioli). Germination tests on filter paper: In Petri dishes with filter paper and 15 seeds of rye-grass (Lollium perenne) or 8 seeds of barley (Hordeum vulgaris), 2ml of different digestate dilutions in distilled water (1/100; 5/100; 10/100; 15/100; 25/100, and 50/100) will be added and dishes were put in a germination chamber at 28 ºC, 75% relative humidity and darkness. After germination, the number of germinated seeds was recorded and the length of the seedling roots and shoots was measured. All treatments were carried out by quadruplicate, and Petri dishes with 2 ml of distilled water instead of digestate will be used as control. Germination index (GI) will be calculated according to the following equation (Zucconi and De Bertoldi 1987): GI = % GS (LR/LRC); where GI = Germination index in percentage; %GS = Percentage of germinated seed with respect to the control; LR = Average root length in the treated seedling; and LRC = Average root length in the control seedling. b) EVERGREEN-PHYTOTOXICITY PLANT TEST WITH POLYPHENOLS (DIRECTLY) Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 Plants test were carried out using directly polyphenols. Some inhibition was showed with some polyphenols. A bio-stimulant effect was also showed by TCO polyphenol b) EVERGREEN (LIFE) PLANT TEST WITH EXTRACTS OF SOILS + POLYFENOLS (MICROCOSM) Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 Plants test were carried out using extracts of microcosms Experiment at the beginning of the microcosm: -- No inhibition is showed for any polyphenols, -- A possible bio-stimulant effect was appreciated by all studied polyphenols b) EVERGREEN (LIFE) Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 Germination Index (%) 250,0 200,0 % 150,0 100,0 50,0 0,0 Control Control agua TC TCO TCC TAN PFV EPV PV Best results both parameters (IG (%) and Lmr (cm), Table 1-2 and figures 14)) were obtained with TCO polyphenol solution at 0,1 g/l, following by PFV and EPV polyphenols vs control. In polyphenols 0,01 g/l solutions TCO at the concentrated solution (0, 1 g/l) continues obtaining the best results in IG and Lmr vs control. Maybe some organic compound contained in these organic products could have some phytohormonal effect on germination seed. For some polyphenols, inhibition on seed germination has been observed; it is expected because some polyphenols (particularly, derived of tannins), have a biopesticide effect on plants. When the extracts of soil are used, no inhibitory effect was showed, And a possible bio-stimulator effect was appreciated by all polyphenols. Reference Ecotoxicity (mg/l) TC 1g/l 351110 292600 TC 0,1 g/l 6990000 5120000 TCO 1g/l 343350 269280 TCO 0,1g/l 4720000 5140000 TCC 1g/l 431120 624830 TCC 0,1g/l 3790000 5820000 TAN 1g/l 366810 349200 TAN 0,1g/l 239570 249100 PV 0,1g/l 447948110 316232270 EPV 1g/l 83990 80680 EPV 0,1g/l 295670 406140 PFV 1g/l 5190000 3800000 PFV 0,1g/l Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 ECOTOXICITY ASSAY A toxicity test was carried out using luminescent bacteria (Microtox), in which the inhibition of the luminescence of Photobacterium phosphoreum was measured using a luminometer (Kapanen and Itävaara, 2001) after adding extracts of the samples. This assay uses a suspension of luminescent bacteria (Photobacterium phosphoreum) as bioassay organism for measuring acute toxicity in aqueous extracts (Bulich, 1979; Matthews and Hastings, 1987). Lyophilized bacteria were used after rehydration in the commercial solution. All assays were carried out at 15 ºC with 15 min and 30 min contact periods between 0.5 ml of bacterial suspension and compost suspension. Compost suspension was prepared by mixing 1g sample with 10ml of 2 % NaCl (w/w) solution 5290000 6010000 PV 1g/l c) EVERGREEN-ECOTX 7480000 8380000 DATA RELEVANCE Ecotoxicity assays were carried out with all polyphenols at two different concentrations (1g/L and 0.1 g/L). Ecotoxicity assay were done with the seven Evergreen polyphenols at two concentrations 1 g/l and 0,1 g/l (polyphenol concentration used in plants assays) (Table 3). According to our results and with Spanish low (BOE 10 de noviembre de 1989, número 270/1989) it is considered that a substance is toxic when its leached has an EC50 (15 minutes, 15ºC) less or equal than 3000 mg/l. The EC50 obtained in polyphenols samples demonstrated that none of them are toxic for soil organisms. d) EVERGREEN (LIFE) Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 CHEMICAL STABILITY: To know the chemical stability of polyphenols, were prepared solutions at work concentration (0,1 g/l), and these solutions were subjected to : FACTORS ASSAYED: pH changes (5-8) and Temperature (Heat) (25,30 and 35ºC) Polyphenol TC TCO TCC TAN Tª C ppm Cs ppm Ns pH ppm Cs ppm Ns 25 30 37 45 50 25 30 37 45 50 25 30 37 45 50 25 30 37 45 50 287,74 287,16 304,20 300,78 299,66 276,25 277,14 278,95 287,53 294,85 315,49 336,38 338,65 347,65 326,63 307,04 310,77 311,25 319,18 323,70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,48 1,40 1,36 1,33 1,39 0 0 0 0 0 4 5,5 7 8,5 10 4 5,5 7 8,5 10 4 5,5 7 8,5 10 4 5,5 7 8,5 10 254,50 233,30 232,20 232,55 232,32 288,20 292,40 290,30 291,98 289,29 239,80 240,50 238,90 239,52 221,66 286,20 288,50 286,30 289,80 284,17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,53 0,40 0,22 0,31 0,34 0 0 0 0 0 Polyphenol PV EPV PFV Tª C 25 30 37 45 50 25 30 37 45 50 25 30 37 45 50 ppm Cs 289,90 295,19 296,33 308,27 309,06 372,73 375,74 357,01 384,92 385,36 241,24 239,13 238,11 249,01 247,41 ppm Ns 0 0 0 0 0 2,41 2,35 2,64 2,33 2,33 0 0 0 0 0 pH 4 5,5 7 8,5 10 4 5,5 7 8,5 10 4 5,5 7 8,5 10 ppm Cs 318,40 327,60 338,00 337,53 339,69 344,50 348,30 353,80 354,03 352,74 210,90 209,60 209,30 212,81 213,45 ppm Ns 0 0 0 0 0 2,24 2,13 1,79 2,15 2,26 0 0 0 0 0 Polyphenols are very stables with the temperature and pH; Water soluble N and C showed only a minor changes with the Tª and pH. It is indicative of the chemical stability of polyphenols. EVERGREEN (LIFE) B4 Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 Effects ON PLANTS: SOME INITIAL EXPERIMENTS B4 ACTIVITY KIWI, OLIVE AND TOBACCO CEBAS-CSIC: PLANTS EXPERIMENT WITH OLIVE AND KIWI (BACTERIA INOCULATION) Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 EVERGREEN (LIFE) B4 Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 PLANT KIWI AND OLIVE EVERGREEN (LIFE) B4 Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 PLANT KIWI AND OLIVE (PREPARATION) EVERGREEN (LIFE) B4 First results with kiwi and polyphenols (This experiment will be done another time; summer is not good for this culture) Polyphenols/ nº days 7d 30d 60d Control 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 4 3 5 4 5 5 1 1 3 3 3 5 2 3 1 Bacteria TC TCO TCC TAN PV EPV PFV Control SOIL Bacteria Polyphenols TC EVERGREEN (LIFE) B4 Olive plants inoculate with bacteria and treated with polyphenols No symptoms at this moment were showed. EVERGREEN (LIFE) B4 B4 ACTIVITY FOR EVERGREEN a) TOBACCO PLANTS: plants preparation b) NEMATODE: plants inoculation c) POLYPHENOLS USED: TC and TCO EVERGREEN (LIFE) B4 a) TOBACCO PLANTS (PREPARATION)Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 1.Tobacco seeds 7. Petri dishes 48 h later. 2. Seeds aireation in Enlenmeyer flask 8. hydrated seedling 3. Tobacco seeds pipetting 9. Remove tobacco seedling 4. Petri dishes 5.Incubation 10. Seedling transplant to vermiculite 6. Seeds in Petri dishes 11. Vermiculite tray EVERGREEN (LIFE) B4 Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 b). Nematode experimentt at greenhouse level on tobacco plants Nº Treatments Commercial product 0 Control – (without nematode) 1 Control + (with nematode) 2 Mocap granulado Etoprofos 10% 3 Neenazal Azadirachtine (p/v) 4 TC (chestnut polyphenol) 0,1 g/ L 5 TCO (Chestnut polyphenol+olive) 0,1 g/ L ---- Made Doses --- ---- CERTIS 1% 30 k/ Ha 0,3g/100 ml EVERGREEN (LIFE) B4 c). Nematode (M. incognita) inoculation on tobacco plants. d) Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 EVERGREEN (LIFE) B4 Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 PLANTS ROOT WITH NEMATODE (TOBACCO ASSAY) EVERGREEN (LIFE) B4 Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 PLANTS ROOT WITH NEMATICIDES (TOBACCO ASSAY) EVERGREEN (LIFE) B4 Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 PLANTS ROOT WITH POLYPHENOLS (TOBACCO ASSAY) EVERGREEN (LIFE) Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 ACTIVITY D (DISSEMINATION) MATERIALS FOR DISSEMINATION • Notebooks for EVERGREEN (Done) • POSTER (Done) • NOTICE BOARD (Done) • Cap of coffee for EVERGREEN (Done) EVENTS (Future): • Meeting: agricultural stakeholder (January, 2016) • Some technical meeting from CSIC EVERGREEN (LIFE). D-ACT. Project LIFE13 ENV/IT/000461 NOTICE BOARD: EVERGREEN FROM CEBAS CEBAS WORKING GROUP THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION