Chapter 5 Payroll Setup


Payroll Setup

Chapter 5


• Activate the payroll feature and configure payroll preferences

• Set up payroll accounts in the Chart of Accounts

• Enable the data file for payroll processing

• Use the Payroll Setup Interview to add payroll items, vendors, employee defaults, employee records, and year-to-date amounts

• Understand the accounting behind the scenes of payroll items

• Add payroll items in the Payroll Item list

• Edit payroll items in the Payroll Item list

• Release, deactivate, and reactivate employees

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Payroll Options in QuickBooks

You have five choices for using QuickBooks to track your payroll:


Prepare your own payroll manually in QuickBooks without the use of any tax tables (not recommended)


Prepare your own payroll in-house using QuickBooks

Standard Payroll


Enhanced Payroll is similar to Standard Payroll, but includes additional features such as state payroll forms and workers’ compensation tracking.


Use Intuit’s Assisted Payroll to process payroll in-house with

QuickBooks completing all the tax filings, deposits, and W-2s


Use Intuit’s Complete Payroll Service which provides complete outsourcing of your payroll

For detailed information on the differences between these options, from the Employees menu, select Add Payroll services, and then select Learn About Payroll Options

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Checklist for Setting up Payroll


Gather information about each of your employees, like, name, address, Social Security Number, and W-4 information


Activate the Payroll function in Preferences


Set up payroll accounts in the Chart of Accounts


Enable your QuickBooks file for payroll processing


Use the Payroll Setup Interview


Add additional payroll items directly into Payroll Item List


Edit payroll items to modify the vendor information and the way it affects the Chart of Accounts


If setting up mid-year, enter year-to-date information for each employee and enter year-to-date liability payments


Verify payroll item setup, employee setup, and the vendor list


Proof your setup.

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Activating Payroll

• Select the Edit menu, and then select Preferences

• Scroll down and click Payroll & Employees

• Click the tab labeled Company Preferences and select Full payroll features

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Payroll Accounts

• Payroll Liability


• Payroll Expense


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Payroll Items

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Enabling Payroll Processing

• There are two ways to enable your data file for payroll Processing

– Enable Payroll Processing using the Internet

– Enable Payroll Processing without an Internet


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The Payroll Setup Interview

• The Payroll Setup Interview is a set of windows similar to the Easy Step Interview that walk you through the setup of payroll

• This Interview is optional, but very helpful and works even if you have existing payroll

• Starting the Payroll Setup Interview:

– Select the Employees menu, select Payroll


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Setting up Compensation and

Benefits Payroll Items

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Medical Insurance

If your company provides benefits, there are three options for allocating the costs between the company and the employee:

1.The company could pay the entire expense

2.The company and employee could share the expense

3.The employee could pay the entire expense

If the costs are shared between the company and the employees, or if the employees pay for the entire cost via payroll deductions, use a

Deduction Item to track the deductions

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Medical Insurance Payroll


When you receive the bill from the provider of benefits:

– Enter it in QuickBooks just like any other bill

– Code the bill to the appropriate expense account, (in this case, Health Insurance Expense )

– Then just pay this bill normally

Set up a Payroll Deduction Item for the benefit, (in this case, Medical Insurance) and use the same expense account for this Payroll Item as you use to code the bill

( Health Insurance Expense ):

– This deduction reduces the Health Insurance Expense account each time you withhold from employees’ paychecks

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408(k) SEP IRAs Employee

Deduction and Company Match


• If you have a 408(k) SEP IRS plan, you can set up Payroll Items to track the employee contributions (salary deferral) to the plan

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Paid Time Off Payroll Items

• The Payroll Setup Interview will walk you through creating items to track and pay vacation or sick pay

• If you have a “Paid Time Off (PTO)” policy instead of separate sick and vacation time you can use either Sick or Vacation time to keep track of PTO.

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Setting up Employees

• After you have set up your Payroll Items, you can set up each employee’s payroll record.

• To add additional employees, click Add

New after completing the first employee

• After adding all employees, click continue.

