Toward Privacy in Public Databases

Towards Privacy in Public Databases
Shuchi Chawla, Cynthia Dwork,
Frank McSherry, Adam Smith,
Larry Stockmeyer, Hoeteck Wee
Work Done at Microsoft Research
Database Privacy
 Think “Census”
Individuals provide information
Census Bureau publishes sanitized records
Privacy is legally mandated; what utility can we achieve?
 Inherent Privacy vs Utility tension
One extreme – complete privacy; no information
Other extreme – complete information; no privacy
 Goals:
Find a middle path
Change the nature of discourse
preserve macroscopic properties
“disguise” individual identifying information
Establish framework for meaningful comparison of techniques
 Definitions
privacy, defined in the breach
sanitization requirements
utility goals
 Example: Recursive Histogram Sanitizations
description of technique
a robust proof of privacy
 Example: “Round” Sanitizations
nice learning properties
privacy via cross-training
 Setting the Real World Context
dealing with auxiliary information
 Definitions
privacy, defined in the breach
sanitization requirements
utility goals
 Example: Recursive Histogram Sanitizations
description of technique
a robust proof of privacy
 Example: “Round” Sanitizations
nice learning properties
privacy via cross-training
 Setting the Real World Context
dealing with auxiliary information
What do WE mean by privacy?
 [Ruth Gavison] Protection from being brought to
the attention of others
inherently valuable
attention invites further privacy loss
 Privacy is assured to the extent that one blends
in with the crowd
 Appealing definition; can be converted into a
precise mathematical statement…
A geometric view
 Abstraction:
Database consists of points in high dimensional space Rd
Points are unlabeled
you are your collection of attributes
Distance is everything
points are more similar if and only if they are closer
 Real Database (RDB), private
n unlabeled points in d-dimensional space
think of d as number of sensitive attributes
 Sanitized Database (SDB), public
n’ new points, possibly in a different space
The adversary or Isolator - Intuition
 On input SDB and auxiliary information,
adversary outputs a point q  Rd
 q “isolates” a real DB point x, if it is much
closer to x than to x’s near neighbors
q fails to isolate x if q looks roughly as much like
everyone in x’s neighborhood as it looks like x
Tightly clustered points have a smaller radius of
(c,T)-Isolation – the definition
 I(SDB,aux) = q
 x is (c,T)-isolated if B(q,cd) contains fewer than T
other points from RDB
c – privacy parameter; eg, 4
Requirements for the sanitizer
 No way of obtaining privacy if AUX already reveals too much!
 Sanitization procedure compromises privacy if
giving the adversary access to the SDB
considerably increases its probability of success
 Definition of “considerably” can be forgiving
 Formally, quantify over distributions, adversaries, choice of
database, auxiliary information:
 D  I  I’ w.h.p. D  aux
x |Pr[I(SDB,aux) isolates x] – Pr[I’(aux) isolates x]| is small
probabilities over choices made by sanitizer and I, I’
Provides a framework for describing the power of a sanitization
method, and hence for comparisons
Aux is going to cause trouble. Ignore it for now.
Utility Goals
 Pointwise proofs of specific utilities
averages, medians, clusters, regressions,…
 Prove there is a large class of interesting
utilities for which there are good
approximation procedures using sanitized
 Definitions
privacy, defined in the breach
sanitization requirements
utility goals
 Example: Recursive Histogram Sanitizations
description of technique
a robust proof of privacy
 Example: “Round” Sanitizations
nice learning properties
privacy via cross-training
 Setting the Real World Context
dealing with auxiliary information
Recursive Histogram Sanitization
 U = d-dim cube, side = 2
 Cut into 2d subcubes
split along each axis
subcube has side = 1
 For each subcube
if number of RDB points > 2T
then recurse
 Output: list of cells and counts
Recursive Histogram Sanitization
 Theorem: 9c s.t. if n points are drawn
uniformly from U, then recursive histogram
sanitizations are safe with respect to
c-isolation: Pr[I(SDB) succeeds] · exp(-d).
