american literature – honors

East Career and Technical Academy
6705 Vegas Valley Drive
Las Vegas, Nevada 89142
(702) 799-8888
Course Scope:
This one-year course is a survey of American literature from the exploration of America
to the present. Emphasis will be placed on developing critical judgment and effective
writing skills. Instructional practices will incorporate integration of diversity awareness
including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The
appropriate use of technology is an integral part of this course. This course fulfills one
of the English credits required for high school graduation.
Course Goals:
To know and use word analysis skills and strategies to comprehend new words
encountered in text and to develop vocabulary. [NS: 1.0]
To apply reading process to build comprehension selections. [NS: 2.0]
To recognize the origins and development of American literature as a product of
the political, social, and religious environment of the American people. [NS:
To examine a variety of narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive texts.
[NS: 3.0, 4.0]
To apply the five stages of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising,
editing, and publishing. [NS: 5.0]
To write analyses of literary and expository texts. [NS: 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
To expand speaking and listening skills. [NS: 7.0, 8.0]
I. Early American Writing
A. Native American Myths and Folktales
B. The Puritans
C. Declaration of Independence
D. Writing: Persuasive Essay, Personal Narrative Essay, Response Journals
E. Speaking: Persuasive Speech
F. Technology Project
II. American Romanticism
A.Walden, Poe, etc.
B. Transcendentalism
C. Elements of Literature
D. Writing: Reflective Essay, Literary Analysis, Descriptive Essay, Response
E. Technology Project
III. From Romanticism to Realism
A. Whitman, Dickinson
B. Biographical Narratives
C. Author’s Style, Tone, Structure and Point of View
D. Writing: Biographical Narrative, Expository Essay, Response Journals
E. Technology Project
IV. The Harlem Renaissance and Modernism
A. Sandburg, Frost, Hughes
B. Characterization/Motivation
C. Theme, Elements of Plot, Irony
D. Writing: Descriptive writing, Compare/contrast, Poetry, Response Journals
E. Speaking: Oral Interpretation
F. Technology Project
V. Contemporary Literature
A. Civil Rights Movement/Nonfiction
B. Historical Context
C. Allusion, Imagery, Rhetorical Devices
D. Writing: Cause and Effect Writing, Personal Narratives, Response Journals
E. Technology Project
Class Requirements:
You are expected to have a journal for class and a folder divided into sections. The journal will
be used for reader response activities, bell ringer activities, and in-class personal response
writing. A composition book, spiral notebook, or two-pocket folder with prongs will all work.
The divided folder will be for in-class notes, handouts, vocabulary terms and returned
homework. Please see me prior to the second week of school if you cannot have the items by
then. I can work with you.
You are also expected to bring pencils, pens, and paper to class each day. A highlighter and
index cards are recommended, but can be provided in class.
Assessment and evaluation of student achievement/Grading
90%-100% = A
80%- 89% = B
Quarter 1: 45% of overall grade
Quarter 2: 45% of overall grade
Semester Exam (Final Exam): 10%
70%- 79% = C
60%- 69% = D
Below 60% = F
Grades reflect both student learning and student choices. Points are earned for each
assignment. Progress reports and the final grade are based on the percentage of total points
earned of the total possible up to that date.
Homework Policy: Homework is designed to continue in-class lessons and provide in-depth
practice for concepts. It will be graded, and it is due at the beginning of the following class day
unless I instruct otherwise. Late work is accepted up to three days past the due date, with ten
percentage points deducted each day the work is late. Please see me as soon as possible if you
have extenuating circumstances and cannot complete the assignment.
Project-Based Learning:
While you are in English class, you will have the opportunity to participate in project-based
learning. These projects will help you learn to find answers to questions and explore ideas.
Project based learning requires good time management, the ability to keep up on assignments,
and collaboration with your peers.
Class Participation:
You will get out of this class what you put into it!!! You will be given opportunities to participate
throughout the year in discussions, debates, and presentations. All I ask is that you do your
best to BE INVOLVED. You will receive grades for assigned participation efforts, such as group
and individual presentations and small group guided discussions.
Attendance is essential in order to allow for full benefit of learning. [See CCSD Handbook]
ASSIGNMENTS. It is YOUR responsibility to ask for work you miss. To find out missed
assignments, check our in-class agenda calendar, e-mail me at, talk
to a classmate, or see me between 6:35 a.m. and 6:45 a.m. or between 1:30 p.m. and 2:00
p.m. (NOT between classes!) As per CCSD, upon your return, you have 3 school days to make
up missed assignments or they turn into Failed assignments.
All completed assignments must be legible: If I can’t read it, it will count as a failed assignment.
Class Disruptions dealt with in class or with a Dean, depending on severity of the
behavior and frequency of occurrences.
Classroom Behavior:
1. ONLY Dark Blue or Black ink may be used for second and subsequent drafts. Typing is
always accepted. Please double space.
2. Arrive to class on time. Please be in the room when the bell rings, or you will be
considered tardy.
3. Be respectful of questions and comments of others. You never have to agree with
anyone in class (including me), but you must make an effort to see others’ points of view
and be respectful of those views.
4. Please treat others’ property the same way you would treat your own.
5. Please, no GUM, FOOD or DRINKS, except water.
Parent Communication
1. Student progress will be updated weekly on Parentlink.
2. Parents, if you need to contact me, please e-mail me. My address is below. Or, please call
the school and leave a message. I will attempt to return your call within 24 hours.
3. All Parent-Teacher Conferences must be arranged through the Counselor’s Office.
Amber Clark
School E-mail:
I, ______________________, the parent/guardian of ____________________have
read and understand this course expectation guide for Mr. Spencer’s English class.
I, _____________________, have also read and understand the course expectation
for Mrs. Clark’s English class.
Due Date: ___________________
Parent Contact Information: (Please print)
Phone number: ___________________
Cell (if applicable): __________________
Email address: ___________________