Vision Science 748 Central Visual Mechanisms II Norton’s Part: Measuring vision; intensity discrimination; acuity; spatial vision; temporal factors Loop: Color; Suprathreshold Liu: Binocular Vision; Depth Perception; Binocular rivalry Class (mostly) – Mon – Fri. 1:00 - 2:50 No class May 7 -11 (ARVO) Exam #1 May 14 (Monday), 9:30 a.m. Worrell Conference Room Exam #1 (80 pts) on Norton’s material (quizzes included in the 80 points total) Exam #2 Fri. May 25th (80 pts) Lab May 4 1 – 3? Or 4? p.m. You will measure your thresholds and plot them Three main purposes of this course: 1) Learn how visual function is measured (in single cells & whole animals/humans) 2) Learn basic facts about visual function (what is normal?) 3) Relate what you have learned about the neural basis of visual function to measures of vision (Why does the visual system respond as it does?) You’ve been learning neural function - YOU STILL ARE!! What causes visual behavior? NEURONS! Apply what you know about CNS function to what we study now. The answers on exams often should include a description of what neurons are doing to cause the visually-guided behavior! The neurons in the visual pathway respond to physical stimuli (light) and produce visual function which produces visually-guided behavior Textbook: Norton’s part The Psychophysical Measurement of Visual Function Norton*, Corliss*, Bailey Richmond Products, Inc. 2006 You have what is needed. In Norton’s part: Some or all of 5 Chapters + appendix Ch 1. Principles of Psychophysical Measurement Ch. 9, (5 pages) Chapter 2 – absolute threshold of vision Appendix – Measuring light Ch 3. Intensity Discrimination Ch 5. Spatial Acuity Ch 6. Spatial Vision Ch 7. Temporal Factors in Vision Specific chapter assignments were given earlier Overview At the beginning of each chapter. Contains a summary of the content of the chapter. Declarative section headings summarize the section they precede “In the Method of Constant Stimuli the examiner randomly presents a set of stimuli with fixed, predetermined values” “Correct for guessing by incorporating catch trials” Study Guide Questions at the end of each chapter intended to help you clarify your knowledge (not as useful as I had hoped) Lecture overlaps with the book a lot (on purpose!) That is why I would prefer to not lecture, but to 1) Answer your questions 2) Ask you questions if you don’t ask me Both require that you read the material before class Glossary – intended to help you know what terms mean for exam Definitions given in the text – it helps to learn them verbatim Equations – to be a complete answer, must tell what the variables mean Equations – must tell what the variables mean Y k F a where Y (psi) is the sensory magnitude, k (kappa) is an arbitrary constant determining the scale unit, F (phi) is the stimulus magnitude, and a (alpha) is an exponent that is characteristic of the stimulus used. Graphs – The hardest part of this class (because they tend to all look alike) … but important because they show the relationship between stimuli and responses Graphs – can be confusing What is on the X-axis? (& approx. scale) Usual arrangement: Physical Stimulus on X-axis (Independent Variable) Graphs – can be confusing What is on the X-axis? (& approx. scale) What is on the Y-axis? (& approx. scale) Usual arrangement: Response on Y-axis (Dependent Variable) Physical Stimulus on X-axis (Independent Variable) Graphs – can be confusing What is on the X-axis? (& approx. scale) What is on the Y-axis? (& approx. scale) How plot a data point? Usual arrangement: Response on Y-axis (Dependent Variable) Physical Stimulus on X-axis (Independent Variable) Graphs What is different in each graph in a “family” of curves? Log Threshold Luminance (quanta/s/deg2) Log Background Intensity 7.83 5.94 4.96 3.65 No Background 9 8 7 6 5 4 Stimulus area = 0.011 deg2 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Flash Duration (s) 10 100 Chapter 1 Principles of Psychophysical Measurement Measuring visual function in humans occurs in clinical settings & in laboratory settings. Measuring visual function in neurons uses the same tools Applies to neurons as well as whole creatures (animals; humans) The “Natural Science of the Soul” Psychophysics (from the Greek psyche [soul] and the Latin physica [natural science]) has been developed as a way to measure the internal