Safety of Recursive Histogram Sanitization
 Rough Intuition
Expected distance ||q-x|| is ≈ diameter of cell.
Distances tightly concentrated around mean.
Multiplying radius by c captures almost all the
parent cell - contains at least 2T points.
For Very Large Values of n
 Wlog can switch to ball adversaries: (q,r)
I wins if B(q,r) contains at least one RDB point and
B(q,cr) contains fewer than T RDB points
 Define a probability density f(x) that
captures adversary’s view of the RDB
To win with probability , I needs:
Prf[B(q,r)] ¸ /n
Prf[B(q,cr)] · (2T + O(log -1))/n
Prf[B(q,r)]/Prf[B(q,cr)] ¸ /(2T + O(log -1))
 Bound  by bounding ratio, · 2-d,  < 1
 f(x) = (nC/n) (1 / Vol(C))
fraction of RDB points landing in cell C, spread
uniformly within C
 If r is sufficiently small, the bigger ball
captures exp(d) more mass in each subcube
than does the smaller ball
 < 2-(d)
 f(x) = (nC/n) (1 / Vol(C))
fraction of RDB points landing in cell C, spread
uniformly within C
 If r is sufficiently small, the bigger ball
captures exp(d) more mass in each subcube
than does the smaller ball
 If r is large, the small ball captures nothing
or the bigger ball captures parent cube
 Either way isolation cannot occur (c = 16)
Proof is Very Robust
 Extends to many interesting cases
non-uniform but bounded-ratio density fns
isolator knows constant fraction of attribute vals
isolator knows lots of RDB points
isolation in few attributes
very weak bounds
 Can be adapted to “round” distributions
balls, spheres, mixtures of Gaussians,
with effort; [work in progress w/ K. Talwar]
 More General Distributions
“good” islands in a sea of zero probability
 Definitions
privacy, defined in the breach
sanitization requirements
utility goals
 Example: Recursive Histogram Sanitizations
description of technique
a robust proof of privacy
 Example: “Round” Sanitizations
nice learning properties
privacy via cross-training
 Setting the Real World Context
dealing with auxiliary information
Round Sanitizations
 The privacy of x is linked to its T-radius
 Randomly perturb it in proportion to its T-radius
 x’ = San(x) R B(x,T-rad(x))
alternatively: S(x, T-rad(x)) or d-dim Gaussian
 Intuition:
We are blending x in with its crowd
We are adding to x random noise with mean zero,
so several macroscopic properties should be
Nice Learning Properties
 Known algorithm for learning mixtures of
Gaussians works for clustering sanitized
Gaussian data
Original distribution (mixture of Gaussians) is recovered
Technical issue: added noise is a function of the data
Subject of another talk
 Diameter increases by at most x3 when finding
k clusters minimizing the largest diameter
Privacy for n Sanitized Points?
 Given n-1 points in the clear, the probability
of isolating the nth is O(exp(-d))
 Intuition for extension to n points is wrong!
Privacy of xn given xn’ and all the other points in
the clear does not imply privacy of xn given xn’ and
sanitizations of others!
Sanitization of other points reveals information
about xn
Worry is for safety of the reference point (the
neighbor defining the T-radius), not the principal
Combining the Two Sanitizations
 Partition RDB into two sets A and B
 Cross-training
Compute histogram sanitization for B
v 2 A: v = f(side length of C containing v)
Output GSan(v, v)
Cross-Training Privacy
 Privacy for B: only histogram information
about B is used
 Privacy for A: enough variance for enough
coordinates of v, even given C containing v
and sanitization v’ of v.
current proof works only for |A| = 2o(d)
Additional Results*
 Impossibility Results
9 interesting utilities that have no sanitization protecting
against isolation (cf. SFE)
Impossibility of all-purpose sanitizers
There is always a choice of aux that defeats a certain natural
version of privacy
Contrived, but places a limit on what can be proved
Poly-time bounded adversary? Connection to obfuscation.
