North Arkansas College Course Syllabus for Music Appreciation 1. Course Identification Course Name: (MUS 1003) Music Appreciation Instructor: Reece Conrad Office Location: M162 Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 – 9:15 (or by appointment) Email: 2. Catalog Course Description This course surveys music history, with emphasis on listening to and evaluating music. We will study cultural trends and major composers throughout history by studying musical selections for voice and common orchestral instruments. We will also cover the terminology needed to discuss musical works in an intelligent manner. I encourage attendance at live concerts and selective Internet listening. 3. Rationale for Course Music is a part of everyday life for all human beings. Studying about the fundamentals of music and tracing its development throughout history helps us understand and appreciate the art of Music to a fuller extent. Music appreciation is one of the educational core classes and is transferable to other colleges. 4. Audience for Course Music Appreciation is open to any Northark student. 5. General Course Goals Understand the fundamental properties of music Become familiar with different musical instruments Learn about major historical figures throughout the history of music Identify some of the important works of music Be able to identify and discuss the basic elements that make up a musical composition 6. Specific Course Outcomes/Objectives/Competencies By the end of the semester students will be able to: Identify different instruments and sections of the orchestra Identify various compositions of music Identify different styles of music Identify various musical vocabulary terms Understand the uniqueness and importance of various composers throughout different periods of history 7. Resources Needed for the Course (REQUIRED MATERIALS) All materials are available in the Northark bookstore Textbook: Kamien, Roger. Music: An Appreciation, 8th Brief Edition. Copyright 2014. McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y. 5-CD set from 7th brief edition 8. Resources Available for the Course Computer access is available in the library. The library is open from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m - 5 p.m Fridays and 8am until 2pm on Saturdays. There are also computer labs in rooms M101, M102, M103, M111D, M150, A106, B206-209, N110, and N114. All south campus labs are open when the building is open. North campus labs usually close at 5 p.m. You can doublecheck lab hours outside of room B202 (Mary Bausch’s office). 9. Instructional/Teaching Methods Classroom lectures and demonstrations from the instructor Audial and Visual demonstrations of musical material 10. Other Student Responsibilities Students must attend regularly. (See attendance Policy) Students are expected to keep notes from listening examples and class lectures. Students are expected to contribute to classroom discussion. 11. Course Evaluation (Grading) Procedures FINAL GRADE BREAKDOWN o Unit exams: 25% o Listening tests: 25% o Online work: 25% o Attendance: 25% UNIT EXAMS There will be 4 unit exams (multiple choice and short answer) during the semester. Exam questions will be taken from lecture material and assigned readings. The average of your 4 unit exams will account for 25% of your final grade. LISTENING EXAMS There will be 4 listening exams during the semester. Exam questions will be taken from lecture material and listening assignments. The average of your 4 listening exams will account for 25% of your final grade. IN-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS There will be several online assignments throughout the semester. The average of your online work will account for 25% of your final grade. ATTENDANCE Attendance on campus is extremely important. Therefore I will be taking attendance each session. Your attendance grade will count at 25% of your final grade. EXTRA CREDIT You can earn limited extra credit in this course by attending an approved classical music concert and completing a short written assignment. Please see me if you are interested in earning extra credit. The following grading scale will be used in this class: A=100%-90% B=89%-80% C=79%-70% D=69%-60% F=59% and below MAKE-UP TESTS Make-up tests are only available for an excusable absence. In order for your absence to count as “excusable”, you will need to provide me with proof such as a doctor’s office note, email from a coach/sponsor, or obituary. Please read the syllabus ahead of time and make sure that you can be present for all scheduled tests. If you know you are going to be absent for an exam, you will need to schedule a time to take the exam prior to the scheduled date. 12. Attendance Policy I will take roll online before each class. You can see your attendance record at any time by logging into the Northark Portal page for you class. If you are tardy for class, you must see me when class is over so that you are not marked absent. It is your responsibility to make sure you are added to the role if you are tardy for class. ABSENCES Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Each absence will lower your attendance grade. TARDINESS If you are late to class, you will be marked tardy in the attendance record. 3 tardies will be considered an absence. Students who are tardy or miss a class will need to copy class notes from another student for the portion he/she has missed. 13. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty, as defined in the Student Handbook, will not be tolerated. Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, test tampering, and facilitating academic dishonesty, will be reported and will result in disciplinary action. Please consult the Student Handbook for information on how to resolve disciplinary action. 14. Provision for Changing the Syllabus The syllabus is always subject to change. In the event of a change, I will hand out an addendum to the syllabus in class. 15. Inclement Weather Policy This class will not meet if the College is closed. 16. Safety Requirements For safety reasons, please become familiar will the layout of the building, taking note of the locations of the nearest exits and fire extinguishers. 17. Student Responsibilities A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Read the college catalog and all materials you receive during registration. These materials tell you what the college expects from you. Read the syllabus for each class. The syllabus tells you what the instructor expects from you. Attend all class meetings. Something important to learning happens during every class period. If you must miss a class meeting, talk to the instructor in advance about what you should do. Be on time. If you come in after class has started, you disrupt the entire class. Never interrupt another class to talk to the instructor or a student in that class. Be prepared for class. Complete reading assignments and other homework before class so that you can understand the lecture and participate in discussion. Always have pen/pencil, paper, and other specific tools for class. Learn to take good notes. Write down ideas rather than word-for-word statements by the instructor. Allow time to use all the resources available to you at the college. Visit your instructor during office hours for help with material or assignments you do not understand; use the library; use the free tutors, tapes, computers, and other resources in Learning Assistance Center. Treat others with respect. Part of the college experience is being exposed to people with ideas, values, and backgrounds different from yours. Listen to others and evaluate ideas on their own merit. 18. Accommodations for Students with Special Needs: North Arkansas College complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you feel you may require accommodations based on the impact of a disability, please meet with the instructor privately to discuss needs. In addition, please contact a disabilities coordinator to establish eligibility and coordinate reasonable accommodations. For more information, contact Kim Brecklein, Room M184, 391-3338 (voice), 391-3111 (TDD);