sensory and perceptual responses to external stimuli. Definition: Psychophysics is the study of the relationship between physical stimuli and perceptual responses We study here visual psychophysics, but there also is auditory psychophysics, somatosensory psychophysics, etc. Two basic types of psychophysical measures 1) Threshold measures (Do you see it”) Determine the boundary between values that are seen (above threshold) and values that are too small to be seen (below threshold) 2) Sensory Magnitude measures (“What does it look like”) Relationship between a Stimulus and a Response The stimulus is always a physical entity that can be measured directly with instruments. The response can be the number of action potentials produced per second by a neuron (“firing rate”), or it can be a criterion behavior, such as an animal pressing a lever. With humans, it can be a verbal response (“I see it.”) In all cases, the perception that occurs between the stimulus and response is inferred. – We are not interested in “perception” in this course but in the relationship between the physical stimuli and the response. Threshold measure: Psychophysics is the study of the relationship between physical stimuli and perceptual responses Example: Do you see the light? Physical stimulus – light intensity Perceptual response – Seeing the light Neural Example – threshold for detecting a flashed light. 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time (s) 2.0 Responses of a neuron in the lateral geniculate nucleus of an anesthetized cat to three separate presentations of a near-threshold visual stimulus. Each small vertical line represents an action potential produced by the neuron. Each row shows the responses of the neuron in a 3 s period. From 0 until 2.5 s a background luminance was present. The stimulus (a light) was turned on at 2.5 s and turned off at 3.0 s, so the stimulus was on for only 0.5 s. (Unpublished data from D. W. Godwin and T. T. Norton,.) 2.5 On 3.0 Off Another Threshold measure: Psychophysics is the study of the relationship between physical stimuli and perceptual responses Example #2: How far down an eye chart can you read? Physical stimulus – Letter size Perceptual response – Identifying letters How you measure vision changes the results you get!! So, learn the rules for measuring vision. Which chart to use? How many letters per line? How far apart are the letters and lines? How much smaller are the letters on the next line? Which letters to use? How far down the chart must the patient try to read? How score the result? Could also determine the threshold concentration of an antibody needed to produce a visible reaction on tissue A dose-response curve is a threshold measurement The LD50 is also a threshold measurement (the concentration of a drug needed to kill half of a group of animals or people) Psychophysical measurements are fundamental in many laboratory settings Need to know the scientific basis for measuring vision The results you get depend on the way you measure vision – a single neuron or in a whole visual system Visual thresholds are the most common psychophysical measurement Why are we interested in knowing threshold? It gives useful information. Does the threshold of neurons in V1 match the threshold of the monkey or bird or person? Is the neuronal threshold the reason for the “owner’s” threshold? In a patient with retinal degeneration, which neurons are responsible for loss of vision? Threshold - Definition Threshold is defined as the minimum value of a stimulus required to elicit a perceptual response or an altered perceptual response. Two types of threshold measurement: absolute threshold (in vision) is the minimum value of a stimulus required to detect the presence of light under ideal conditions. A difference (or increment) threshold is defined as the minimum change in stimulus value that must be added or subtracted to a stimulus to elicit an altered perceptual response. The task required of a patient or subject during threshold measurements varies in complexity detection task – (in vision) does the subject (or neuron) see something? discrimination task – (in vision) distinguishing between two stimuli with regard to some stimulus characteristic when each stimulus is visible by itself. (does a neuron respond more strongly to stimulus 1 or stimulus 2?) recognition task. – providing a name