World-civil Final - Assumption University

World Civilization (GE2101)
Group: dajdaj
Thanadaj Saswatkaloon
ID: 5510253
The renaissance: revival or rebirth
- Renaissance thinkers and scholars were interested in discovering the
literature of greeks and romans
- Renaissance people liked art which influenced other art
- Renaissance thinkers were exposed to secularism
Major reasons why Italy is the birthplace
- New secular interest
- Raising the standards of the middle and upper class
- Patronage of the arts by Lorenzo the Magnificent
Most famous patrons: Medici family
- Lorenzo the Magnificent
- Pope Leo X
The growth of thought and literature
- Most important: Humanism
- It is divided to 2 meanings
o technical meaning: program of study
o general meaning: dignity of man
Italian Renaissance writers and thinkers
- Francisco petrarca: Father of Humanism
o Interested on the classical literature
o Introduced humanism program
o Introduce Italian sonnets
- Giovanni Boccaccio: writer of poetry and romance
Civil Humanist
- Leonardo Bruni and Leon Battista Alberti
o Introduced civil humanism program
- Cosimo de Medici
o Set up platonic academy
o Followed plato’s thinking
- Marisilo Ficiano
o Was the first complete translation of Plato’s work
o Sought to combine Christianity and plato’s ideas
- Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
o Believed that man is endowed with the capacity to achieve union
if god so wills
o There is nothing to be more wonderful than man
Political philosophers
- Niccolo Machiavelli
o Greatest political philosopher of Italy
Baldesar Castiglione
Made the first book of the renaissance man
True gentleman
Concept of the renaissance man
Concept of woman’s role of society
Italian renaissance arts
- Paintings are the pinnacle of renaissance art
- 2 schools of art
o Florentine
o Venetian
Florentine Painters
- Giotto
o Made 3d painting
- Masaccio
o Introduced imitation of nature
o Modern modeling of figures in light and shade
o Painted nude figure
High renaissance painters
- Leonardo Da Vinci
o Renaissance man
o Mona lisa
o Last supper
- Raphael
o Madonnas
o School of Athens
- Michelangelo
o Christian theme
o Sistine chapel
- Donatello
o Statue of David (first bronze nude statue)
o Gattamelata (equestrian statue
Waning of the Italian Renaissance
Political conflict: French invasion of king Charles VIII
Italian Wars
Conflict Between Protestants and Catholics
Discovering new trade routes
Northern European Renaissance
Inspired by renaissance in Italy
- Intellectual Exchange
- The influence of Printing
- Non Stop War
Growth of Thought and Literature
Christian Humanism
Northern Writers and Thinkers
Eramus: Most influential northern humanist
Sir Thomas More: Most influential English humanist
William Shakespeare: wrote Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet
Queen Elizabeth I: Biggest Patron of English Artist
Norther Painter
- Albrecht Durer: was impressed on renaissance paintings and wrote
Knight death & Devil
Reformation and Counter Reformation
Reformation Movement based on
- Catholic Church and Catholic people
o Ordered sale of indulgences throughout Europe to renovate St
Peters Basilica
- Nationalism
o People started going against Pope
Sparking Event
- Martin Luther: religious reformer
o Opposed church and Nailed the 95 Theses to Church door
o Christian faith based on Bible not Indulgences
- Protestantism
- John Calvin: Opposed Catholic ideas because he thinks he is a servant of
- King Henry Vii: wanted to divorce but Catholicism cant divorce while
Queen Mary wanted to restore Catholicism to National Religion
- Queen Elizabeth I: Used political skill to end all religion and political
Counter Reformation
Pope Paul III: improved Catholic Authority
- Council of Trent
- Jesuit Order
o Society of Jesus and Friends
- Index of Forbidden Books: list of books that are banned
- Inquisition: kill all Protestants
Religious Movement
King Henry IV combined Catholicism and Calvinism to stop violence
Scientific Revolution
Basic Characteristics
- Searched all knowledge using their knowledge to earn more knowledge
- Greatest knowledge should be useful and practical
- Universe is governed by natural law