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Payroll Tax Item Setup

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Vendors for Payroll Tax and

Withholding Items

To set up vendors for payroll liabilities, continue with the payroll Setup Interview

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Setting up Year-to-Date Payroll


• If you are setting up your own payroll in the middle of the fiscal year, you’ll need to enter the year-to-date payroll information for each of your employees before entering your first paychecks

• Click Yes in the “Determine if you need to enter payroll history” window of the Payroll

Setup Interview.

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Custom Fields for Payroll

• To finalize the Payroll Setup Interview, determine if you need to add Custom


• Custom Fields allow you to track more detailed information on employees

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Setting Up Employee Defaults

• The Employee Defaults feature allows you to define defaults for your employee records so that each time you add a new employee, you don’t have to enter the same information over and over

• To setup Employee Defaults:

– In Employee Center, select the Related

Activities drop-down and select Employee


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Setting Up Employee Defaults


• Set default settings for taxes

• Set Default settings for sick/vacation time

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The Accounting Behind the

Scenes — Payroll Items

• Payroll Items define the relationship between

Items you put on paychecks and the Chart of


• Using Payroll Items, QuickBooks tracks the detail it needs to calculate paychecks, look up taxes in the tax table, prepare detailed reports, and prepare your payroll tax forms

• Payroll Items are set up so that QuickBooks automatically makes all the accounting entries when you process paychecks and payroll liability payments

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Payroll Items

• Salary Wage Items are used to track payments of gross wages to salaried employees

• Hourly Wage Items are used to track payments to hourly employees

• Commission Items are used to track payments of commissions

• Bonus Items are used to track bonuses paid to employees

• Addition Items are used to track amounts added to paychecks beyond gross wages

• Deduction Items are used to track deductions from paychecks

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Payroll Items (Cont.)

• Company Contribution Items are used to track additional money that the company contributes as a result of a paycheck

• Federal Tax Items are used to track Federal taxes that are withheld from paychecks or are paid by the employer:

– Federal Withholding , Social Security Employee, and Medicare Employee are employee taxes

Federal Unemployment, Social Security Company, and Medicare Company are company taxes

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Payroll Items (Cont.)

• State Tax Items are used to track State taxes that are withheld from paychecks or paid by the employer and are difference for each State:

– State Withholding, State Disability , and/or

State Unemployment Tax

• Other Tax Items are used to track other

State or local taxes that are withheld from paychecks or paid by the employer

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Based on Quantity

• Deduction Items, Addition Items, and

Company Contribution Items can be used to withhold or contribute a percentage of gross or net pay, or a fixed amount

• However, sometimes you want these

Items to calculate a percentage of some other number

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Based on Hours

• For Deduction Items, Addition Items, and

Company Contribution Items you can withhold or contribute a fixed amount or a percentage of gross pay

• QuickBooks gives you the option of including or excluding sick and vacation hours when calculating the employee’s deduction, addition, or company contribution

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Adding Payroll Items from the

Payroll Item List

• Although most items are setup in the

Payroll Setup Interview, you’ll probably need to set up a few items in the Payroll

Item List.

• You can also edit existing Payroll Items.

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Releasing Employees

• A released employee no longer appears in the Select Employees to Pay window when you run your payroll

• Open the Employee Center and double click the released employee.

• Select Employment Info from the Change tabs drop-down list and enter the Release


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Deactivating Employees

• To deactivate an employee, select the employee in the

Employee list and then select Make Inactive from the

Employee menu at the bottom of the list

• This removes the employee from the list, but it doesn’t delete the employee from your company file

• To view deactivated employees, select All Employees from the Employee Center’s View menu.

• Deactivated employees show an “ x “ icon

• To reactivate an employee, right click the employee’s name and choose Make Active

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The Employee Contact List report

• To view all employees, including deactivated employees, display the

Employee list and click the Include inactive box

• Select the Reports menu, select List , and then select Employee Contact List

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Chapter Review

• Activate the payroll feature and configure payroll preferences

• Set up payroll accounts in the Chart of Accounts

• Enable the data file for payroll processing

• Use the Payroll Setup Interview to add payroll items, vendors, employee defaults, employee records, and year-to-date amounts

• Understand the accounting behind the scenes of payroll items

• Add payroll items in the Payroll Item list

• Edit payroll items in the Payroll Item list

• Release, deactivate, and reactivate employees

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