Cornell Notes Reminder - Japan
Heading: (3 Points)
Title: Japan
Page #’s: 681 to 685
Date: 2/20/2015
Pre Reading Questions: (do this first) (6 points)
What is the reading going to be about?
What do you already know about this topic?
o (DO NOT WRITE “NOTHING” or anything to that affect at least make an effort even if it turns out to be wrong)
What do you want to learn about regarding this topic?
Body: (15 points)
Key Terms: homogenous, clan, shogun, samurai, cultural convergence, haiku, acculturation, Tokaido corridor,
Shinkansen bullet train, Yamamoto Dynasty, origami. Kabuki,
Key People: Yorimoto Minamoto, Lady Murasaki Shikibu
Key Events: Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Summary (21 points)
Step 1: READ the Paragraph
Step 2: IDENTIFY the key terms in that paragraph
Step 3: DEFINE these key terms
Step 4: SUMMARIZE the paragraph in a single sentence using your own words.
1 sentence for each paragraph that you read
Population Patterns –
 The People
 For this assignment your summary should be at a minimum of 1 sentence in length.
 Density & Distribution
 For this assignment your summary should be at a minimum of 3 sentences in length.
 .
History and Government Early History
 For this assignment your summary should be at a minimum of 4 sentences in length.
 Modern Japan
 For this assignment your summary should be at a minimum of 3 sentences in length.
Culture Education & Health Care
 For this assignment your summary should be at a minimum of 1 sentence in length.
 Language & Religion For this assignment your summary should be at a minimum of 2 sentences in length.
 The Arts For this assignment your summary should be at a minimum of 2 sentences in length.
 Family Lifer & Leisure
 For this assignment your summary should be at a minimum of 2 sentences in length
Final Question (2 Points) Write a question about anything regarding what you just read. It can be that you need clarification on a
topic, want more in depth info, etc…