Outstanding Scientists
- Nicholas Copernicus: Earth is Round and moved around sun
- Johannes Kepler: Planets move in elliptical patterns
- Gallieo: Telescope, Saturn ring Proved Heliocentric Theory
Thinkers of scientific Revolution
- Francis Bacon: believed that all knowledge should come from the truth
with Scientific Method
- Rene Deacarte: French mathematician believed all truths must be
reached by reason
- Newton: Greatest influential modern scientists invented Calculus and
newton’s 3 laws
Characteristics of Enlightenment
- Universe is governed by nature
- Scientific Method can prove and answer all questions
- Humans should be educated to improve their way for life
Outstanding Thinkers
- John Locke
o Blank Slate
o External world
- Baron de Montesquieu
o Equal division of government branches
o Believed in individual rights
- Voltaire
o Believed in human freedom and equality
o Against perfect world because the best of all possible worlds is
more likely
o Crush Infamy
Intellectual Movement
- Jean Jacques Rousseau
o Man were naturally good but environment and civilization made
them evil
o People should act on instinct
Characteristics of Romanticism
- They emphasized on Emotional Feeling
- Stressed on Individualism
- Gave full expression on nature
Great movements of Romanticism
American Revolution: war for independence
- King George III: British King sent many British to America and had to pay
to British govt by Stamps
Great continental Congress of America
- 13 colonies didn’t accept Tea act so they introduced No Taxation
- Boston Tea Party (dumping tea in to sea)
- 13 colonies won and got independence july 4 1776
Thomas Jefferson
- Wrote the Declaration of Independence
o Affirm the Natural rights to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness
o Declare the colonies to be free and independent
- George Washington
o Leader of Continental Army
o Defeated british army at Yorktown
o Treaty of Paris 1783: recognition of independence of American
o Bill of rights
 New congress approved the 10 amendments
 guaranteed freedom and rights of people in term of religion
speech press and petition
French Revolution
- King Louise XVI divided social structure in to 3 class
o Estate of clergy
o Estate of Noble
o Estate of Bourggeoisie Commoner and Professional People
- King prepared to use force but French people moved to destroy the
Bastille on Jul14 1789
- King was Executed in 1792
Maximilien Robespierre
- Leader of Jacbin
- Spent French money to help Spain
- Reign of terror
Napoleon Bonaparte
Pop general
Seize power and ruled France
Expanded territory over Brit
Diet at Waterloo
Industrial Revolution
- Overseas Expansion
- Scientific Revolution
- Economic Factors
Agricultural Development
Population Increase
Health Problems
Instability and Unemployment
Growing Textile Industry: Advanced Machines
- Largest business activity
Factory System
James watt
- designed steam engine
Influence of Science on Industry
- Samuel Morse: Telegraph with dot and dash and Morse Code
- Alexander Graham Bell: made phone
Thomas Edison: invented Light Bulb
- Wright Brother: made plane
Energy and Engine
- Rudolf Diesel: diesel Engine
Labor Union: workers made association to improve their wages and work
Modern World of Eastern Parts
Southeast Asia
- Britain: Ceylon (Srilanka), Malaya (Malaysia), Singapore
o Tea
o Rubber
o Lead
o Sapphire
o Tin
- France: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos
- Netherlands: Indonesia
Modern India
Mughal Dynasty: the last dynasty before the British took over
- Society divided to 2 major groups
o Muslim
o Hindu
- Main purpose for British colonization: trading spices
- Main reason:
o Decline of Mughal Princes
o Rise of Indian Merchants
Bengal: center of trading system
Major Indian War
- Battle of Plassey in 1757: Between Bengal ruler and British armies
o British set up East India Company to collect taxes and control
trading system
- Sepoy Rebellion: Indian Mutiny
o Introduction of Cartridges to Indian military
o British won
 Mughal ruler sent to Myanmar
 British was master of India
British Impact
- Economic impact: British Govt opened Suez Canal
- Intellectual: Britishintroduced English Language and Western Learning