or category of a test object that is visible (hard for a neuron to do, but a whole animal could do a matching task to show recognition) The distinctions among these various types of tasks are not sharp, but are hierarchical. Threshold Determination Methods Method of Constant Stimuli Method of Limits -Staircase -Tracking Method of Adjustment Important Stimulus Dimensions intensity wavelength size exposure duration frequency shape relative locations of elements of the stimulus cognitive meaning In addition,(NOT stimulus Dimensions!) location on the subject’s retina light adaptation of the subject’s visual system Key in measuring thresholds: Try to keep all dimensions unchanged except the one being measured Stimulus configurations (Oversimplified for illustration) Spot on an adapting field (increment thresholds) Bipartite field Bipartite field with an adapting field Spatially separated stimuli (difference thresholds) (Also could use letters on a chart) A B L T = L + L LT L L T = L - L LT L T= L + L L u m in a n c e + L L - L L T = L- L 0 L There are many possible values of ΔL, But only 1 value (theoretically) for threshold ΔL Definition (again) Threshold is defined as the minimum value of a stimulus required to elicit a perceptual response or an altered perceptual response. Definition Threshold is defined as the minimum value of a stimulus required to elicit a perceptual response or an altered perceptual response. But threshold can vary over time (somewhat) Psychophysically measured threshold values vary because of fluctuations in the stimulus fluctuations in neural activity fluctuations in alertness or attention psychological bias Action potentials recorded from a single LGN neuron 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time (s) 2.0 Responses of a neuron in the lateral geniculate nucleus of an anesthetized cat to three separate presentations of a near-threshold visual stimulus. Each small vertical line represents an action potential produced by the neuron. Each row shows the responses of the neuron in a 3 s period. From 0 until 2.5 s a background luminance was present. The stimulus (a light) was turned on at 2.5 s and turned off at 3.0 s, so the stimulus was on for only 0.5 s. (Unpublished data from D. W. Godwin and T. T. Norton,.) 2.5 On 3.0 Off Graded potentials (in the retina, before ganglion cells) Action potentials (“spikes”) – from ganglion cells and from LGN and cortex (and superior colliculus, etc. Action potentials recorded from a single LGN neuron 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time (s) 2.0 2.5 On Responses of a neuron in the lateral geniculate nucleus of an anesthetized cat to three separate presentations of a near-threshold visual stimulus. Each small vertical line represents an action potential produced by the neuron. Each row shows the responses of the neuron in a 3 s period. From 0 until 2.5 s a background luminance was present. The stimulus (a light) was turned on at 2.5 s and turned off at 3.0 s, so the stimulus was on for only 0.5 s. (Unpublished data from D. W. Godwin and T. T. Norton,.) Neural fluctuations: the neuron sometimes responds more, sometimes less, to the same stimulus. Also, the neuron has variable background (“maintained”) activity that makes it hard for the neuron to detect when the stimulus is present. 3.0 Off Psychophysically measured threshold values vary because of fluctuations in the stimulus fluctuations in neural activity fluctuations in alertness or attention psychological bias Because of variability, threshold isn’t always easy to determine Threshold Determination Methods Method of Constant Stimuli Method of Limits -Staircase -Tracking Method of Adjustment Assignment for Monday In your own area of research, think of a threshold measurement you have to make. Write a brief description (1 or 2 paragraphs) of how that threshold is measured and which of the three main Threshold Determination Methods is used. In the Method of Constant Stimuli the examiner randomly presents a set of stimuli with fixed, predetermined values Percent "YES" responses 100 75 50 25 Background Field Intensity L = 0 units 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Test Field Intensity, LT (arbitrary units) Figure 1-4. Idealized psychometric function for a threshold detection task using the Method of Constant Stimuli. The threshold stimulus value is