• Digestion
– _______________________________
•Gastrointestinal Tract
– AKA: ____________________
– Extends from the _________________
• The Mouth
– __________________________________
– 3 sets of salivary glands
surrounding the oral cavity secrete
• Saliva contains enzymes (salivary
amylase) that ________________ and
begins the digestion of
• Three pairs of glands with ducts:
1. __________________
• Pharynx
– AKA: _____________________
• Passageway for ______________________
• Muscular tube that moves food into the esophagus
• _______________ covers the _________________ when we
• Esophagus
– ______________________
• Involuntary rhythmic contractions of the esophagus to move
food to stomach
– ______________________
• a group of muscles which closes the entrance to the stomach to
prevent backflow of food
• The Stomach
– Pouch-like organ with four regions
– Located in the left hypochondriac region
– Receives food from the _____________
• Semi fluid material
– __________________________
• Muscle between the stomach and small
intestine that keeps food in the stomach
• ___________________________
– Receive chyme from the stomach
– Absorption occurs over 1 to 6 hours
• Begins in the small intestine
• Passage of material from the walls of the GI
tract to the bloodstream
• ______________________________
– Has 3 parts:
____________________ (10”)
__________________ (8’)
• ____________________ (5’)
– Waste products from digestion stay here
for 12 to 24 hours
– Has four main parts:
___________________ (first section)
• The Liver
– ________________________
– Not within the GI tract, but
performs digestive functions
• Changes food nutrients into
useable substances
• Secretes __________________
• Stores glucose and certain
• Secretes bilirubin
Accessory Organs
• _____________________
– Bile released from the liver goes into the
• ______________________________________
• ____________________
– Secretes pancreatic juice into small intestine
– Also an endocrine gland (secretes insulin)
– Located behind the stomach
Diseases and Disorders
• Eating Disorders
– ____________________ – refusal to eat
– ____________________ – binging and
– __________________ – can be caused by
• Overweight – less than 20% over ideal body weight
• Obese – more than 20% over ideal body weight
• Morbid Obese – 100 pounds over ideal body weight
Diseases and Disorders
• Halitosis – _______________________
• _________________________– inflammation
of the stomach and small intestine
– Stomach flu
• ____________________– accumulation of gas
in the stomach or intestines
– Flatus – release of gas through the anus
• Eructation - _________________________
Diseases and Disorders
• _____________________________
Also called _______________ or stomach ulcers
Sores on the mucus membranes in the GI tract
Most common cause is ______________________
Sx: ______________________________________
• Hiatal Hernia –
Diseases and Disorders
• ________________– excessive billirubin in the
blood causing _________________ appearance
– Result of liver disease
– Newborn jaundice is common
• _______________ – chronic _________disease
caused by chronic hepatitis, poor nutrition, or
Diseases and Disorders
• _______________________
– Inflammation of the gallbladder
– Typically caused by gall stones
• _________________
– Inflammation of the appendix
• Sx: abdominal pain, constipation, fever, and
elevated WBC count
• Tx: surgery
Diseases and Disorders
• ___________________________
– Chronic inflammatory bowel disease of the large
– Sx: cramping, abdominal pain, diarrhea
– Tx: medication
• ___________________________
– Similar to Ulcerative Colitis except also affects small
– Sx: same as ulcerative colitis
Diseases and Disorders
• _____________________ – inflammation of the small
pouches of the intestinal wall due to trapped food or
– Sx: abdominal pain, fever
– Tx: BR, antibiotics, liquid diet, low fiber diet
• When in control managed by dietary changes
• Constipation – infrequent or difficult BM
– _______________________________________________
• _________________________ – loose, watery stools
• _________________________ – swollen, twisted
veins that cause discomfort in internal and external anal