Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Human Development
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Human Development
Developmental Psychology
The goal of developmental psychology is to understand all the factors that influence human development from conception to death.
Developmental psychologists have made much progress by devising increasingly careful and sensitive ways to measure behavioral abilities.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Module 10.1
Getting Started: From Genetics Through Infancy
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genes and Behavior
Monozygotic , or identical, twins develop from a single fertilized egg and have identical genes.
Dyzygotic , or fraternal, twins develop from two eggs and share only half of their genes, like any other sibling set.
Studying sets of twins is a useful and informative way to know more about the influence of genes on behavior.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genes and Behavior
From twin studies and other genetic research we know that genetic factors have a substantial influence on many aspects of psychology. But we still don’t know exactly:
How genes shape mental processes and behavior
How much influence genes actually have
Which aspects of the environment are most important in influencing psychological processes
How do genes and environment work together to shape mental processes and behavior?
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Most animal and plant cells contain a nucleus with hereditary material – instructions in the form of strands called chromosomes.
Humans have 46 chromosomes – 23 pairs – in every body cell except for the sex cells. Sperm and ova each contain 23 unpaired chromosomes that unite at conception.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
The genes that form the sections of the chromosomes control the chemical reactions that direct an individual organism’s development.
Genes control protein production in order to produce specific characteristics – a specific group of genes will exert a large influence over height, weight, or eye color.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Figure 10.3
Genes are sections of chromosomes in the nuclei of cells
(scale is exaggerated for illustration purposes).
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
The genes that form the sections of the chromosomes control the chemical reactions that direct an individual organism’s development.
Genes control protein production in order to produce specific characteristics – a specific group of genes will exert a large influence over height, weight, or eye color.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Genes are composed of DNA, special chemicals that control the production of RNA. RNA in turn controls the production of proteins.
The proteins either become part of the individual’s body, or control the rate of chemical reactions in the body.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Cells that contained paired chromosomes also contain paired genes.
If both genes of a pair are identical, the individual has received a homozygous pair .
If the genes are different, the individual is heterozygous for that trait.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
If an individual receives one gene for wavy hair and another for straight hair, that individual’s hair will be straight.
The gene for wavy hair is a dominant gene . It is referred to as dominant because it will exert its effects even if the inheriting individual is heterozygous for the gene.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
A recessive gene will only show its effects in the homozygous condition. You must receive a gene for blue eyes from both parents in order to develop blue eyes.
The gene for blue eye color is a recessive gene.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
An individual who is homozygous for a trait will always pass the dominant gene on to any offspring.
An individual who is heterozygous for a trait may pass either the dominant or recessive gene on to the next generation.
It is possible for parents who are heterozygous for a dominant trait to each pass a recessive gene to their child, who will then be homozygous for the recessive trait.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Concept Check:
If you are wavy-haired but your brother has straight hair, are you homozygous or heterozygous for that trait, or is it impossible to say without looking at your genes?
It is impossible to say without genetic testing.
You could be homozygous or heterozygous dominant.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Concept Check:
What about your brother? What type of gene pair did he inherit?
Your brother must be homozygous recessive.
Recessive genes only exert influence in the homozygous condition.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Concept Check:
If both parents have blue eyes, what can we predict about their children?
Their children will have blue eyes too.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Sex-linked genes
The sex chromosomes determine whether an individual will become a male or female.
There are two types of sex chromosomes, called X and
Females receive an X from each parent; males receive an X from mother and a Y from father.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Sex-linked genes
Genes that are on the X-chromosome are called sexlinked genes.
The influence of these genes is seen more often in men than in women.
An example of such a trait is the disease hemophilia.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Figure 10.7
Why males are more likely than females to be colorblind.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Sex-linked genes
A man may have the gene on his X-chromosome. There is no gene on the Y, and so the trait manifests.
A woman is much more likely to receive the dominant gene for normal blood clotting on one of her Xchromosomes, and not have hemophilia.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Sex-linked versus sex-limited genes
Genes for the secondary sex characteristics (facial hair in men, breast development in women) are present in both sexes, but are activated by the presence of sex hormones.
These are called sex-limited genes .
Behavior differences between the sexes (such as the tendency for males to be more aggressive) are thought to be influenced by sex-limited genes.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Concept Check:
A man who is colorblind marries a woman who is homozygous dominant for normal color vision. What is the likely outcome for any children they might have?
None of their children will be colorblind.
The daughters of the union will be carriers of the condition.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Genetic screening
Genetic diseases have been of great concern.
Technology now allows us to identify and localize genes that cause such diseases.
Some examples of these are:
Alzheimer’s Disease
Huntington’s Disease
There are many others
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Genetic screening
Our ability to do this has led to some interesting ethical questions:
How does knowing this affect an individual’s behavior
(choice to have children, for example)?
Should health insurers be able to know what a person’s genetic make-up is? Would these companies deny coverage based on such knowledge?
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Some traits are easily traced to a single gene.
An example of such a trait is Huntington’s Disease.
There are many others.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
But even traits traced to a single gene may be strongly environmentally influenced.
An example of this kind of gene is PKU. PKU causes profound mental retardation, but only if the affected person’s diet includes foods containing a certain enzyme.