obtained by drawing a horizontal line from the 50% value on the response axis to the psychometric function and then dropping a vertical line from the function to the test field intensity axis. In Class Demo Rule: Plot straight lines between data points “Silliest Plotting Error” Plot data points from left to right “Silliest Plotting Error” Plot data points from left to right “Most Interesting Curves” Percent "YES" responses 100 75 50 25 Background Field Intensity L = 0 units 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Test Field Intensity, LT (arbitrary units) Figure 1-4. Idealized psychometric function for a threshold detection task using the Method of Constant Stimuli. The threshold stimulus value is obtained by drawing a horizontal line from the 50% value on the response axis to the psychometric function and then dropping a vertical line from the function to the test field intensity axis. Fraction of "Yes" Responses Graduate Class, 2009 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stim ulus Value 7 8 9 10 Fraction of "Yes" Responses Graduate Class, 2004 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stim ulus Value 7 8 9 10 Fraction of "Yes" Responses Graduate Class, 2005 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stim ulus Value 7 8 9 10 Fraction of "Yes" Responses Graduate Class, 2006 Note that the steeper the slope of the psychometric function, the more accurately defined the Note that the steeper the threshold is (assuming slope of the psychometric the x-axis remains the function, the more same.) accurately defined the threshold is (assuming the x-axis remains the same.) 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stim ulus Value 7 8 9 10 The Method of Constant Stimuli is the most precise method for determining threshold (the “Gold Standard”). But, this method is cumbersome and time-consuming because there are many trials where the stimulus value is not close to threshold. Threshold Determination Methods Method of Constant Stimuli Method of Limits -Staircase -Tracking Other newer ones, like “QUEST” Method of Adjustment In the Method of Limits the examiner sequentially presents a set of stimuli with fixed values Stimulus Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Transition 1 (Ascending) N N Y N N Y Y 5.5 Trial Number (Stimulus Presentation Direction) 2 3 4 (Descending) (Ascending) (Descending) N N N N N Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y 3.5 3.5 5.5 Table 1- 1. Example of subject’s responses over five trials using the method of limits. 5 (Ascending) N N Y Y 2.5 Average 4.1 In Class Demo The Method of Limits is more efficient than the Method of Constant Stimuli because fewer trials are presented. Two potential problems: anticipation perseveration Staircase procedure. Developed during WWII to test bomb detonators Staircase procedure. Trial Number Stimulus Value 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 16 17 N N N N Y Y N N Y N Y Y Y Table 1- 2. Example of a subject’s responses over 17 trials using the staircase variation on the Method of Limits. N N Y Y Staircase procedure. Staircase procedure. Trial Number Stimulus Value 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 16 17 N N N N Y Y N N Y N Y Y Y Table 1- 2. Example of a subject’s responses over 17 trials using the staircase variation on the Method of Limits. N N Y Y The number of reversals can be small, yet give a good estimate of threshold if the step sizes are adjusted to an optimal size error correct error correct correct correct error error When you correctly identify the side the stimulus is on, the contrast decreases. The first time you are incorrect is a “reversal”. The contrast then is increased until you are “correct.” That is a second “reversal.” Contrast then decreases until you are wrong again, the third reversal, and then increases until you are correct again (4th reversal). Threshold contrast is the average of the four reversal values. Tracking procedure High-contrast Sample of grating Contrast See grating, pressing button 3 1 2 0 "Beep-Beep" Time "Beep-Beep" "Beep" 5 6 4 Grating not visible, release button 7 8 Threshold Determination Methods Method of Constant Stimuli Method of Limits -Staircase -Tracking Method of Adjustment In the Method of Adjustment the subject controls the stimulus values A B L T = L + L LT L L T = L - L LT L T= L + L L