2013-45 RFP Document Fire Engine Refurbishment

Sealed proposals will be received in the City of Florence, Finance Department, 234
West Evans Street, Florence, South Carolina, 29501 until September 10, 2013 at 2:00
pm for refurbishment of a 1992 Pierce custom pumper. All proposals are subject to the
provisions of the conditions outlined in this bid document.
Proposals shall be opened promptly at the above stated time and date and their
contents will be made public for the information of the Respondents and others properly
interested. The proposal will not be awarded until the Purchasing Agent and the
applicable Department Director have had ample time to review each proposal.
Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope with “RFP No. 2013-45 Fire Pumper
Refurbishment” clearly marked on the outside of the envelope for easy identification by
the City of Florence. Any proposals received later than the specified time will not be
accepted/considered. The city will not be responsible for late submission caused by the
postal service, other carriers, or any other delivery problems regardless of the reason.
Proposals submitted by mail, Federal Express, United Parcel Service, etc. must meet
these same requirements and should be addressed to:
City of Florence
Finance Department
234 West Evans Street
Florence, SC 29501
The City of Florence reserves the right to engage in discussions with or request
additional information from any or all responsible Respondents who submit proposals
which appear to be eligible for award, for the purpose of clarification to assure full
understanding of and responsiveness to the RFP requirements herein.
The RFP (Request for Proposal) is not a bid. In the event the City elects to negotiate a
contract with the successful Vendor, any contract shall contain, at a minimum, the term
and conditions (or substantially the same term and conditions) as hereinafter stated.
The City reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject all submissions, reissue a
subsequent RFP, terminate, restructure or amend this procurement process at any time.
The final selection and contract negotiation rests solely with the City.
This solicitation does not commit the City of Florence to award a contract/purchase
order, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal, or to procure or
contract for services. The City of Florence reserves the right to reject any and all
responses, to cancel this solicitation, and to make an award deemed in its own best
Lynwood F. Givens
Purchasing Agent
All proposals must be signed by an authorized officer or agent of the company
submitting the proposal and delivered in sealed envelopes to the
Purchasing/Contracting Office no later than the time and date indicated above.
Proposals received after the time and date indicated above will not be considered.
Faxed proposals will not be accepted under any circumstances.
All Respondents must follow the specifications outlined in this RFP document. Any
Respondent who finds a discrepancy in or omission from the specifications, or is in
doubt as to their meaning, or feels that the specifications are discriminatory, shall notify
the City Purchasing Agent, Lynwood Givens in writing by e-mail at
lgivens@cityofflorence.com no later than September 6, 2013. Exceptions taken do not
obligate the City to change the specifications. The City Purchasing Agent will notify all
Respondents in writing, by addendum duly issued, of any interpretations made of
specifications or instructions.
The City will assume no responsibility for oral instructions or suggestions. All official
correspondence in regard to the specifications should be directed to and will be issued
by the City Purchasing Agent. No oral statement of any person shall modify or otherwise
change, or affect the terms, conditions or specifications stated in the resulting contract.
The City of Florence shall not be legally bound by any amendment or interpretation that
is not in writing.
The City will rank, based upon the evaluation criteria, all responsible and responsive
Vendors. The City will begin negotiations with the top ranked Vendors and will continue
with negotiation down the ranking until a satisfactory contract with the City is finalized, if
any. The terms and conditions of the contract will be no less advantageous than the
provisions of this RFP or the Vendor’s proposal. The City reserves the right to make a
partial award or to split the award at its sole discretion.
DEFINITIONS: Responsible Respondent means a respondent who has the capability in
all respects to fully perform contract requirements, and the integrity and reliability which
will assure good faith performance.
Responsive Respondent means a respondent who has submitted a proposal which
conforms in all material respects to the Request for Proposal.
PROTEST PERIOD: Any actual or prospective respondent, RESPONDENT, or
contractor who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award of a
contract/purchase order may formally protest in writing to the Finance Director. The
protest may be submitted at any time during the procurement process. However, if a
prospective respondent, RESPONDENT, or contractor wishes to protest, the formal
protest must be submitted in writing and must be received by the City no later than
seven (7) days from the date that the aggrieved actual or prospective respondent,
RESPONDENT, or contractor has been informed of the proposal results by the
Purchasing Agent. Protests received by the City following the seven (7) days after the
proposal results have been released by the Purchasing Agent will not be considered by
the City.
