

Centaurs in Greek Mythology vs. The Lightning Thief

The Questions

Short Essay 1: Centaurs: How did centaurs originate ? What is their appearance? What types of centaurs are there? Who are the

Lapithae? What happened between the Lapith and the centaurs? For each statement, be sure to give evidence from your research by quoting and identifying the source.

Short Essay 2: Chiron: In Greek mythology, what kind of centaur is Chiron? Who were his parents? What are his identifying attributes? For each statement, be sure to give evidence from your research by quoting and identifying the source. How does his story differ in the Lightning Thief and in Greek Mythology?

Research your topic

 For the purpose of this essay, we’ll focus your research in one place: Research centaurs and Chiron on www.theoi.com

Read the centaur origin stories and the battle descriptions http://www.theoi.com/Georgikos/KentauroiThessalioi.html

Use your map (below) to take notes and gather evidence on the different types of centaurs and on Chiron

Map your data


Go to http://mindmapmaker.org

and select “GO TO MIND MAP MAKER” link to launch the app.


Create a center bubble that says Centaur


Branch off in different directions with the names of different types of centaurs and include a separate bubble for Chiron


For each of these types, branch off to include data for attributes, origin, battles/outcome for that kind of centaur


Include entire quotes and references – this will become for source for evidence to include in your essay

Short Essay Response

Write your answers in narrative, short essay form, including your data and citing sources for each (take these from your mind map).

For example, let’s say you have copied and pasted the following items under the Centaur -- Chiron – attributes bubble :

Homer, Iliad 11. 832 ff (trans. Lattimore) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) :

"[Eurypylos addresses Patroklos in the Trojan War:] ‘Cut the arrow out of my thigh . . . and put kind medicines on it, good ones, which they say you have been told of by Akhilleus, since Kheiron (Chiron), most righteous of the Kentauroi (Centaurs), told him about them.’"

Propertius, Elegies 2. 1 (trans. Goold) (Roman elegy C1st B.C.) :

"Medicine can cure all human pains . . . Chiron, son of Phillyra, healed the blindness of Phoenix."

You can then include the following in a paragraph describing one of Chiron’s attributes:

In the Iliad, Homer describes Chiron as righteous and knowledgeable about medicine and surgery. [Eurypylos addresses Patroklos in the Trojan War:] “Cut the arrow out of my thigh . . . and put kind medicines on it, good ones, which they say you have been told of by

Akhilleus, since Kheiron (Chiron), most righteous of the Kentauroi (Centaurs), told him about them.” Similarly, Propertius is another of many writers who have recounted Chiron’s medical / healing abilities. In Elegies, "Medicine can cure all human pains . . . Chiron, son of Phillyra, healed the blindness of Phoenix."