If the person with the PKU gene is kept on a strict diet for the first two decades of life, he will have normal intelligence.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Many characteristics and conditions of interest to psychologists cannot be traced to a single gene.
Mental processes and behaviors develop through complex interactions of the influences of genes and environment.
In the case of traits such as addiction, personality characteristics, and intelligence, it is meaningless to ask if the trait depends solely on heredity or environment.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
The concept of heritability helps us to rephrase the question to make it more useful.
Does a difference in behavior or outcome depend more on differences in genetic make-up or differences in environment?
Heritability is an estimate of the variance in a population that is due solely to heredity. If we could somehow make the environment the same for all individuals, the differences we would see would then be attributable to genetic differences.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Heritability is measured from 0 to 1.
0 means that almost none of the variance in the trait in due to heredity – what religion a person practices has no basis in heredity.
1 signifies that variance in the trait is due entirely to heredity. If you have Huntington’s Disease or not will depend solely on whether you get the gene.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Many researchers have worked on the problem of heritability.
It is difficult to know the exact degree of genetic influence because:
The environment can start to impact an individual right from conception (a mother’s lifestyle and nutrition affect the growing fetus).
Environments are hard to “standardize” or make identical (except in the laboratory, perhaps).
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Evidence suggests that genetic factors contribute to variations in almost all behaviors and processes of interest to psychologists.
But there are good reasons to suspect an overestimation of heritability in many psychological studies because of the difficulties involved in studying humans in their diverse environments.
We need more evidence before we can confidently describe the role of heredity in forming human potential and personality.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Genetic Principles
Some behaviors that have been shown to have a moderate degree of heritability:
Time spent watching TV
Religious devoutness
Dietary preferences
These differences can be traced to biological factors that genes influence (activity levels, digestive chemistry).
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Heredity and the Environment
People believe that if a trait is found to be primarily genetically influenced (heritability = 1) nothing can be done to counteract its effects.
But the example of PKU, described earlier shows that a trait can be entirely under the influence of heredity, and yet also be easily influenced and altered by human intervention.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Fetus and the Newborn
Prenatal Development
The growth and changes that occur before birth are referred to as prenatal development. There are identifiable stages of this period of life.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Fetus and the Newborn
Prenatal development
Zygote Fertilized egg cell
2 to 8 weeks after conception
8 weeks after conception until birth
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Fetus and the Newborn
Prenatal development
Prenatal brain development
By seven weeks the hindbrain and midbrain are developed enough to produce movements.
By 36 weeks those brain structures produce head and eye movements in response to sounds, a sleepwake cycle, and REM sleep.
The cerebral cortex is relatively inactive during this period.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Fetus and the Newborn
Prenatal development
The maternal-fetal connection
Everything that mother consumes reaches the baby through the placenta.
If mother’s nutrition and prenatal care are poor or deficient, baby will also be deprived.
If mother drinks, uses drugs, or smokes, baby will receive these substances, often with serious consequences.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Fetus and the Newborn
Prenatal development
Low-birth weight and premature infants
Small and premature babies have a higher risk of dying in infancy.
They are more likely to have impaired brain development.
Those who survive infancy are at higher risk of behavioral and academic problems during childhood.
Low birth weight may or may not be the cause of these impairments, but it definitely correlates with whatever factors do cause them, if it is not in fact the direct cause.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Fetus and the Newborn
Prenatal development
Fetal alcohol syndrome
If mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy, the baby is likely to be born with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).
FAS is characterized by stunted growth of the head and body, facial, cranial and ear malformations, neurological damage, learning disabilities and mental retardation.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Fetus and the Newborn
Prenatal development
A milder version, called fetal alcohol effects (FAE), has also been noted.
A child with FAE appears normal but has impaired academic skills and mild behavioral problems.
The more alcohol mother drinks, and the longer she continues drinking, the greater the risk to the developing baby.
There is no “safe” level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Fetus and the Newborn
Prenatal development
During prenatal development, growing neurons need persistent excitation to survive.
Alcohol facilitates GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain.
This leads the neurons to “self-destruct”.
Any chemicals that increase activity at inhibitory synapses, such as tranquilizers, anesthetics, and antidepressants, should be avoided.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Fetus and the Newborn
Prenatal development
Maternal smoking
Mother’s smoking also increases the probability that her baby will have health problems.
Smoking (before and after birth) has been associated with an increased risk of SIDS.
Conduct disorder has been found to correlate with mother’s smoking during pregnancy more strongly than with father’s antisocial behavior, SES, lack of supervision, or use of harsh punishment by the parents.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Fetus and the Newborn
Prenatal Development
To maximize the chance of having a healthy baby with an undamaged brain, a pregnant woman should avoid using alcohol, tobacco and other recreational drugs, follow a nutritious diet, receive regular prenatal care, and consult with her health care provider before using any prescription or over-the counter medication.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Concept Check:
Why should a pregnant woman who is being treated for depression with medication stop taking her anti-depressant drugs?
They are likely to cause damage to the developing fetus’ brain by increasing activity at inhibitory synapses.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Behavioral Capacities of the Newborn
Newborns have little muscle control, and exhibit the greatest purposeful movement with their eyes and mouths.
