Unit Plan: Unit 3 Advertising, Media, and Critical Thinking Estimated Time: 16 Hours Grade Course Goals 7 Outcomes Students will learn to identify different forms of texts – including media advertisements. Students will develop and enhance their critical thinking skills through the analysis and discussion of texts. Students will incorporate and apply their critical-persuasive writing skills in order to convey their informed opinions concisely and with clarity. Students will apply their knowledge and explore their creativity in order to produce interactive texts. CR7.7h – Read independently and demonstrate comprehension in information texts (YouTube and commercial advertisements) CC7.7 – Using oral language to express ideas in formal/informal manner USC7.6b – Demonstrate interpersonal skills including assertiveness skills to manage peer pressure USC7.7 – investigate and express an understanding of possible discrepancies in morals that may determine commitment to well being of self and others Unit Description: Today, advertisements in the media have a direct and powerful influence over every facet of our society. It is an influence that carries with it both positive and negative effects for adolescence and young adult audiences. While many advertisements seek to achieve a certain purpose, they often mislead an audience from the truth and have us question our own personal standards. The objective of this unit is to engage students in the development of their critical thinking skills, through the discussion, debate, and analysis of the use of various advertisements found in the media. By the end of this unit, students will have completed a Reflection Portfolio discussing their experiences with advertisements and the media, what they have learned about advertisement techniques, their beliefs on the effects that advertisements and the media have on our society, and how they will shape it in the future. Students will also complete a final group assignment applying what they have learned in this unit. Each group is selected, and will create an advertisement for a form of media of their choice. These advertisements will incorporate the techniques they have learned about, and will be presented in front of the class. Attached to this assignment, students will document their progress in a written report which will outline what they learned about producing and creating a fictional advertisement. Schedule Lesson #2 Week Lesson #1 History of Print Media 1 Advertisements and Advertising Lesson #2 Social Issues in Print Advertising Lesson #3 Lesson #4 Lesson #4 Radio and Social Social Television Media Media – Advertisements Guest Speaker Culminating Culminating Culminating Activity Day Activity Activity Day Day Culminating Activity Advertisement Fair Day Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Lesson #2 Collage Day Lesson #3 Radio and Television Advertisements Lesson #5 Lesson #5 Mobile Class Trip to Advertisements Toronto and the Future Culminating Activity Day Culminating Activity DUE Unit Outline Lesson #1 – “What are Advertisements and Where Did They Come From?” Time: 1 Period – 75 Minutes Topic: Knowledge, Concept, Skill Students will understand what an advertisement is, and what its purpose is Students will develop an appreciation to the earliest form of advertising as well as how advertisements have changed over time Students will identify topic, message and meaning, and significance of a variety of advertisements from selected time periods Students will bridge initial connections about advertisements that they have had previous experience with from history and the present Teaching Approach and Activity Introduction: On PowerPoint, show students two advertisements side by side (Samsung 3D Television vs. An Ancient Roman Stone Ad) Initial Questions to Students: “What are these two items on the screen, and what connections do they share?” Allow for several moments of initial thought and answers. Inform students of the advertisements. Introduce the topic of advertising by asking students what they believe the purpose of advertisements is. Have students copy down key points from PowerPoint Presentation discussing elements of advertising (topic, meaning, slogan, bias), advertising techniques, and how they affect the human mind. Sample advertisements for students range from ancient Greece and Rome, Renaissance, and Present Day Students will be asked to discuss what they believe critical thinking is, and why is it important. Activity: Have students gather in their rows to analyze and discuss one of 4 advertisements – each from a different time period. Groups will share their answers after 4 advertisements have been rotated through each group once. Assessment For the first lesson, student participation in group discussion will be the method of assessment. Accommodations This unit is sensitive to visual/audial learners, therefore lecture and discussions will stem from PowerPoint and primary source advertisements. Copies of the slideshow are available upon request for students who require assistance. Contribution to Culminating Activity Students will develop an understanding of the earliest forms of advertisements had an impact on the society of their time, and how they have grown over time. Students will be introduced to the different advertisement techniques intended and used to captivate audiences. Lesson #2 – Print Media Advertising Time: 3 Periods – 3 ¾ Hours Topics: Knowledge, Skills, Concepts Students will apply their critical thinking skills in order to analyze a wide variety of advertisements found in different forms of print media; newspapers, magazines, billboards Students will investigate controversial social issues in advertising which have had an impact on our society Students will create an artistic collage displaying four types of advertising techniques found in magazines, newspapers, flyers Teaching Approach and Activity Teacher will give each student a handout – The