Induction of Labor

Ways to induce labor
Julie Springer
An estimated 22% of all gravid women undergo induction
Done when benefits of expeditious delivery outweigh the
risks of continuing pregnancy
Fetal or maternal indications
Cervical changes that occur in normal pregnancy include:
Thinning, softening, dilating
Collagen breakdown & rearrangement, inc cytokines, inc WBCs,
and change in glycosaminoglycans (1)
The cervix is assessed using Bishop’s score
Unfavorable <6
>8 has same probability of vaginal delivery compared to
spontaneous labor (1)
If induction of labor is attempted in a nulliparous woman with
an unfavorable cervix it doubles her baseline risk of
Methods of induction of labor
Non-pharmacologic methods
Pharmacologic methods
Misoprostol, dinosprostone, oxytocin
Mechanical methods
Membranes stripping, nipple stimulation, castor oil
Foley, Cook Catheter, EASI
Special Populations
Prior Cesarean
Nonpharmacologic methods
Induction of labor
Membrane Stripping
Membrane stripping
During cervical exam,
disconnect membranes from
lower uterine segment
Increases in phospholipase A2
activity and prostaglandin F2a
Can be done outpatient (at
clinic visit)
Membrane Stripping Cont’d
Cochrane Review in 2009- 22 trials
Membrane stripping results in spontaneous labor 3 days
sooner than if membranes were not stripped
It reduces need for other methods for induction of labor
It causes maternal discomfort, but no major maternal or fetal
adverse effects
Results are less predictable(3)
Nipple Stimulation
Stimulating nipple w/ manual massage or pumping
Increases oxytocin release
Cochrane Review 2005
6 studies
Nipple stimulation decreased the number of patients
“not in labor” within 72 hours--62.7% vs 93.6%
Should be used with caution for high risk
Decreases postpartum hemorrhage
0.7% vs 6% (4)
Safe for women attempting a vaginal trial of labor
after a c-section
Castor Oil
Vegetable oil
Used as laxative- works on small intestines
Cochrane Review
3 studies all with single dose of castor oil
No difference in cesarean section rates
Maternal side effects were high (6)
Castor Oil is NOT generally used for induction
Pharmacologic methods
Induction of labor
Vaginal insert (“cervidil”)
Cochrane review showed similar cesarean rates and outcomes
among the three types
Risk of uterine tachysystole
5% for PGE2 inserts and vaginal gel,
1% for intracervical gel
Rinsing vagina does not help to alleviate tachysystole(1)
Dinoprostone Cont’d
Cochrane Review 2012
63 studies reviewed, 10,441 women
Compared to placebo, dinoprostone increases the rate of cervical
favorability and successful vaginal delivery in 24 hours
PGE2 has no effect on rate of cesarean section
It results in increased rates of hyperstimulation and FHR changes
4.4% vs 0.49% incidence (8)
Synthetic PGE1 (“cytotec”)
Cochrane Review
Oral, vaginal, sublingual administration
First marketed for peptic ulcer disease
Often used in 25mcg or 50mcg doses, q3-6 hours
Associated w/ less use of epidural analgesia, more vaginal
deliveries within 24 hours compared with dinoprostone and
oxytocin (1)
Found to be more effective than dinoprostone, oxytocin, and
placebo (9)
The major side effect is tachysystole or hyperstimulation
No increase in poor fetal outcomes
Dosage of misoprostol
Cochrane Review
No advantage of higher doses to lower doses
Lower doses result in less hyperstimulation but more need for
The majority of studies used 25mcg vs 50mcg (9)
Oral vs Vaginal Misoprostol
Cochrane Review
Oral dose has been shown to result in fewer cases of low apgars
and hyperstimulation w/ FHR abnormalities
Oral dose can be titrated more
Vaginal shows less need for oxytocin afterwards (9)
Jindal et al
Study of 101 women at term
50ug oral vs vaginal
Vaginal dose resulted in less time to delivery than oral- 9.79hr vs
Decrease number of doses were required in vaginal- 2 vs 6 (15)
Misoprostol vs Dinoprostone
Cochrane Review
Misoprostol results in:
less need for oxytocin, less analgesia than dinoprostone
more uterine hyperstimulation then dinoprostone(9)
Oxytocin (“Pitocin”)
One of most common medications used in the US
Uterine response depends on gestational age
Gradual increase 20-30wks
Plateau from 34 wks-term
Predictors of response
Increased parity, cervical dilation, gestational age
Lower BMI
Low and high dose regimens exist
Low- start at 0.5-1, increase by 1-2mU/min, q15-40min
High- start at 6, increase by 3-6 mU/min, q15-40min (1)
Mechanical methods
Induction of labor
Mechanical Methods of Induction
Foley Catheter
Double Balloon Catheter
Mechanical vs Pharmacologic
Cochrane Review
27 studies reviewed
Comparison of any mechanical method vs vaginal
Mechanical methods resulted in fewer deliveries within 24 hrs
Mechanical methods caused less hyperstimulation w/ FHR
29% versus 7%
0 vs 5%
Comparable cesarean rates- 26 vs 23% (23)
Balloon/ Foley Catheter
Low cost
Stable at room temperature
Decrease incidence of tachysystole
Decreased cesarean section rate
Foley balloon is inflated INSIDE
internal os. When contractions occur,
baby’s head puts downward pressure
on the balloon. This dilates the cervix
as the balloon is pushed out of the
cervical canal.
Extraamniotic saline infusion
Sterile saline
infused into
the catheter.
Foley + EASI
Adding saline infusion (EASI)
Karjane et al- 140 women
Foley +EASI led to shorter induction time
16.58 hrs vs 21.47hrs
No difference in chorio, cesarean section
rates, or apgars (19)
Guinn et al- 100 women
Foley+ EASI vs Foley alone- both with
concurrent oxytocin
No difference in induction time- 17.7 hrs
vs 17.4hrs (20)
Double balloon foley
Induction after cesarean section
Cochrane Review
Reviewed 2 studies
Lydon-Rochelle study- compared induction to repeat c-section,
evaluated risk for uterine rupture
Spontaneous labor 3.3 x risk, induction with nonprostaglandins 5 x risk, and prostaglandins 15.5x risk
Wing et all- misoprostol vs oxytocin in 38 women
Studied stopped due to 2 uterine ruptures in misoprostol
group (10)
Should avoid misoprostol in 3rd trimester with prior c/s
Use of oxytocin also increases risk of rupture, but only by a small
amount (from 36/10,000 to 87/10,000) (1)
Induction after PROM
Induction of labor on presentation decreases risk of
chorioamnionitis and endometritis (26)
Decreases risk of chorioamnionitis, postpartum febrile
morbidity, and neonatal antibiotic treatments
No increase in cesarean deliveries or neonatal infections
No evidence that they increase risk of infection
Up to 86% can have successful induction of labor after PROM with
misoprostol (24)
Misoprostol is more effective than dinoprostone (25)
1. Mildred, Ramirez, MD, and Ramin Susan, MD. "ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 107: Induction of Labor." Obstetrics &
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2. Yildirim, Gokhan, Kemal Güngördük, Özge İdem Karadağ, Halİl Aslan, Erdem Turhan, and Yavuz Ceylan. "Membrane
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3. Michel, Boulvain, Stan Catalin, and Irion Olivier. "Membrane Sweeping for Induction of Labor." Cochrane Database of
Systemic Reviews 4 (2009): n. pag. Web. 14 Jan. 2014. <>.
4. Josephine, Kavangh, MD, Kelly Anthony, and Thomas Jane. "Breast Stimulation for Cervical Ripening or Induction of
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7. Boel, Macteld Elisabeth, Sue Jean Lee, Marcus Johannes Rijken, Moo Koo Paw, Mupawjay Pimanpanarak, Saw Oo Tan
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