Indian Nationalist: Mohammed Gandhi
- Tried to free Indian People by Non Violence
- Got Freedom Post WWII in Aug5 1947
China and Japan
- Believed that their civilization is best
- Conservative
- Believed that their country is new and small
- Modernist people
China: last dynasty: Ching Dynasty
Opening China: first European group: Portuguese
3 disastrous wars
- Anglo-Chinese war: the opium war
o British won and resulted with Treaty of Nanking
o China lost island of Hong Kong
o Opened 5 ports for trade with Canton port belonging to the Brit
- Anglo-French-Chinese war: 2nd opium war
o British and French won
o Treaty of Tientsin and Peking Convention
o Opened more ports
o Establish Foreign legislation in Peking
o Spread Christianity
o China lost Extraterritoriality
- Sino Japanese War
o Japan Atk Korea that belonged to China
Japan won
Treaty of Shimonoseki
China needed to pay indemnity
Need to recognize independence of Korea
Lost the islands of Formosa Pescadore and Liaotung to Japan
Opened more ports
Western Impact
- Conflict between young and old Chinese
Emperor Kuang-Hsu: introduced 100day reform to inprove china by adopting
western ideas and reform education
Tz’u-His: Cixi: she was old Buddhist and conservative so she supported by
military and set up anti foreign secret society
Boxer Rebellioin: in 1911 the Ching dynasty was overthrown by a republic
Dr Sun yat-sen:
- Support merchants to revolt emperpr
- First president of China who divided land for the poor
- Set up kaomintant
Response of Japan to Western People Based on
Physical compactness of country
Borrowed tradition of china
Japanese society was pluralistic
Western military tech
In the middle of the 19th century Tokugawa Shogun severed ties with Western
The Western Challenge
Commodore Matthew Perry: US Commander
Treaty: treaty of Kanagawa
- Japan opened Shimoda and Hakodate for repair and accommodation
and provision to US ships
- Europeans got jealous of US
- Japanese people set up anti foreign group: Satcho Hito
Meiji Restoration
- Meiji emperor improved all ideas except Shinto
- Japan became first Asian nation to break the chains of the western
Russo Japanese War
Conflict between Manchuria and Korea which was under Russians
- Jap offered negotiation but Rus refuse
- Jap won
- Treaty of Portsmouth: took half of Sakhalin island and Russia’s Liaotung
World War I
Important Factors
- Economic Problem
o Problem with Tariff war and competition for trade
o Most serious case were Britain and Germany
- Colonial Confliction
o Germany set up the national Unification in 1781 Germany started
to atk otuer countries
- Alliance System Confliction
o Otto von Bismarck: German Chancellor introduced the alliance
system in 1897
o Germany joins Austria-Hungary and Italy
o France joins Brit and Rus
- National Aspiration
o Hapsburg Empire ruled by Austria-Hungary but many people were
Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Serbs
Triggering event: assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand and his wife in Jun 28
Result: Versailles Treaty
Based on 2 concepts
- League of Nations
- Basis of Self Determination
After WWI:
- Economic Collapse
- Political Collapse
- Social collapse
World War II
Main Factor
- Problems left unsolved by WWI
o Versailles Treaty: bad for Germany
o League of nations: no international police system
o Attempted disarmament of Germany, Adolf Hitler refused
- Rise of Dictatorship
o Communism in Russia
o Fascism in Italy
o Nazism in Germany
o Militarism in Japan
- Axis desire for more territory
- Triggering Event:
o German attack on Poland on Sep1 1939
o Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec7 1941
- Manhattan Project: secret US project to make a SUPER WEAPON
- End: Allies drop nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6th and 9th of Aug
- Aug10 representative of Japanese Emperor to sign treaty of surrender to
end WWII
- End of old European state system: New Balance of power USA and USSR
to the world
- Establishment of UN
o General Assembly
o Security Council
o Secretariat
o Economic and Social council
o Trusteeship Council
o International Court of Justice
- 3 world: newly independent states