u m in a n c e + L L - L L T = L- L 0 L Probabilitywith of which LT is Frequency seeing L seen as equal to L T as equal to L -0.68 SD Mean +0.68 SD -3 -2 LT<L -1 0 1 Intensity Difference, LT-L (arbitrary units) 2 3 LT>L The distribution of values of LT that a subject decides are equal to L forms a normal distribution if enough trials are used. The mean of the distribution will be very close to L. The threshold is taken as the value of LT that, when added to or subtracted from L gives an LT that is detectable on 50% of the trials. This occurs 0.68 standard deviations above and below the mean. The Method of Adjustment is most easily used when the stimulus can be changed in a continuous manner, rather than in steps. Subjects generally enjoy the Method of Adjustment because they actively participate. Boredom and inattention are less of a problem with the Method of Adjustment than with the other methods. Potential problem with the Method of Adjustment subjects may use the position of the dial as a cue to where threshold "ought" to be. This strategy can by foiled by using a dial that has no numbers and has a variable amount of slip. Controlling response bias and guessing Correct for guessing by incorporating “catch” trials Establish the guessing rate by forcing the subject to make choices (“forced choice” technique) What do you do if the psychometric function doesn’t drop down to 0% “Yes” responses for low stimulus values? Assume subject/patient has a bias to guess “Yes.” Percent "YES" Responses 100 Uncorrected for guessing Corrected for Guessing 75 50 25 Background Field Intensity L = 0 units 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Test Field Intensity, LT (arbitrary units) 8 9 10 Correct for guessing by incorporating “catch” trials where the stimulus is not presented at all. This gives the guessing rate. Correct for guessing by incorporating “catch” trials Percent "YES" Responses 100 Uncorrected for guessing Corrected for Guessing 75 50 25 Background Field Intensity L = 0 units 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Test Field Intensity, LT (arbitrary units) Frequency of seeing curves before (upper curve) and after (lower curve) correction for guessing. Note that the amount of correction decreases as the stimulus value increases. 9 10 The correction factor is: True Percent of YES Responses Observed Fraction of YES Responses Guessing Rate X 100 1 Guessing Rate This equation corrects less at higher stimulus values Stimulus value 0, 0% = (0.3 – 0.3)/0.7 *100 Stimulus value 4, 29% = (0.5 – 0.3)/0.7 *100 Stimulus value 10, 100% = (1.0 – 0.3)/0.7 *100 The way it is really done is to establish the guessing rate by forcing the subject to make choices The Forced Choice technique Most frequently used: “two-alternative-forced choice” In Class Demo For a two-alternative forced-choice procedure, the correction factor is 0.5 (chance is 50:50): True Percent of YES Responses Observed Fraction of YES Responses 0.5 X 100 1 0.5 Two-alternative Forced-choice in-class Demo Grad class - 2005 100 Percent Correct Responses 90 80 70 60 50 Obtained percent correct 40 "True" percent correct 30 20 10 0 -10 1 2 3 -20 Stimulus 4 Threshold comes out the same either way & it is simpler to use uncorrected with 75% as threshold Two-alternative Forced-choice in-class Demo Grad class - 2006 100 Percent Correct Responses 90 80 70 60 Obtained percent correct 50 "True" percent correct 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 Stimulus 4 Threshold comes out the same either way & it is simpler to use uncorrected with 75% as threshold Two-alternative Forced-choice in-class Demo Grad class - 2008 Percent Correct Responses 100 90 80 70 60 Obtained percent correct 50 "True" percent correct 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 Stimulus 4 Two-alternative Forced-choice in-class Demo Grad class - 2009 Percent Correct Responses 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 Obtained percent correct "True" percent correct 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 Stimulus Percent Correct Responses Two-alternative Forced-choice in-class Demo 2009 Grad class - 2010 100 90 90 80 80 70 60 70 50 60 40 30 50 20 40 10 30 0 -10 20 -20 10 -30 -40 0 -50 -10 -60 -20 -70 Obtained percent correct "True" percent correct 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 Stimulus With TAFC, usually, don’t apply the correction; just make threshold be at 75%, chance at 50% Observer's Percent Correct 100 Kate at 12 weeks Threshold 75 50 Chance 25 0 12.0 6.0 3.0 1.5 0.8 0.4 1.6 1.9 Stripe Width (cycles/deg) 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.3 LogMAR Information from Chapter 9 Sometimes a new or modified method is needed: the Forced-choice Preferential Looking technique (Davida Teller) For thousands of years, people thought infants couldn’t see more than light and dark. “just a bundle of organs and nerves during the first month” The “blooming, buzzing confusion of infancy” In the 1960’s people began to realize infants could do more than had been thought, like this newborn imitating his father. To learn what infants can see required devising psychophysical techniques that would work with infants. Two-alternative Forced-choice Preferential Looking (FPL) Children prefer to look at something, over nothing (Fantz) Stimuli of greater complexity are preferred over very simple stimuli In FPL the child is presented with two stimuli. An observer watches the child and must report which side the child looked toward. (Davida Teller and students) Two-alternative Forced-choice Preferential Looking (FPL) The observer must (is “forced” to) decide that the child looked to one side or the other. The observer’s judgment is recorded and the observer is given feedback (“the side you chose was/was not the side the stimulus was presented on”). When the observer is 100% correct, the child must have looked at the stimulus 100% of the time. The Acuity Card Procedure Forced-choice Preferential Looking Infant’s WILL look! low frequency grating observer’s view of infant looking What do YOU think? Where is the stimulus? Take a guess? Can the infant see the stripes? YES! NO? Advantages of Acuity Cards simple apparatus observer-infant interaction Two-alternative Forced-choice Preferential Looking (FPL) The observer must (is “forced” to) decide that the child looked to one side or the other. The observer’s judgment is recorded and the observer is given feedback (the side you chose was/was not the side the stimulus was presented on). When the observer is 100% correct, the child must have looked at the stimulus 100% of the time. Two-alternative Forced-choice Preferential Looking (FPL) As the stimulus is changed so it is closer to threshold, the child (and, therefore, the observer) will make mistakes. When the observer’s responses are 50% correct, the child must not see the stimulus well enough to look at it. Creates a psychometric function with threshold at 75% correct. Observer's Percent Correct 100 Kate at 12 weeks Threshold 75 50 Chance 25 0 12.0 6.0 3.0 1.5 0.8 0.4 1.6 1.9 Stripe Width (cycles/deg) 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.3 LogMAR Fraction of "Yes" Responses Graduate Class, 2008 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stim ulus Value 7 8 9 10 Two-alternative Forced-choice in-class Demo Grad class - 2008 Percent Correct Responses 100 90 80 70 60 Obtained percent correct 50 "True" percent correct 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 Stimulus 4 New Topic Detecting the response to a visual stimulus against the “noise” of ongoing neural activity Using Signal Detection Theory to Understand Threshold Variability Near threshold, there always is overlap between the neural response when the stimulus is present (“Signal”) and the neural response when the stimulus is absent (“Noise”) so there is not one criterion one can use to decide accurately whether a stimulus is present. If the criterion fluctuates over time, the measured threshold will change. At threshold, neurons must “decide” whether a stimulus is present against a background of “noise” 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time (s) 2.0 Responses of a neuron in the lateral geniculate nucleus of an anesthetized cat to three presentations of a near-threshold visual stimulus. Each small vertical line represents an action potential produced by the neuron. Each row shows the responses of the neuron in a 3 s period. From 0 until 2.5 s a background luminance was present. The stimulus (a light) was turned on at 2.5 s and turned off at 3.0 s, so the stimulus was on for only 0.5 s. (Unpublished data from D. W. Godwin and T. T. Norton,.) 2.5 On 3.0 Off 0.0 0.5 Number 50 msec noise “bin” 1.0 of APs during1.5 2.0 Time (s) 0 occurs 1 time 1 occurs 0 time Responses of a neuron in 2the lateral geniculate nucleus of an occurs 1 times anesthetized cat to three presentations of a near-threshold visual 3 occurs 0 times stimulus. Each small vertical line represents an action potential This is forproduced 3 rows. Now 4 occurs times the responses of the by the neuron. Each row0 shows 1 time in a 3 s period. until 2.5 s a background luminance expand toneuron 30 rows (30 From50occurs was present. The stimulus (a light) was0 times turned on at 2.5 s and turned 6 occurs stimulus and noise off at 3.0 s, so the stimulus was on for0 only 7 occurs times0.5 s. (Unpublished data pairings) from D. W. Godwin and T. T. Norton,.) 8 occurs 0 times 9 occurs 0 times Average, 2.33 spikes per bin 50 spikes/s means 2.5 spikes/50 msec, average over 30 rows (30 stimulus and noise pairings); 200 on the y-axis means 10/50 msec Number of APs during 50 msec signal “bin” 2.5 On 0 occurs 0 3.0 times 1 occurs 0 Off times 2 occurs 0 times 3 occurs 0 times 4 occurs 0 times 5 occurs 1 time 6 occurs 0 times 7 occurs 0 times 8 occurs 2 times 9 occurs 0 times Average, 7 spikes per bin This is for 30 presentation of stimulus and noise Frequency of Occurence 7 Mean of Noise A 6 5 Maintained Discharge (Noise) Distribution 4 3 2 1 0 Overlap: Possible Confusion Mean of Noise + Signal 7 B 6 5 Maintained Discharge (Noise) + Response to Flash (Signal) Distribution 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Action Potentials in 50 msec Period 13 14 15 There is no single “optimal” criterion number of action potentials that the nervous system should use to decide whether to respond as though a stimulus was present, or to respond as though a stimulus was not present. One can try various criteria – Changing the criterion (the threshold one adopts) affects the pattern of hits, misses, false alarms and correct rejections “The saga of the snake in the grass” Decide that 6 or more action potentials means “snake” Frequency of Occurence 7 Mean of Noise A 6 5 Maintained Discharge (Noise) Distribution 4 3 2 1 0 Overlap: Possible Confusion Mean of Noise + Signal 7 B 6 5 Maintained Discharge (Noise) + Response to Flash (Signal) Distribution 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Action Potentials in 50 msec Period 13 14 15 Out of the four possible outcomes there are two ways to be correct: by deciding the stimulus is there when it is present (a Hit) and by deciding that it is not there when it is absent (a Correct Rejection). There are also two ways to be wrong: by deciding the stimulus is present when it is absent (a False Alarm) and by deciding it is not present when it is (a Miss). A. Criterion for “seeing” = 6 action potentials Response “I see it” “I don’t see it.” Stimulus Present Stimulus Absent Hits (H) n = 30 False Alarms (FA) n = 11 Misses (M) n=0 Correct Rejections (CR) n = 19 Hit Rate = H/(H+M) = 30/(30+0) = 1.00 False Alarm Rate = FA/(FA+CR) = 11/(11+19) = 0.37 Miss Rate = M/(H+M) = 0/(30+0) = 0 Correct Rejection Rate = CR/(FA+CR) = 19/(11+19) = 0.63 B. Criterion for “seeing” =10 9 action potentials Response “I see it” “I don’t see it.” Low threshold: No misses; will Stimulus Present Stimulus Absentfalse always avoid snake, but Hits (H) will restrictFalse Alarms (FA) alarms food access n = 19 n=0 Misses (M) n = 11 Correct Rejections (CR) n = 30 Hit Rate = H/(H+M) = 19/(19+11) = 0.63 False Alarm Rate = FA/(FA+CR) = 0/(0+30) = 0.00 Miss Rate = M/(H+M) = 11/(19+11) = 0.37 Correct Rejection Rate = CR/(FA+CR) = 30/(0+30) = 1.00 Frequency of Occurence 7 Mean of Noise A 6 5 Maintained Discharge (Noise) Distribution 4 3 2 1 0 Overlap: Possible Confusion Mean of Noise + Signal 7 B 6 5 Maintained Discharge (Noise) + Response to Flash (Signal) Distribution 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Action Potentials in 50 msec Period 13 14 15 Decide that 10 or more action potentials means “snake” Frequency of Occurence 7 Mean of Noise A 6 5 Maintained Discharge (Noise) Distribution 4 3 2 1 0 Overlap: Possible Confusion Mean of Noise + Signal 7 B 6 5 Maintained Discharge (Noise) + Response to Flash (Signal) Distribution 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Action Potentials in 50 msec Period 13 14 15 A. Criterion for “seeing” = 6 action potentials Response Stimulus Present Stimulus Absent Hit Rate = H/(H+M) = 30/(30+0) = 1.00 False Alarm Rate = FA/(FA+CR) = 11/(11+19) = 0.37 Miss Rate = M/(H+M) = 0/(30+0) = 0 Correct Rejection Rate = CR/(FA+CR) = 19/(11+19) = 0.63 High threshold: No false alarms, Hits (H) False Alarms (FA) = 30 n = 11 so foodn access is high, but “I don’t see it.”misses Misses (M) Rejections (CR) mean that theCorrect mouse n=0 n = 19 may be eaten “I see it” B. Criterion for “seeing” =10 9 action potentials Response “I see it” “I don’t see it.” Stimulus Present Stimulus Absent Hits (H) n = 19 False Alarms (FA) n=0 Misses (M) n = 11 Correct Rejections (CR) n = 30 Hit Rate = H/(H+M) = 19/(19+11) = 0.63 False Alarm Rate = FA/(FA+CR) = 0/(0+30) = 0.00 Miss Rate = M/(H+M) = 11/(19+11) = 0.37 Correct Rejection Rate = CR/(FA+CR) = 30/(0+30) = 1.00 Can calculate hit rate and false alarm rate for ANY criterion Frequency of Occurence 7 Mean of Noise A 6 5 Maintained Discharge (Noise) Distribution 4 3 2 1 0 Overlap: Possible Confusion Mean of Noise + Signal 7 B 6 5 Maintained Discharge (Noise) + Response to Flash (Signal) Distribution 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Action Potentials in 50 msec Period 13 14 15 An ROC curve summarizes the Hits and False Alarms for all possible thresholds Hit Rate 1.0 6 7 0.9 5 4 321 8 9 0.8 0.7 10 0.6 0.5 11 0.4 0.3 12 0.2 13 0.1 14 15 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 False Alarm Rate Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve for the responses shown in the previous figure. If the threshold is set at 15 action potentials, there are 0 Hits and 0 False Alarms. If it is set at 14, there will be a few Hits, but 0 False Alarms. As the threshold is decreased further, the P(Hit) increases but the P(False Alarm) remains at 0 until the threshold reaches 9, at which point False Alarms begin to increase. As the threshold is further lowered, through the overlap region in the previous figure, the probability of both Hits and False Alarms increase. For thresholds below 6, there is no further increase in hit rate, but the false alarm rate climbs toward 1.0. Frequency of Occurence 7 Mean of Noise A 6 5 Maintained Discharge (Noise) Distribution 4 3 2 1 0 Overlap: Possible Confusion Mean of Noise + Signal 7 B 6 5 Maintained Discharge (Noise) + Response to Flash (Signal) Distribution 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Action Potentials in 50 msec Period 13 14 15 Signal Detection Theory also applies to human perceptual responses Criterion Value Frequency Stimulus Absent Correct Rejections False Alarms 0.0 d' Stimulus Present Misses Hits 0.0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Magnitude of Sensation (arbitrary units) Distribution of hypothetical “perceptual response” in a human subject over many trials when the stimulus was absent (top) and when the stimulus was present (bottom). The criterion value (vertical line) indicates the criterion a subject would adopt if Hits, Misses, False Alarms and Correct Rejections had the rewards and costs listed in another figure. Hit Rate ROC Curve 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 False Alarm Rate 0.8 1.0 d’ (“d prime”) is a measure of the separation of two normal distributions. d’ = the difference between the means of the “noise” and “signal plus noise” distributions divided by the common standard deviation of the two distributions. d’ quantifies the detectability of the signal (small d’ = signal is hard to detect) d'=1.5 A d'=1.0 B d'=0.5 C Srimulus Absent Stimulus Present ROC Curve In the LGN, changed the detectability of a stimulus by increasing the transfer ratio using bicuculline to block GABAa inhibition Using Signal Detection Theory to Understand Threshold Variability Near threshold, there always is overlap between the neural response when the stimulus is present (“Signal”) and the neural response when the stimulus is absent (“Noise”) so there is not one criterion one can use to decide accurately whether a stimulus is present. If the criterion fluctuates over time, the measured threshold will change. You will hear clinicians talk about the “sensitivity” and “specificity” of diagnostic techniques. Sensitivity is the hit rate Specificity is the absence of false alarms So plot (1 – specificity) on an ROC curve Want a diagnostic tool that has high sensitivity and high specificity Visual thresholds are the most common psychophysical measurement “Do you see it?”