File - New Growth Family Centre Inc.

Information About Attention Deficit
for Parents, Caregivers.
Presented by
Aletha McArthur, OCT
Special Education & Behaviour Specialist
Founder of New Growth Family Centre Inc.
Session 1
Is it real ?
ADHD Symptoms
Neurological Condition
Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Facts About ADHD
ADHD is one of the most common
neurobehavioral disorders of childhood. It
is usually first diagnosed in childhood and
lasts into adulthood. Children with ADHD have
trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive
behaviors (may act without thinking about
what the result will be), and in some cases,
are overly active.
Is always a consideration with RAD
(Reactive Attachment Disorder),
Trauma History, Neglect, Abuse and
FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder). Family Issues.
Signs and Symptoms
It is normal for children to have
trouble focusing and behaving at one
time or another. However, children
with ADHD do not just grow out of
these behaviors. The symptoms
continue and can cause difficulty at
school, at home, and in group settings.
They actually get worse in school.
A child with ADHD might:
•daydream a lot
•have a hard time paying attention
•not seem to listen
•be easily distracted from schoolwork or play
•forget things
•be in constant motion or unable to stay seated
•squirm or fidget
•talk too much
•not be able to play quietly
•act and speak without thinking
•have trouble taking turns
•interrupt others
What does it look like ?
Watch our Video: ADHD What does it look like ?
ADHD Symptoms: Inattention
The main symptom of ADHD is the inability to pay
attention. Kids may have trouble listening to a
speaker, following directions, finishing tasks, or
keeping track of personal items. They may
daydream often and make careless mistakes.
Children with ADHD tend to avoid activities that
require sustained concentration or that they do not
choose, or that is new to them
ADHD Symptoms: Hyperactivity
Another component of ADHD is the inability to sit
still. Children may run and climb on things
constantly, even when indoors. When they are
seated, they tend to squirm, fidget, or bounce.
Some kids with ADHD talk excessively and find it
difficult to play quietly and independently.
ADHD Symptoms: Impulsiveness
A third symptom is impulsiveness – cutting in line,
interrupting others, or blurting out answers before
the question is asked. This aspect of ADHD makes it
difficult for children to wait their turn or think
before they act. They can also deny doing
something that you actually witnessed them doing
moments ago.
Causes of ADHD
Children with ADHD have less activity in areas of
the brain that control attention. They may also have
imbalances in brain chemicals called
neurotransmitters. It's unclear what causes these
irregularities, but ADHD runs in families, so many
experts believe genetics play a role. Recent
research has identified a gene indicating ADHD.
Environmental causes of
ADHD Symptoms.
Lack of sleep
Lack of water
Nutritional deficits
Chemical additives
Unrecognized learning problems
How does it affect the
family ?
ADHD's Impact on Daily Life
Without treatment, ADHD can affect a child's
development socially and academically. The inability
to focus often leads to poor performance in school.
Kids who interrupt or cut in line may have trouble
making and keeping friends. These setbacks can lead
to low self-esteem and risky behaviors. ADHD also
increases the risk of childhood depression and
anxiety disorders.
Why does it get worse
at school ?
Requirements for Learning in groups.
* Waiting
* Not talking
* Assigned tasks
* Responding to adult direction
* Changing activity
* Listening and following directions
* Coping with noise and distraction
* Number of children in group
Will it go away ?
Will my child grow out
of it ?
Input = Positive Outcomes
** Learning skills
** Healthy habits
** Self awareness
Input = Positive Outcomes
** Social skills
** Activities, “edgy” sports focus
** Communication skills
** Goals and Career choices
** Job Skills
** Money Management
Input = Positive Outcomes
** Healthy
** Active “edgy” Experiences
** Balanced Life
** Fitting Career Choice
Where do I get
information ?
Web Site for resources.