Part 2 Study Guide Answers

Odyssey Part II Test Study Guide
1. How long has Odysseus been gone?
Twenty years – 10 years at war, 10 years lost at sea
2. How does Athena disguise Odysseus?
She makes him look like an old beggar.
3. What are Telemachus’ two excuses to the suitors over the missing armor?
1 – They were going to get drunk and fight each other; 2 – The armor was
getting rusted from the fire
4. Why can’t Telemachus tell anyone Odysseus is home?
They need to find out who has been loyal to him and who will support him
in a fight.
5. What is the tone of the story “Argus”?
Sad; bittersweet
6. In detail, explain what has happened to Argus since Odysseus has been gone.
Everyone has abandoned him and he is now dying. His body is being eaten
by flies and he is left lying on a pile of dung.
7. Who is the leader of the suitors?
8. What does Antinous do to Odysseus?
He treats him poorly; he throws a chair at Odysseus when he asks for food
9. How do the suitors react to Antinous’ treatment of the old beggar?
They warn him not to treat Odysseus that way because he might be a god
in disguise, but no one stands up for Odysseus.
10. How does Odysseus react to Antinous’ treatment?
He remains calm, but warns Antinous that he is wrong for treating him
that way. He says he prays for the gods to punish Antinous before his
wedding day.
11. Why does Telemachus sits still and not fight Antinous?
It is part of their plan. Telemachus can’t reveal he knows the beggar or it
would make the suitors suspicious.
12. Who does Odysseus say will fight beside Odysseus and Telemachus?
Athena and Zeus
13. How was Penelope able to avoid marrying the suitors?
She said she needed to weave a blanket for Odysseus’ father, and when she
was done, she would pick a husband. Each night, she would unweave the
blanket a little bit.
14. How long was Penelope able to avoid marrying the suitors?
Three years
15. How does Odysseus avoid telling Penelope the “beggar’s” past?
The first time he says his past is too sad and it will make him cry if he
talks about it. The second time he tells her knows Odysseus.
16. What does the “beggar” tell Penelope about Odysseus?
He says Odysseus will be home in a few days.
17. What is the challenge Penelope presents to the suitors?
She challenges the men to string Odysseus’ bow and then shoot it through
12 axe handles.
18. What is Zeus’ thunderbolt is a sign of?
It is a sign that Odysseus can begin to fight the suitors because Zeus is
there to help.
19. How does Odysseus respond to Zeus’ thunderclap?
He laughs because he knows he is about to get his revenge.
20. What do the suitors try to bribe Odysseus with after he kills Antinous?
They promise to pay him back for all of the food and wine they ate and
drank. They also promise him 20 oxen each and gold.
21. Who tries to convince the suitors to fight Odysseus?
22. How does Penelope treat Odysseus when he first reveals himself?
She is cold towards him and does not treat him as if she missed him.
23. Why does Penelope act this way?
Athena made Odysseus look young again so she is uncertain if it is really
him. She also has had many men pretending to be Odysseus, so she can’t
trust him.
24. Why is Odysseus upset with Penelope when they are first reunited?
He is angry because she isn’t welcoming him in. Then, he becomes furious
because Penelope tells a servant to move Odysseus’ bed, which would have
meant destroying the bed he built.
25. What is Odysseus and Penelope’s secret sign?
Their bed; it is made out of a tree that grows in the middle of the room.
26. What type of literature is The Odyssey?
Epic poem
27. Define an epic simile. Find an example of an epic simile and explain what it
An epic simile is an extended or extra long comparison between two
things; examples are found on lines 1059-1067, 1289-1297, 1370-1376,
1535-1539, 1613-1623
28. Give at least 3 reasons from part I that show Odysseus is a hero.
Answers will vary based on opinion – be specific and include responses
with more detail than simply saying, “The Cyclops scene shows he’s a
hero.” Be sure to explain with specific things Odysseus does or says.
29. Give at least 3 reasons from part II that show Odysseus is a hero.
Answers will vary based on opinion – be specific and include responses
with more detail than simply saying, “The Cyclops scene shows he’s a
hero.” Be sure to explain with specific things Odysseus does or says.
Who said the following lines?
30. “I shall not be far distant then, for I myself desire battle” (lines 1014-1015)
31. “Now watch me hit a target that no man has hit before, if I can make this shot.
Help me, Apollo” (lines 1410-1411)
32. “But here lies the man who caused them all. Antinous was the ringleader, he
whipped us on to do these things.” (lines 1465-1467)
33. “But grief instead heaven sent me—years of pain” (lines line 1312)
34. “God! What evil wind blew in this pest? Get over, stand in the passage! Nudge
my table, will you? Egyptian whips are sweet to what you’ll come to here, you
nosing rat, making your pitch to everyone!” (lines 1209-1214)
Identify the following people/characters:
Argus - Odysseus’ old dog
Eumaeus – The faithful swineherd
Athena – Goddess of wisdom & war
Telemachus – Odysseus’ son
Penelope – Odysseus’ wife
Antinous – The head of the suitors
Eurymachus – A suitor who tries to
persuade Odysseus
8. Apollo – The god of archery