Importance of Critical Thought Hook: “IMAGINE a society where everyone believed what they were told. A society where public opinion is not respected.” Each student would be asked why they feel having an informed personal opinion matters to them. Students will be reminded to think critically throughout the unit, course, and through life. Students will gather into groups of 5 or 6. Each member will browse through a magazine or newspaper and select 4 advertisements each. Students will make notes of the advertisement’s topic, message, and how that message is conveyed to the reader. Students are encouraged to incorporate their opinion on the articles Are these advertisements ethical? Who do you think benefits from the advertisement? Why? Group members will discuss their conclusions and findings. Each student is then encouraged to bring their own newspaper or magazine to class for Day 3 of Lesson 1 (Thursday of Week 1). Day 2: Hook – Students will arrive to class with a copy of a different tobacco advertisement taped to their desk. Students will receive will take notes using a summary handout and a PowerPoint presentation discussing the history of Tobacco and Cigarette brand advertisements in Canada Assessment Day 3: Assessment – Students will bring in their own newspapers and/or magazines to create a collage which demonstrates their understanding of four advertisement techniques. Teacher will supply extra newspapers and magazines for class. Accomodations For students with different learning abilities, a detailed summary of the notes will be distributed amongst the class for clarification and study purposes Students who are visual learners will benefit from PowerPoint slideshow presentations, as well as the Collage activity to demonstrate their understanding of advertisement techniques. Copies of the slideshow are available upon request for students who require assistance. Contribution to Culminating Activity Students will analyze different sources of print media to determine and question how advertisement agencies use techniques found in print media – newspapers and magazines. Students will also discuss ethics in advertising. Lesson #3 – Radio and Television Advertisements Time: 2 Periods – 2 ½ Hours Topic: Knowledge, Concepts, Skills Students will understand and reflect upon the history of advertisements in radio and television Students will identify topic, message, and meaning of a sample of various radio and television advertisements to critique how that message is conveyed and the effect it would have on the audience. Students will also identify what appeals to a person’s impulse and evaluate what constitutes a smart consumer Students will critique a radio or a television commercial of their choosing and to the teacher’s discretion Teaching Approach and Activity Encourage to students that in an informed opinion, there are no real wrong answers. A DVD disc of selected recorded historical and present day radio and television commercial advertisements will be played in the classroom. Students will discuss how radio and television advertisements differ from printed advertisements – Do they have the same effect on the audience? How do you know? In relation to current events, students will evaluate advertisements dealing with the Canadian Federal Election, advertisements belonging to Oil Companies and their Alternative Energy counterparts Students will be encouraged to think about how the tone of advertisements has changed over time. Students will be provided with a period in the Computer Lab to complete their assessment. Assessment Students will be given a computer period to browse radio and television advertisements at their leisure. After 30 minutes of browsing and comparing amongst neighbours, students have the remainder of the period to select their own commercial of their choice and to critique how it gets its message across. Student responses are to be 1 ½ to 2 pages in length at most – typed and double spaced – and is to be submitted to their Reflection Portfolio, due the following day. Accommodations This activity has been created to appeal to different styles of learners. For those who have difficulty writing, the option of completing this personal response at home is available. Copies of the slideshow are available upon request for students who require assistance. Contribution to Culminating Activity Students will evaluate the differences between print media advertising, and radio and television advertisements to compare the different effects each has on the media. Lesson #4 Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Social Media Time: 2 Periods – 2 ½ Hours Topics: Knowledge, Concept, Skills Students will evaluate the intentions and purposes of different social media outlets. Students will analyze the use of various social media outlets by our society, identifying pros and cons Students will discuss and critique changes to society which have been created by Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter Teaching Approach and Activity Hook: On PowerPoint, show screenshots of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Engage students in discussion about the purpose of these tools. What do the students use them for? Student answers will revolve around entertainment interests and values. Aside from an entertainment purpose, have these ‘tools’ been beneficial in our society? Show screenshot of President Obama, North African and Middle Eastern Revolution – What do these pictures have in common? Discuss how the access to internet and the availability of cellphones and computers make it easier to reach the Global community – Marshall McLuhan’s Idea of a Global Village, and Electronic Independence Play YouTube videos of Egyptian Revolution and Obama Campaign advertisement – how have these videos, and videos similar in their nature, affected our society? Bring students back to social media and entertainment – Show viral video examples of the ‘E-Trade