NGER Audit Framework * 2013-14

NGER audit framework – 2013-14
Luke Scott, Manager, Scheme Audit and Assurance
GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 26011300 553 542
Maturing NGER audit framework
2010- Auditor registration
2011- Pilot NGER audits
2012- PEC, JCP, CFI audits
2013 – Liable entity report audits
2014 – Auditor review and inspection
Major achievement 2013
first liable entity report audits completed
commenced auditor review program
surpassed 200 registered greenhouse and energy auditors
over 850 audits under the NGER Audit Framework
update of Audit Determination Handbook
bedding down audits under the CFI, and
increased audit specific outreach activities
GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 26011300 553 542
520 audits received in 2013
Pre-submission liable entity audits
100% of required liable entities submitted audits
29% of other liable entities provided voluntary audits
98.6% of liable emissions audited
193/200 audit reports had a clean opinion
no adverse audit opinions, and
regulator initiated audits to provide assurance over unaudited emissions
GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 26011300 553 542
Some points from liable entity audits
inadequate justification of decisions made
lack of sufficient auditable evidence
incorrect methodology criterion applied
operational control, including treatment of contractors
non-reporting of minor emission sources
non-calibration of meters or equipment, and
minor calculation or input errors (transcription, incorrect conversion factors etc)
Auditor feedback (liable entity report audits)
The Clean Energy Regulator thought you covered the following well:
use of templates in Audit Handbook
application of ASAE 3410, and
definitive findings and conclusion
Auditor feedback (liable entity audits)
However, some aspects could be improved for future audits, in particular:
address of the audited body not included in Part A
Part B of the audit report not signed
key risks and rational for decisions not included in Part B
summary of procedures lacked the detail required and not tailored to each individual
peer reviewer lacked appropriate assurance experience
auditor engaged late (question if risks appropriately addressed), and
excessive wording undermined confidence in opinion given
GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 26011300 553 542
2012/13 NGER audit program
45 audits completed
no incidences of fraud or deliberate non-compliance
11% of total reported scope 1 emissions audited
0.5% quantifiable scope 1 errors
11 audit firms engaged, and
main issues identified related to record keeping and/or justification of decisions.
NGER reporting – 2012-13 reporting year
Data integrity around:
industry sector ANZSIC codes
matters to be identified (MTBI), and
source information.
Emissions and energy data:
a number of reporters did not report natural gas use and supply according to the
issues raised in audits
energy and emissions factors
inconsistency in electricity data, and
for landfill facilities it is important that only non-legacy emissions are included in the
facility’s liable emissions.
Changes – 2013-14 reporting year
Streamlining changes for the 2013-13 reporting year include:
reporting uncertainty
reporting immaterial amounts
availability of methods
last reporting year for VIPPs, and
reporting percentages and incidental emissions
GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 26011300 553 542
Audits under Carbon Farming Initiative
72 audits received during 2013
» 90 audits in total
3 qualified audits
» From 2 project proponents
15 audit team leaders from 17 audit firms involved
several joint venture audit combinations
GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 26011300 553 542
CFI audits by methodology
Auditor feedback (CFI Audits)
The Clean Energy Regulator thought you covered the following well:
use of multi-disciplinary teams
explanations of issues identified
identification of errors prior to finalising audits, and
responsive to Clean Energy Regulator feedback
Auditor feedback (CFI audits)
However, some aspects could be improved for future audits, in particular:
audit scope (refer to Audit Handbook)
clear, concise, transparent audit reports
excessive wording undermined confidence in opinion given
concerns that Project Proponents influencing audit scope/procedures, and
peer reviewer lacked appropriate assurance experience
GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 26011300 553 542
Audits for JCP and PEC
16 audits of partial exemption certificate applications under Renewable Energy Target
(173 applications)
applicants utilising JCP audits for PEC applications
unsure what requirements will be for 2014/15, and
templates and guidance now in audit handbook
2014 What’s ahead
second year of liable entity audit
2013/14 NGER audit program
potential tender for audit panel
implementation of auditor inspection program
minor update of audit determination handbook, and
implementing updated ASAE 3000
GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 26011300 553 542
Priorities for 2014
clear, concise, transparent audit reports
professional scepticism / depth of analysis, and
use of other auditors and experts (including peer reviewer)
GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 26011300 553 542