CSG Draft Charter

DRAFT 3 — March 18, 2016
Common Systems Group
The Common Systems Group (CSG) provides the technical expertise and operational
perspective for UCLA’s IT governance process. The CSG is sponsored by: Jim Davis,
Vice Provost, Information Technology; Sam Morabito, Administrative Vice Chancellor;
and Steve Olsen, Vice Chancellor Finance, Budget and Capital Programs.
CSG and IT Governance at UCLA
The IT Planning Board (ITPB), Committee on IT Infrastructure (CITI) and CSG are the
primary entities that together implement the campus’s governance process for
information technology. Overall, the goal is to determine how to best augment, enhance
and support the campus’s missions with information technology, strategically, tactically
and operationally.
The CSG:
Is the official voice of the campus IT community with regard to common systems
in the campus IT governance process.
Provides technical expertise on technology, architecture, policy and operational
perspective about implementation of, and support for, campus-wide IT actions.
Identifies the technical and operational ramifications and risk/benefit analyses of
proposed institutional IT projects.
Makes formal technical and operational recommendations on campus IT
strategies and final technical and operational recommendations on institutional
IT services.
CSG and Campus Units
The CSG is responsible for ensuring coordination between distributed and central IT
activities. It does so by:
Proactively seeking input and recommendations from a variety of campus
committees, offices and campus officials (e.g., the Help Desk Consortium and the
Director, IT security);
Acting as a focal point for technical deployment and implementation for
institutional IT projects; and
Being a technical resource for local IT units in order to facilitate projects that
may have cross-departmental implications and to ensure that other units that
may be interested are informed of potential collaborations.
DRAFT 3 — March 18, 2016
Membership in the CSG mirrors the campus’s administrative organization chart, with
additions to reflect specific ex officio roles. Each Vice Chancellor, Dean, Vice Provost or
other head of organization appearing on the chart appoints his or her organization’s
representative. Appointees shall be vested with authority to represent their respective
organizations for IT matters. Generally, an organization’s appointee will be its IT
Director. The campus administrative organization chart shall be reviewed on a quarterly
basis for any changes affecting membership in the CSG.
Each member has an active two-way responsibility: to bring input and perspective from
his or her constituency to the CSG and to report back issues and results widely.
Chair and Chair-Elect
The chair and chair-elect shall be drawn from the CSG membership. The chair holds this
seat for one year, at which time the chair-elect becomes the chair and a new chair-elect
is determined by CSG members.
The chair:
Represents the CSG at CITI and ITPB by attending meetings and using the CSG’s
vote on CITI to represent the views of the CSG membership;
Convenes monthly meetings and works with all members to identify key agenda
items; and
Ensures significant issues are documented and discussed between CSG meetings,
and approves final meeting notes.
The chair-elect:
Represents the CSG at ITPB and CITI by attending meetings and using the CSG’s
vote on ITPB to represent the views of the CSG membership; and
Assists the chair and acts in their stead (e.g., convening meetings) as
In May of each year, the outgoing and incoming chairs will act as a nominating
committee, seeking nominations for the (incoming) chair-elect. It is desirable to rotate
the chair position through the membership; however, candidates may choose to defer
their nomination. The new chair and chair-elect will assume office beginning July 1 of
each year.
Common Systems Group Governance
DRAFT 3 — March 18, 2016
The CSG members primarily meet through the group’s monthly meetings. The Chair will
request input for agenda items prior to each meeting, from the CSG membership and by
request for recommendations from the ITPB and/or CITI. Meeting notes will be
published subsequently.
On behalf of the membership, the Chair may invite other appropriate individuals to
participate in specific projects or agenda items.
Common Systems Group Governance
DRAFT 3 — March 18, 2016
List of Current Members
Membership in the CSG mirrors the campus’s administrative organization chart, with
additions to reflect specific ex officio roles.
College of Letters and Science
Life Sciences
Physical Sciences
Social Sciences
Division of Undergraduate Education
Annelie Rugg
Babak Saberi
Max Kopelevich
Tom Phelan
Christian Spreitzer
Arts and Architecture
Continuing Education/UCLA Extension
Engineering and Applied Science
Theater, Film and Television
Education and Information Studies
Public Affairs
Public Health
Bill Jepson
Eric Chang
Julie Austin
Mike Kusunoki
Tito Deveyra
Grant Yano
Peter Kovaric
Albert Woo
Mike Shane
Scott Dicks
Vincent Riggs
David Snow
Faculty Diversity and Development
Intellectual Property and Industry
Information Technology
Institute for Informatics
UCLA International Institute
Undergraduate Education
University Library
Mitra Ashtari
Jackson Jeng
Bill Labate
Bill Labate
Tom Phelan
Michelle Lew
Lisa Kemp Jones
Common Systems Group Governance
DRAFT 3 — March 18, 2016
Academic Personnel
Chancellor’s Office
External Affairs
Finance, Budget and Capital Programs
Intercollegiate Athletics
Graduate Studies/Graduate Division
Legal Affairs
Medical Center
Student Affairs
Mitra Ashtari
Steve Duim
Mitra Ashtari
Alex Hsu
Mitra Ashtari
Bob Park
Chris Testa
Mitra Ashtari
David Snow
Jackson Jeng
Kathleen O’Kane
Central IT operations – ex officio, voting
Academic Technology Services
Administrative Information Systems
Communications Technology Services
Bill Labate
Andrew Wissmiller
Mike Schilling
Central IT functions – ex officio, non-voting
Kamran Mehdian
IT Policy
Kent Wada
IT Security
Ross Bollens
IT Governance Coordination
Jackie Reynolds
Common Systems Group Governance