Baby’, DIRECTV Advertisement, and British Animal Voiceovers – discuss effect on society by these videos and other videos alike Day 2: Misuse in Social Media – What are some of the dangers of social media? On PowerPoint, bring up newspaper articles related to cyber-bullying and criminal activity which have been posted on Facebook, Twitter, or uploaded to YouTube. Bring in a representative from the local Police Department’s Technological Crime Unit to discuss internet safety, responsibility, and ethics. Assessment Students will compose a journal piece, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of social media, and their personal opinion on how to properly use social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube – to be completed and submitted to Reflection Portfolio Accomodations For those who have difficulty writing, the option of completing this personal response at home is available. Copies of the slideshow are available upon request for students who require assistance. Contribution to Culminating Activity Students will understand that in the advent of social media, information and ideas and its discussion can be reached to people further than television. Students will also learn about internet responsibility and ethics. Lesson #5 Mobile Advertising Time: 2 ½ Periods – 115 Minutes Topic: Knowledge, Concept, Skills Students will identify and compare how advertisements have changed over time, from basic newspaper advertisements to text message advertising and smartphone applications Students will analyze how society has been affected by mobile advertising, and project how it would it may affect businesses and marketing companies in the future. Using ideas from previous discussions, students will comment on how they feel about how the advertising companies have used the advancements in communication technology to their advantage. What kind of future are we creating for our society? Is it right? Is it ethical? Teaching Approach and Activity In this lesson, students will watch a half hour YouTube video on the effectiveness of Multimedia Mobile Advertising, as well as take a Field Trip to a Marketing and Advertisement Agency in Toronto, Ontario. Day 1 Hook: Take a poll “Show of hands, who has a cellphone? Of those hands, which of you has a Blackberry, iPhone, or Android smartphone?” Explain to class that they have already have experience with mobile advertising. On PowerPoint show presentation that discusses the basics of what Mobile Advertising is, and show a list of examples of Mobile Advertising – ex. Famous Players Movie Theatres, Starbucks, TV Guide, Adidas Online Store Show “How effective is Multimedia Mobile Advertising?” YouTube Video – panel of Marketing Analysts from Yahoo, Best Buy, CNN, Group M, and Future Platforms, discussing how they use Mobile Advertising and projecting how they see themselves using it in a growing society in the coming decade Inform students of the business jargon used in the video – if there are questions, the video can be paused Day 2: Students will be taken on a field trip to a Toronto advertisement and marketing agency, and a sight-seeing tour of downtown Toronto. Day 3: Brief discussion with students about the videos shown, and their class trip – What did you learn from our tours in Toronto? How can you apply it to this unit? What kind of future are we creating for our society? How do you see our world changing with the increasing developments in communication technology? Thinking about some of the big issues facing our society, will these changes in communication technology benefit or weaken our society? Will these advancements in technology and advertising affect our interpersonal skills? Before students write a reflection about these discussion questions and their field trip, show videos from the Ericson Shaping Ideas 2020 YouTube Channel Jeffrey Cole “Advertising” and Will Steffen “Transform or Collapse”. Assessment Student will be assessed in this lesson by their participation in discussions, and a reflection of what they have learned about mobile advertising, social media, and how it will shape our society in the coming decade and beyond. It will be submitted to the student Reflection Portfolio. Accomodation Students with hearing or sight difficulties are encouraged to move closer to the front of the class. In this discussion type class, students will be provided with a handout summarizing the basic points of mobile advertising for clarification. Students requiring special assistance on field trip will be accommodated, i.e. Wheelchair accessibility. Contribution to Culminating Activity Students will learn firsthand how to organize and produce different types of advertisements for different forms of media. Students will be shown how to target their audience when creating media advertisements of their own. Students will witness how advertisements affect one of Canada’s largest cultural centres of Metro Toronto. Unit Plan Resources Barack Obama 2008 Campaign Advertisement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaU3fjVAFbE&feature=related Cable News Network – Egyptian Revolution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qCNgrnhZFA DirecTV Advertisement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vHT6b7u1_Y E-Trade Online Investment Advertisement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0GsNhLt9Ds Ericsson Shaping Ideas 2020 – Jeffrey Cole Advertising http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx3hL7yhW9k Ericsson Shaping Ideas 2020 – Will Steffen Transform or Collapse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtIvh-UVaTs&feature=relmfu Mobile World Congress 2011 – How Effective is Mobile Advertising? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMq4uucbtCA Reuters News Media – NATO No Fly Zone Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-cAU68Dkcg Milner, J.O., & Milner, L.F.M. (2008). Teaching Activity: Exploring Common Ground. In Bridging English. (4th Edition) (Figure 12-1, p. 882). New Jersey: Pearson. Ontario Ministry of Education (2007). The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English. 