1 Objectives of Unit 2: Discuss findings/experience of Assignment 1: “Doing 2 Nothing” Reflect on the concept of “theory” in Sociology Introduce the ‘classical’(traditional) perspectives in Sociology Introduce the newer perspectives in Sociology Introduce a global perspective in Sociology (unit 3 & 9) Introduce briefly common methodological approaches (tools) in Sociology Assignment 1: “Doing Nothing” 3 A theory is…. Hmmm !? 4 5 What is a Theory? Attempts to understand the (social) world and our place in it, has led to the development of theories Theories are abstract propositions about how things are as well as how they should be; an explanation of how we think things work We refer to theories as approaches, schools of thought, paradigms or perspectives. This implies that they are different approaches! Social theories are guiding principles or abstract models that attempt to explain and predict the social world A theory is comparable to a map. When you discover new places, you have to modify this map 6 7 8 9 Is there something like ‘down’ or ‘above’? ‘down’ and ‘above’ become relative… 10 Example of a theoretical model: “the social change model” 11 Theories are dynamic, they change… Theories have to be tested: That’s what scientifically research is all about! We develop theories and test them, modify them to fit the reality better, why? Theories will change over time, because their area of study they seek to understand and explain: Society, itself changes over time Theories seek to understand society in periods of both order and change Social change makes theoretical change a continual necessity 12 The object of study is on the move 13 14 Different theoretical perspectives In attempting to develop theories about humans and societies, sociologists face a wide range of choices: What issues should we study? How should we link facts together to form theories?What assumptions might underpin our theories? I.e. what theoretical maps guides the study of phenomena? =Theoretical Perspective This is a basic image that guides thinking and research There exists an array of basic images that guide thinking and research! 15 The elephant metaphor: poem by John Godfrey Saxe (1816-18-87) Wall Fan Snake Rope Spear Tree 16 The poem/parable’s moral: 17 ‘Classical’, traditional perspectives in Sclg 18 3 classical perspectives in Sclg: Macro-level perspectives: 1. Structural Functionalism 2. Conflict theory Micro-level perspective: 3. Symbolic interactionism Structural Functionalism 20 Key tenets Structural Functionalism society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability 1. Our lives are guided by social structure Is a framework for building theory that envisages i.e. relative stable patterns of social behaviour 2. This frameworks understands social structure in terms of its social functions i.e. functions/consequences for the operation of society 3. ordered system of interrelated parts of the social structures. Each structure Society is stable, an has a function that contributes to the continued stability of society. 21 Founding Fathers of Structural Functionalism: “ To promote social integration during times of radical change” Auguste Comte “Society is comparable to the human body” Herbert Spencer “I focus on social solidarity” Emile Durkheim Key tenets Structural Functionalism The SF perspective organizes sociological observations by identifying various structures of society and studying the function of each one. E.g. of social structures (social institutions) are: the family, the educational system, politics, religion, mass media systems and the economy Other theorists that have contributed to SF perspective “Society is a system, with parts that have basic tasks, all members should be socialized to maintain order” Talcott Parsons 24 “Social functions can be expanded in manifest, latent and dysfunctions” Robert Merton Social functions expanded (Merton) 1. The consequences of any social pattern are likely to members of society differ for various E.g. traditional families provide crucial support for the development of children but also confer privileges on men while limiting the opportunities for women 2. We don’t always perceive all functions of a particular social structure: Manifest functions: the recognized/intended consequences of any social pattern Latent functions: consequences that are largely unrecognized and unintended 3. Not all the effects if any social structure turn out to be useful: Social Dysfunctions i.e. any pattern’s undesirable consequences for the operation of society 25 (dys)functions of….? What are the main functions (in terms of manifest and latent) and dysfunctions of the following social structures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 26 The family Education Religion Mass media The economy Jail Gaming Critique on Structural Functionalism How can we assume that society has a natural order when social patterns vary from place to place and change over time? By focusing on social integration and harmony SF tends to overlook/hide social inequalities based on social categories such as: ethnicity, gender, age and social class 27 Conflict Theory 28 Key tenets Conflict Theory society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change It highlights divisions in society based on inequalities Inequalities based on social class, ethnicity (or race), sex and age Theory focuses on dominance, competition and social change Conflict between categories of people (social groups): dominant vs. Is a framework for building theory that envisages disadvantaged categories. E.g. Rich vs. poor Aim is not only to understand how inequality is rooted in the way society is organized, but inequalities: also to do reduce By promoting and bring about 29 Social Change Conflict Theory has a materialistic view of society. It focuses on labor practices and economic reality critical stance towards existing social arrangements (labor market, democracy, inequality between takes a social groups) doesn’t believe that science can be objective: “all theoretical approaches have political consequences ”. i.e. theories have hidden agendas Believes that transformation of society is inevitable (social change) Founding father of Conflict theory: “My main task is not to just analyze how society reproduces inequality, but my task is to change this!” Karl Marx 31 Critique on Conflict Theory overlooks how shared values or interdependence generate unity CT highlights inequality and among members of society CT sometimes pursuits explicitly political goals (it wants to bring social change) and because of this it sometimes lacks scientific objectivity* * The objectivity of science is a much disputable notion in science on itself 32 Critique on how SF & CT approach ‘Society’ Both the SF and CT envisage society in very broad terms. “Society becomes a thing on itself ” describing our lives as a composite of for example: “family” or “social class” we have criticized this notion in unit 1! Both SF and CT are considered (gone out of fashion!) 33 conservative theories Symbolic Interactionism 34 3. Symbolic Interactionism* Is a theoretical framework that envisages society as the product of everyday interactions of people doing things together social action perspective Is influenced by Weber’s . i.e. a perspective that emphasizes the need to understand a setting from the point of view of people in it. Human meanings and action shape society We act toward things on the basis of their meanings Individual/social groups give meaning to the experience of life Meaning is process of constant i.e. meanings can negotiation: change or be modified through interaction and through time *SI is the most influential sociological perspective! Founding father & inspiration of SI “I look at how we assemble our sense of self over time based on social experience” George Mead 36 “Meanings and action shape society. Modern society is the product of a new way of thinking, not just of new technology and capitalism” Max Weber Key tenets of Symbolic Interactionism process of finding meaning in our surroundings, we define our identities, bodies and feelings, and come to socially construct the world around us. Society as a mosaic of subjective meanings and variable responses: Through the human E.g. the meaning of the membership of a gang member: The one perceives being part of a gang as something to be proud of, you get symbolic ‘status’ in an other part of society, you are appreciated by fellow gang members, they are your family. The other sees gangs as something to be feared, a menace for society, a collection of organized crime, peer pressure and stupidity 37 Changing meanings of the concept of beauty for teenagers (1975 vs. 2010): Critique on Symbolic Interactions By focusing on day-to-day experience/interactions we overlook the workings of larger social structures 39 Conclusion so far… Not one single perspective can cover in its totality the dynamic character of society and social experience. A some what more better understanding of society comes from the combination of different perspectives: Sociology examines the social world by looking at functions and dysfunctions, conflicts and consensus, actions and meanings And still, as we will see, some other angles are lacking! Because all 3 traditional perspectives have weakness as well as strengths, they will probably never fully explain the totality of social phenomena, even when taken together… 40 Contemporary, emerging perspectives 41 3 new perspectives in Sociology New perspectives will, and indeed must, continue to rise. Changes in society, bring changes in our conceptual way of studying it: Each is linked to a major contemporary social transformation: Changing ideas about gender roles Changing notions of sexual identity Changes associated with a post-industrial, technologically based society 42 Feminist Theory 43 First female sociologist “I can be considered the first female in sociology. My area of expertise is the study of urban life, I am one of the pioneers of the Chicago School” Jane Addams 44 1. Feminist theory Looks at gender inequalities in society and the way gender structures the social world Gender is a social construct 45 46 E.g. A feminist analysis of female fairy tale characters 47 48 Queer Theory 49 2. Queer theory Proposes that categories of sexual identity are social constructs and that no sexual category is fundamentally either deviant or normal 50 Post-modernism 51 2. Postmodern theory Suggests that there is no universal, knowable truth: realities are fluid and diverse The kaleidoscope metaphor 52 “It has all been done. The extreme limit of possibilities have been reached. It has deconstructed its entire universe. So, all that are left are pieces. All that remains to be done is play around with the pieces: that is post-modern” Baudrillard 53 Perspective Focus of Analysis Structural- Functionalism Assumes that society is a unifies whole that