CHANGES: Any changes in this Request for Proposal after the purchase order/contract
agreement has been awarded must be with the written consent of the Purchasing Agent
or the City Manager; otherwise, the responsibility for such changes lies with the vendor.
Any changes to the specifications in this request for proposal package shall be in writing
and an addendum will be distributed to all prospective respondents so each respondent
can compete equitably.
INQUIRIES: Questions concerning this request for proposal should be directed to the
City Purchasing Agent, Lynwood F. Givens in writing by e-mail at
lgivens@cityofflorence.com. The deadline for the submission of all inquiries is
September 6, 2013. Any changes to the specifications in the proposal package shall be
in writing and an addendum will go out to all prospective respondents so each bidder
can compete equitably.
OWNERSHIP OF MATERIAL: Ownership of all data, material and documentation
originated and prepared for the City of Florence pursuant to this contract/purchase order
shall belong exclusively to the City of Florence.
All proposals are to be submitted using the specifications sheets in this document only.
Any and all exceptions to be reviewed by the City are to be attached to the specification
A complete copy of the City of Florence Purchasing Policies and Procedures
Manual can be downloaded from the City of Florence website at
A performance bond in the amount of the full amount (100%) of the contract price shall
be executed and submitted to the Purchasing Agent within 15 days from contract award
date. Cash or a certified check, in the full amount of the contract price, may be
submitted as part of the contract in place of a bond within 15 days from contract award
date. Failure of the contractor to satisfactorily fulfill their obligations shall be cause for
the forfeiture of the guaranty.
An alternative to a performance bond is appropriate. A general liability insurance policy
with a binder for “completed operations” and premises policy rider will be sufficient to
cover the cost to complete the project.
Each Vendor must submit three (3) copies of the proposal. Only original documents will
be accepted; faxed or electronically mailed versions will not be accepted. The Vendor
must mark on the envelope or wrapping containing the proposal, the RFP identification
number specified in the RFP and note “Original” on the original proposal.
Selection shall be made of one or more Respondents deemed to be fully qualified and
best suited among those submitting proposals on the basis of the evaluation factors
listed below. Negotiations shall be conducted with the Respondents so selected. Price
shall be considered, but need not be the sole determining factor. After
negotiations have been conducted with each Respondent so selected, the Fire
Department shall select the Respondent(s), which in its opinion, has made the best
proposal, and make a recommendation to City Purchasing Agent that a contract(s) be
awarded to the Respondent. All contracts shall be accordance with the laws of the State
of South Carolina. The City of Florence may cancel this RFP; reject proposals or any
portion thereof at any time prior to an award, and is not required to furnish a statement
of the reason why a particular proposal was not deemed to be the most advantageous.
Should the Purchasing Agent and the Fire Department determine in writing, and in its
sole discretion, that only one Respondent is fully qualified, or that one Respondent is
clearly more highly qualified than the others under consideration, a contract may be
negotiated and awarded to that Respondent.
All proposals will be evaluated and ranked by the Fire Department. The Fire Department
will make the final recommendation to the approving authorities of the City of Florence.
Negotiations and/or award of a contract may be initiated without further contact with
other Respondents.
The Fire Department will base its recommendation on the "Evaluation Criteria" set forth
in this RFP. The Department will evaluate each proposal and individual coverage
selections and will rank them according to the Evaluation Criteria. The Fire Department
may make such reasonable investigation, as it deems proper and necessary to
determine the ability of the Respondent to perform the work/services. The Fire
Department and/or its representatives(s) reserve the right to inspect the Respondent’s
physical premises prior to award to satisfy questions regarding the Respondent's
The Respondent must have been in the fire apparatus construction or refurbishment
business for at least 15 years. The company must also provide a list of 10 references
for fire apparatus that they have refurbished.
The City shall select the most qualified Respondent based on the Evaluation Criteria
listed in this solicitation. In making this decision, the City shall consider all established
evaluation criteria listed herein. Each response shall be subject to the same review and
evaluation process.
The proposal that best and fully meets the City of Florence’s specifications will be
determined by taking into consideration, but not limited to, the following:
Quantity of desired items to be completed
Superior quality
Timeliness of delivery
Past performance of vendor on previous city contract agreements/purchase
F. Company History/Qualifications & Certifications
G. Vendor references involving similar goods and services
Please include any applicable tax to your proposal.
The successful respondent shall agree to hold harmless, indemnify and defend the City
of Florence, South Carolina, its agents and employees from any claims for property
damage or personal injury (including death resulting therefrom). Such claims include,
but are not limited to, actual, consequential, incidental or punitive damages. The
successful respondent shall agree to maintain sufficient comprehensive general liability
insurance, naming the City of Florence, South Carolina, as additional insured, in the
amounts of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and $1,000,000.00 per person. Proof of such
insurance shall be given to the Purchasing Agent by an appropriate certificate-ofinsurance issued by the successful respondent’s insurance agent.
Vehicle liability insurance with minimum combined single limits of $1,000,000.00 per
occurrence shall be maintained by the successful respondent.
The successful respondent shall take out and maintain, during the life of the contract
agreement, workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurance for all employees
to be engaged in services on this project under this agreement in an amount not less
than the minimum allowed by South Carolina law, and in case any such services are
sublet, the successful respondent shall require the subcontractor(s) similarly to provide
workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurance for all of the subcontractor’s
employees to be engaged in such services.
Florence Fire Department
Florence, South Carolina
Proposal for Refurbishment of:
One (1) – 1993 Pierce Lance Pumper
The City has a maximum fund of $100,000.00 to use toward this refurbishment project. All items
listed in the remainder of this document are items that the City would like to accomplish but are
not bound by or limited to the items. Proposals should include a recommended reserve amount
for unexpected issues that may be identified during the project.
The cost of transportation which includes transporting of the apparatus from 144 E. Palmetto St.
in Florence S.C. to the refurbishment facility and from the refurbishment facility back to
Florence is the responsibility of the respondent. The Fire Department or the City of Florence will
not be responsible for transportation cost incurred.
It is understood by the Florence Fire Department that certain test and a general inspection be
performed once the apparatus arrives at the refurbishment location. Once the inspection is
complete, a list should be generated of defects and presented to the Fire Department for review.
After the review is conducted, if any repairs are to be conducted, the Fire Department will
authorize the repairs in writing. No additional work shall be performed without prior approval
and written consent of the Florence Fire Department.
The following list identifies the items that the department would like to have
repaired/refurbished in order of priority. The proposal should address each item along with a cost
to perform the particular repair/refurbishment.
The 750 gallon existing steel water tank will be replaced with a new poly tank of approximately
the same gallons.
Tank will be baffled in accordance with NFPA Bulletin 1901 requirements.
Tank will be installed in a fabricated cradle assembly constructed of structural steel.
Sufficient crossmembers will be provided to properly support bottom of tank.
Tank will "float" in cradle to avoid torsional stress caused by chassis frame flexing. Rubber
cushions will be placed on all horizontal surfaces that the tank rests on.
Stops or other provision will be provided to prevent an empty tank from bouncing excessively
while moving vehicle.
Mounting system is approved by the tank manufacturer.
The tank will have a lifetime warranty.
The master drain assembly and connecting tubing will be removed, and set aside for servicing.
The pump drive unit and drivelines will be removed. The pump body will be split and the lower
portion of the pump body, along with the impeller assembly, will be removed for bench service.
The upper and lower pump halves will be carefully cleaned and inspected for abnormal wear on
the stripping edges or other damage. Any damage to the center case will be identified in
writing and forward to the fire department with a parts and labor estimate if replacement
is needed.
An entirely new impeller assembly will be installed, to include new impellers, wear rings,
impeller shaft and seals/gaskets. Standard packing is included. The pump body will be
reassembled following the manufacturers tightening sequence and fastener torque specifications.
The pump drive unit and driveline will be reinstalled. The driveline and drive unit will be
serviced, including oil change in the drive unit and greasing of the U-joints. The master drain
valve and connecting tubing will be reinstalled.
The transfer valve will be removed from the pump body, checked for movement, and operation.
The transfer valve will be disassembled, cleaned and inspected for abnormal wear or damage.
The transfer valve will be reassembled with all new seals and gaskets. The valve will be installed
into the pump body and re-checked for proper operation.
The pump master drain valve will be replaced with new, and reinstalled on the pump. The
connecting link and drain tubing will be reconnected and the valve will be checked for smooth
operation and proper sealing.
The pump will be dynamically tested for leaks and to insure the performance meets the
manufacturers flow and pressure standards. The transfer valve, and any indicators, will be
checked for correct operation within the manufacturers operating parameters. A Pierce
Manufacturing pump certification will be provided when the work is complete.
The relief valve body will be removed from the pump body, thoroughly cleaned and inspected
for pitting and other evidence of wear. Small imperfections will be sanded or honed to reduce the
size and allow smooth operation. The control, (pilot), valve will be removed from the operators
panel. The control will be disassembled, flushed and inspected to insure all passages are clear
and clean. New O-rings, seals and gaskets will be installed per the manufacturer’s
recommendations. The control and relief valve will be re-installed and tested to assure proper
operation per the manufacturers and NFPA standards.
All discharge, tank fill, tank to pump and auxiliary inlet valves will be removed from the
adjacent piping to facilitate cleaning and allow bench rebuilding. The valve seals and ball will be
removed and carefully inspected for wear or abnormal operation. New seals and O-rings will be
installed per manufacturer’s recommendation, including a new ball if required. The valves will
be reinstalled and dynamically tested for internal and external leakage.
Conduct pump test to certify pump and provide test results to the department.
Areas in the cab area that are presently covered with vinyl will be inspected for rips, tears, etc.
and will be replaced as needed in the following areas:
Reupholster the cab and crew cab headliners with black, 40 ounce or greater, leather grain vinyl
resistant to oil, grease and mildew match existing if needed.
Reupholster the cab engine tunnel, instrument panel and officer’s side dash vinyl with black, 40
ounce or greater, leather grain vinyl resistant to oil; grease and mildew match the new headliners.
Reupholster the cab and crew cab door panels with black, 40 ounce or greater, leather grain vinyl
resistant to oil, grease and mildew.
Replace the lower stainless steel cab and crew cab door panels. Brushed stainless steel scuff plates
shall be installed on the inside of all cab doors, extending from the bottom of the door to the area
below the door window.
Replace the cab and crew cab door straps.
Replace the cab and crew cab door weather seals with double automotive type rubber seals
around the perimeter of the door to ensure a weather tight fit.
Reupholster all cab seats with black, 40 ounce or greater, leather grain vinyl resistant to oil,
grease and mildew. Replace existing SCBA brackets with “lock and load” style brackets.
All seats shall be furnished with three (3)-point shoulder type seat belts. The seat belt tongue
shall be stored at waist position for quick application by the seat occupant. The seat belt
receptacle shall be provided on a cable conveniently nested next to the seat cushion providing
easy accessibility. The seat belts shall be furnished with dual automatic retractors that shall
provide ease of operation in the normal seating position.
Metal finish and repair all minor body and cab corrosion and any small dents prior to repainting
the complete exterior of the apparatus body and cab. Additional major corrosion and / or
accident damage repair costs will be open: subject to inspection and written approval by
the fire department.
The cab will be metal finished and repainted two-tone with the upper section painted SIKKENS
White # 10 and the lower portion painted SIKKENS Red # 60
The body will be metal finished and repainted SIKKENS RED # 60
The wheels will be metal finished and repainted SIKKENS RED # 60 with silver edge trim.
The compartment interiors will be repainted with a gray spatter finish for ease of cleaning and to
make it easier to touch up scratches and nicks.
A copy of the paint and corrosion warranty shall be included in the proposal.
The underside of the apparatus will be undercoated with asphalt petroleum based material, dark
in color.
The undercoating material utilized on the apparatus will be formulated to resist corrosion and
deaden unwanted sound or road noise.
Coating texture will appear firm, flexible, and resistant to abrasion. Minimum dry film thickness
will be in the range of 8.00 to 12.00 mils.
The material will be applied to the following areas:
Body and cab wheel well fender liners, on the back side only.
Underside of body and cab sheet metal and structural components.
Underside and vertical sides of all sheet metal compartmentation, including support angles.
Structural support members under running boards, rear platforms, battery boxes,
walkways, etc.
Three (3) reflective stripes shall be provided across the front of the vehicle and along the sides of
the body. The reflective band shall consist of a 1.00" white stripe at the top with a 1.00" gap
then a 6.00" white stripe with a 1.00" gap and a 1.00" white stripe on the bottom.
3.00" high, outlining and shading lettering shall be provided similar to existing apparatus. These
letters will be similar to genuine gold leaf lettering. A sample of the letter color and style will be
provided to the department for approval before use.
There shall be three (3) Maltese crosses, similar to genuine gold leaf material, using our city seal,
provided and installed at a location to be determined. . A sample of the letter color and style will
be provided to the department for approval before use.
All graphics, lettering and reflective bands are to be similar to our current apparatus. Final design
and layout to be determined.
Remove the old generator gasoline fuel tank from the rear body area.
Remove hose reel and all plumbing parts from the rear of the body. Hose reel will be returned to
the department complete with motor and rewind buttons.
Remove the rear body half step and rebuild the rear body compartment to one large compartment
with a Gortite satin finished roll up door similar to existing engines for the department. Size will
be determined but compartment should be as large as possible.
The rear wall will be modified to a flat wall at 20” in from the rear of the existing tail board.
Replace corner steps with new non-slip tread plate and add two (2) new folding steps to the
driver’s side for access to the hose bed area.
Extend the 2.50” passenger side rear outlet to the new body wall.
Two (2) new hose bed dividers will be provided for the new length of the hose bed.
New aluminum hose bed grating will also be provided.
The new rear body compartment roll-up door will be of an anodized satin finish, double faced,
aluminum construction and manufactured by A&A Manufacturing (Gortite).
A polished stainless steel lift bar will be provided for opening door. Lift bar will be located at
the bottom of door and have latches on the outer extrusion of the doors frame. A ledge will be
supplied over lift bar for additional area to aid in closing the door.
Replace the four (4) pneumatic gas cylinders on the two (2) lift up doors on the two (2) upper
driver’s side body compartments.
A red hose bed cover shall be furnished with Velcro fasteners at the front and bungee cord and
hook fasteners on the sides. There shall be spring clip and hook fasteners at the bottom of the
rear body sheet below the hose bed. .
One (1) flap(s) with Velcro strips shall be provided in the vinyl hose bed cover for access to the
fill dome(s) without removing the front portion of the cover.
Front turn signals to be Whelen 600 series LED full populated amber lamps housed in chrome
bezels. The turn signals will be housed in the same common bezel as the front warning light and
be located above the headlights.
In addition to the front facing directional, a Weldon, Model: 9186-8560-20, marker/turn
indicator will be provided on each side of the cab.
One (1) pair of Whelen model 60*02F*R, flashing "Super" LED lights will be installed on the
cab face above the headlights, in a common bezel with the directional lights.
The color of these lights will be red Super LED/red lens.
These lights will meet or exceed NFPA front lower zone requirements.
Per NFPA, these lights will be activated by a switch in the cab.
All cab and body step lights will be changed to LED, step lights.
The new LED step lights on the apparatus will be illuminated per the current edition of NFPA
The rear stop/tail and directional LED lighting will consist of the following:
Two (2) Whelen model 60R00XRR red LED stop/tail lights.
Two (2) Whelen model 60A00TAR amber LED arrow turn lights.
Two (2) Whelen, Model: 60J000CU backup lights will be provided.
Each light will be installed separately at the rear without a flange.
Four (4) red reflectors will be provided.
A Weldon, Model 23882-2600-00, license plate bracket will be mounted on the driver's side
above the warning lights. A Weldon, Model 9186-23882-30, step lamp will illuminate the
license plate.
Two (2) Whelen, model CAST4V, four (4) light aluminum housings will be provided for the rear
stop/tail, directional, scene lights and warning.
There will be one (1) Truck-Lite Model 15050R three (3) LED light kit used as identification
lights located at the rear of the apparatus per the following:
- As close as practical to the vertical Centerline.
- Centers spaced not less than six (6) inches or more than twelve (12) inches apart.
- Red in color.
- All at the same height.
There will be two (2) Ri-Tar LED lights installed at the rear of the apparatus used as clearance
lights located at the rear of the apparatus per the following:
- To indicate the overall width of the vehicle.
- One (1) each side of the vertical centerline.
- As near the top as practical.
- Red in color.
- To be visible from the rear.
There will be two (2) Ri-Tar LED lights installed on the side of the apparatus as close to the rear
as practical per the following:
- To indicate the overall length of the vehicle.
- One (1) each side of the vertical centerline.
- As near the top as practical.
- Red in color.
- To be visible from the side.
Per FMVSS 108 and CMVSS 108 requirements.
There will be a Truck-lite, model 44042C, 4.00", LED, grommet mounts weatherproof light
provided for each cab door. Lighting will be designed to provide illumination on areas under the
driver, officer, and crew cab riding area exits, which will be activated automatically when the
exit doors are opened, by the door jam switch and by the same means as the body perimeter
The lighting will be capable of providing illumination at a minimum level of two (2) footcandles on ground areas within 30.00" of the edge of the apparatus in areas which personnel
climb in or out of the apparatus or descend from the apparatus to the ground level.
There will be a total of four (4) Truck-Lite, Model 44042C, LED lights provided on the
apparatus. Each light will consist of a 4.00" weatherproof LED light, rubber mount, and pigtail
The lights will be mounted in the following locations:
Two (2) lights will be provided under the rear step area.
One (1) light will be provided each side under the pump panel running boards.
The lighting will be capable of providing illumination at a minimum level of two (2) footcandles on ground areas within 30.00" of the edge of the apparatus in areas designed for
personnel to climb onto the apparatus or descend from the apparatus to the ground level.
The lights will be activated by a cab and crew cab door switch and a switch on the instrument
One (1) 82.00" Whelen, Model: Freedom LED light bar will be mounted on the cab roof.
This light bar will include the following:
Two (2) red flashing forward facing LED modules.
Two (2) clear flashing forward facing LED modules.
Two (2) red flashing front corner LED modules.
One (1) red flashing driver side facing LED module.
One (1) red flashing officer side facing LED module.
One (1) switch located in the cab on the switch panel will control this light bar.
The lens color will be clear.
To meet NFPA requirements, all clear lights will be deactivated when the parking brake is
Four (4) Whelen model 60*02F*R flashing "Super" LED lights will be located at the following
Two (2) lights, one (1) each side on the front bumper deckplate - red Super LED/red lens
each side.
Two (2) lights, one (1) each side rear body fender panel - red Super LED/rd lens each
The lights will be controlled by a lighted switch on the cab instrument panel.
These lights will be installed in chrome bezels.
Two (2) Whelen model 60*02F*R flashing "Super" LED warning lights will be located at the
rear of the apparatus, required to meet or exceed the lower level optical warning and optical
power requirements of NFPA.
The color of these lights will be red Super LED/red lens.
One (1) switch in the cab on the switch panel will control these lights.
These lights will be installed in the CAST 4 bezel.
WARNING LIGHTS (Rear of Hose Bed)
Two (2) Whelen L31H*FN LED warning beacons will be provided at the rear of the truck,
located one (1) each side. These lights will be activated by a lighted switch on the instrument
The color of the lights will be red LEDs with both domes red.
A pair of 2.00" wide black nylon straps with Velcro fasteners shall be provided for each hose
tray to secure the hose during travel. There shall be Two (2) hose trays located one (1) in each
side running board.
One (1) hose tray free floating hose tray(s) to fit in the opening of the running board shall be
provided in the driver side running board. The tray shall be flanged and drop in from the top.
Capacity of the tray shall be 25' of 5.00" hose.
Rubber matting shall be installed on the floor of the tray to provide proper ventilation.
One (1) hose tray free floating/push-up style hose tray to fit in the opening of the running board
shall be provided in the passenger side running board.
Capacity of the tray shall be 100' of 1.50" hose.
Rubber matting and drain hole shall be installed on the floor of the tray to provide proper
Remove the existing 110v extending lights located on each side of the pump panel on top.
Install two (2) Havis, Model KR-SB-3PFP2, 12 volt DC, floodlight(s) with a thru body mount,
top raise pole installed one (1) each side of pump panel mounted on top. The light head(s) shall
be a Whelen Model PFP2 LED floodlight.
A control for the light(s) selected above shall be the following:
a switch at the pump operator's panel
There will be an aluminum tread plate stepping surface no less than 8.00" deep and properly
reinforced to support a man's weight, installed over the pump operator’s panel.
There will be 12 volt DC white LED lights installed under the step to illuminate the
controls, switches, essential instructions, gauges, and instruments necessary for the
operation of the apparatus. These lights will be activated by the pump panel light switch.
Additional lights will be included every 18.00" depending on the size of the pump house.
One (1) pump panel light will come on when the pump is in ok to pump mode.
There will be a light activated above the pump panel light switch when the parking brake is set.
This is to afford the operator some illumination when first approaching the control panel.
There will be a green pump engaged indicator light activated on at the operator's panel when the
pump is shifted into gear from inside the cab.
There will be one (1) white LED, step light provided above this step. In order to ensure
exceptional illumination, each step light will provide a minimum of 25 foot-candles (fc) covering
an entire 15" x 15" square placed ten (10) inches below the light and a minimum of 1.5 fc
covering an entire 30" x 30" square at the same ten (10) inch distance below the light. The step
light will be activated by the pump panel light switch.
There will be an additional aluminum tread plate stepping surface no less than 8.00" deep and
properly reinforced to support a man's weight, installed over the passenger's side pump panel.
There will be 12 volt DC white LED lights installed under the step to illuminate the
controls, switches, essential instructions, gauges, and instruments necessary for the
operation of the apparatus. These lights will be activated by the pump panel light switch.
Additional lights will be included every 18.00" depending on the size of the pump house.
There will be one (1) white LED, step light provided above the step. In order to ensure
exceptional illumination, each step light will provide a minimum of 25 foot-candles (fc) covering
an entire 15" x 15" square placed ten (10) inches below the light and a minimum of 1.5 fc
covering an entire 30" x 30" square at the same ten (10) inch distance below the light. The step
light will be activated by the pump panel light switch.
The pump vacuum and pressure gauges will be silicone filled and manufactured by Class 1, Inc.
The gauges will be a minimum of 4.00" in diameter and will have white faces with black
lettering, with a pressure range of 30.00"-0-600#.
Gauge construction will include a Zytel nylon case with adhesive mounting gasket and threaded
retaining nut.
The pump pressure and vacuum gauges will be installed adjacent to each other at the pump
operator's control panel.
Test port connections will be provided at the pump operator's panel. One will be connected to
the intake side of the pump, and the other to the discharge manifold of the pump. They will have
0.25 in. standard pipe thread connections and polished stainless steel plugs. They will be marked
with a label.
This gauge will include a 10 year warranty against leakage, pointer defect, and defective bourdon
The individual "line" pressure gauges for the discharges will be Class 1 interlube filled.
They will be 2.50" in diameter and have white faces with black lettering.
Gauges will have a pressure range of 0-400#.
The individual pressure gauge will be installed as close to the outlet control as practical.
New pump and gauge panels will be provided, constructed of black vinyl covered aluminum, to
allow easy identification of the gauges and controls and to eliminate glare.
The black vinyl will be bonded to the aluminum by the company that supplies our metal.
Both the driver’s and passenger's side pump panels will be removable and fastened with swell
type fasteners.
A polished aluminum trim molding will be provided on both sides of the pump panel.
The gauge panel will be hinged, at the bottom, with a full length stainless steel hinge. The
fasteners that hold the panel, in the up right position, will be quarter-turn style. Vinyl covered
chains will be used to hold the panel in the dropped position.
All new pump panel Tags, Bezels (new style), Control rods and handles from the panel out will
be provided.
There will be a five (5) position David Clark, Model U3800, intercom system with single radio
interface at the driver, officer, and pump operator positions. Two (2) crew cab positions, will
have radio listen / intercom only.
The following components will be supplied with this system:
One (1) U3805 Radio cord junction module
One (1) U3815 Radio interface module (Driver)
One (1) U3811 Radio interface module (Officer)
One (1) U3800 Intercom unit (1 Crew)
One (1) C3820 Power cable
One (1) U3801 Remote headset station (1 Crew)
One (1) 18352G-16 Bulkhead connector kit (Pump)
One (1) 13238P-01 Protector cap with lanyard (Pump)
One (1) C3019 Belt station (Pump)
All necessary cables and connectors will be provided
There will be five (5) under the helmet, headset(s) provided.
Each David Clark, Model H3442, headset will feature:
 5' Coiled cord
 Noise cancelling electric microphone
 Flexible microphone boom rotates 200 degrees for left or right dress
 Microphone on/off button
 Comfort Gel Earseals
 23 dB noise reduction
An aluminum tread plate storage compartment / box will be fabricated and installed on top of the
passenger side catwalk.
The box will be sized to the full length and width on the catwalk.
The height will be from the catwalk to 2” below the current ladder location.
The outside (wheel well) wall will be a drop down door design.
The existing pike pole and folding ladder will be relocated on to the existing ladder brackets.
Final design to be determined by the fire department..