Development proceeds from the head down and from the midline out, and so gradually babies can move their trunks, limbs and fingers.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Behavioral Capacities of the Newborn
Newborns’ vision
Newborns have far from perfect vision, but see far better than was believed just a few generations ago
2-day-infants prefer to look at drawings of human faces.
Infants direct their gaze at the same things that attract adult attention.
As infants gain voluntary control of their arms and legs, and begin to crawl, a fear of heights develops that is almost certainly related to improved depth perception.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Figure 10.12
Infants pay more attention to faces than to other patterns. These results suggest that infants are born with certain visual preferences. (Based on Fantz, 1963)
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Behavioral Capacities of the Newborn
Newborns’ vision
Visual motor coordination develops quickly but must be practiced to continue being improved.
Experiments with kittens suggest that eye movements must be allowed to coordinate with body movements for further development of all visually guided behavior.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Behavioral Capacities of the Newborn
Newborns’ hearing
In general, infants suck more vigorously when they hear sounds that they find stimulating.
Some sounds (such as the human voice) are more stimulating than others.
Most sounds eventually produce a decreased response as the infant becomes habituated to them.
Playing new sounds for an infant will increase responding, and may even result in a dishabituation, or increased responding to previously habituated sounds.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Behavioral Capacities of the Newborn
Newborns’ learning and memory
Infants as young as one month old can discriminate between phonemes.
Infants show a marked preference for their mother’s voice over another woman’s voice.
They showed this preference on the day of their birth, suggesting that they have some memory of her voice from before birth.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Figure 10.13 After 5 minutes of hearing a ba sound, the infant’s sucking habituates.
When a new sound, pa, follows, the sucking rate increases, an indication that infants do hear a difference between the two sounds. (Based on results of Eimas,
Siqueland, Juscyk, & Vigorito, 1971)
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Behavioral Capacities of the Newborn
Newborns’ learning and memory
Older infants (2-3 months old) show ability to learn responses and remember them for days afterwards, such as kicking their legs to make a mobile move.
Nine month olds can learn to press a lever to move a toy train around a track, and can retain this memory for a fairly long time.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Behavioral Capacities of the Newborn
Newborns’ learning and memory
It is not clear if Piaget’s inference is accurate. Infants who are tested differently show signs of having a notion of object permanence earlier than Piaget believed was possible.
Infants seem to have a grasp of physical laws and can distinguish possible from impossible events (at least their reactions seem to indicate that they do.)
They may also have a grasp of simple numerical concepts.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Newborns and Young Infants
There has been a steady advance in our ability to test the development and skills of very young human beings.
It is clear that much more is going on in their brains than they can show us, and than we once thought.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Module 10.2
The Development of Thinking and Reasoning
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Research Designs for Studying Development
There are two types of research design used in studying human development
A cross-sectional study compares groups of individuals of different ages simultaneously.
A longitudinal study follows a single group of individuals as they develop.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Table 10.1 Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Research Designs for Studying Development
Sources of bias in developmental research
Selective attrition , or differential survival, is the increased probability of some kinds of subjects dropping out.
Cohort effects are a form of bias created because groups of contemporaries all have the same experience, knowledge or behaviors.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Concept Check:
Follow-up of a 10-year-long study of a group of adults with infant children who agreed to take parenting classes and job training in exchange for public assistance until gaining employment shows high overall levels of satisfaction.
What type of study is this?
Longitudinal study
What source of bias would be of great concern in this study?
Selective attrition
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Jean Piaget’s Views of Development
Piaget believed that the effect of any experience on a person’s knowledge or thinking depended on the person’s maturity combined with previous experiences.
He began his psychological career administering IQ tests, but found that he was bored with this activity. He was, however, fascinated by the incorrect answers that children would give.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Jean Piaget’s Views of Development
Piaget came to believe that children think differently from adults, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
He believed that children of different cognitive maturity levels react to the same experience very differently.
Piaget used his own extensive observational studies of children to support his conclusions.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
Piaget believed that a child constructs new mental processes as he or she interacts with the environment.
Behavior is based on schemata (singular - schema.)
A schema is an organized way of interacting with objects in the world.
New schemata are added, and old schemata are changed as the child matures.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
Adaptation of old schemata takes place through two processes.
Through assimilation , a person applies an old schema to a new object.
Through accommodation , a person modifies an old schema to fit a new object.
People in all stages switch back and forth between these two strategies, but ultimately cognitive change is accomplished through accommodation.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
The four stages of intellectual development
Birth to 1 years of age
1 to 7 years of age
Concrete Operations 7 to 11 years of age
Formal Operations 11 years of age and older
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
The sensorimotor stage
Piaget called the first stage the sensorimotor stage because at this early age behavior consists primarily of simple motor responses to sensory stimuli.
Examples of these would be the grasping and sucking reflexes.
Piaget believed that infants respond only to what they see and hear, not what they remember or imagine.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
The sensorimotor stage
Object Permanence
Jean Piaget believed that infants lacked a concept of object permanence during the early months of life.
Object permanence is the idea that objects continue to exist even when one cannot see them or otherwise sense them.
According to Piaget, an infant does not know that a hidden object is still there until about 8-9 months of age.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
The Sensorimotor stage
Recent research by Baillergeon suggests that infants 6-8 months old who are tested differently from methods used by Piaget do have a limited ability to understand object permanence.
Baillergeon’s research results suggest that infants can differentiate between possible and physically impossible events.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
The Sensorimotor stage
As infants progress through the sensorimotor stage, they seem to develop a concept of self.
At about 1 year of age, they begin to show signs that they recognize themselves.
They also begin to show self-conscious emotions such as embarrassment.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
The Preoperational stage
Piaget called the second stage of cognitive development the preoperational stage because the child lacks operations .
The term “operations” refers to reversible mental processes.
The lack of operations leads to errors in cognition such as egocentric thinking – the child for example knows that he has a brother, but doesn’t understand that he is his brother’s brother.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
The Preoperational stage
Another example of a concept that preoperational children lack is conservation .
The inability to conserve results in a failure to recognize that changes in shape and arrangement do not always signify changes in amount or number.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Difficulties of Inferring Children’s Concepts
There may be a fundamental weakness in the assumption made by Piaget that a child either “has” or “lacks” a concept.
Concepts develop gradually and may appear using some methods of testing but not others.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Difficulties of Inferring Children’s Concepts
Distinguishing appearance from reality
Do children in the early preoperational stage fail to distinguish appearance from reality?
It’s not entirely clear whether a child’s inability to do so has more to do with lacking a concept or inadequate language skills.
For example children may seem to confuse a rock and a sponge that looks like a rock, but when asked to bring to an adult something to wipe up spilled water, they have no problem identifying the sponge as the correct object for that purpose.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Difficulties of Inferring Children’s Concepts
Understanding other people’s thoughts
Are young children more cognitively egocentric than adults are?
What Piaget meant by this is that a child cannot easily understand the perspectives of other people.
Various experiments show that preschool aged children make errors of thought that are typical of egocentric thinking.
However, adults can make the same mistakes according to other studies.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Figure 10.21 A child sits in front of a screen covering four cups and watches as one adult hides a surprise under one of the cups.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Figure 10.21 A child sits in front of a screen covering four cups and watches as one adult hides a surprise under one of the cups.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Figure 10.21 Then that adult and another (who had not been present initially) point to one of the cups to signal where the surprise is hidden. Many 4-year-olds consistently follow the advice of the informed adult;3-year-olds do not.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Figure 10.22
If an experimenter hides a small toy in a small room and asks a child to find a larger toy “in the same place” in the larger room, a 21/2-year-old searches haphazardly. (a) However, the same child knows exactly where to look, if the experimenter says this is the same room as before, except that a machine has expanded it (b).
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Difficulties of Inferring Children’s Concepts
Symbolic thought
Do children in the early preoperational stage lack an ability to think symbolically?
2 ½ year old children cannot use a model room as a
“map” when trying to locate a hidden toy in a regular sized room.
But when told that the toy was hidden in the model room, and a special machine has “expanded” the model to a full size room, the children have little difficulty finding the hidden toy.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Concept Check:
Which is the clearest example of egocentric thinking?
1. An exceptionally wealthy man gives no money to charity.
2. A woman assumes that all her friends will want to see the same movie that she does.
3. At student council meeting, a student takes credit for someone else’s ideas.
#2 – selfishness (1) and dishonesty (3) are not the same as egocentrism.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Table 10.2
Typical tasks used to measure conservation
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
The Concrete Operations stage
From about age 7 children begin to exhibit reversible operations and seem to understand the conservation of physical properties.
According to Piaget, during the stage of concrete operations children can perform mental operations on concrete objects.
They may, however, have trouble with abstract or hypothetical ideas.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
The Formal Operations stage
Formal Operations is Piaget’s term for the mental processes used to deal with abstract, hypothetical situations.
These are processes that demand logical, deductive reasoning and systematic planning.
Piaget proposed that children reach this stage just before adolescence (at about age 11.)
Researchers have found that some people take longer to reach formal operations, and some people never do.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Table 10.3
Summary of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Concept Check:
According to Piaget, in what stage would a child be if she could remember where a hidden object is, but doesn’t realize that she is her sister’s sister?
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Concept Check:
In which stage is a child who has grasping and sucking reflexes but cannot remember where an object is that has been covered for 15 seconds?
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Concept Check:
In which stage is a child who can think about concepts such as infinity and time, and has no difficulty with conservation and reversible operations?
Formal operations
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Concept Check:
In which stage is a child who can conserve mass and volume and remember the location of hidden objects, but doesn’t understand the concept of infinity?
Concrete operations
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
Are Piaget’s stages distinct?
Piaget believed that the four stages of intellectual development were discrete, and that each one represented a major reorganization in cognitive processes.
More recently though researchers have shown that this conclusion is not entirely warranted.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
Are Piaget’s stages distinct?
Preoperational children can answer different versions of the conservation tasks correctly.
In general, the progression between the stages appears to be gradual, so that the difference between stages may not be one of either having the ability or not; it may actually be that the younger child has the same ability but only uses it for simple tasks.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Figure 10.24 (a) With the standard conservation-of-number task, preoperational children answer that the lower row has more items. (b) With a simplified task, the same children say that both rows have the same number of items.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
Implications for education: Piaget
Children must discover certain concepts on their own.
Children’s attention must be directed to key aspects of concepts when they are ready to learn those concepts.
The teacher needs to determine the child’s level of functioning and then teach material appropriate to that level.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
Implications for education: Vygotsky
Lev Vygotsky was a Russian developmental psychologist who thought that education needed to meet children at their own level.
He believed that the use of the symbolic system of language allowed humans to influence others and control our own behavior.
Education needs to utilize this feature of language and take into account the child’s level of cognitive maturity.
He proposed the existence of a zone of proximal development , which is the distance between what a child can do alone and what a child can do with assistance from others.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
An Overview of Piaget’s Theory
Implications for education: Vygotsky
Vygotsky proposed the existence of a zone of proximal development , which is the distance between what a child can do alone and what a child can do with assistance from others.
Instruction should occur within the zone, but appropriate guidance should be given whenever possible to bring the child to understanding of more sophisticated concepts.
He compared this process to scaffolding , temporary supports used to construct a new building. These are temporary supports for the child’s cognitive processes.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Concept Check:
Who would be more optimistic about the possibility of teaching a 5-year-old to understand conservation of mass?
According to Vygotsky, conservation might lie within the child’s zone of proximal development
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Development of Moral Reasoning
Children’s general powers of reasoning change across childhood, and so does their reasoning about issues of right and wrong.
There are a number of different psychological frameworks to describe the changes in moral reasoning that occur over the lifespan.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Development of Moral Reasoning
Kohlberg’s method of evaluating levels of moral reasoning
Lawrence Kohlberg argued that moral reasoning progresses through distinct stages.
Young children tend to equate wrongness with punishment.
Young children also frequently fail to consider intent in judging a deed.
He proposed that people pass through a distinct sequence of moral reasoning stages.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Development of Moral Reasoning
Kohlberg’s method of evaluating levels of moral reasoning
Kohlberg believed that people start at a low level of moral reasoning and progress through higher stages.
He believed that these stages were roughly analogous to
Piaget’s stages, but the progress was slower.
He measured the maturity of an individual’s moral reasoning by evaluating the responses given to moral dilemmas – problems that pit one moral value against another.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Development of Moral Reasoning
Kohlberg’s method of evaluating levels of moral reasoning
Preconventional Morality 1. Punishment & Obedience
Conventional Morality
2. Instrumental Relativism
3. Interpersonal Concordance
4. “Law & Order” Orientation
Postconventional Morality 5. Social Contract Orientation
6. Universal Ethical Principles
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Development of Moral Reasoning
Kohlberg’s method of evaluating levels of moral reasoning
Kohlberg assessed the level of moral reasoning using the explanation for the decision offered, rather than the decision itself.
Few people are absolutely consistent in their moral reasoning.
Kohlberg believed that very few people actually reached the highest stages.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
TABLE 10.4
Responses to one of Kohlberg’s moral dilemmas by people at six levels of moral reasoning. The dilemma: Heinz’s wife was near death from cancer. A druggist had recently discovered a drug that might be able to save her. The druggist was charging $2000 for the drug, which cost him $200 to make. Heinz could not afford to pay for it, and he could borrow only $1000 from friends. He offered to pay the rest later. The druggist refused to sell the drug for less than the full price paid in advance: “I discovered the drug, and I’m going to make money from it.” Late that night, Heinz broke into the store to steal the drug for his wife. Did Heinz do the right thing?
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
TABLE 10.4
Responses to one of Kohlberg’s moral dilemmas by people at six levels of moral reasoning. The dilemma: Heinz’s wife was near death from cancer. A druggist had recently discovered a drug that might be able to save her. The druggist was charging $2000 for the drug, which cost him $200 to make. Heinz could not afford to pay for it, and he could borrow only $1000 from friends. He offered to pay the rest later. The druggist refused to sell the drug for less than the full price paid in advan ce: “I discovered the drug, and I’m going to make money from it.” Late that night, Heinz broke into the store to steal the drug for his wife.
Did Heinz do the right thing?
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Figure 10.25
Learning to distinguish right from wrong is the development of moral reasoning. Most younger adolescents give answers corresponding to Kohlberg’s earlier moral stages. By age 16 most are at Kohlberg’s fourth and fifth stages.
(Based on Kohlberg, 1969)
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Development of Moral Reasoning
Limitations of Kohlberg’s views
Justice versus caring orientations
Kohlberg based his system of reasoning on people’s rights.
Carol Gilligan proposed that some people might reason based on what would help or hurt others, an orientation of caring.
Gilligan proposed that women focus more on caring and men more on rights.
Later research has shown the gender differences in orientation to be small.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Development of Moral Reasoning
Limitations of Kohlberg’s views
Gilligan’s stages of moral development
What is helpful or harmful to myself?
What is helpful or harmful to others?
What is helpful or harmful to myself and others?
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Table 10.5
Carol Gilligan’s stages of moral development
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Development of Moral Reasoning
Limitations of Kohlberg’s views
How does moral reasoning relate to actual behavior?
Knowing what is right and doing it are not the same things.
Kohlberg has been criticized for overestimating people’s moral behavior.
Kohlberg has been criticized for underestimating people’s moral behavior.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Development of Moral Reasoning
Limitations of Kohlberg’s views
People may describe how they would engage in higherlevel moral behavior, but actually behave in the manner that is characteristic of a lower level, where there is a more tangible benefit for them.
Children may say that the reason not to do something is because they’d get caught, but when ask if they’d do it if there was no chance of getting caught, say they wouldn’t anyway.
Kohlberg’s theory does not generalize well across cultures.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Developing Cognitive Abilities
Developing an understanding of the world is an enormous challenge for children.
We should acknowledge that for us adults, understanding the world, and for children, learning to understand it, are daunting tasks.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Module 10.3
Social and Emotional Development
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Erikson’s Ages of Human Development
Erikson divided the human life span into eight ages, each with its own social and emotional conflicts.
In this way he sought to provide a model of why people behave the way they do, given the decisions that they are facing according to age.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Erikson’s Ages of Human Development
When the conflict is resolved in a positive and constructive manner, the person moves into the next stage in a psychologically healthy state.
If the conflict is not resolved, the negative effects will most likely carry over into future stages, and have a detrimental effect on the challenges that are yet to be faced.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Erikson’s Ages of Human Development
Ages 0 - 1
The infant faces the issue –
“Is my social world predictable and supportive?”
The main conflict of infancy is basic trust versus basic mistrust.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Erikson’s Ages of Human Development
Ages 1 – 3
The toddler asks the question –
“ Can I do things for myself or must I always rely on others to help me?”
The main conflict of toddlerhood is autonomy versus shame and doubt.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Erikson’s Ages of Human Development
Ages 3 – 6
The preschooler needs to figure out –
“Am I a good person or a bad person?”
The main conflict of the preschool aged child is initiative versus guilt.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Erikson’s Ages of Human Development
Ages 6 – 12
In an expanding social world, the school-aged child wants to know –
“Am I successful or am I worthless?”
The preadolescent faces the struggle with a sense of industry versus inferiority.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Erikson’s Ages of Human Development
Teenagers begin to seek independence and seek the answer to this fundamental question –
“ Who am I?”
The adolescent needs to resolve the conflict between a settled identity versus role confusion.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Erikson’s Ages of Human Development
Young Adulthood
Young adults come to terms with the importance of companionship and connection –
“Shall I share my life with another person or live alone?”
The central conflict of early adulthood is that of intimacy versus isolation.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Erikson’s Ages of Human Development
Middle age
In the middle of adulthood one wants to feel that they have contributed to society in some meaningful way –
“Will I add anything of real value to the world as a worker and a parent?”
The conflict of middle adulthood is the desire to achieve generativity versus stagnation.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Erikson’s Ages of Human Development
Old age
The reality that time is growing short forces people to face a final and profound question –
“Have I lived a full and meaningful life, or have I squandered my time?”
As older adults we struggle to determine whether we have arrived at a stage of ego integrity versus despair.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Table 10.6
Erikson’s stages of human development
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Infancy and Childhood
Attachment theory
Attachment is a long-term feeling of closeness between a child and a caregiver
Before the mid-twentieth century, developmental psychologists believed that feeding was the primary cause of attachment between mother and child.
In the latter part of the century, John Bowlby (1973) and other developmental psychologists theorized that infants who develop a good sense of attachment to adults who care for them have a better sense of safety and confidence as they start to explore the world around them.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Infancy and Childhood
Early attachment in humans
Some researchers wanted to know why the quality of attachment between human children and their parents seemed to vary so much in quality.
Mary Ainsworth devised a test called the Strange
Situation to examine what factors might contribute to this variation.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Infancy and Childhood
Early attachment in humans
In the Strange Situation study, the following sequence of events was observed through a one-way mirror:
A mother and infant (12 to 18 months of age) enter a room with toys in it.
A stranger enters the room.
Mother leaves the room.
Mother returns to the room.
Mother and the stranger leave the room.
The stranger returns to the room.
Mother returns to the room again.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Infancy and Childhood
Early attachment in humans
The psychologists who observed the Strange Situation classified the infants’ responses as follows:
Securely attached
Anxious or insecurely attached
Anxious and avoidant
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Infancy and Childhood
Early attachment in humans
Uses of the Strange Situation:
Has been used with fathers as well as mothers and children
Predicts the quality of the child’s future relationship with parents
Has also been used with grandparents and grandchildren, and even pets and their humans
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Infancy and Childhood
Early attachment in humans
Factors to consider when interpreting the results of the
Strange Situation study:
Parental behavior does have an effect on attachment.
The effect of parenting on the child’s innate temperament also needs to be considered.
A child who is born with a pleasant and calm temperament may elicit more affectionate behaviors from a parent than a less predictable and fussier infant.
The study may have limited applicability across cultures.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Infancy and Childhood
Social development in childhood
The quality of a child’s friendships appears to be of crucial importance during middle childhood
Some children are popular and have little trouble making friends and gaining admirers.
Some children are rejected, outcast and avoided by most other children.
Controversial children are accepted by some peers and rejected by others.
In most cases, these statuses remain consistent from year to year.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Over the course of the twentieth century, adolescence in our society has lengthened.
It is generally recognized to begin at puberty , the onset of changes that result in sexual maturity.
The end of adolescence is harder to discern.
It was customary through most of the last century to characterize adolescence as a period of “storm and stress.”
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The turbulence of adolescence is seen in moodiness, conflict with parents, and tendency to risky behavior.
These trends may reflect hormonal fluctuations and brain maturation, but may also be culturally influenced.
There are many cultures in which there is no adolescence.
Teenagers are married and working.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The secular trend of earlier puberty and a societal movement toward a lengthened education and postponement of marriage have influenced the American experience of adolescence.
There is a tendency in this society to stereotype adolescents.
Most adolescents are stable, relatively happy and complete this period to become well-adjusted adults.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Identity development
Adolescence is the time of “finding oneself.”
Western society offers many choices to teenagers.
This is invigorating and yet also can cause anxiety.
An adolescent’s concern about the future and achieving self-understanding has been referred to as the identity crisis .
The crisis may or may not be so turbulent, depending on the adolescent.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Identity development
James Marcia developed a set of identity statuses based on two major elements of identity development.
Whether or not one is actively exploring the issues of identity development – “crisis”
Whether or not one has made any decisions –
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Identity development
Those who have not given decisions any real thought and have no clear sense of identity are in identity diffusion .
Those who have made firm decisions without giving them much thought are said to be in foreclosure .
Those who are seriously considering issues but have not made any decisions are in a state of moratorium .
Those who have explored the possibilities and made their own decisions are called identity achieved .
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Identity development
Marcia’s statuses are useful for thinking about the important dimensions of finding a stable identity.
It is possible that identity achievement does not happen
“all at once.”
One may settle on a career well before finding a committed relationship.
It is also possible or even common to rethink decisions later in life.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The “Personal Fable”
According to David Elkind, teenagers are particularly prone to harbor beliefs such as:
“I am special – what is true for others is not true for me.”
“It won’t happen to me!”
“Nobody understands how I feel.”
“Everyone cares about how I look and what I am wearing.” – also known as the “imaginary audience.”
These beliefs may be adaptive in some situations, but can also lead to risk-taking behavior and feelings of alienation from parents and peers.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The beginning of young adulthood is marked by commitments in the areas of career, relationships and lifestyle.
The quality of the period known as middle age is influenced in part by the outcome of these early adult decisions.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The midlife transition
The “midlife crisis” is a dramatic expression for the reassessment of personal goals that many people experience.
A more low-key and accurate term is midlife transition .
Some abandon unrealistic goals set in youth and set new goals that fit with their current lives.
Others try to fulfill some of those early life dreams, or set new ones.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Old age
Despite the stereotypes we hold, old age is not a uniform experience for humans.
Some people do deteriorate rapidly, either physically or intellectually.
Others remain active and alert into their 80s and well beyond.
In general, the elderly in our society have been experiencing improved health, activity and intellect.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Old age
A commonly voiced concern is how to maintain a sense of dignity and self-esteem
The course of youth and middle age influences this sense.
The amount of regret about how that time was used also has an effect.
Cultural attitudes towards aging are also important.
The more a culture values its elders, the easier it will be to maintain a sense of dignity.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Old age
Elderly people generally differ from younger people in some of their social habits.
They will more frequently seek the company of familiar people.
The elderly will often try to retain some control over their lives, even when faced with failing health.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The psychology of facing death
Death can occur at any age, but we usually associate it with the later years of life.
The way we deal with death is in part determined by our culture and is also constantly evolving.
Terror-management theory states that we cope with our deep fear of death by actively avoiding the thoughts of it and maintaining an optimistic and hopeful world-view.
In general, even being casually reminded of mortality increases people’s defense of their belief system, whatever that may be.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Social and Emotional Developmental Issues
The things that you do at an earlier age no doubt have some effect on your later life.
You can change your life at any age, but the earlier you decide what is important to you and how you want to spend your limited time, the easier it will be to live your life in a satisfying and meaningful way.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Module 10.4
Temperament, Family, Gender and Cultural Influences on
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Temperament and Lifelong Development
Temperament is a person’s tendency to be active or inactive, outgoing or reserved.
Research suggests that temperament is stable over much of the lifespan.
Kagan and his associates were able to strongly relate infant temperament to later levels of sociability.
Genetic influences make contributions to temperament, although environment is also a factor.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Family
Research has not shown any reliable connection between birth order and personality or other qualities.
The fact that older and younger children may behave in certain ways in the home is probably specific to that situation.
Family size does appear to have some influence on children’s IQ scores, with smaller families showing higher
IQ scores than larger ones.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Figure 10.27
Children from small families tend to score higher on IQ tests than children from large families. However, within a family of a given size, birth order is not related to IQ. If we combine results for families of different sizes, first borns have a higher mean score, but only because many of them come from small families. (Adapted from Rodgers et al., 2000)
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Effects of Parenting Style
Diane Baumrind described four basic styles of parenting based on the dimensions of warmth and control:
Authoritative parents impose controls but show warmth and encouragement to the child.
Authoritarian parents impose control but tend to be emotionally distant from the child.
Permissive parents are warm but impose few limits.
Uninvolved parents are distant and do little more than provide resources.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Effects of Parenting Style
Children of authoritative parents tend to be most self-reliant and cooperative.
Children of authoritarian parents tend to be obedient but also distrustful and not very independent.
Children of permissive parents are frequently socially irresponsible.
Children of uninvolved parents tend to be impulsive and hard to discipline.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Effects of Parenting Style
Reasonably consistent links have been found between the parenting styles and child behavior.
These results do not necessarily apply across ethnic groups and cultures.
It is unclear if the parent’s behavior shapes the children’s behavior; the children’s behavior shapes the parent’s, or if both are true to some degree.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
The Effects of Parenting Style
The Nurture Assumption
Studies of adopted children and their parents show little correlation between parenting style and child behavior.
Harris and other researchers believe that parenting style really only influences child behavior at home.
Parents exert influence mostly by controlling the environment in which the child is being raised.
Harris proposes that ultimately the peer group will be the most influential shaping force upon the personality of the child.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Parental Employment and Child Care
Although we tend to assume that western models are the norm, child-rearing practices vary greatly between world cultures
Communal child rearing, use of paid help, and many other variations exist from our traditional model of the stay-at-home mother.
In general, whether loving stay-at-home parents rear children or children receive high quality day care for part of the day, child development proceeds normally.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Nontraditional Families
Some models of family life that are considered
“nontraditional” are:
Single mothers
Gay and lesbian couples raising children
Mother as primary breadwinner while father stays at home
Research indicates that what matters most is that the child has a stable, emotional relationship with at least one adult.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Parental Conflict and Divorce
Not so long ago, divorce was an unusual outcome for marriage.
An estimated 75% of African-American and over onethird of European-American children will experience the divorce of their parents.
This may be partly explained by the reduced attention and increased economic hardship experienced by these children.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Parental Conflict and Divorce
It may also be related to the prolonged exposure to conflict that often accompanies divorce.
The younger the child is when the divorce occurs, the milder the effects generally tend to be.
Longitudinal studies suggest an increased tendency to conflict with parents and other children among children of divorce.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Parental Conflict and Divorce
During the first year after the divorce, children exhibit more attention seeking and pouting behavior, and boys tend to be more aggressive at home and school.
Effects were often worse if a non-working mother took a job outside the home immediately afterwards.
Girls frequently have problems adjusting to life with a stepfather, but stepsiblings in “blended” families often get along better than do biological siblings.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Parental Conflict and Divorce
Results vary across cultures. In African-American families extended family members often pitch in to ease the burden.
Children of all backgrounds show a variety of adjustment patterns. Many are amazingly resilient.
Should parents stay together for the “children’s sake”?
The answer depends on the level of conflict. Children appear to suffer most of all, whether parents split up or stay together, when parents are constantly battling.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Gender Influences
There are many interesting differences between men and women.
People tend to have strong opinions about what causes these differences, but there is little basis for certainty about the causes.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Gender Influences
Cognitive differences
Females tend to perform better in language related tasks, especially language fluency.
Males generally do better on difficult spatial and mathematical tasks.
It has been proposed that male ability in spatial tasks is related to our early hunter-gatherer lifestyle, but male rats seem to exhibit this quality also.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Gender Influences
Differences in social situations
There are large and consistent differences in male and female play, but these are only evident in social contexts.
Girls’ play tends to be more cooperative and quiet and boys’ tends to be more competitive and more likely to dissolve into disputes about rules.
In unsupervised situations, boys often dominate and intimidate girls.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Gender Influences
Male-female relationships
It appears that by the time adolescence begins, males and females are not well prepared to negotiate the complexities of communication across sex lines.
Males are used to demanding what they want, and women are used to cooperating.
Males worry more about their status compared to other men; women don’t usually understand the importance of status.
Women usually require expressions of sympathy from listeners; men often fail to understand this need.
These are of course generalizations, and not all malefemale relationships are hampered by these issues.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Ethnic and Cultural Influences
Membership in a minority group molds a person’s development in two ways:
The customs of the group may differ significantly from those of other groups.
Members of the minority group are affected by the attitudes of other people who may treat them differently or expect certain behaviors of them based on stereotypes.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Ethnic and Cultural Influences
Acculturation is a transition from feeling connected to the culture of origin to feeling like part of the culture of a new country.
It is a gradual process and may take more than a generation to complete.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Ethnic and Cultural Influences
Some immigrants remain partially connected to their cultural heritage and develop a bicultural identity, alternating between memberships in two cultures depending on context.
To some extent we are all multicultural, as varying contexts of work and our social lives may present us with different rules and norms to follow.
However, for the immigrant or first generation resident of the United States, these transitions are more pronounced and intense.
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W. Kalat
Chapter 10: Human Development
Understanding and Accepting the Influences
In our growing appreciation of the variety of influences on human development, we are moving away from a unitary view of the “right” or “normal” way to grow.
We are beginning to understand the reasons for differences, and appreciate the diversity of adaptive ways to be one’s self in the world.