Public Speaking Workshop


Public Speaking


Key Member Presentation

What are we going to do?

 Introduction

 Energizer

 A Dozen for Discussion

 Giant Group Greeting of the Guests

Tips & Tricks and Tricks & Tips

And now I know that…

 Conclusion

 Questions

Line ‘Em Up!

 The objective of this activity is for the participants to communicate and arrange themselves in the order called out.

A Dozen for Discussion

 Let’s brainstorm 12 age-appropriate topics that we could write a speech about. It could be things you like to do, things you are good at, current events, ideas from magazines, 4-H related, etc.

Let’s Get a Topic!

 Have someone roll the dice to determine which topic the group will work on.

 Discuss 3 to 5 main points to form the body of the speech.

Once you have the body…


 What would a good first sentence be?

Will it get the audience’s attention?

Don’t forget the salutation!


Summarize the points you outlined in your introduction.

Don’t introduce any new material.


Now it’s your turn

Split into pairs/groups and get a topic.

You don’t have to write the speech, just propose

3 to 5 main ideas that you could expand on about that topic. Suggest a good first sentence too!






reeting of the



Form a circle and have a volunteer stand in the middle.

The person in the middle is the ‘chairperson’ and will call out a time of day. (i.e. male and

4:00 p.m.


 Have the entire group greet the person,

“Good afternoon mister chairperson, honourable judges, ladies and gentlemen and fellow 4H’ers…”

 Encourage the participants to check details, it’d be embarrassing to say good morning, in the afternoon.

Tips & Tricks

 Break into small groups with one experienced member per group.

 Look at the heading on the card, and write ONE tip about it.

 Exchange cards to get a new topic.

 Afterwards have the groups read a card out loud. Discuss any unclear points.

“And now I know that…”

Complete these sentences so the whole group can hear:

 “I’d be interested in talking about

___(topic) ___ this/next year.” and

 “and now I know that…” (a tip they didn’t know from Tips & Tricks)

Speech Anxiety

It is normal to feel nervous about public speaking.

Here are some ways to over come it:

 Start early, and small – like the workshop activities we just did.

 Have a positive attitude.

 Practice, Practice, Practice.

 Gain experience. The more you speak, the easier it will be.

 Talk to experienced members to find out what they do.


 For more information about Public

Speaking check out Speaking Your

Way to Success and the Alberta 4-H

Website []

 Watch for the new 4-H communication video coming out soon! It features real

Alberta 4-H members – how cool is that!

 An Impromptu Workshop also exists for members to gain more experience with that public speaking activity.

