Forms of Poetry

January 13th:Bell Work!
• Bell Work: Identify one ANTONYM and one SYNONYM for
• Be ready to turn in Close Read assignment from yesterday if
you did not turn it in yesterday!
• If you were not here yesterday, please ask me for the assignment!
January 13: Forms of Poetry
• Just write what is
underlined on each slide.
• Do not interrupt
instruction; I will answer
questions after I have
gone through each slide.
Free Verse
• Written without rhyme or
• Rules of grammar and
punctuation can be broken
• A more modern type of
dive for dreams
dive for dreams
or a slogan may topple you
(trees are their roots
And wind is wind)
trust your heart
if the seas catch fire
(and live by love
though the stars walk backward)
E.E. Cummings
Our class made a pancake
with finely-ground flour
and cheese and tomatoes
wrapped in it.
It had a crinkly edge
with lots of little holes
for the steam to escape.
Then Billy knocked the whole lot over
but our teacher rescued it
Then we cooked it under a flame
And put it in the fridge for later.
It was a real work of art.
It was our
milled, filled, frilled, drilled, spilled, grilled, chilled, skilled, pancake.
• A 3 line poem consisting
of 17 syllables.
Two cups of coffee
wake me up enough to ask
“Did I have coffee?”
• Does not rhyme
• Expresses one thought
or idea
From high above a
Tree-top throne in budding bloom
• 1st line = 5 syllables
• 2nd line = 7 syllables
• 3rd line = 5 syllables
Vibrant Spring presides
• Funny or silly poems with 5
• Lines 1,2, and 5 rhyme with
each other
• Lines 3 and four rhyme with
each other
• Rhyme scheme of aabba
There was a young man of Bengal
Who was asked to a fancy dress ball
He murmured: I’ll risk it
I’ll go as a biscuit
But the dog ate him up in the hall
There was a young man from Peru
Who found a large fly in his stew.
Said the waiter, “Don’t shout
And wave it about
Or the rest will be wanting one too”
• A type of stanza consisting of four lines that
usually contain at least one rhyme.
• Can be one poem or part of a poem
• Couplet: A pair of lines that rhyme
Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
And Immortality.
`Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
Acrostic Poem Assignment
• In your notebook, you
will write an acrostic
poem. The choice of
subject is yours, but
you cannot choose your
name. 5-7 letters
• An acrostic poem is a
type of poetry is where
the first letters of the
word spell out the poem
Notebook Check on Friday!
• Instructions on Notebook Check:
• You will turn in a NOTEBOOK.
• The Notebook will contain:
• Greek and Latin definitions
• Pasted Poem Sheet
• Lecture notes
• Acrostic Poem
• If your notebook is incomplete; you will receive
1 out of 60 Points!