2007. Toronto: Queen’s Printer for Ontario. Various Newspapers Titles – The Hamilton Spectator, Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, New York Times Various Magazine Titles – Vogue, Gentleman’s Quarterly, Seventeen, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated Advertising Techniques Found in the Media Student Handout Bandwagon – advertisements that reassure that "everybody else is doing it." Plain Folks – advertisements that use regular people or widespread ideas in which everyone can relate to. The implication that "users of this product are just like you." Scientific- uses medical technology, statistics and facts to appeal to consumers Name-calling -- stereotyping people or ideas. o men like car ads/magazines while women like fashion and makeup ads/magazines Glittering generalities -- using "good" labels and accepted ideas that are unsupported by facts (ex. patriotism, beauty) o Generality : “ because that’s what men do” Testimonial – A celebrity endorses a product Snob appeal -- the implication that only the richest, smartest, beautiful and most important people use the product Lottery – With purchase of the product, consumers get free items or the chance to win a prize, trip etc. Heart- string- Appeals to a person’s emotions to get a response from them. (guilt, empathy, sadness) Unit 2: Advertising and the Media Imagine for a few moments that you and your team of co-workers have just come out of a meeting with (fictional) Ethical Products Inc., one the fastest growing companies in Canada with Ethical standards. They have signed you and your team to a substantial contract to create a new advertisement for a brand new product they have decided to launch on the market. How are you going to ensure that this product is competitive? Will it be successful in bringing in revenue for the company? Is popular with your target consumers? In this final assignment, you and your group members will decide what that ethical product is, create an advertisement for it, and present that product to the class in an Advertisement Fair. Your advertisement may be intended for a newspaper or magazine, radio or television, or even a webpage. Presentation method should be discussed first with the teacher – audio recordings, videotaping, posters, and dramatic presentations are acceptable. Along with your advertisement, create a flyer which describes what your product is, what makes it ethical, how it will benefit consumer, and its cost. Create a written report which outlines what you learned about producing and creating a fictional advertisement. *Important* You and your team should ask yourselves, what advertising technique is important for promoting a product with ethical standards? Plan ahead – what materials will you need to create your advertisement? What will you need to present in class? Group Members: 3-4 Time Length: 3-5 Minutes This assignment is fully up to you. Be creative and energetic, but be PROFESSIONAL! Enjoy! Oral Presentation Rubric : Advertisement Presentation Rubric Teacher Name: Mr. S. Galvin Group Members: ________________________________________ CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to understanding of understanding of understanding of understand the the topic. the topic. parts of the topic. topic very well. Props Group uses several props (could include costume) that show considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better. Group uses 1 prop that shows considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better. Group uses 1 prop which makes the presentation better. The group uses no props OR the props chosen detract from the presentation. Preparedness Group is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. Group seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. The group is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking. Group does not seem at all prepared to present. Enthusiasm Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm, but seem somewhat faked. Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Did not generate much interest in topic being presented. Time-Limit Presentation is 5 minutes long. Presentation is 4 minutes long. Presentation is 3 Presentation is minutes long. less than 3 minutes OR more than 5 minutes. Making A Brochure : Ethical Product Brochure and Written Summation Teacher Name: Mr. S. Galvin Group Members: ________________________________________ CATEGORY 4 3 Attractiveness & Organization The brochure has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information. The brochure has The brochure has attractive well-organized formatting and information. well-organized information. Spelling & Proofreading No spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. No more than 1 spelling error remains after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. No more than 3 Several spelling spelling errors errors in the remain after one brochure. person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. Writing Mechanics Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the brochure. Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the brochure after feedback from an adult. There are 1-2 capitalization and/or punctuation errors in the brochure even after feedback from an adult. There are several capitalization or punctuation errors in the brochure even after feedback from an adult. Graphics go well with the text, but there are so many that they distract from the text. Graphics go well with the text, but there are too few and the brochure seems "textheavy". Graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen. Graphics/Pictures Graphics go well with the text and there is a good mix of text and graphics. 2 1 The brochure's formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader.