Course Title: Bioterrorism - University of West Florida

Course Syllabus
Course Prefix / Number: BSC4854
Course Title: Bioterrorism
Course Credit Hours: 48
Instructor Names and Contact Information:
1) Dr. Enid Sisskin, PhD, 850-473-7473 office,
2) Mr. James Hunt, MPH, 850-696-7449 Google Voice
Prerequisites or Co-Requisites: None, officially. But you should have some biology, human physiology, and
public health understanding.
Course Description
This course is a fully online course and is part of the elective courses for the Bachelor of Science in Health
Sciences program.
Biological weapons employed against man (emphasis), animals and plants will be discussed during the semester.
The major biological agents targeted for use as weapons against humans will be dealt with in detail including the
various clinical forms induced by exposure to the agents, prophylaxis and treatment for the resulting diseases and
the primary routes of dissemination of the agents studied.
The class will cover the potential for biowarfare/bioterrorist acts, how destruction is produced, and what
countries/groups have access to sufficient bioagent or the capacity for producing large quantities of biological
agents for use as a weapon. Wargames in which bioagents are employed, including casualty estimates and
socioeconomic impact, will be discussed and played out. Government preparedness to deal with
biowarfare/bioterrorism will be addressed with emphasis on plans for surveillance and response. Offered
concurrently with BSC 4854; graduate students will be assigned additional work.
For additional details, please see the official UWF Catalog.
Course Goals
The conventional exams given in this course are to assess your absorption of bioterrorism content, while the
bioterrorism exercises are to assess your ability to think critically with that content in responding to, planning
for, and preventing bioterrorism events. You will enter the world of diseases that have made the bioterror hit
parade and learn the inner secrets of those diseases.
Program Goals
SACS/ State of Florida Student Learning Outcomes
As part of our fulfillment of SACS accreditation and Florida legislative mandates, the following course objectives
(student learning outcomes) are presented. This course meets the following programmatic goals for the
B.S./MS Biology and MPH degree programs:
Content and Critical Thinking
Students will be expected to apply the basic principles of epidemiology and demonstrate an understanding
of the rules governing the occurrence of epidemics of infectious diseases.
Students will be able to describe the contemporary and future importance of infectious diseases on a global
scale and the role played by environmental destruction and overpopulation on the success and spread of
infectious diseases.
Students will be able to discuss the most important infectious diseases affecting man, and of the microbial,
host and environmental factors that contribute to such epidemics.
Fulfillment of these goals will be assessed as described below, in quizzes and assignments in which students will
demonstrate their ability to apply the principles of infectious disease epidemiology and the rules governing the
occurrence of epidemics of infectious disease. For the purposes of programmatic assessment, the following
mastery levels will be used:
The first several lectures of this course will cover the history and an introduction to the agents of bioterrorism.
Biological weapons employed against man (emphasis), animals and plants will be discussed during the semester.
The major biological agents targeted for use as weapons against humans will be dealt with in detail including the
various clinical forms induced by exposure to the agents, prophylaxis and treatment for the resulting diseases and
the primary routes of dissemination of the agents studied.
The class will cover the potential for biowarfare/bioterrorist facts, how the quantity of agent required for use as a
weapon of mass destruction is produced, and what countries/groups have access to sufficient bioagent or the
capacity for producing large quantities of biological agents for use as a weapon. War game in which bioagents are
employed, including casualty estimates and socioeconomic impact, will be discussed and played out. Government
preparedness to deal with biowarfare/bioterrorism will be addressed with emphasis on plans for surveillance and
Historical perspectives
Who has the pathogens?
Danger of biowarfare/terrorist acts
Wargames/casualty estimates/ estimates of socioeconomic impact
Biological agents employed against plants and animals
Anti-human Biological Agents - Types and Characteristics
Anthrax, Plague
Tularemia, Q fever
Smallpox, Viral hemorrhagic fevers
Viral equine encephalitis, Botulism
Ricin, Staphylococcus enterotoxin B (SEB)
12Other possibilities(manufacturing issues; government preparedness-surveillance, response plans)
Total instructional hours= 48
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
These should be written from the student perspective and be easy for the student to understand and follow.
Characteristics of Submitted Student Work and Assignments
Student consistently demonstrates Student shows clear expression of ideas in writing with
Expectations (Very clarity of thought process. Student proper spelling and grammar and an ability to integrate their
Good to Excellent) demonstrates excellent ability to ideas into the literature on bioterrorism. Clarity of writing
grasp central concepts and to think includes adherence to style and writing which is grounded
logically to synthesize appropriate in a comprehensive review of the literature. Student draws
conclusions by integrating data/results with existing
literature. Student makes every attempt to integrate
previous comments and suggestions regarding how to
improve communication skills.
Meets Expectations Student demonstrates basic level Student demonstrates only adequate implementation of
of understanding and ability that above Very Good-Excellent characteristics.
rarely surpassed expectations.
Below Expectations Student demonstrates critical
Student maintains a lack of adherence to technical writing
inability to grasp central concepts style and skills, uses improper grammar and spelling, and
or to think logically to synthesize has an inability to clearly express ideas in writing and to
appropriate conclusions.
integrate those ideas into the literature on bioterrorism.
Student does not integrate previous comments and
suggestions regarding how to improve communication
Texts / Materials
Required texts: none.
Recommended texts:
Levy, B. S, and Sidel, V. W. (2007). Terror and Public Health a balanced approach to strengthening systems and
protecting people. 2nd ed. New York. Oxford University Press. ISBN-10: 0195325257, ISBN-13: 9780195325256. Used paperback for as low as $1.04; just do a web search.
Required Materials:
Internet Access (broadband is recommended)
Activated UWF ArgoNet E-mail Account
University enrolled student in good standing, no registrar holds.
Grading / Evaluation
Exams: There will be three non-cumulative exams. There are NO MAKEUP exams given in this course. However,
your final grade for the course will be based on the average of your grades from the three exams plus the grades on
"other assignments" listed below. The average grade for the exams will count 55% of the final grade in the course.
Bioterrorism Scenarios: Approximately every other week you will have a “bioterrorism attack scenario” with
which to deal. This may include, but is not limited to, a scenario in which a biological attack has occurred and you
must, for example, identify the agent(s) involved, describe a community/governmental response to that incident,
tell how you would prepare for future incidents of this type, etc. The average grade for these assignments will
count 35% of your course grade.
Discussions: Each week there will be a discussion on a question related to the material. They will not be graded
for quality (although you do know we'll be keeping track of that) but you will get a participation grade - 1 point if
you participate and 0 if you don't. We'll jump in occasionally, but will be reading every posting. The average
grade for these assignments will count 10% of your course grade.
Letter grades will be assigned as follows.
95% or better
90% to 94.9%
87% to 89.9%
84% to 86.9%
80% to 82.9%
77% to 79.9%
74% to 76%
70% to 74.9%
67% to 69.9%
63% to 66.9%
D 63% or less F
Attendance Policy
Attendance during on line education/distance learning, is measure by participation in regular discussion forums,
and completion of graded elements (dropbox scenario assignments, and exams). Lack of engagement will lower
your grade.
Minimum Technical Skills and Special Technology Utilized by Students
This course is totally online. All instructional content and interaction takes place over the WWW. In addition to
baseline word processing skills and sending/receiving email with attachments, students will be expected to search
the internet and upload / download files. In addition, students may need one or more of the following plug-ins:
eLearning's Accessibility Resource Guides for
 Internet browser: Mozilla Firefox works best with UWF's Desire to Learn Learning Management
Adobe Acrobat Reader:
Slide viewer:
 PowerPoint Viewer:
 Mac/Apple iWorks Keynote
 Open Office Presenter, etc.
Video/Audio player:
 Windows Media Player:
 QuickTime Player:
 Real Player:
 Mac/Apple iTunes
Adobe Flash Player: Module presentations (narrated
powerpoints) will not work on iPad.
 Photon virtual browser allows flash to play on iPad and iPhone. You can download
Photon for Photon for iPad at the Apple App Store. Costs you only $4.99.
Word processing system: Mac/Apple iWorks Pages, Microsoft Word Document, Open Office Word, etc.
Expectations for Academic Conduct / Plagiarism Policy
Academic Conduct Policy: (Web Site) | (PDF Format) |
Compliance with UWF Policies on Satisfactory Progress: If you have a question regarding the UWF policies
for assignment of grades of 'W' or 'I', please visit the UWF Withdrawal Policy or the UWF Incomplete Grade
Plagiarism Policy: (WORD Format) | UWF Library Online Tutorial: Plagiarism |
Assistance for Students with Disabilities
The Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) at the University of West Florida supports an inclusive learning
environment for all students. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that hinder your full
participation, such as time-limited exams, inaccessible web content, or the use of non-captioned videos and
podcasts, please notify the instructor or the SDRC as soon as possible. You may contact the SDRC office by e-mail
at or by phone at (850) 474-2387. Appropriate academic accommodations will be determined based
on the documented needs of the individual.
Accessibility Resources
Follow this link for information on accessibility settings in eLearning.
Follow this link for information on accessibility features in UWF's Learning Management System (LMS),
Weather Emergency Information
In the case of severe weather or other emergency, the campus might be closed and classes canceled. Official
closures and delays are announced on the UWF website and broadcast on WUWF-FM.
WUWF-FM (88.1MHz) is the official information source for the university. Any pertinent information
regarding closings, cancellations, and the re-opening of campus will be broadcast.
In the event that hurricane preparation procedures are initiated, the UWF Home Web Page and Argus will
both provide current information regarding hurricane preparation procedures, the status of classes and the
closing of the university.
Emergency plans for the University of West Florida related to weather or other emergencies are available on the
following UWF web pages:
Information about hurricane preparedness plans is available on the UWF web site:
Information about other emergency procedures is available on the UWF web site: