TUMS Cervical Cancer &Vaginal Lactobacilli Elahe Motevaseli MD, Ph.D Assistant professor School of Advanced Medical Technologies, Tehran University of Medical Sciences 1 Overview •Introduction (Definition & Aims) •Materials & Methods •Results •Discussion 2 Introduction 3 Cervical Cancer, At a Glance A slow-growing cancer that forms in tissues of cervix, the organ connecting uterus & vagina Pre-malignant stages: Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) 1, 2 and 3 Detect in regular Pap smear tests The most frequently diagnosed female cancer in developing countries & the second most frequent cancer affecting women worldwide Iran: 25.61 millions women >15 years at risk, every year 643 women diagnosed with cervical cancer & 286 die from the disease (WHO/ICO Information Centre, 2010) 4 Risk Factors Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) The other factors 5 Cervical Microbial Flora The healthy human vaginal & cervical ecosystem dominated by Lactobacillus species Lactobacilli; sources of beneficial organisms termed Probiotics What is Probiotics? Live micro-organisms which confer a health benefit on the host when administered in adequate amounts • • • What do they do? Modulate systemic inflammation, apoptosis & cell proliferation Can control the overgrowth & infectious process of pathogens Play an important role in maintenance of the normal vaginal flora by inhibiting colonization of other pathogens. 6 hCGb, a Potential Cervical Cancer Biomarker hCG, composed of two non covalently linked subunits – α (hCGa) & β (hCGb), physiologically produced by the placenta Variety of tumors of different origins secrete hCGb The presence of hCGb's mRNA & protein is a characteristic feature of cervical carcinomas, acts as an autocrine growth factor by inhibiting apoptosis (Jankowska et al., 2008) Elevated serum level of hCGb correlates with an increased aggressiveness of cancer & its resistance to therapy Cervical cancer http://www.genecards.org/ Jan 2012 7 Aim of The Present Study Evaluation of the proliferative & apoptotic responses of normal & tumoral cervical cell lines to different components of two common vaginal lactobacilli (L. crispatus & L. gasseri) ? Lactobacilli Cervical cancer hCGb, Potential Cervical Cancer Biomarker 8 Materials & Methods 9 Experimental Procedures Sampling Gram staining (Nugent score): Bacterial diagnosis Bacterial component separation Cytotoxic assay: Apoptotic assay: Biomarker Assay: Grade 1 (normal flora), Grade 2 (intermediate flora), Grade 3 (BV) Bacterial isolation Bacterial identification: Biochemical Molecular: 16s rRNA sequencing Multiplex PCR Supernatant, cytoplasm, cell wall extracts MTT assay Tripan blue assay LDH assay Caspase3 activity assay LDH assay Real-time PCR Expression analysis of βhCG by Real-Time PCR 10 Sampling Gram staining (Nugent score): Bacterial diagnosis Bacterial component separation Cytotoxic assay: Apoptotic assay: Recruited at Gynecology Outpatient Clinic of Imam Khomeini Hospital (1386-1389) Inform consent was obtained Inclusion Criteria: From 18 to 45 years (Reproductive age) Exclusion Criteria: Pregnancy Menopause Antibiotic or Antimycotic Compounds Consumption Biomarker Assay: 11 Sampling Grade 1 Gram staining (Nugent score) :(Ison et al., 2002) Grade 1 diagnosis (normal flora), lactobacillus morphotype only Bacterial Bacterial component Grade 2 Grade 2 (intermediate flora), reduced lactobacillus separation morphotype with mixed bacterial morphotypes Cytotoxic assay : Grade 3 Grade 3 (BV), mixed bacterial morphotypes with few apoptotic assay:lactobacillus morphotypes or absent Biomarker Assay: 12 Sampling Gram staining (Nugent score): Bacterial colony isolation Bacterial identification: Bacterial diagnosis Biochemical: Gram (+)& catalase (-) Sugar fermentation (API) Bacterial component Molecular (next slide): separation 16s rRNA sequencing Cytotoxic assay : Multiplex PCR ISR apoptotic assay: 16S rRNA Biochemical identification API method (E.g. L-sorbose, D-fructose, D-galactose) 23S rRNA GI G Assay: III Biomarker G VI G II R Molecular identification by multiplex PCR 13 Lactobacilli Molecular Identification, Primer Design For Multiplex PCR ISR 16S rRNA 23S rRNA Jensenii F G II crispatus F acidophilus F gasseri F Jen , acid R crispatus R gasseri R 16S rRNA ISR para , rham F 23S rRNA paracasei R rhamnosus R G III ISR 16S rRNA 23S rRNA salivarius F G VI reuteri F plantarum F fermentum F reuteri R salivarius R plantarum R fermentum R 14 Sampling Gram staining (Nugent Colony Formation score): Unit (CFU) adjustment diagnosis Bacterial Supernatant: • L. crispatus & L. gasseri supernatant pH=4 •Bacterial MRS component broth pH=6.5 •separation MRS+HCl pH=4 • MRS+Lactic acid pH=4 assay :supernatant+NaOH •Cytotoxic Lactobacilli pH=6.5 • Condition medium &live lactobacilli • • • • • • • L. crispatus strain SJ-3C-US (LbC) L. gasseri ATCC 33323 (LbG) L. rhamnosus GG L. paracasei subsp. paracasei ATCC 25302 L. casei var. Rhamnosus doderlein (Gynophilus lyocentre) L. acidophilus NCFM (probioti-NCF) L. helveticus LA 401 candisis (Lactibiance candisis 10M) assay: & cell wall extracts: Apoptotic cytoplasm • Bacterial cell wall disruption (homogenate) Assay: •Biomarker Ultracentrifugation (separation) Cell wall & Cytoplasmic Extract Separation Ultracentrifuge 16 Sampling • Gram staining (Nugent Hela score): cell(cervical cancer cell line) & HNCF-PI52 (normal cervical cell line) diagnosis Bacterial MTT assay: (Colorimetric) Mitochondria succinate dehydrogenase enzymes living cells Reduce yellow water-soluble substrate (MTT) to insoluble, colored formazan Bacterial component product separation • Optimal cell number determination Cytotoxic assay : Tripan blue assay LDH assay Apoptotic assay: Biomarker Assay: Hela cell HNCF cell 17 Sampling Gram Caspase3: staining • • • • (Nugent score): Synchronization Treatment, Cell lysis Bacterial Proteindiagnosis concentration determination & adjustment Caspase 3 activity assessment Caspase 3 activity (%)=[(sample OD/ control OD)]×100 Bacterial component separation LDH: Cytotoxic assay : • LDH pellet: folating cells, LDH intra cellular: adherent cells, LDH extra cellular: culture supernatant • Apoptosis (%) = [LDH pellet / LDH total] ×100 Apoptotic assay: Necrosis (%) = [LDH extracellular / LDH total] ×100 Assay: Biomarker Real-time PCR: • Caspase3, Fas, Bax, Bcl2, HPRT (housekeeping gene) 18 Sampling Gram staining (Nugent score): Sampling: 5 samples of cervical carcinoma, 5 samples of the uterine myometrium, Bacterial diagnosis 5 samples of normal cervix & 5 placentas as a control RNA extraction of tissues & cell lines Expression analysis of βhCG by Real-Time RT-PCR Bacterial component separation Cytotoxic assay : Apoptotic assay: Biomarker Assay: Hallast P., Rull K.,Laan M. (2007) The evolution and genomic landscape of CGB1 and CGB2 genes. Mol Cell Endocrinol 260-262:2-11 hCGB Primer Design for Real-Time PCR SYBR GREEN (Forward & Reverse) Taqman (Forward & Reverse), probe (5’FAM-3’TAMRA) 20 Results 21 Grading of Speciments According to The Nugent Score Number Nugent score 54 Grade I (Normal) 60 Grade II (Intermediate) 64 Grade III (BV infected) 178 Total 22 Multiplex PCR Results for Lactobacilli Identification Multiplex PCR Group I 450bp Group II 300bp Group III 400bp Group IV 350bp Group III multiplex PCR Group III L. paracasei 312bp L. rhamnosus 113bp 23 The Prevalence of Lactobacilli in Different Grades Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Normal flora intermediate BV infected Multiplex PCR group I No. (%) 0 (0) No. (%) 0 (0%) No. (%) 0 (0%) Lactobacillus delbrueckii 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) Multiplex PCR group II 48 (88.9) 46 (76.7) 46 (71.9) Lactobacillus acidophilus 16 (29.6) 4 (6.7) 10 (15.6) Lactobacillus crispatus 36 (66.7) 16 (26.7) 24 (37.5) Lactobacillus gasseri 16 (29.6) 6 (10) 14 (21.9) Lactobacillus jensenii 16 (29.6) 14 (23.3) 6 (9.4) Multiplex PCR group III 24 (44.4) 38 (63.3) 46 (71.9) Lactobacillus paracasei 10 (18.5) 10 (16.7) 8 (12.5) Lactobacillus rhamnosus 16 (29.6) 24 (40) 30 (46.9) Multiplex PCR group IV 14 (25.9) 8 (13.3) 14 (21.9) L. salivarius 2 (3.7) 2 (3.3) 4 (6.3) L. reuteri 2 (3.7) 2 (3.3) 2 (3.1) L. plantarum 6 (11.1) 4 (6.7) 4 (6.3) L. fermentum 6 (11.1) 2 (3.3) 6 (9.4) L. iners 30 (55) 33(55) 50 (83) P=0.007 P=0.047 P=0.01 MTT Results (Hela cell) • Optimal cell determination for Hela cell OD Cell Number 25 MTT Results (HNCF cell) Optimal cell determination for HNCF cell Formazan crystals OD Cell Number 26 L.crispatus & L.gasseri Supernatant MTT Results Hela cell 5% HCl + MRS pH= 4 viability Lactic acid + MRS pH= 4 Concentration (%) 5% viability HNCF cell Concentration (%) Supernatants of: LGS: L.gasseri, LCS: L.crispatus, LGSN: LGS + NaOH, LCSN: LCS + NaOH, MRH: MRS + HCl, MRL: MRS27 + Lactic Acid, MRS :lactobacilli Media Vaginal Lactobacilli & Commercial Probiotics Supernatant MTT Result Hela cell viability Commercial Probiotics Concentration (%) viability Commercial Probiotics pH=4 pH=5 HNCF cell pH=6.5 Concentration (%) Supernatants of: LGS: L.gasseri LCS: L.crispatus LRS: L.rhamnosus LPS: L.paracasei LHS: L.helveticus LNS: L.acidophilus 28NCFM LAS: L.acidophilus candisis and MRS :lactobacilli Media as control Homogenate, Cell Wall & Cytoplasmic Extract MTT Results viability Hela cell Concentration (%) 29 LDH & Trypan Blue Confirmed The MTT Assay Result LCS Live lactobacilli effect: Inhibitory effect on Hela cells but no effect on HNCF cells MRS 2 5 10 Conditioned media effect: No cytotoxic effect on both cell lines 20 50 LDH Assay 30 Apoptotic Assay, Caspase3 Activity Assay LGS & LCS effect: Caspase3 activity reduction MRS & MRL effect: No change in caspase3 activity Apoptotic inhibition of lactobacilli supernatants is independent of pH & lactic acid 31 LDH Assay; Apoptotis & Necrosis Ratio The ratio of LDH released from adherent cells, floating dead cells & the culture supernatant were compared: Lactobacilli supernatants lowered the number of apoptotic cells of Hela cells, independent of pH & lactic acid . Hela cell HNCF cell 32 Real-time PCR Results (Quality Controls) Gel Electerophoresis; only for the first time Bcl2: 127bp Ladder:100bp HPRT:131bp Neg Melting Point Analysis; after each Real-Time PCR run Caspase3 MP=81°C 1.8 HPRT MP=78°C 1.6 Bax MP=87°C Fas MP=81°C 2.0 11 1.6 9 1.4 Bcl2 MP=87°C 1.8 10 1.4 8 1.2 1.2 0.8 dF/dT dF/dT dF/dT 7 1.0 6 5 0.8 4 0.6 1.0 0.6 3 0.4 0.4 2 0.2 0.2 1 75 33 0.0 0.0 70 6580 ºC 70 85 75 9080 ºC 85 95 90 95 0 65 65 70 75 80 deg. 70 75 85 80 90 deg. 85 95 90 95 100 Real-time PCR Results Expression Analysis of Bax & Bcl2, (Involved in Intrinsic Apoptotic Pathway) Absolute Gene Regulation Logarithmic Scale lactobacilli Supernatant Effect on Bax Expression in Hela Cell P= 0.35 LGS 10% 0.81 P= 0.39 LCS 10% P= 0.66 1.02 MRS 10% 0.79 Absolute Gene Regulation Logarithmic Scale 0.70 lactobacilli Supernatant Effect on Bcl2 Expression in Hela Cell P= 0.39 1.12 LGS 10% P= 0.67 1.15 P= 0.73 LCS 10% MRS 10% 0.80 0.70 34 Real-time PCR Results Expression Analysis of Fas, (Involved in Extrinsic Apoptotic Pathway) Absolute Gene Regulation Logarithmic Scale Lactobacilli Supernatant Effect on Fas Expression in Hela Cell P= 0.84 P= 0.35 LGS 10% 1.02 LCS 10% P= 0.34 MRS 10% 0.92 0.84 0.70 35 Real-time PCR Results Expression Analysis of Caspase3, (Activated by Both Extrinsic & Intrinsic Pathways) Absolute Gene Regulation Logarithmic Scale Lactobacilli Supernatant Effect on Caspase3 Expression in Hela Cell 0.30 P= 0.31 1.36 P= 0.001 LGS 10% P= 0.001 LCS 10% MRS 10% 0.50 0.36 36 Biomarker Assay; Expression Analysis of hCGb by ReaL-Time PCR 1.0 Cgb expression placenta 0.8 + Cervical cancer0.6 + 0.4 + dF/dT Tissue Hela 0.2 Uterine myometrium hCGb MP= 89°C - 0.0 Normal cervix 65 70 - 75 80 ºC 85 90 95 37 Real-time PCR Results Expression Analysis of cgb, (Potential Cervical Cancer Biomarker) Absolute Gene Regulation Logarithmic Scale Lactobacilli Supernatant Effect on cgb Expression in Hela Cell 1.53 1.34 P= 0.001 LGS 10% P= 0.04 LCS 10% MRS 10% P= 0.29 0.63 Absolut Gene Regulation Logarithmic Scale 0.60 LGS & LCS Effect on cgb & Caspase3 Expression P= 0.04 P= 0.29 P= 0.31 LGS LCS MRS P= 0.001 caspase3 cgb P= 0.001 P= 0.001 0.3 P= 0.001 38 Caspase3 & cgb Expression, (Cytoplasmic Extract & Cell Wall) No significant change was observed 39 Discussion 40 Snapshot of Results The Prevalence of Lactobacilli in Different Grades: (biochemical i & Multiplex PCR) Some lactobacilli were more prevalent in vaginal flora of healthy women L. crispatus & L. jensenii higher in healthy women & L. iners higher in BV infected Bacterial Component Separation; Searching For Main Effectors Cytotoxic Effects Apoptotic Effects Lactobacilli Supernatants: Most potent cytotoxic effects Lactic acid production >>pH Tumor cells >>>Normal cells Normal cells: Supernatant effect = MRL effect but Tumoral cells: supernatant effect ≠ MRL effect L. crispatus & L. gasseri effect >commercial vaginal probiotics effect Homogenate, Cell Wall & Cytoplasmic Extract: Homogenate effect = cytoplasmic extract effect < supernatant effect Cell wall; no effect Live Lactobacilli: Inhibitory effect on tumor cells but no effect on normal cells Conditioned Media Effect: No cytotoxic effect Lactobacilli Supernatants: Anti-apoptotic effect on tumoral cells but not on normal cells Lactic acid independent Intrinsic Apoptotic Pathway: Bax & Bcl2 (not signifacant) Extrinsic Apoptotic Pathway: Fas expression not changed (not signifacant) both Extrinsic & Intrinsic Pathways: Caspase3 Expression (signifacant) Biomarker assay: cgb as potential cervical cancer biomarker, overexpression by lactobailli supernatant, consistent with apoptotic inhibition 41 Prevalence of Vaginal Lactobacilli of Healthy Women; Similarities Between Our Study & Recent Findings • In the past: L. acidophilus, L. fermentum, L. brevis, L. Jensenii & L. casei (Lachlak et al.,1996) • Recent studies: L. crispatus, L. gasseri, L. iners, & L. jensenii (Ravel et al., 2011) Our results: L. crispatus, L. gasseri, L. iners, L. jensenii, L.acidophilus & L. rhamnosus 42 Comparison of Healthy Vaginal Flora With BV Infected in Different Studies & Our Study • Japan: (Tamrakar et al., 2007) L. iners higher in BV infected • Belgium: (Verstraelen et al., 2009) L. crispatus, higher in healthy. L. gasseri & L. iners higher in BV infected • South Africa: (Damelin et al., 2011) L.crispatus distributed equally between healthy & BV infected. L. jensenii higher in healthy Our results: L. crispatus & L. jensenii higher in healthy women & L. iners higher in BV infected 43 Most Potent Cytotoxic Component • Sekine et al.1995: peptidoglycans from B. infantis have antitumor activity • Orlando et al. 2009: Cytoplasm fraction from Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG induced an antiproliferative effect whereas cell wall fractions had no significant effect Our study: lactobacilli supernatants have most potent cytotoxic effects rather than other components 44 Lactic Acid Effect - The pH Effects Which One?! • Some suggested that Probiotics activities resulted from their lactic acid production & pH of their cultures • MRL (MRS acidified with lactic acid) showed more potent inhibiting effect on both cell lines rather than MRH (MRS acidified with hydrochloric acid), although they had similar pH • lactic acid production; more important part of lactobacilli inhibitory effect than pH alone 45 Cancer Cell Selective Effects • Choi et al., 2006: L. acidophilus inhibits cancer cell proliferation but less effect on normal cells Our study: • Lactobacilli supernatants had cytotoxic effects on tumor cells but less effect on normal cells. • Normal cells (HNCF) responded to the supernatants similar to MRL (contain Lactic acid) but tumor cells (Hela) responses to supernatants & MRL were clearly different. • There are non lactate molecules in lactobacilli supernatants which have anti-cancer activities but they are safe for normal tissues. 46 Anti-apoptotic Effect of Lactobacilli Supernatants • Choi et al. 2006: soluble polysaccharides from L. acidophilus resulted in the death of cancer cells by the induction of apoptosis • Khailova et al. 2010: Bifidobacterium bifidum reduces apoptosis in the intestinal epithelium in necrotizing enterocolitis • Sharma et al. 2011: probiotic cell lysate administration; a promising approach for reducing mitochondria mediated oxidative stress & subsequent apoptosis Our study: lactobacilli supernatants have anti-apoptotic effect on Hela cells This anti-apoptotic effect was significantly lactic acid independent. 47 (Brion et al., 2011) Puzzle Arrangement (Our Study & Other Studies) Our finding: Anti-apoptotic effect of lactobacilli & over-expression of hCGb (Khailova et al.2010) Lactobacilli supernatant (Iles, 2007) (Kim et al., 2010) (Iles, 2007) (Tsukamoto et al., 2008) (Del Canto et al., 2007) Cell death Autophagy (Vermeulen et al.,2010) TGF β receptor (Brion et al., 2011) MKP1 48 Apoptosis Inhibits Autophagy (Kang et al., 2011) 49 Suggestions • L. crispatus strain SJ-3C-US & L. gasseri ATCC 33323 more cytoxicity effect on tumoral cervical cells compared to commercial vaginal probiotics; recommended as anti-cancer probiotics • To separate different components of lactobacilli supernatants & identify non lactate molecules with selective anticancer activities, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is recommended • As autophagy would be the cell death mechanism of lactobacilli supernatants, expression analysis of genes affecting autophagic pathway as Beclin1 is recommended • The assessment of the relation between lactobacilli & HPV is recommended • The potency of hcgb to be considered as a biomarker in cervical cancer; treatment, outcome evaluation & cancer staging • Vaginal flora lactobacilli determination could as a reliable indicator for susceptibility assessment 50 Articles 51 52 53