 Utility
Exploit literature on power of randomized histograms for
algorithms for data streams (eg, Indyk)
with assorted collaborators, eg, N, N, S, T
 Definitions
privacy, defined in the breach
sanitization requirements
utility goals
 Example: Recursive Histogram Sanitizations
description of technique
a robust proof of privacy
 Example: “Round” Sanitizations
nice learning properties
privacy via cross-training
 Setting the Real World Context
dealing with auxiliary information
A Standard Technique: Cell Suppression
 Gestalt: Tabular Data (many, possibly linked, tables)
entries are cells
frequency (count) data
magnitude data (income, sales, etc.)
 Disclosure = small counts
Provides key for population unique, or almost-unique
Can be used as a key into a different database
 Enormous literature on suppressing “safely”
Connection to Our Definitions
 Protection against isolation yields protection
against learning a key for a population unique
isolation on a subspace does not imply isolation in
the full-dimensional space …
… but aux may contain other DBs that can be
queried to learn remaining attributes
definition mandates protection against all possible aux
satisfy def ) can’t learn key
Connection to Our Definitions
 Seems very hard to provide good
sanitization in the presence of arbitrary aux
Provably impossible in general
Anyway, can probably already isolate people
based solely on aux
Suggests we need to control aux
 How should we redesign the world?
Two Tools
 Secure Function Evaluation [Yao, GMW]
Technique permitting Alice, Bob, Carol, and their
friends to collaboratively compute a function f of
their private inputs  =f(a,b,c,…).
eg,  = sum(a,b,c, …)
Each player learns only what can be deduced from 
and her own input to f
 SuLQ databases [Dwork, Nissim]
Provably preserves privacy of attributes when the
rows of the database are mutually independent
Powerful [DwNi; Blum, Dwork, McSherry, Nissim]
Statistical Database
Database DB
Row distribution
D (D1,D2,…,Dn)
d attributes
n persons
0 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1
0 0 1
1 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 0 1
0 0 1 0 1
Query (S, f)
S  [n]
Exact Answer
rS f(row r)
f : {0,1}d {0,1}
Sub-Linear Query (SuLQ) Databases
If the number of queries is << n, then privacy can be
protected with little noise (per query):
E(noise) = 0; standard dev << √n
Much less than sampling error!
d attributes
n persons
0 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1
0 0 1
1 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 0 1
0 0 1 0 1
+ noise
Our Data, Ourselves
 Individuals maintain their own data records
join a DB by setting an appropriate attribute
0 4 6 3 … 1 0 …
 Statistical queries via a SFE(SuLQ)
privacy of SuLQ query ) this SFE is “safe”
 Individuals ensure
data take part in sufficiently few queries
sufficient random noise is added
 Definitions
defined isolation and sanitization
 Recursive Histogram Sanitizations
described approach and sketched a robust proof of privacy
for a special distribution
proof exploits high dimensionality (# columns)
 Sanitization via perturbations
utility and privacy via cross-training
 Setting the Real World Context
discussed a radical view of how data might be organized to
prevent a powerful class of attacks based on auxiliary data
SuLQ tool exploits large membership (# rows)
Larry Joseph Stockmeyer
November 13, 1948 - July 31, 2004
Larry Stockmeyer Commemoration
May 21-22, 2005
Baltimore, Maryland
(in conjunction with STOC 2005)
May 21:,
Tutorial by Nick Pippenger (Princeton) on some of
Stockmeyer's fundamental results in complexity theory
Lectures by Miki Ajtai (IBM), Anne Condon (UBC),
Cynthia Dwork (Microsoft), Richard Karp (UC Berkeley),
Albert Meyer (MIT), and Chris Umans (CalTech).
Some time will be reserved for personal remarks. Contact
Cynthia Dwork if you want to participate in this part of the
May 22: Lance Fortnow gives first keynote address to STOC.