Slide 1 - FGV-EAESPCienciaPolitica

History of Political Science
Aula 9
Ciencia Politica AE
King, Keohane and Verba (1994: 7)
"Scientific research is designed to make . . . inferences on
the basis of empirical information about the world.“
Pergunta: Ciência política é uma ciência?
Varieties of Political Science
• Clifford Geertz's (1973) "thick description" style of
political science and
• Womack's (1968) study of the Mexican peasant leader
Zapata, at the simple display-of-evidence extreme;
• Downs (1957) Riker (1962), and Olson (1965) at the
inferential-deductive extreme.
• Hirschman (1970) : biography of the peasant leader 
explanatory and policy implications;
Commonality = Falsifiable through contrary evidence or
logical flaws.
Greek Foundations
• Greece of Herodotus (c. 484-425 bce ) = world in which
analysis of political ideas and ideals, and speculation
about the properties of different kinds of polities and the
nature of statesmanship and citizenship, become part of
conventional wisdom.
Independent Greek city states,
common historical and mythological memories,
inter-city trade and diplomacy, alliances and warfare
information and speculation about varieties of
governmental and political arrangements, economic,
defense and foreign policies
Plato vs Aristotle
(Ideal vs Empirical)
Plato (428-348 bce ) Republic, Statesman
and Laws = 1st classic of political science
Propositions about justice, political virtue,
the varieties of polity and change
Aristotle (and Polybius), anticipate
contemporary speculation about
democratic transition and consolidation
Republic of Plato
• Republic = ideal regime where knowledge
and truth make rule of virtue
(+ four other regimes):
• Timocracy (honor & military glory >)
• Oligarchy (wealth vs honor)
• Democracy (corruption of oligarchy)
• Tyranny (corruption of democracy)
Aristotle´s Politics
Inductive, Descriptive, Historical (vs idealist & deductive Plato)
Book I: Village  State, slavery, family, authority, morality
Bool II: vs extreme unity of Plato, property, common meals, women
Book III: Citizen, economy-polity, justice, 5 types of kingship, law, philosopherking
Book IV: IV: Tasks of political theory, types of constitutions, oligarchy,
democracy, aristocracy, tyranny, executive, judiciary, deliberative powers
Book V: Const. change, equality, justice, overthrow of govt., factions
Book VI: How constitutions function, democracy, preservation of oligarchy,
VII: Virtue and property, active vs philosophical life, state, geography,
education, culture…
VII: Education, culture, sport, citizenship
Roman state builders & virtues of
Combination of monarchic, aristocratic and
democratic principles
In: Consulate, Senate, and Assembly
(new institutionalism?)
2 Permanent Q’s
"What are the institutional forms of polity?“
– Typologies, 1, few, many…
"What are the standards we use to evaluate
 “Natural Law”
Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Mixed constitution = justice and stability via
conformity to divine and natural law.
– Israel of Moses (balance = elders and tribal leaders
– Roman Republic (balance = mix of Assembly, Senate
and Consulate)
Italian Renaissance
Venice: Empire & Freedom via:
Monarchic Doge
Aristocratic Senate
Democratic Great Council
Machiavelli: Prince/Discourses
“If must commit evil to secure greater
good, then do it quickly and all at once…”
Maquiavel... e a Série
Ciências Sociais na
Adminstração FSJ-EAESP
Curso de Análise Política
Préfacio, Kurt Mettenheim
Introdução, Antonio Valverde
I Política Exterior Florentina
1 Discurso Proferido ao Magistrado dos Dez Sobre a Situação de Pisa
2 Providências para a Reconquista de Pisa
3 Notícias das Medidas Adotadas pela República Florentina para Pacificar as Facções de Pistóia
4 Sobre a Situação de Pistóia
5 Descrição do Modo Adotado pelo Duque Valentino para Matar Vitellozzo Vitegli, Oliverotto Pagolo e o
Duque de Gravina Orsini
6 Palavras que Devem ser Ditas sobre a Provisão do Dinheiro com um Pouco de Proêmio e de Desculpas
7 Do Modo de Tratar os Povos Rebelados do Valdichiana
II Armas
8 Discurso sobre a Ordenação do Estado de Florença para as Armas
9 Provisões da República de Florença para Instituir o Magistrado dos Nove Oficiais da Ordenança e Milícia
10 Parecer para a Eleição do Capitão das Infantarias da Ordenança Florentina
11 Escrito sobre o Modo de Reconstruir a Ordenança
III França e Alemanha
12 Sobre a Natureza dos Gauleses
13 Nota para Alguém que será Embaixador em França
14 Retrato das Coisas de França
15 Discurso sobre as Coisas da Alemanha e sobre o Imperador
16 Discurso sobre as Coisas da Alemanha e sobre o Imperador
17 Retrato das Coisas da Alemanha
IV Florença Pós-República
18 Alocação Feita a um Magistrado
19 Aos Palleschi: Atentem bem para este Escrito
20 Sumário do Governo da Cidade de Lucca
21 Discursus Florentinarum Rerum Post Mortemiunioris Laruentii Médicis
22 Memorial a Raffaello Girolami, Quando no dia 23 de Outubro Partiu
para Espanha [como Embaixador junto do] Imperador
V A Defesa de Florença
23 Relação de uma Visita Feita para Fortificar Florença
24 Provisão para a Instituição do Cargo dos Cinco Provedores dos
Muros da Cidade de Florença
Contract Theory & Liberalism
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
State of Nature  Leviathan
(english civil war, state)
John Locke
Submit to Govt  Welfare & Liberty
J.J. Russeau
Origin of Inequality  Freedom
Forms of Government in History
• Montesquieu
• Hegel
18th/19th Century
• Weber
• Durkheim
19th/20th Century
Community  Society : GOVT?
Question of Democracy
• John Stuart Mill
– Liberal Development: Education/Participation/Women
• Tocqueville
– Civil Society: Mass vs Individual Liberty
• Ostrogorski
– Party Organizations:
• Wilson
– Reform Government: vs party machines/immigrants
• Michels
– Social Democracy? = Mass Politics
20th Century: Chicago School
• Vs Liberal-Reformism (Wilson)
• 1910s/1920s US = vs machines/parties
• Mirriam & Gosnell: Voter Survey in Chicago
• Laswell = Psychology/Mass Communication
Propaganda Technique in the World War (1927)
Psychopathology and Politics (1930)
World Politics and Personal Insecurity (1935)
Politics: Who Gets What, When, and How (1936)
World Revolutionary Propaganda (1939)
Behavioral & Comparative
Revolution 1945-
• US Foreign Policy 1945+
– International Relations
• Realism vs Liberalism
– Comparative Politics
• Area Studies (Title 6 DOD):
Cuban Revolution  Centers for Latin American Studies
Vietnam  Centers for Asian Studies
USSR (1968 revolts)  Centers for E European Studies
African Independence  Centers for African Studies
1954-1972 = SSRC
Committee on Comparative Politics
Gabriel Almond; “Politics of Developing Areas.”
Stein Rokkan; Comparative Party Systems
Hans Daalder; “Political Development”
Samuel Finer; Military Coups/History of Govt
Richard Rose; Parliamentary vs Presidential
Giovanni Sartori; Party Systems
Charles Tilly; Western European States/Civil
Comparative Theory
• Political Development
– Karl Deutsch “Political Gap”
• Economic Development  Social Mobilization
 POLITICAL GAP  Political Institutions
Transitions from Authoritarian
• O’Donnell/Schmitter/Whitehead (1986)
• Spain/Portugal/Greece 1970s
• Latin America 1980s
• USSR 1990s
Political Science?
• Max Weber
– “Politics as a Vocation.”
• Professionalization/parties & elections
• Norms/ideals vs empirical analysis
– “Science as a Vocation.”
• Professionalization of academia
• Objectivity: Suspend judgment to Study
• As US tradition
– Liberalism  Pluralism: Competing Interest
Groups = mass politics/democracy
• Charles Lindblom,
» “The Science of Muddling Through”
» “Politics and Markets”
• Robert Dahl
» “Polyarchy” (2 regimes: Democracy / Totalitarian)
» “We won” when USSR fell…
Pluralist Political Science
• Marxism, New Left Review, Florestan Fernandes
• Feminism,
• Post-Modernism, Foucault, power…
• Rational Choice
– Mancur Olsen “Logic of Collective Action”
• Statistical Modeling
Basic Definitions
Politics = Behavior directed toward state
1) Capacity of A  B
2) Capacity of A reconcile AZ
State = Permanent organization with monopoly of
legitimate use of force within given territory. (Max
VS “committee of bourgeoise domination...” (Marx)
Ex: minimal definition vs descriptive definition
Explore Political Science
• American Political Science Association
• International Political Science Association
• Associacao Brasileira de Ciencia Politica
• material :
Goodin & Klingemann, New Handbook of Political Science....
IPSA / APSA Portals
International Political Science Association
Political Science Research Online