functions because of the contributions of its separate structures Conflict theory Sees social conflict as the basis of society and social change emphasizes a materialist view of society, a critical view of the status quo and a dynamic model of historical change Symbolic interactionism Asserts that interaction and meaning are central to society and assumes that meanings are not inherent but are created through interaction Feminist theory Looks at gender inequalities in society and the way gender structures the social world Queer theory Questions the basis of all social categories, including but not limited to those involving sexuality Postmodernist theory Suggests that social reality is diverse, pluralistic and constantly in flux 54 Global perspective in Sociology 55 Global perspective The study of the larger world and each society’s place in it Importance of interrelations Importance of contexts We will continue with this theme in unit 3 and unit 9 56 Common methods in Sociology 57 “There is no absolutely objective scientific analysis of culture….or social phenomena independent of special and one-sided viewpoints according to which …they are selected, analyzed and organized” (Weber, 1949: 72) Max Weber 58 59 Distinction between Quantative and Qualitative research methods Quantative: uses data that can easily be converted into numbers, such as a survey or an experiment E.g. Censo 2010 60 61 Qualitative: involves data that cannot easily be converted to numbers, such as observation or informal interviews. Most sociological research uses the scientific method This is the standard for acquiring and verifying empirical scientific knowledge: After conducting a literature review, a researcher forms a hypothesis stating a potential relationship between 2 or more variables: The number of friendships at the work & the level of job satisfaction e.g. more friendships at the workplace increases job satisfaction Variables must be clearly defined so that they can be measured Finally data is collected and the hypotheses tested (deductive) 62 Steps of the scientific Method Starting from 1 to 7 = Deductive research 1. Identify a problem or ask a question 7.Dissemina te findings 2. Conduct a literature review 3. Form a hypothesis: give operational definitions to variables 6. Analyze data Starting from 5 (4) to 1 = Inductive research 63 5. Collect data 4. Choose a research design or method 1. Ethnographic methods One way to collect data is through ethnography, a method based on studying people in their own environment in order to understand the meanings they attribute to their activities It involves: Active participation in and observation of a naturally occurring setting and a written account (field notes) of what goes on there. In participant observation the research observes and becomes a member in the social setting Anthropology uses this method often 64 Ethnography: 65 Snow white joined the 7 dwarfs in their private homes, here she could observe their social practices 2. Interviews Involves direct, face-to-face contact with respondents. The researcher identifies the target population that she wishes to study and then selects a sample of people to be interviewed from that population close-ended questions: E.g. Are you for or against the legislation of abortus? (yes-no) open-ended question: What is your opinion about legalizing abortus? please elaborate… What do you think of married couples cheating on each other? 66 3. Surveys Surveys are questionnaires that are administrated to a sample of respondents selected from a target group population Tend to look at Large-scale social patterns and employs statistics methods of analysis http://www.censo2010.aw/ 67 68 URL: www.censo2010.aw 4. Experimental methods Experiments are formal test of whether an independent variable causes the dependent variable that are performed in a controlled setting where all aspects of the situation can be controlled. Comparison between experimental group vs. control group (sample without intervention) Experiments in social science are very difficult to conduct because of ethical questions: Twins separated at birth, one grows-up in a nice family, one in a dysfunctional family? 69 Pill to make you dance at a party when you don’t like dancing Control: she takes a placebo pill Experiment: she takes the to be tested pill 70 5. Emerging research tools: A. Life stories (narratives) B. C. D. E. F. 71 Diaries Logs and time-budgets Letters Visual sociology: Photography Visual sociology: Film and video Issues in Social science research Social scientists/researches should be Value-free Code of ethics to avoid bias, protect respondents from harms, privacy issues and unethical behavior in the name of science etc. On the wikispace you can find examples of different code of ethics for social sciences 72 E.g. Unethical research Article trackback: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/02 /health/research/02infect.html?_r=1&r ef=todayspaper 73 Awakening the sociological imagination: “Studying = feeling like a space traveler, flying above earth, fascinated by its organizing ecology & exploring its encoded meanings” N.D.L. 74 Social Scientists… 75 Assignment 2: 76 Understanding the London Riots See Assignment 2 on the wikispace: “Free-styling” sociological imagination: Understanding the London Riots. As sociologists-in-training we will attempt to understand the riots carefully. Follow the instructions for this assignment on the wikispace. 77